Chapter 29: "Bad" Luck
(' . .̫ . ')
The four queens stared at eachother each of them now has watery eyes while Aimie and Gribby was just watching in confusion, they wanted to know why the four reacted like that so they kept quiet.
Kitty: A-Annie-
She was cut short with a hug, Anne's biggest hug.. that both of them landed on the floor but neither of them didn't care, they cried their eyes out in eachother's arms while the customers watched in awe, Jane joined in hugging both of them, Cathy stood there shocked, little tears were spilling out of her eyes.
Aimie: You alright, darling?
Cathy: Huh- Oh.. y-yeah..
She quickly wiped her tears away, only to be replaced by new ones, Kitty looked at Cathy and stood up, walking towards her and gave her a big hug.
Kitty: I missed all of you..
Cathy: U-us too..
She returned the hug, crying on Kit's shoulder.
Cathy, mumbling: I'm so sorry.
Kitty: It's not your fault..
Cathy: You heard that??
Kitty: Of course, you're really close to my ear ya know..
They pulled away and Kit hugged Anne again, no sign of letting go.
Jane: I can't believe I got to see you again!
Cathy: Me neither.. it took her 10 chapte- I don't know how to feel about this.
Anne: H-how did you get here??
Kitty: I've been t-trying to get help from Mae but that didn't work..
The three queens looked at eachother, Mae was telling the truth the whole time.
Cathy: I should've believed her- how could I be so stupid.
Jane: If you were stupid you would've lived with cavemen.. which is us-
Kit looked at Cathy with sad eyes, the girl got confused.
Kitty: Is that why.. you almost did it?
Cathy frozed, the memories came rushing in, her feet and fingers went cold her breath was shaking.
Kitty: wait no- I'm so sorry-
Jane: What? Cathy, what does she mean?
Cathy: I..I..
Anne: Cathy..?
The door opened and the others casually walked but stopped in their tracks when they saw Kitty.
Cath: How did- why- oh my god-
Cath ran to Kitty and gave her a big hug, Anna and the kids immediately joined in.
Anna: I thought I lost you!
Kitty: I'm sorry-
Cath: Shh- child.
They were sobbing and sniffing, Katherine Howard is back for goodness sake-. Anne stared at Cathy, still waiting for an answer, Cathy stared back fear in her eyes Jane noticed the tension and decided to distract them.
Jane: Uh- this is so unbelievable, Kitty, where were you all this time?? And when did you get back?
Kitty: Well, I woke up Infront of a cemetery- Don't know why but, I got lost-
Tom: And then one day she knocked on our door for help and we gladly took her in!
Kitty: Yeah, I was trying to find all of you again.. but I'm lucky enough to find two amazing people to stay with.
Tom: Aaw..
Aimie hugged Kitty and pulled away.
Aimie: How about we sit somewhere? It's better than standing, aye?
Jane: I'm afraid we have to go, it's getting late..
Tom: Well, it's only 5:24 we got time-
Anna: Jane thinks bad luck happens after 5-
Cath: Cleves- not now.
Anne: I can't believe I'm gonna be sleeping in the same room with my cousin again!
Kitty: Sorry Annie, but I'm going to stay the night at Aimie and Gribs.
Anne: wha- whyy
Kitty: I need to pack Anniee-
Aimie: Not to worry Kat, we'll drop 'em off for ya.
Kitty: Really? You don't have to-
Gribby placed a finger on Kitty's lips.
Tom: Shhhh- we can take care of it-
Kitty: Bu-
Tom: sHhHhhHh.
Kitty: Okay- I'm coming back home again-
Anne: Y E S !
Anne squealed and squeezed Kitty with a hug.
Cath: bOLEYN iF sHe diEs aGaiN-
Anne: tHiS iS hOw hApPy I aM sO sHusH-
Cathy: Annie-
Cathy pulled Anne off Kitty and patted her before going over to Kit.
Cathy: You alright?
Kitty: Yeah I'm good :)
Cathy: :)
Anne and Anna: ಠ_ʖಠ
Jane: gUys oUr bAd LucK-
Cath: Love- I think it's time to drink your coffee-
Cath picked out the cup from the bag and held it Infront of Jane.
Jane: nOooOoo-
She backed away.
Cath: Jane-
Kitty: Wait a minute-
Anne: You missed alot-
Kitty: Tell me about it- since when??
Cath: almost 4 weeks-
Cathy spits out her coffee.
Kitty: Awwe, I'm really ha-
Cathy: yOu liAr-
Cath: iM nOt-
~•TimeSkip :D•~
Anne was about to kick the door down but Jane grabbed her foot.
Anne: Seymour-
Jane: Remember, bad LucK- the door might fly off-
Jane carefully unlocked the door and looked around inside.
Jane: We're safe-
Anna walked in with her shoes on, also looking around.
