Chapter 50: Failed Rescue
So, from now on I'll rarely be putting my drawings in chapters since I now have an art book-
Anyways, hOpe yOu eNjOy(☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Liz and Mez waited there for almost 3 hours, asking eachother stupid questions to keep them company, for short Lizzie asking Mezza dumb questions and slowly making her go insane.
Liz: What does water taste like?
Mezza: sHuT uP-
Liz: Did you know that the opposite of firefly is waterfall?
Mezza: ...
Liz: You know, like fire and water? Fly and fall? Which makes it even more—
Mezza: If I hear another question from you, I won't hesitate to strangle you right here, right now.
Liz: Did you know that an elephant can stand on its head?—
Mezza groaned and began tackling the girl to the ground, Lizzie laughed quietly and pushed her off.
Liz: Sorry-... Hey, did you know that giraffes can't cough?
Mezza: When will this torture end-
Liz: Actually, right now.
Mezza: Wait really?
Mezza poked her head up from the bush and saw drunk kids exiting the mansion, but still no sign of Lori.
Liz: We're gonna have to wait a little more..
Mezza: Maybe she passed out-
A few moments pass and finally, they saw Lori walking out the door, dragging all of her drunk friends along with her.
Liz: There she is.
Mezza: And she's sober?-
Liz: What do you expect?
Mezza: It's impossible to be in a party for 3 hours and NOT get drunk-
Liz: You got a point, judging by the current state of Cass, Russel and Marc who are all drunk right now proves that fact.
Mezza: ... Weren't you just asking me stupid questions a few minutes ago?
Liz: I can be smart when it's important, but most people don't like it.
Mezza: Okay..? Come on they're leaving the gates.
Mez was about to stand up but Lizzie immediately pulled her down.
Mezza: What?-
Liz: Guards.
Mezza: Oh yeah..
Liz: I have a better idea.
Lizzie began crawling to the next bush and Mez stared in confusion before doing the same thing until they reached the mansion.
Mezza: Liz, we're supposed to go to the gates not the opposite side of it-
Liz: Yeah, if we start here the guards would think that we're from the party-
Mezza: ..Fair enough.
The girls did their best to act drunk as they made their way to the gate, the guards looked at them and opened it, both quickly got out and walked as far as they can.
Liz: Where is she-
Mezza: There-
She gestured to the distance, Lori was talking to a woman in a car, with the three in it, she waved and the car drove off, the two sneakily hid in the shadows as they waited until Lori was far enough to not see them.
Mezza: Activate creepy stalker mode.
Liz: You're already creepy though-
Mezza: biTcH-
Liz: Loser-
They quickly followed the girl but kept a far distance just to make sure to not drag any attention to them, both kept this up until Lori stopped infront of a house in which they assumed was her house, they waited for her to go in before running over to the side of the house and climbed over the fence.
Mezza: This is cool, and stupid-
Liz: I disagree- let's hide beneath those windows, qUiCk.
Mez nodded and both of them ducked down under a window right next to eachother, they kept quiet and listened.
Mr.C: Did you drink?
Lori: Just wine..
Mr.C: Why didn't you drink beer..?
Lori: ..I didn't want to, it smelled horrible..
Mr.C: Why didn't you try.
Lori: I don't want to try beer..
Mr.C: Then how is this drug gonna work if you don't have beer in you?!
The two looked eachother, brows furrowed and went back to listening.
Mr.C: Gah.. you know what, try this cigar.
Lori: I don't smoke..
Mr.C: You do now.
Lori: Dad I'm fourteen!
Mr.C: My dad made me smoke when I was ten, so try it, it's great.
Lori: That doesn't mean you can do the same thing to me..
They heard her father's annoyed sighed before hearing a him slap her after, a cry followed.
Mr.C: Basement. Now.
Both of them heard slow footsteps making its way to the basement as another followed, with something metallic brushing along the floor and a door being closed.
Mezza: Did you heard what I heard?
Liz: Y-Yeah I did..
The two peeked in the window and the living room was empty and silent, before they knew it they began hearing screaming and crying in the basement, along with something hitting something. They jumped and looked at eachother.
Mezza: We should go.
Liz: No! We should help!
Mezza: Liz, it's too dangerous!
Liz: I don't care about danger, Lori needs our help!
Mezza: How are you- Hey- Liz!
Lizzie was climbing in the window and Mezza groaned before she pulled herself in as well.
Liz: We could've just use the door ya know?
Mezza: Shut up, we need a weapon, like this butter knife-
Liz: Oor, we could use this axe that was casually placed on this couch-
Mezza looked at the axe and her eyes widened, shuddering, her neck and the top part of her back began itching mad.
Mezza: L-Lizzie, p-put that a-away..
Liz: Huh? Oh shoot! I'm sorry!
Liz threw the axe outside the window and hugged Mezza.
Mezza: Who k-keeps a-axes in their living rooms??
Liz: People who are not allergic to axes.
Mezza: ..Are you referring to Me, Janie and Aunt Kitty?-
Liz: Exactly-
Mezza: Okay-
Mezza picked up a bat and walked over to the basement door, she could hear faint crying inside, worrying, she gestured Liz to shut up and hurry.
The girl quickly picked up a rope and made her way to the basement door, suddenly her phone began buzzing loud and immediately threw it out the window.
Mezza: What was that-
Liz: Mum was calling-
Mezza: wHy diD yOu tHreW iT oUt tHe wiNdoW.
Liz shrugged, the two then heard fast and heavy footsteps going up the stairs and unlocking the door, they positioned in each side of the door and waited till the door opened.
Once it did Mezza swinged the bat at the man Lizzie quickly tied him down while he was screaming.
Liz: Mez! I need more ropes!
Mez ran to the living and picked up all of the ropes that was just sitting in the corner before going back to Liz, who used one of them to tie his legs and grabbed a tape before putting it around this mouth.
Mezza: Jesus-
Liz: This happened to me last time..
The man was glaring at them, desperately trying to free himself as the two ran to the basement. They Lori sitting down with scars and bruises around her limbs and face, tears were streaming down her cheeks and she looked miserable.
Mezza: We should—
Mezza: You fuccing gay duffus-
Liz ran down the stairs and made her way to Lori, who was shocked to see her here.
Lori: E-Elizabeth...?
Liz: Are you okay?!
Lori: Yeah.. how did you find my a-address?
Liz: wHy aRe yOu aSkiNg mE tHat iN a siTuATioN liKe tHis.
Lori: Because it c-creeps me out how you two know where I live...
Liz: Well that doesn't matter for now, we need to get you out of here.
She wrapped an arm around Lori's waste and placed her arm around her neck and she carried her to the stairs, Mezza wasn't at the steps which made Liz confused as they walked up the stairs.
When they reach the floor they saw Mezza tied up and both of Lori's parents staring at them.
Mezza: We forgot the old lady Liz—
Mr.C: Shut up.
Mr. Cordeigh held up the axe to her throat which made Mez shudder.
Mr.C: Since you two know about this.
"We're keeping you in here."
~•Le End•~
woohoo.. ;-;
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