Chapter 17: Farewell
Art Credits: mE, I know she has pink hair bUt historically, she didn't die with pink hair—
Sad Warning: MAIN CHR. DEATH
Blood was colouring the green grass as Kitty struggled to breath air, Cathy tried her best to cover the wound to prevent it from bleeding but it was no use.
The figure in the bush was about to shoot Cathy but luckily the others came out just in time to check on the two.
Cath: Girls?? Is everything...
They could hear Anne drop her plate when they all saw what was on the ground.
Anne: K.. Kit..
Anne's vision blurred with tears, she dropped to her knees, she moved Kitty's head to face the girl, her eyes were dull and lifeless barely breathing.
Anne: Wh..what did you—
Cathy: I.. I d-didnt do a-anything!
Anne: You were the only one with her!!
Kitty grabbed Anne's wrist and looked at her dead in the eyes. oop-
Anne: Katherine!
Not saying a word she weakly lifted her free arm and pointed to the bushes, there, a figure waits holding a sniper aiming at them.
Anger fillee Anne she rushed inside and not a minute later, returned with her metal bat.
Jane: Anne wait-
Anne: Someone is losing their head today..
Cath: Anne, dont!
Not listening to the others she approached the person in the bush, they struggled to hold their sniper in place as Anne began getting closer and closer, they ended up shooting in different directions and only got Anne's shoulder.
Before they knew it Anne swung the bat as hard as she could, hitting them in the head, they fell backwards and rolled down and is now on the street.
They stayed there, everything in their body hurts like hell, they saw Anne smirking at them devilishly, they furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, and then realization hit them, like how the truck hit them.
Their now crushed body on the cement, a pool of blood surrounding them, Anne had already ran to the others. Kittys body was gone and so is Cathy , Jane and Cath.
Anna: Why did you-
Anne: Don't ask. Where's Kitty?
Liz: Mum-
Anne: Where's Kitty.
Anna: She's inside.
Anne shoved passed the others and ran to the living room where most of them are.
Anne: What the— Call an ambulance!
Jane: Anne, I'm sorry..
Anne: What? There's still time to call an ambulance-
Cath: That's not what she meant..
Anne: h..huh?-
Anne dropped her bat, frozen.
Anne: What do y-you mean??
Cathy: Anne, she's gone—
Anne: NO SHE'S NOT !
Anne ran to her cousins side who was placed on the couch, eyes closed.
Anne: We-we need to h-help her!
Cath: Anne, the bullet got through her heart—
Anne: You're not sure about that!!
Cath: ..I died from heart cancer, I know; where it is.
Anne sniffed.
Anne: Goddammit..
Jane: Anne ..
Anne: Life is so unfair- to her! Its not right- at all..
She finally broke down once again, the queens and kids decided to leave her alone, Anne grasped Kit's cold hand desperate for a response that she knows she's never going to get.
She cried till there's no more tears left, she glanced at the girl, her skin was pale and cold, she strokes her now loose hair.
Anne: We planned to dye this pink tomorrow didn't we...?
She stopped and looked at her face, fresh hot tears spilling her eyes.
Anne: ..Don't leave me.. please..
She hugged the lifeless body.
Anne: We were suppose to prank Aragon later.. I was suppose to teach you how to ride in heelys so we could race in the park together.. we were suppose to discover more jokes to annoy everyone.. and don't get me started on our plan for the kitchen-
She laughed but then realized no one was laughing with her, just an empty and silent room.
Anne: I'm sorry I wasnt there for you 24/7, I..
She paused.
Anne: I love you my little cousin..
The room went silent for a moment.
Anne: I could imagine you saying "I'm 25 years old—"... But you're not here to say that, not anymore..
Anne: Fuck.. why do you have to l-leave so so-on..
She heard the door open and footsteps coming closer to her.
Anne: Who's that..?
Liz: Its me.. can I sit with you?
Anne: Do whatever..
Liz sat down with her mom and hugged her gently, crying.
Everyone was outside, crying their eyes out, Cathy was leaning against the wall, in her own world, Jane cried uncontrollably in Cath's arms, Anna was crying with the confused children.
Mae was visibly clueless on what was happening around her, she wanted to know why everyone was crying, she walked to her mother and was about to question, Cathy looked at her and immediately hugged her.
Mae: Mama? Why is everyone sad?
Cathy: ..K..Kitty is l-leaving..
Mae: Awe, okay.. when will she come back then?
Just hearing that made Cathy cry harder and hugged her daughter tightly.
Cathy: She's.. not coming back-..
Mae: Can we visit her??
Cathy: We can.. but you can't see her..
Mae: What does that mean?
Cathy: It- means..
She choked through sobs and she can't talk properly anymore.
Mae: Mama?
Cathy: We.. w-won-t s-see h..her a-anym-more..
Mae was still confused she turned to her back and saw a girl, her brown hair loose and her sweater was pink but bloody, her eyes were dead but you can see the sadness in them. Mae pointed at the girl excitedly.
Mae: Mama she's right there!
Cathy jolted up and looked at where her daughter was pointing, she saw nothing but the houses in the town.
Cathy: No she's not baby..
She dropped back down, hiding her face and continued to cry.
Mae was beyond confused, the girl sat next to her, Mae looked at the girl, a sad expression was seen, the girl looked back with her dead eyes, and stood up holding her hand out to Mae, and she reluctantly took it.
They made their way to the window, the girl helped Mae climb up and gestured to look inside, Mae turned to see Anne and Liz crying their eyes out and Kitty's lifeless body on the couch, she looked back at the girl, who now has tears streaming down her pale cheeks, she looked back one more time, and whispered.
Katherine Howard: I'm sorry..
Without being able to respond in time the girl hugged her, and after a blink she was gone. She didn't even notice she was crying the whole time, she slipped off the the chair she was standing on but she was caught by Mary.
Mary: C.. careful-
Mae: I saw her.. Kitty is sad too.
Mary: Y-you what??
~•Le End•~
Well- uhm.. got any plans today?-
-nervous laughter-
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