Jane: Anna- your shoes-
Anna: Relax, it's not like something is about to- WOAH-
Her foot went straight through the wooden floor and got stuck.
Everyone: 👁️👄👁️
Jane: ಠ︵ಠ
Anna: (・-・;)ゞ
Jane: B A D L U C K .
Cath: Maybe it's just a coincidence??-
Cath leaned against the doorframe and suddenly a part of it snapped off-
Everyone: 👁️👄👁️
Anne: ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ laughing intensifies
Jane: ಠ ೧ ಠ
Anne: hAh- Aragon fElL tO ThE fLoOr-
She smacked the door and it fell over with her under it.
Cath: hEh- Boleyn uNdeR tHe dOor-
Anna: hUehUe- Cleves sTucK iN tHe fLoOr-
The three of them started bickering before being helped by the other three queens.
Mary: My name is confusion...
Mezza: Hi confusion; I'm depression.
Mary: What?
Liz: Everyone in this family is weird-
Janie: Hey Mez, wanna watch those 18+ Cat videos?
Mezza: Sure-
Liz: Wait wha-
The two walked upstairs already having phones in hand, Liz sighed.
Liz: Majority speaks-
Roy: Ed let's go up to my room and spy on people!
Ed: Right ahead of you-
The two raced upstairs grabbing torches on the way.
Liz: ... Atleast Mae is here-
Liz to her side and saw Mary holding Mae and about to walk off.
Liz: wAiT- where are you two going?-
Mary: We're gonna go sprit hunting-
Liz: Do you mean ghost hunting?
Mae: Mary said it's disrespectful to call spirits 'ghosts'.
Liz: That doesn't make sense though-
Mary: ..Wanna join?
Liz: Sure-
The three of them went up the stairs leaving the queens trying to free Anna's foot from the floor.
Jane: I knew there's bad LucK-
Cathy: I don't even know that exists-
Anne: So who's gonna reattach the door?
They all looked at Anne.
Anne: .... What?
Cath: Do you get any dumber?-
Anne: I can be-
Cathy: Don't-
Anne: Okay-
Anne: Wait.. Cathy, about that thing at the café, what did you almost did?
Cathy: I- uhm..
A car honked from outside gaining they're attention, they turned around and spotted Aimie and Gribby with some of Kit's stuff, they waved at them and the queens returned with a wave.
Cath: Wait.. how did they know where we live?-
Anna: I gave them the address- you guys were in a hurry soo..
Anne: Blame Jane-
Jane: Atleast I'm not lying-
Kitty: I'm gonna let them in..
Anne: Okay Kit.
Kitty got up and walked outside, Anne shot the queens a look.
Anne: Someone prepare to dial 999.
Jane: Already on it-
Jane showed her phone with the numbers '999' dialled on it, her finger hovering over the call button.
Anne: Nice.
Kitty came back with Aimie and Gribby behind her, they glanced at the messed up entrance and looked at the queens with a questioning look.
Cathy: Uuhmm, bad luck?-
Anna's foot finally got out from the hole and she sighed in relief.
Anna: pHew I thought I was gonna get my foot chopped off-
Anne: We should've done that-
Kitty: Why-
Anne: We can make her look like a pirate!
Anna: bUt-
Anne: oN IT-
The other five just watched as Anne and Kit chased Anna down.
Jane: It feels.. weird to just have Kitty back, alive, and everything automatically forgets the fact that she just died..
She leaned her head on Cath's shoulder.
Cath: Another fact that was automatically forgotten was that we don't have a door anymore-
Tom: We can help with that actually-
Jane: You can?
Tom: Yeah, I have a tool box at the trunk if you're willing to let me fix your door-
Aimie: That kinda sounds wrong Gribs-
Tom: It does?
Cath pulled Jane closer to her-
Tom: Oh sorry-
Cathy: We could use a door fixer-
Tom: Alright-
Both of them quickly walked back to the car, while Cathy wasn't looking she was grabbed by the elbow and dragged up the stairs, Cathy adjusted to the sudden change and looked at a pair of green eyes staring at her.
Cathy: Annie-
Anne: Tell me what happened before.
Cathy: I-its nothing important..
Anne: Then why was Kitty acting like that when she said it?
Cathy: Anne, you're overreacting-
Anne: I'm not!
Anne pushed her to the wall.
Cathy: See?-
Anne: Just tell me! I just wanted to know what happened to you, wait.. I'm practically forcing you right now- I'm so-
Cathy groaned, grabbing Anne's shoulders and pushed her against the wall.
Cathy: You want to know?
Anne: U-uh Cathy- this is a bit ga-
She was cut off by Cathy kissing her.
~•Le End•~
I don't even know anymore- this wAs supposed to end with someone falling down the stairs but I scratched that out ssooo..yeah-
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