{We're more similar than I thought.}
"Get back here!"
Scarlet Witch laughed as she ran across the rooftops, Blaze trying to catch up to her. She kept on running, her hair flying free from its usual braid, her moth wings flying behind her. Suddenly, a fireball whizzed right past her, and she halted to a stop, the edge of a rooftop right behind her as she turned around, coming face-to-face with Blaze. She smirked, her hand snaking to hold the cool metal attached to her belt.
"I see that you finally caught up with me, Blaze." Scarlet Witch muttered, looking the fellow hero up and down.
"Yeah, I can tell too. Now, stop running so I can arrest you. You have already done harm to the city, it's tine for your arrest." Blaze responded bluntly. Scarlet Witch's eyebrow raised slightly, and she smiled, slowly taking the metal weapon out of her belt, waiting for the perfect time to strike. She saw that Blaze had looked away to pull out his walkie-talkie, and so Scarlet Witch took that as a perfect opportunity to strike. She pulled the weapon out of her pocket fully, and took aim.
Blaze flinched, yelping as he dropped his walkie-talkie, his head snapping around to face the villain in front of him.
Blood dripped from Blaze's arm, and he grimaced, glaring at the lady in front of him. She smiled sickly, laughing.
"Oh what? You can't handle a little gunshot?" Scarlet Witch laughed wickedly. She put her gun back into its slot on her belt, as Blaze straightened up.
"It just took me by surprise, you crazy lady." He muttered in response, his hands heating up. Scarlet Witch rolled her eyes, tossing her hair back, not noticing the warm glow from Blaze's hands.
"Oh please Blaze. You're a superhero. Aren't you aware that something like this can happen at any minute? Please, you should know this." Scarlet Witch laughed again. Blaze's hands glowed even brighter, the orange glow lighting up his face.
"Yeah well, can you expect this?" Blaze retorted, the warm glow becoming fireballs. He threw them at Scarlet Witch's direction, and she dodged, but one of the fireballs grazed her face. She hissed in pain, hand reaching up to check if the wound was bloody. When she pulled her hand away, there was traces of blood, and she glared at her attacker.
"What? I asked you if you could expect that." Blaze shrugged. Scarlet Witch muttered something under her breath, before she smirked, taking something out her pocket. A smoke bomb.
"Fuck no, you can't be escaping just no-" Blaze was cut off as Scarlet Witch threw the smoke bomb to the ground, smoke clouds impairing Blaze's vision. He coughed, and when he opened his eyes again, Scarlet Witch was gone, not even in sight.
'Dammit. How could I let her escape again?' Blaze thought to himself as he picked his walkie-talkie up. Placing the walkie-talkie in his belt, he paused to take a look at his wound. It wasn't looking good, with blood surrounding the area, and dripping onto the ground. The bullet was only lodged slightly into his skin, so Blaze easily pulled it out, wincing in pain as he slipped the bullet into his belt. He had to get back to headquarters to clean this wound. After once last look at where Scarlet Witch stood moments before, he turned around and jumped down into the alleyway, and began his way back to headquarters.
"Hey Tango- What happened!?"
Tango didn't respond, standing there in silence. The blazeborne look to the ground, avoiding eye contact. Impulse ran over to the hero, taking his bloody and wounded arm to check the injury. Zed appeared shortly after, a med kit already in his hands. Guiding Tango over, Impulse made him sit down so he could clean the wound.
"What happened Tango?" Zed asked, taking a seat next to Tango.
"Scarlet Witch. I was chasing her, got distracted for just a second, and she shot me." Tango responded. Impulse and Zed looked at him in surprise.
"I never knew that she had a gun.." Impulse trailed off as he continued to examine the wound, the med kit right beside him. "Tango, where's the bullet?" He asked.
"I pulled it out myself. I have it in my belt." Tango responded. Impulse nodded, and went back to cleaning up the wound. Once all of the blood was washed away, Impulse places his hand onto the injury. A warm, golden glow light up the area around the injury, and when Impulse took his hand away, Tango's wound was all healed up, like he never got shot in the first place.
