Chapter 48: Party
Hey, I was bored so I drew the main antagonists of this story- aka Henry and his goons.
I don't know if I should feel scared or straight..
Unedited! I'm sorry ;-;
Anne kicked the door down once they arrived, dragging Cath with her- while the others follow.
Anne: WE'RE BACK- and it's surprisingly quiet in here..
Cath: Anne, wHat dO yOu wAnt tO tELl mE-
Anne: I made a song for you, I bet you're gonna love it-
Anne: It's called Wearing Yellow to his funeral :D
Cath: I like it already-
Anne: Henry~ you're a- mAsSive cUn—
Other queens: wOaH-
Anne: What-
Jane: chiLdRen-
Anne: fUcC the children-
Kitty: B-but that's pedo—
Anne: tHaTs nOt wHat I mEaNt-
Anne turned over to Kit and pulled her into a hug while Cath walked over to Mary.
Cath: You wanna go to your room?
Mary: My not air-conditioned room?
Cath: Yep-
Mary: Yeah-
Mary picked up her things and walked upstairs, she looked at her door, pushing it open she saw Lizzie on the desk, writing away.
Mary: Oy-
Mary: Lizzie? Hello??
Mary: .__.
Mary quietly creeped up behind Liz, dropping her bag and-
Liz: gAh- ALABAMA-
Mary: Hey Loser-
Liz: Hey Mareh-
Liz spun her chair and pulled Mary into a quick hug before turning back around.
Liz: You're finally back from you vacation?-
Mary: A painful one-
Liz: Eh- you missed alot by the way-
Mary: I can see that-
The girl dived into her bed, rolling with the blankets whilst Liz gave the letter to Charlie, Mary looked over and saw the bird and pushed herself off the bed.
Mary: Liz- where'd you get that bird?
Liz: Uhm.. Aunt Jane-
Mary: Where is it going?-
Liz: Somewhere, I'm not telling you-
Mary: Tell me-
Liz: I just said—
Mary: T E L L M E
Liz: a fRiEnD-
Mary: ಠ_ಠ ..
Liz: If you're going to interrogate me I-
Mary: So Liz, question one.
Liz: *groans*
Charlie landed on Lori's window, which is somehow closed, it was open awhile ago, they placed the letter aside and took a peeked inside. Charlie saw Lori pressed against the wall by her father, who seemed to be forcing her to drink a cup.
Mr.C: Just drink it, you bitch!
Lori: No! Let go of me!
The bird was shocked(?) and tried to fly through the thick glass, which unfortunately didn't work no matter how hard they fly, once they peeked back in the man was leaving the room with an empty cup and Lori curled up into a ball, the bird tapped the window which caught the girls attention, she got up and opened the window.
Lori: H-Hey...
Charlie let out a tweet and flew up to her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck hoping that the girl would feel better.
Lori: Charlie, you should g-go home, I won't b-be acting like this s-soon..
Lori placed the bird outside before closing her window, a few seconds had passed by and she's already having a headache, tumbling some stuff off the shelves and she forced her self down, slowly losing herself.
. . .
She picked up her phone, dialing a certain number and listening to it as it dials, until they picked up.
[Lori]: Knollys.
[Lettice]: Heyy Lori- whatcha want?
[Lori]: Is your house free tonight?
[Lettice]: Uhm fyi, it's a mansion, and yeah, I could.. make adjustments, why though?
[Lori]: I want you to invite some of our classmates, include the losers as well.
[Lettice]: I question the losers part.. Ooh, I see. Will do, babe-
[Lori]: I'll see you.
[Lettice]: Byeeee~
After Lori hanged up, her phone began buzzing with notifications from the group chat that seems to exist- it was Lettice letting the chat know that there was a party coming up tonight, she threw it to her bed and almost jumped when she saw Charlie, still sat on her window, with a letter in their beak.
Lori: The fuck- why is there a bird at my window..?
She went over and blocked the window with the curtains and started getting ready.
Lettice twirled around her room, looking for a dress in her tripled wardrobe- But then she had an idea, she quickly grabbed her phone and typed in the name, sending an invitation to them before laughing and went back to her wardrobe.
Lizzie was frantically looking out her window, Charlie hasn't returned for almost half an hour and the girl was panicking.
Liz: Maryy- Charlie hasn't returned yet!
Mary: Charlie who?-
Liz: I- the- The bird-
Mary: Maybe they stopped to take a loo... Birds do that right?
Liz: ...You've inhaled too much steroids Mary.. Just go to sleep.
Mary: Suuree, mum-
Mary dropped her head back down to the pillow as Liz began looking around again, this time she saw Charlie flying back in the distance, she sighed out in relief and went back down to the desk.
Charlie flew in and landed on her desk, still the same letter in his beak, Liz raised a brow and took it.
Liz: She didn't read it?
Charlie: *shakes head*
Liz: Hm, oh well, I'll just text her.
Lizzie opened her phone and saw a notification pop up, curious, she tapped on it, it was an invitation to a party? It did seem to be one of her classmates so obviously she's going.
Liz: Well, I better go and tell Mez—...
She stopped and looked down, she totally forgot about the little argument from earlier, she sighed and got up to walk out the door and down to the stairs, she saw the kids fooling around in the kitchen and the queen's casually talking at the couch, she hesitantly walked into the kitchen and the kids stopped and looked at her.
Liz: ..Hi?
Mezza: Hey..
Liz: Hey uh, Mez, about earlier-
Mezza: You're gonna apologize?
Liz: Yeah-
Mezza: Yes! I knew it-
Liz: What do you mean?-
Roy: We were betting on who's gonna be the first to apologize with the time limit of 13 hours- Mez won apparently.
