Fight for Life
Some time had passed, and Brandon hadn't moved from his spot. His spot, specifically, was a chair placed next to the med-bay bed Lucas was in. Brandon was able to clean up some of the blood on Lucas's body, but it just kept spilling, especially from his mouth. So he eventually gave up on that but tried to make sure it didn't overflow to much.
He didn't say it, but he was worried. What if, what if Lucas really does die? He probably sped up the process, but he had to knock him out and drain his energy-
Suddenly, there were footsteps growing louder and louder in the distance, making Brandon perk up and look towards to the door... Only to then see a cat with angel wings come fly into the room. "I came as quickly as I could!" Ah it was Lo'Pho.
And Lo'Pho's eyes instantly landed and locked onto Lucas. "Ohhhh dear. That, does not look good."
Brandon would have scoffed, but he remained blank. "You think?"
Lo'Pho walked over to the bed, grimacing as he saw the state of which Lucas was in.
With the body unconscious, E.Brandon couldn't get the information he wanted. His brother wouldn't be too pleased, but he could only gain so much control in the little amount of time he had. The boy's body wasn't in the best shape either.
Lucas let's out violent coughs seeming more and more likely he was loosing a battle within. The markings seemed to shift this time. As if they were trying for control again.
Lo'Pho made some sort oh noise, like a pained yikes almost. "This does not appear to be good," he had to stand on his tiptoes a bit just to be able to see... the markings? "What is with these markings? Would you happen to know anything about them? They in fact look a bit like your own-"
"Let's- focus on the more important matter." Brandon cut off, feeling unsettled by the fact that Lucas could die at any given moment.
Lo'Pho looked at Brandon, as if he to say he was going to question him more later on, but gave a firm nod. The c- warrior, ahem, got up closer to Lucas. He raised his paws up into the air and closed his eyes, "Healing Aura," with that soft call of his spell. A gracious circle appeared onto the bed, surrounding Lucas specifically. The ring had multiple different strange symbols on it, the color being all gold-ish and emitting a comforting glow. The circle slowly rotated around and around, these almost twinkly little stars appearing from it and rising from the ground up, only to then disappear into the air.
Brandon stood back and let Lo'Pho work his magic... pun not intended.
The markings began to react badly and shift around trying to avoid the light being so close. Lucas grunts in pain and tears up. The damage healing up but only to be stopped by the markings as they past by ripping them open again. The boy let's out a choked scream out in pain. Someone was still close enough to stop him from healing
E.Brandon watched with a sadistic smile on his face. If he couldn't get information, why not play with the boy.
Mario shifts back and forth and looks at Ritchie when he hears screaming.
Ritchie didn't blame Mario, he was worried to. And openly showed it. But, he remained level-headed. Tried. He kept his arms cross and gave a sad shake of his head towards Mario.
Meanwhile, Brandon found it hard to stay in the room. So did Lo'Pho, but he had to stay put and push on. With a small grunt, Lo'Pho pushed with his magic. Making the light from the circle go from flickers, to a simple glow. It felt like something was fighting him, like some dark magic force. "Brandon," said person perked, "I believe someone is countering back my magic. Perhaps someone is nearby," Lo'Pho told, his eyes peeking open a bit.
Brandon seemed to hum at that, and indeed. He also felt some kind of dark presence, how had he not before? It felt, a bit familiar. "...Stay put," Brandon told as he suddenly began to walk out of the room, going to see if there was physical being nearby.
Lo'Pho huffed, "It's not like I can go anywhere I need to focus!" Speaking of, this force was really toying with his healing magic. But he was an S Class wizard for a reason, and he pushed back with an equal amount of strength.
E.Brandon wasn't watching the door. So since he was standing ontop of the building next door, he was noticable.
Lucas let's out cries of pain as the markings danced around on him. Feeding off his pain.
Mario covers his ears trying not to hear it. He wasn't able to handle it, he couldn't handle loosening family.
Ritchie couldn't help but wince, yikes. He slowly walked forward, not hesitating to wrap one arm gently around Mario's waist to side hug him. When he saw his brother suddenly stomp out of the room, he didn't think much of it. He didn't blame him. They shared a glance before Brandon continued he's way out of the door.
Lo'Pho grunted once more, and began revving himself up. "Hya!" He pushed his paws out, forcing another wave of healing magic Lucas's way. He will not lose this battle!
Brandon, meanwhile, scanned around the area. It was still leaking with water, making him then continue to stare some place else... until he spotted him.
The Sky Devil Slayer felt his eyes widen, his mouth falling slightly ajar. It was, him? Himself? That's- with a small shake of his head, he snapped back into focus after a moment. He manipulated the air to make him hover just barely above the ground, so he could silently fly his way up the building.
Mario leans into the touch, not caring if someone saw his weakened state.
Lucas started to heal more but the markings were still fighting back trying to keep up with the cat.
E.Brandon grunts in response, but smirks. "Oh aren't you a persistent kitten~" a sickening laughter bubbles up from his chest as he makes his magic stronger. "But the boy must die."