"Thanks Impy." Tango muttered, his eyes closed. Impulse and Zed looked at each other, worried that not sleeping for days on end finally got to Tango.
"C'mon buddy, let's go rest." Zed spoke quietly as he pulled Tango up and led him to his room.
"But Zed, I still need to figure out where Scarlet Witch is hiding... I've been chasing her for too long.." Tango tried to get out of Zed's grasp, but Zed kept a hold on him.
"No Tango, you have to rest. You haven't slept for days on end. Plus, HotGuy and CuteGuy are out on patrol now, so get some sleep." Zed demanded, leading Tango to his room. As Tango passed Zed and muttered him a goodbye, he slipped something into Zed's hands. Closing the door behind him, Zed took a look at what Tango gave him.
Walking back to where Impulse was, Zed took a seat next to him, his fist holding the object still closed.
"What's that?" Impulse asked. Zed opened his hand and showed Impulse.
It was the now bloody bullet that struck Tango.
"Welcome back, Scarlet Wit-" The Watcher dodged a knife from Pearl, who took the knife back and walked away.
"I was just trying to welcome you back!" The Watcher called after her.
"Yeah well, I don't want to talk to you right now, so leave me alone." Pearl called over her shoulder. She walked into her room, and shut the door.
Sliding down the wall, her hand reached up to the burn graze on her cheek, expecting it to be bloody. Pulling her hand away, there was no blood, so she assumed that the blood had dried already.
She hated this. She hated being a villain. She hated being with the Watchers. She hated them.
She feels bad for what she did to Blaze.
She doesn't want to do this. Yet, the Watchers are forcing her.
She just didn't know what to do.
Pulling her knees to her chest, burying her head, the voices in her head got louder and louder, mixing with her thoughts.
It was only when she heard the group of Watchers outside her room talking together that her voices and thoughts went quiet, and she placed her ear to the door, trying to listen. She pulled her recording device out of her pocket, and pressed record.
"Well, one of us should possess Scarlet Witch, so she'll have the power to destroy everything."
"Why can't we turn her? We're way more powerful, and we can keep her down so that she can't escape."
"You idiot, can you not remember anything? She only started to work for us if we didn't turn her. If we do, then she'll quickly become a hero."
"Yeah yeah. Well, leader, what's your plan?"
"It was mentioned it earlier. I'll possess her. With that, Scarlet Witch will have the power to destroy everything, she'll be so powerful that even all of the heroes combined can't stop her. With everything dead, and all of the heroes defeated, we'll take over the world."
"That's a good plan."
Pearl covered her mouth, horrified, as the Watchers walked away.
Her recording device dropped to the ground, and she hurriedly picked it up, and stopped recording.
They were going to possess her.
They were going to make her become their puppet.
She will never be free.
She had to tell someone about this. The first person that came to her mind was Blaze. Yet, even with the recording, would he trust her enough?
Whatever, she didn't care if he still wouldn't trust her, she just had to tell someone. She stood up, snatched her mask from her bedside table, and put it on. Turning back to the door, she listened to make sure that there were no Watchers nearby. Once she couldn't hear anything, she ran over to the window and opened it. As she was about to leave, she remembered that she had to make it act like she was in bed, sleeping. Running to her closet, Pearl grabbed the extra pillows, and stuffed them into her bed, making it look like she was sleeping, and she walked back to the window. Slipping the recording device with the proof into her belt, she climbed out of the window, making sure to close it. Climbing up the building, she started to run, jumping across buildings, trying to find Blaze.
Tango couldn't sleep.
Something was keeping him awake. He felt like something bad was going to happen without him helping the other heroes patrol the city.
Turning around once again, he saw someone at the window. Sitting up, he walked over to the window, and opened it.
There sat Scarlet Witch, her hands already extended as if she was going to open the window herself. A mix of shock and relief formed on her face, while Tango's confusion turned into horror. He stood, frozen, as Scarlet Witch entered room through the window, and walked towards him.
Tango jumped back, and was about to call for help when Scarlet Witch put her hand over his mouth.
