Chapter 39: Text
Soo.. we found a black snake that was actually living under our stairs and Mum almost stepped on it- I'm scared :)
Parr intensely stared at the text, TS, who is this? She carefully pieced things together and then she let out a small gasp.
Anne: Eh? Something up Cathy?
Cathy: Uhm..
Anne rubbed Cathy's back looking at her face, Cathy was debating with her mind whether to tell Anne about the text or not, she took a deep breath and said.
Cathy: It's nothing, it's just a notification from a.. writing app I downloaded a while ago..
Anne: Oh I didn't know you would try downloading for something you're already good at, got bored of the paper?
Cathy: Yeah, that's it.
Cathy hid her phone and stood to go outside, just as she was about to put a foot out Anne called her.
Anne: Wait- where are you going?
Cathy: Just to go outside, you know, fresh air..
Anne: Don't you mean- "french" air?
Anna: ..if only Aragon was here.
Cathy playfully rolled her eyes and got out the door, she stared at her phone, the light hitting her face as she read the text message.
TS: "Come over if you want them back."
She breathed in nervously as she hovered her fingers over the keyboard, typing away.
Coffee=Life: "Thomas?"
TS: "yes its me"
Coffee=Life: "Where's the kids??"
TS: "with me myself and i"
Coffee=Life: "What did you do to them?!"
TS: "aww really? no welcome text for ur husband?"
Coffee=Life: "One, your texting annoys me. Two, you're NOT my husband."
TS: "whatever, ur still mine and mine only"
Coffee=Life: "Give the kids back now."
TS: "why? why not take the easy way? Come back to me and we can sell them to people we can be filthy rich just you and me"
Coffee=Life: "Never, men are pure garbage, and I would never sell those kids in my life."
TS: "Ur a dyke now? listen, these are not ur kids they arent even related to u, u only miss me"
Coffee=Life: ".. What should I do to make you give them back."
TS: "now Ur talkin, come here and ill let them go but you have to stay with me."
Cathy gulped and looked into the window, the queens(+Mae) were casually talking, she shivered as she typed down her words.
Coffee=Life: "Fine but you have to let them go."
TS: "Anything for my queen xoxo"
Cathy internally gagged at the name.
Coffee=Life: "Where do we meet?"
TS: "near the café, in that alleyway."
Coffee=Life: "Alright."
TS: "Catherine."
Coffee=Life: "What"
TS: "can I get a Happy fathers day from Mary?"
Coffee=Life: "...okay?"
TS: "Thanks, I love you."
Cathy sighed and left it on read before going back inside, is she really doing this? Maybe, should she be bringing someone? She doesn't know, there's only one thing she knows though, which is to get to that alleyway, get the the kids, and make them go home.
Her wobbly hand gripped the knob, pushing the door open, she stepped in to see the queens talking on the phone, the police must've found something already.
Anne: Pst, Cathy!
Cathy: What-
Anne: C'mere-
Cathy walked over and sat next to Anne, who was holding Mae.
[Police]: We found a clip from a cirvalence camera near your house, an old suv pulled up and someone had approached the door-
Jane: Who came in??
[Police]: Some blonde guy, we're sure he has some kind of shiny thing in his pocket.. we can't really see that clear but we're guessing it's something like a blade-
Anna: Oh hell no-
Anne: They were definitely seeing things-
Jane: Shh-
Cathy awkwardly shifted away from the couch and quietly stepped upstairs to her room, she threw on some clothes including her hoodie and grabbed a pen and paper, she quickly scribbled some words down and left it on the desk before going back downstairs to the door but someone blocked her way.
Kitty: Catherine?-
Cathy: Uh- Hi-
Kitty: Where do you think you're going?
Cathy: ..outside?
Kitty: To where?
Cathy: Hospital..?
Kitty: We just got back, what's the rush?
Cathy: uuhhmm..
Cathy struggled to find an excuse, she can't let the others know they'll end up
getting hurt, the girl jumped once Kit placed a hand on her shoulder.
Kitty: Cathy- is there something you're not telling m— us?
Cathy: Of course not- why would I?
Cathy's eyes darted across the room, avoiding the younger girls gaze.
Kitty: Parr.
Cathy: Howard-
Kitty: Cathy.
Cathy: Kitty.
Kitty: Catherine.
Cathy: Katherine-
Kitty: Blue.
Cathy: Pi— okay stop, please, just move out of my way.
Kitty: Tell me why you're going out-
Cathy: You don't have to know-
She tried to shove pass the girl but Kit pushed her back.
Kitty: I want to know.
Cathy: And I said no.
Kitty: No you didn't-
Cathy: Did too.
Kitty: Did not.
Cathy: Did too.
Kitty: Did n o t.
Cathy: Did not.
Kitty: Did too.
Cathy: Oh okay-
Kitty: Wait no- dangit.
Cathy: Look, I'll be right back I promise-
Kitty: You sure?
Cathy: Yeah- I'd never leave you guys.
More lies.
Kitty: Oh okay, I'll let the others know you left..