Mezza: iN yOuR fAcE-
Liz: tAkE tHiS sErIoUslY- *inhale* I'm sorry if I was being a bit harsh awhile ago—
Mezza: Jeez, drama much? I already forgave you.. besides you're on your period today aren't you? So it's understandable.
Liz: ..... First off, I'm nOt on my period-
Mezza: Suuree.
Janie: Ew, quit it you two no one wants to hear that-
Ed: Really..
Mezza: Anyway, now that that's settled, want to join us in making ice cream?
Liz: Actually, I have another thing to say.
Mezza: Does it involve giving Charlie a bath?
Liz: No, there's a party tonight by someone in class and I want you to come with me-
Mezza: How's going to a party hosted by someone you don't officially know better than giving an adorable bird a bath?-
Liz: I need new friends-
Roy: How dare you-
Liz: I didn't say new relatives- so, you comin'?
Mezza: I would say no because I want to stay and eat ice cream, but since you're out there unsupervised I'm coming-
Liz: "Unsupervised"?
Mezza: yEaH- because you're a child-
Liz: I- you know what, someone give me a timeskip card-
Ed: Wait- what do you mean a timeskip ca—
The two went out saying goodbye to the others as they made their way to the address.
Mezza: Why do we have to go again?-
Liz: For fun, and come on, I thought you're the fun one-
Mezza: I'm the sarcastic one, but go off.
Liz: It'll only be quick-
Mezza: If I found you snogging with someone I'm leaving-
Liz: Mez, you and I both know I'm only there for the food.
Mezza: That's more accurate- wait, didn't you just say you're-
Liz: We're here :D
Mezza's confused gaze moved up to the big gate infront of them, then to the mansion behind it, party lights shining inside.
Mezza: Well that was quick..
Liz: That took forever- you just talk so slow.
Mezza: I-
Liz: Let's go in-
Two guards stepped infront of them and asked them to show an invitation, in which Lizzie did.
Guard 1#: How about yours?
Mezza: Well, you see-
Liz: She's actually with me-
Guard 2#: Yeah, well, each visitor needs to show their invitation in order to enter.
Mezza: ┐( ∵ )┌ oh well, I'll see you at home Liz-
Liz: Wait hold up, it says here you can bring a friend..?
The two guards looked at the phone and then to eachother before opening the gates, Liz smiled and dragged Mez inside the yard.
Mezza: I almost escaped-
Liz: You ain't going anywhere-
Lettice looked out the window and saw Liz and Mez walking towards the mansion, her lips formed a smirk and went over and grabbed a rope and a mic.
Lettice: Alright party people! The 'special' guests are about to enter, the little show is about to begin!~
As if on cue, Both Mez and Lizzie walked in, the two looked at Lettice, surprised, the girl's smirk grew as she pulled the rope.
Before they knew it a bucket of red liquid landed on Lizzie, painting her almost completely red, she let out a gasp and so does the kids in the room, who then pulled out their phones and began laughing at her.
Lettice: Oh man! Look everyone! Someone is on their period!
The laughter grew even more, Mezza gave Lettice a glare and immediately tackled her to the ground.
Meanwhile Russ, Cass, Marc and Lori walked out of a room and saw the crowd near the front door.
Russ: Is there a celeb in the house?
Lori: It's probably just Knollys' relatives from overseas... What a show off..
Cass: I don't really think that's a relative, they're laughing.
The four of them then heard the sound of Lettice screaming and they all ran over, shoving pass the kids, and stopped when they were in the middle, Lizzie was on her knees covered in red liquid and Mezza basically strangling Lettice.
Lettice: SECURITY!-
Lori: Stuart.
Mezza looked over to Lori and got off Lettice, the crowd began whispering to eachother and some went silent.
Lori: What are you doing.
Mezza: I swear it's not me! She- just look at Lizzie!
Lori raised a brow, and turned to see the girl trying to clean herself on the floor, she furrowed her eyebrows, she made her way closer to her and stood right infront of Liz, looking down at her.
Lori: You're not suppose to be here.
Liz: I-Its..
Lori: Get up. And leave. You've caused enough damage here.
Liz: But I d-didnt do anything!
Lori: Stand.
Lizzie shakily stood up, looked at Lori.
A slap sounded through the room, gasps following it, Lizzie let out a shaky breath and stepped back.
Lori: Now Leave, T-Tudor.
Lizzie didn't say a word and just ran out of the mansion, Mezza balled her fists and stood infront of Lori, pushing her.
Mezza: What the hell was that?!
Lori stared at her, a long cold one.
Lori: Apologies, you too should leave.
She pointed out the door and Mezza stared at her in disbelief.
Mezza: Elizabeth's hurt! I thought you guys are friends??
Lori: ...T-Tudor and I are nothing but strangers, it's best that you leave..Now.
Mezza huffed and stormed outside, a few seconds of silence passed and the students continued partying, Lori sighed and walked back to the others.
Russ: That.. was kinda harsh Lors, even for you..
Lori: I'm always like this. What are you talking about..?
Marc: It's just that you're always soft around Elizabeth, not to mention that time at the janitors closet?
Lori: Tudor, is not a friend of mine, and forget about that!
Cass: Guys, 3 o'clock.
They turned around and saw Lettice approaching them, each of them were internally praying.
Lettice: Hey guys~
Them: ...
Lettice: Lorraine, I'd like to thank you for helping me back there, you're better than my stupid security.
Lori: ..
Lettice: Anyways, I was thinking..
She looked up from her fingernails and gave out a little smirk.
Lettice: I want to join you guys.
~•Le End•~
I can't with Lettice right now-
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