"Please, I know you hate me and I hate you, but I need you to listen to this. Now, I'm going to remove my hand from covering your mouth. You have to promise me that you're not going to call for help or attack me, got it?" Scarlet Witch requested. Tango slowly nodded, and she removed her hand from over his mouth. Tango watched with caution, as Scarlet Witch backed away and pulled a recording device out of her belt. Tango crossed his arms and looked the villain up and down.
"Well, what are you here for?" Tango asked. Scarlet Witch looked down, and handed him the recording device.
"Here. Listen to this. I need to show you what the Watchers are planning." Scarlet Witch replied. Tango's eyes widened slightly. The Watchers are planning something. I mean, he guessed that he would trust Scarlet Witch for now, she was a villain, just like the Watchers.
"Okay, fine." Tango took the recording device and pressed play. He listened to the Watcher's conversation, and his eyes widened in shock as the recording ended. He looked up at Scarlet Witch, and handed her the recording device back.
"We need to tell the other heroes about this. Now."
"Well, how do we know that we can trust you?"
Scarlet Witch looked up at the fellow heroes, HotGuy, CuteGuy, Slaylor, and the leader himself, Void Crawler. She tried to form words, but she couldn't. Instead, she looked down, avoiding the heroes gaze.
"Hello? How can we trust you?" Void Crawler asked, walking up to Scarlet Witch. She looked over to Blaze, standing next to her, and he nodded slightly, pointing at Void Crawler, as if he was telling her to tell them."
"Well, the Watchers would usually turn any villain in the first place, and if you couldn't tell, I'm not a Watcher myself, I'm simply a moth hybrid. Plus, if I was already possessed, then I wouldn't have recorded this in the first place. Also, if someone is possessed by the Watchers, then their eyes would be purple, and their voice changes. My voice has been the same the entire time since they captured me." Scarlet Witch explained. Void Crawler nodded, and pulled Blaze and all the other heroes into a group huddle to discuss what they will do. Scarlet Witch watched them, fidgeting with her hands, as she waited for what they will say. Finally, after what felt like hours, Void Crawler stepped back and walked over to her.
"We have decided to trust you. However, in order to stop the Watchers, then we'll need your help. Do you agree?" Void Crawler asked. Scarlet Witch smiled, and determination shone in her eyes.
"Of course, I will help as much as I can. Thank you." She replied, Underneath his mask, Scarlet Witch could see that Void Crawler was smiling. So was everyone else.
That evening, as Scarlet Witch walked back to the Watchers (which she dreaded), she had a smile on her face.
She promised that she would help them. At any cost.
The Watchers needed to die.
The next morning, Pearl was stretching her moth wings, when a Watcher knocked on her door, and without waiting for an answer, opened the door and walked in. Pearl glared up at the Watcher, her eyebrow raised.
"Well? What do you want?" She asked.
"We have a meeting that you need to attend. Be there in 10." The Watcher responded, and left the room. Pearl sighed, and continued to stretch her wings and put her knee guards on.
'At least this could give me information for the heroes.' Pearl though to herself, as she left her room.
As she walked into the meeting room, the Watchers were already there, waiting for her. She took her seat, and the Head Watcher took to the front, and spread a map of the city onto the table.
"Okay, here is our plan. After we possess Scarlet Witch," As the Head Watcher started talking, all eyes were already on Pearl, who looked down, but continued to listen. Secretly, hiding in her belt, looking like it was turned off, her recording device was secretly recording everything. "We're going to send her to the city center, which is the furthest place that any of the heroes patrol. Since we're possessing her, we'll transfer our powers to her, so she can destroy the city center." The Head Watcher pointed to the city center on the map. "Since all the heroes will immediately go try to stop her, We'll all appear in different places around the city, and start destroying everything. The heroes can't stop all of us. We'll all close in on the heroes in the city center, and capture them. We'll possess them, and they'll become our minions. With the heroes down, then we'll run this city." The Head Watcher looked at everyone, who had smiles underneath their masks, and were cheering. Pearl managed a smile, and clapped for the Head Watcher.