Cathy pulled Kitty into a tight hug, fighting back tears.
Cathy: Thanks Katherine..
Kitty: No problem..?
Cathy released the girl from her embrace and placed her hand on the doorknob.
Cathy: Hey, can you tell Anne I love her?
Kitty: uhm.. s-sure.
Cathy: Make sure she checks the two boxes in my room please-
Kitty: Got it- Bye.
Cathy: ..bye.
After a quick last glance of the house she walked out of the room, the cold breeze of the early morning, and the sun barely up is all she sees.
She proceeded to walk to the café one more time to find an alley just like what Thomas' said, Cathy stared at the dark path and slowly pushed herself in it, she felt a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room, there she met a pair of dark grey eyes.
Thomas: Catherine!
Cathy: Where's the kids.
Thomas: They're upstairs, let me guide you to them..
Before she could answer Thomas had already pulled her to the stairs, he kept glancing at her with this weird smug look in his face, she noticed that there were alot of scars on his face and an even bigger one that goes around his neck, he stopped them Infront of a door that had alot of locks attached to it.
Cathy: Are- are they in here?
Thomas: Put your ear on the door.
Cathy gave him a look before doing just what he said, she heard the muffled sobs that was definitely from Janie.
Cathy: Let them out, but don't let them see me..
Thomas nodded eagerly and took out three strips of cloth from his pocket and unlocked the door. Roy protectively stood up Infront of Mezza and Janie and glared at the man.
Roy: Stay. Away.
Thomas: Do as I say if you want to stay alive.
Roy: ..
Thomas: Now, turn around and close your eyes.
Mezza: Henry don't do it-
Roy: Shh.
Roy turned and closed his eyes as Thomas tied the cloth around his head, he did the same for the girls as well and held their wrists together.
Thomas: Now Move.
Janie: Wh-where?
Thomas: Door.
He pushed the three out the door and glance at Cathy, who was trembling, he led them downstairs and to the front door and kicked them all out letting their wrists go.
Thomas: Listen you little shits, if you three tell the police about this..
Thomas pulled out a gun and aim it at Janie.
Thomas: You're all dead.
They all looked at eachother and immediately ran away, confused, and clueless that Cathy was in there.
Thomas chuckled and and locked the door shut and turned around to see Cathy standing there.
Thomas: Now that we're alone, how about we have some fun?
Cathy: What do you mean..?
Thomas: You know, plan where we're running away- or how we're going to change our names and start a new life!
Cathy: Uh..
Thomas: Wait.. are you thinking of something else Catherine?..
Cathy: No..?
Thomas: You wanna get naughty aren't ya?
Cathy: No Thomas.
Thomas: Oh my apologies, I forgot that you're a dyke.
Cathy: Don't call me that.
He took a step forward, Cathy stepped back.
Thomas: ..You know which queen I hate the most?
Cathy: Thomas..
Thomas: Anne Boleyn.
Cathy: Wait what?
Thomas: That witch killed me Catherine, she pushed me off, and that's how I have these scars.
Cathy: You killed Katherine!
Thomas: Which one..?
Cathy: The girl I was talking to-
Thomas: Atleast her death wasn't as painful as mine, my body got crushed by a fuckin' truck and I had to stay there bleeding until I'm completely dead!
Cathy: ..Why'd you kill her..?
Thomas: Henry.
Cathy frozed, he really is here.
Thomas: Henry, Francis, Mannox.. and the other beheaded, useless, weak, little Thomas.
Cathy: How did-
Thomas: We found eachother, I hated it, never wanted to show myself to them once I was reincarnated, especially that pig.
Cathy: about you come join us.
Thomas: What..?
Cathy: Me and the queens, there's still time to fix things Thomas—
Thomas stood up and aimed his gun at Cathy.
Thomas: There's never enough time to fix things that are permanently broken, Catherine.
He pushed her up against the wall, putting the gun on her neck.
Thomas: I'm just an antagonist. You're the hopeless protagonist. Because that's what history says!
Thomas drops her and began laughing hysterically, gripping his head with his hands while doing so.
He finally pointed the gun at her, smiling.
Thomas: So if you want your story to end now, you'll be seen as the naive little girl who easily falls for the traps of a man.
Cathy pressed herself against the wall, with no way out whatsoever.
Thomas: Nobody would care if you saved three kids and gave up your life for them, they'll just gloss over it and say "Oh she should've let the police know".
Cathy: Thomas you're losing it, calm down..
Thomas: Yes, that's the Catherine I always remembered.. you always look out for me... But it's not just me you look out for..
Cathy: ...
Thomas: You cared about your family more than me, I followed your car and all I can see is you cuddling up with some girl.
Cathy: Wrong car.
Thomas: ..I can smell your aroma from the car windows Cathy..~
He stepped closer to her and sniffed her hair.
Cathy: What the- Get away from me you insane freak!
She pushed him away but then immediately covered her mouth when she saw red shining in his eyes.
Thomas: You'll regret that.
~•Le End•~
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