Ritchie slightly winced as he hears those cries, he felt so helpless. His guild mate- friend is fighting an inner-battle and there's nothing he can do except be supportive.
Lo'Pho oddly felt like he was being mocked, so with a slightly offended grunt under his breath, he quietly told himself. "I am a warrior, the warrior of Los' Catos! I will not let you,, beat me!" Lo'Pho squinted his eyelids shut, this was beginning to hurt just a tad. But he's not giving up. With another grunt, he once again pushed out his paws with more enthusiasm. "Hhhheee'ya!"
E.Brandon let's out a hiss feeling the second burst. He lost over half of the markings he put on the boy. "Huh... Interesting...."
Lucas now was healing faster but the markings that were still there posed a threat still if left to regenerate their falling.
Lo'Pho slowly began to peek an eye open, smiling to himself when he saw half of the markings gone. But he couldn't be too careful. Now was not the time to play the cocky card, not that he ever does. For now, he just continued to push with all his might.
But, on the outside of the guildhall... someone prepared an attack. And suddenly-
"Air slash!" A gust of strong winds suddenly came bowling towards Brandon- er, Evil Brandon.
The Sky Devil Slayer stood on a guildhall pillar nearby, an unreadable expression on his face as he stared his counterpart down.
E.Brandon was caught off guard and was hit by the attacks. Getting back up he looks to were it came from. Upon seeing his useless counterpart he lets out a crazed laughter. "You Finally Found Me!?" His Red eye showing his bloodlust.
Lucas slowly started to stop crying out. The markings seemed to have stopped moving. Meaning the person was distracted now.
Mario hears laughter and looks out towards were Brandon left. "Who..."
Brandon merely kept a blank expression, looking unfazed by the maniac laughter. He will admit, it was odd to see himself sound and look like this. He wasn't even wearing a shirt! Ironic how he always scolds people for that. "I'm looking at you right now, aren't I?"
Lo'Pho let out a small cheer, getting distracted himself about his success. "Yes! I did it! Ritchie! Brandon! Mario! I have finally- Oh, wait. I should probably keep healing him." Lo'Pho quickly snapped back into focus. Lifting his paws back up, he gently moved them forward. The glow from the circle began to emit a soft and warm aura, making the warrior softly smile.
Ritchie raised an eyebrow, turning to Mario to ask what he meant... and then his eyes widened. "Uhhh- let's not, focus on that too hard right now. L- Boat has seemed to stop making those noises, so that's good." Yes, distracting him with good facts.
E.Brandon smirks and let's out a low growl. "Yup. Too bad I wasn't able to get the boy off the island." He could tell if he stayed, he wouldn't be able to make it back to his brother. He couldn't help but have to abandon all his hard work. "It's also too bad we can't fight right now. My brother wouldn't want me to have all the fun~" and just like he existed, he dissapeared from sight and sound. Abandoning the battle he wished so badly to fight.
The markings began to disappear from the boy's body and his breathing returned to normal. The blood had stopped flowing from his mouth. Lucas seemed to be healing and no longer in pain.
Mario nods softly and smiles weakly. He still hoped that it would all return to normal.
Brandon blinked, suddenly beginning to turn and whip his head everywhere. He... left? One moment he was talking and the next he's gone. Brandon sent the winds to roam around the island, and he soon gathered, he truly didn't feel his presence anymore. Huh. Odd.
Lo'Pho grinned at his handy worked, glad he had won this battle, but gosh he felt just a bit drained. "Phew," he breathlessly said to no-one in particular. He didn't stop just yet, but he slowly let his paws fall down to his sides. He could now let the magic circle do it's thing.
Ritchie sighed with relief, turning his head away from the door as hugged Mario a bit closer. He wouldn't lie when he said his heart jumped to his throat when he saw Lo'Pho walk out of the room that was holding Lucas. Lo'Pho looked well, but a tad bit tired.
Mario looks over at the warrior. "Is he going to live?" His voice was weak and filled with worry. He wasn't going to lie about how worried he was.
Lucas sleeps calmly.
E.Brandon returned to his brother. Ignoring the questioning glare he got. "I've been spooted..." he let's out a low growl, "and I had to abandon the mission. "
Lo'pho gave a weird laugh, glancing back at the room behind him. "Weeellll. ...Maybe-" "Maybe!" Ritchie cuts off, face paling just a tad. Lo'pho whipped his head back to the two. "Okay yes I'm not entirely sure if he's going to be completely okay," Lo'Pho revealed, looking uncertain. Buuut- "Though, I can say, your guild member is going to live. If he is treated properly that is."
Mario nods and looks up at Ritchie.
E.Ritchie growls darkly and looks down at the spell book. "Well good thing you did. I can't risk losing my brother to the useless fakes now can I?"
Even though it sounded like he was insulted him, He knew his brother cared. E.Brandon chuckles and looks over that the other half. "But it was fun to toy with the boy. He has a crush on my counterpart. "
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