"I have a question." Everyone stopped cheering to look at a newer, younger Watcher. "When will be carrying out this plan?" They asked. Everyone locked back at the Head Watcher, waiting for an answer.
"We will be carrying out this plan tomorrow. You all have 24 hours to get ready and get prepared. Now, the meeting is over, finished!" The Head Watcher called, and everyone stood up and started leaving. Before standing up, Pearl stopped the recording, and was about to leave when the Head Watcher stopped her.
"Scarlet Witch. I need to talk to you, about the possession." Pearl nodded slowly, facing the Head Watcher.
"You do know about the side effects of being possessed, right?" They asked Pearl.
"Yes, I do. Fatigue, nausea, feeling like you're not in your own body, yeah, I know." Pearl responded. The Head Watcher nodded.
"Great, you may leave now." Pearl nodded, and walked out of the room.
Leaving the meeting room, Pearl ran back to her room and put the pillows back in place. Making sure that she had the recording device in her belt, she opened the window, climbed out, closed it, and began to run to the heroes headquarters.
The heroes and others all looked at the map that Scarlet Witch had brought out and labeled everything from the plan on. From the city circle, where everyone would start, to how the Watchers would close in onto the heroes, who would be in the city center where Scarlet Witch would be, trying to stop her.
"When will this happen?" Void Crawler looked up at Scarlet Witch.
"In 24 hours." Scarlet Witch responded. Void Crawler nodded and straightened up, looking at everyone else in the room.
"Okay everyone! We need to find the Watchers base, and we need to stop them. Everyone had to be in action to take the Watchers down! Got it?" Void Crawler called out to the room. Everyone cheered and shouting 'Yes'. Void Crawler started to assigned people to different jobs, and assigned Blaze and Scarlet Witch to work out how to divert the Watchers. As everyone started talking about how to stop the Watcher's plan, Blaze moved closer to Scarlet Witch.
"Well, do you know where the Watcher's base is?" Blaze asked. Scarlet Witch nodded, and grabbed a red marker. She circled a building in the middle of the city, and labeled it 'Watchers Base'.
"This is where the Watchers reside. On the outside, it looks like an abandoned building, but the Head Watcher owns it, after he killed the original owner, and pretended to be the owner himself. They are supposed to have guards surrounding the outside, but they don't, because the Head Watcher says that it's 'too much work'." Scarlet Witch explained
"That sounds stupid." Blaze muttered, to which Scarlet Witch laughed at.
"However, due to the lack of security, we can direct the Watchers by secretly attacking their base when they're least expecting it. For the next 24 hours, they'll be getting ready for what they think will be their takeover of Hermitcraft." Blaze nodded, agreeing with the plan. With their task now done, the two talked to Void Crawler and explained the plan. Void Crawler agreed, and he let them leave. As he walked away, Blaze turned to Scarlet Witch, who looked to be uncomfortable.
"Want to go up to the roof?" He asked. Scarlet Witch looked at him and nodded.
Scarlet Witch shielded her eyes from the glaring sun as Blaze showed her to the roof. Walking to the grass, Blaze sat down, and patted the spot next to him. Cautiously, Scarlet Witch sat down next to him.
"This is a beautiful place." She murmured, and Blaze nodded in agreement.
"It really is." He answered, before speaking again. "Want to ask questions about each other?" He asked. Scarlet Witch turned to look at him, and smiled. "Sure." She responded.
"So, let's start with names. What's your real name, Scarlet Witch? My real name is Tango."
"Tango, nice name. I'm Pearl. By the way, what are the names of the other heroes and other people who work here?"
"Oh, well HotGuy is Scar, CuteGuy is Grian, Slaylor is Gem, and Void Crawler is Xisuma, but we all camm him X."
"Interesting, well, what kind of hybrid are you?"
"Me? I'm a blazeborne. That explains the fiery hair, the red eyes, and the burn scars on my hands from my fire powers. And you're a moth hybrid, right?"
"Yes, which is why I have moth wings and antennas. Does your power hurt you?"
