Chapter 64: Morgue
Everything went so fast, and Anne can only remember clips of what had just happened, her vision went blurry, sweating, she felt like she could fall at any moment, Anne blinked, the next thing she sees is that she's looking up at the roof, familiar faces looking down at her and inaudible voices were circling her head, and her eyelids gave in, and now everything around Anne was black, and quiet..
Liz: MUM!! Mum! Wake up!
Kitty: Annie!!
Jane: Oh my Lord, Anne! Please wake up!
Cath quickly went down, despite everyone panicking she tried her best to keep calm, she carefully took Anne's wrist and placed two fingers on it, she then let out a sigh of relief.
Cath: Anne's alright, she just fainted.
Anna: Ooh jesus.. that's good news..
Jane: It is good news.. but, there's still bad news, very bad news.
Kitty: Ah Jane don't remind me..
Jane: It's okay Kit, you don't have to come with me..
Kitty: I don't have to, I want to, even if I don't like these kinds of things..
Jane: Are you sure?
Kit looked at her and nodded.
Kitty: Yeah, I'm sure.
Anna: Hey Look, Anne's waking up.
Everyone immediately looked down at Anne who was fluttering her eyes open and adjusting to the light.
Anne: Wh-wha?
Liz immediately dropped down and wrapped her arms around Anne, who hugged back.
Liz: You're okay..
Anne: Of course I am..
Anne then looked over to the queens and then to her cousin, Jane before pulling away from Liz.
Anne: Can we go to the hospital?
Jane just nodded and stood as the others followed her outside to the car, Liz looked back as she noticed no one was holding her hand anymore, after she turned, she saw Lori standing still, and giving her a small smile.
Lori: Go on, we can hang out some other time, right now you should go with them, alright?
Liz shot Lori a smile before catching up to the rest and into the car.
All ten of them walked through the entrance and Jane went over to the counter to ask questions as Anne was visibly shaking, of course everyone else were grieving but not as much as Anne.
After the wait that felt like years, everyone was guided to a room, it looked like any door would look like, except it has a hint metal on it, and a plaque with the word "Morgue" engraved on it, then they stopped and one of the nurses pushed the door open.
Nurse: Only one of you can come in..
Everyones heads turn to Anne, who quickly volunteered and walked in after the nurse gave her a pair of gloves and a mask, the nurse then closes the door, now it was only her and two bodies covered with white sheets and a tag on their toes, it was really unsettling for Anne or for anyone really, along with the eerie silence surrounding her.
Without thinking, her feet pulled her to the nearest body, it was a small one, and she immediately knew who it was and carefully pulled the piece of cloth off the body's face.
Anne: Oh Mae..
Anne sobbed as she looked down at the girl's pail, boney, lifeless face, her usual fluffy hair was now dead strands of hair with the drained brown colour, her face was full of bruises here and there, and it ran down to neck and shoulders, Anne then shakily covered Mae's face again and stared at the next body, a sight that she couldn't bare.
Before Anne knew it we was now standing beside the covered body, she didn't even remember walking all the way here, she sucked in a breath and pulled the white fabric down, what we sees next will haunt her for the rest of her life, Cathy's head was completely separated from her neck she doesn't even have a face nor hair, Anne's eyes widen as tears immediately streamed down her cheeks and she stumbled back and broke down on her knees, her scream filled the room which cause the other queens to burst in into the room, Kitty was the first to reach her cousin and she dropped beside her.
Kitty: Anne?! Anne! Are you okay?!
Anne didn't answer and just kept mumbling nonsense under her breath, Kitty looked up at the body and her heart stopped, her body trembling, the other queens stood silent in the background as soon as they saw a glimpse of Cathy's body.
Ed: Mum? What happened?
Jane turned around to her son, and looked at him with her now puffy eyes, Ed immediately became concerned, he doesn't like seeing Jane cry.
Jane: G-go outside Eddy..
Ed: Are you okay?
The woman just shook her head and pushed the boy outside and closed the door a little bit so that they couldn't see the horror that lays inside.
Cath: Oh my god.. who did this to you..?
Cath asked to Cathy's body, even if she knows she won't get an answer, she just can't help it, and she swore under her breath that whoever did this to them will go to hell, Cath let out a shaky sigh and covered the body again and looked over to the other queens who were all huddled up together on the floor, crying, they looked so helpless and miserable that Cath finally let out a tear escape her eye, she loves everyone dearly, even if she does show it she really cares about them, without saying a word, Cath moved over to them joined the little huddle, everyones grip on eachother was tight and gentle at the same time, they all stayed there for how long? No one cared.
While all that was happening the kids were standing outside, cautiously waiting for the queens to come out.
Janie: Should we go in?
Roy: I don't know..
Ed: Mary..?
Mary: Yes, Edward?
Ed: I need a hug.. I..I'm scared..
Mary smiled a bit and pulled her little brother closer, arms wrapped around him and he quickly hugged back.
Mary: It's okay Ed, you're here with us, everything is going to be alright...
Mezza: How is that suppose to happen? As far as I can see, nothing is going to be alright!
Mary: Just think positive Mezza..
Although, she's got a point, someone just died, in fact, two people just died, where's the word 'alright' in that? The kids kept waiting until one of them mumbled something.
Liz: why us ?
Janie: What was that?
Liz: I mean, all of these terrible events are frequently happening to us, that doesn't happen to a normal persons life, does it? It just doesn't make any sense! Who in the world would do something so... Bad like that?
Mary: Believe me, no one knows, I don't even remember the real reason why we got reincarnated in the first place..
Mezza: The fact that I got slapped in the face 15 minutes in after being reincarnated? That's questionable.
Liz: You were being an insensitive bitch okay?-
Mezza: Oh shut it, you had anger issues-
Liz: No I did not!
Mezza: You literally hit me with a chair! And that's why I got this scar!
Liz: Oh so you want me to do it again, aye??
Roy: Ladies, please-
Before either of them could protest, the door opened up, revealing the queens, the kids automatically hugged all of them, their voices sounded so broken.
Jane: Let's go back home.. okay everyone?
No one responded as they simply nodded their heads and walked their way to the outside, eager to get home, or the mansion in this case.
~•Le End•~
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