"Not really, I got used to it after a while. What about you? Do you have any powers?"
"I can fly, and I have sensitive hearing. That's it. Do you like being a hero?"
"I like it, but I don't like the pressure that comes with it, like you have to save the city from Watchers and avoid disaster, which is super stressful."
"Ah. Do your parents support you being a hero? My parents don't like me, and have cut contact with me for years now."
"Oh my gosh, same. My parents always hated that I had powers that I couldn't control as a child. They also cut contact with me when I turned 18."
"Oh, so you're older than 18? Well, how old are you? I'm 21."
"I'm 22." Scarlet Witch - no - Pearl nodded, and faced back to the sun. There was a moment of silence, both of them staring at the bright sun, before Pearl spoke up once more.
"You know, I'm scared of what would happen if the Watchers find out that I'm not home, and I'm working with the heroes and sabotaging their plans. What will they do to me, or to you guys?" Pearl looked back at Tango, fear and worry in her eyes. Tango smiled gently, taking her hands into his own. Soft skin met scarred skin, and their eyes met.
"Pearl, we promise that we will do anything to make sure that the Watchers don't hurt any of us. As a team, we are all unstoppable, and we won't let you give in to the Watchers. I promise." Tango pulled his hands away from Pearl's and extended his pinky as a promise. Pearl smiled slightly, and extended her pinky too, and intertwined it with Tango's.
"Pinky promise." They both said in unison, and they slowly dissolved into giggles, which turned into laughter. They both fell back against the grass, laughing together, smiles on both of their faces. When their laughter faded, Pearl and Tango continued to lie down on the grass. Pearl's moth wings twitched, and she sat up, Tango following closely behind. Tango admired Pearl's wings, a light brownish-grey with navy blue dots spotted around. Pearl seemed to notice him admiring her wings and she smiled and laughed, making Tango blush slightly due to being flustered.
"You know Pearl, I feel that we are similar in some way," Tango started. Pearl was about to cut him off but he continued before she got a chance. "We're both hybrids, yet we're opposites. You're a villain, and I'm a hero. Yet, I think that you're a hero at heart. We both have no contact with our families, and we both care for people." Tango explained. Pearl smiled, a light blush on her cheeks.
"You know, you're correct, I do feel like I am a hero at heart. I hate being a villain, it makes me regret everything that I've done. I wanted so badly to be a hero, but the Watchers crushed my dreams." Pearl responded. Tango's heart seemed to break slightly hearing Pearl tell him of how badly she wanted to become a hero. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into him, closing her eyes. Tango couldn't help it, but he felt like he had a crush on her, despite only knowing her personally for a few days. He played with her hair, and spoke quietly to her.
"You can always become a hero, Pearl. Now, do you want to meet the other heroes and the workers that work with us?" Tango asked. Pearl opened her eyes and looked up Tango. Smiling, she stood up and pulled Tango up with her.
"Well, show me around them, Mr. Blazeborne." Pearl responded. Tango laughed at the name, and pulled her back inside.
Inside, Tango pulled Pearl around, showing her every room. In the first room sat Slaylor and Void Crawler.
"Hey guys!" Tango called. Void Crawler and Slaylor looked up, and walked over to Tango. Void Crawler has his visor removed, and Slaylor's armour was on the table, so you could see her deer features easily."
"Pearl, this is Void Crawler, aka Xisuma, he's the leader, and this is Slaylor. I did just tell you their names, so guess Slaylor's real name." Tango stepped back, and Pearl smiled slightly at Slaylor.
"You're Gem. And if I'm correct, HotGuy is Scar and CuteGuy is Grian, correct?" Pearl turned around to face Tango, and he nodded.
"That's correct! Now, let's introduce you to the other heroes and the other people who work with us." Tango and Pearl waved goodbye to Xisuma and Gem, and continued on the tour.
In another room, sat HotGuy, CuteGuy, and 3 other unfamiliar people. When they heard footsteps approaching, they all turned around. The 3 people that Pearl didn't know looked at her with slight confusion and distrust.
"So Pearl, this is HotGuy aka Scar, and his boyfriend CuteGuy aka Grian. The other 3 people are Mumbo, Scott, and Jimmy." HotGuy and CuteGuy blushed slightly at the mention of them being boyfriends, and the other 3 - now known as Mumbo, Scott, and Jimmy to her - waved. Mumbo was a tall man with a black mustache, Scott was the one with cyan hair, and Jimmy was the one with blond hair and golden wings. HotGuy was a normal human with long brown hair and scars all over his body, and CuteGuy was some sort of parrot hybrid, his wings coloured pink to match his hero costume.
"Hi." Pearl murmured, and they all murmured a small 'hi' in response. Tango walked over to HotGuy and CuteGuy, who were sharpening their weapons, ready to attack the Watchers. Tango explained the plan to them, and they nodded in agreement. CuteGuy looked over at Pearl, and called her over.
"Do you need any weapons for the Watchers?" CuteGuy - Grian - asked. Pearl shook her head, a smile on her face.
"No, I'm okay. Thanks though!" CuteGuy nodded, and turned around to talk to Mumbo. Then, Pearl heard the door open behind her, and she turned around, and so did Tango. In walked two people, that Tango seemed to recognize and he looked away. The brown haired male walked up to Tango and flicked his forehead.
"You idiot. You didn't tell me and Zed that you left to the headquarters." He said.
"Sorry Impulse.." Tango trailed off. So, the brown haired male was named Impulse, and the other blond male was called Zed. Speaking of the latter, Zed looked over at Pearl with a curious expression.
"Tango, who's that?" Zed asked, pointing at Pearl. Tango looked over at Pearl and smiled.
"That's Pearl. She used to be a villain, but now, she's a hero." Tango explained. Zed and Impulse nodded.
"Alright, well, we have to get back home. See ya later Tango!" Impulse and Zedaph turned around and started to head out. Tango waved goodbye, and walked back to Pearl.
"So, what do you think of everyone?" Tango asked.
"Oh, they're all so cool! I'm so glad that I turned against the Watchers!" Pearl responded.
The Watchers ran around the building, looking for Pearl.
"Don't let her escape!" The Head Watcher shouted.
How dare she? How dare Scarlet Witch turn her back on them? Who would she turn to?
It was obvious the whole time.
Scarlet Witch turned to the heroes.
"Find the heroes base. Find Scarlet Witch." The Head Watcher sent two Watchers to the base, and they turned to the rest of the Watchers.
"Everyone else, let's start our plan."
All of a sudden, a large explosion could be heard from a distance. Everyone's heads snapped around to where the explosion came from, and they all immediately put their armour back on and took their weapons, and they all left the room to find Xisuma and Gem. Running through the corridors, they could hear more explosions from outside. When they finally found Xisuma and Gem, they were both already suited up.
"It's the Watchers. I think that they found out that Pearl isn't there and they're attacking now!" Xisuma called. Pearl froze. The Watchers really found out that she had turned against them.
"There's no time to stand there and think. We have to protect the city now." Xisuma called, and with Slaylor, they ran out of the room in one direction. HotGuy and CuteGuy ran off together in another direction. Tango turned to Pearl, who was still frozen in shock.
"Pearl, come on. We have to stop the Watchers. I know that it's scary, but we can do it. Okay?" Tango took Pearl's hands into his own hands once again. Taking a deep breath, Pearl looked up at Tango and smiled nervously.
"Alright. We got this." Pearl responded. Tango smiled, and pulled something out of his pocket, and handed it to her.
"Here. You'll need this. It's an earpiece so that everyone else here can hear you." Pearl nodded, and took the earpiece, attaching it to her ear. Together, hand in hand, Blaze and Scarlet Witch ran off, determined to defeat the Watchers.
Once outside, Blaze and Scarlet Witch ran into an alleyway, taking out their weapons. Looking up, Scarlet Witch saw a Watcher floating ahead, so she took the chance to kill it. Loading her bow and arrow, she fired a shot up to the Watcher. The Watcher dodged it, and looked down, right where Blaze and Scarlet Witch were standing. They both froze as the Watcher floated down, and grabbed Scarlet Witch.
"Hey! Let me go!" Scarlet WItch squirmed in their grasp. Turning around, she got to see who the Watcher really was.
It was the Head Watcher.
Well, shit.
"Oh Scarlet Witch. You have disobeyed us, and betrayed us. I am sorry to do this to you, but you need to be possessed by us. A glowing hand was placed over Scarlet Witch's eyes, and her whole body turned purple. The Head Watcher let her fall to the ground as they turned to look at Blaze.
"I'd kill you now, but I better let Scarlet Witch do it. After all, she got really close with you." Underneath the mask, the Head Watcher smiled, and took back to the air. Once gone, Blaze rushed to Scarlet Witch, who was shaking badly.
"Please Pearl, you need to resist this. Resist the control." Tango begged. Pearl was slowly losing herself to the possession. She tried to lunge herself at Tango to attack him, but she couldn't. She was trapped. She growled. Trying to reach for her gun. It broke Tango's heart, it did, to see Pearl like this, trying to attack him. However, it took him by surprise when Pearl managed to stand up and attack him unknowingly. Tango jumped back, but he received a deep scratch on his face.
"Pearl please!" Tango cried out in desperation. Pearl froze, her eyes, shaking with a mix of fear and anger. Tango knew what he had to do, even though it could kill him in the process.
Lunging forward, Tango wrapped his arms around Pearl, holding her tight. Pearl screamed and scratched Tango, but he didn't let go.
"Let me go, you vile beast!" Pearl screamed out, yet Tango knew that it wasn't Pearl. It was the voice of the Head Watcher possessing her. The real Pearl was still there, fighting for control of her own body. Tango shook his head, took a deep breath, and kissed her.
Pearl froze, as the Head Watcher screamed and slowly disappeared from her body. Closing her eyes, Pearl kissed Tango back, as the purple glow faded. Once it faded away, Pearl and Tango split up, gasping for air, their foreheads pressed together.
"I.... I love you, Pearl." Tango whispered, a smile on his face.
"I love you too, Tango." Pearl whispered back, also smiling.
They could've stayed like this forever, but they couldn't. They had a city to save. Pulling back, Tango took Pearl's hand, determination in his eyes.
"Let's go defeat these Watchers." He said. Pearl's eyes shone with determination too, and she grabbed his hand. Together, they ran out of the alleyway, and to the city center, where all the fighting was happening.
When they got there, it was a bloodbath.
4 of the 15 Watchers were already dead, and all of the others were injured quickly. Blaze and Scarlet Witch quickly jumped into the action, with Scarlet Witch taking out another severely injured Watched with an axe blow to the head. Looking around, she saw that everyone else was fighting. HotGuy and CuteGuy were fighting one Watcher together, Blaze and Void Crawler fighting another. Slaylor was fighting alone, but she looked like she had the upper hand, so Scarlet Witch continued to fight.
Soon, it was down to the final Watcher. The Head Watcher, who was covered in blood. Blood was shed everywhere, a mixture of Watcher and human blood. All of the heroes were injured, but the Head Watcher didn't seem like giving up yet.
"You mortal fools! None of you can kill a Head Watcher together!" The Head Watcher boasted, yet he didn't know that all of the heroes had circled around him.
"3, 2, 1, NOW!" Void Crawler yelled. The Head Watcher looked around but was too slow, as all of the heroes surrounding him released their weapons or powers. Scarlet Witch threw an axe to his head, CuteGuy fired bullets, Slaylor and HotGuy shot a mixture of poisonous and harmful arrows, Void Crawler released void magic, and Blaze set the Head Watcher on fire. The Head Watcher screamed and screamed, before they finally collapsed onto the ground. Blaze set the fire out, and all of the heroes slowly came closer to check if the Head Watcher was dead. Scarlet Witch was the one who checked their pulse. Placing two fingers on their neck, Scarlet Witch waited for a pulse.
There was no pulse.
Looking back at the group of heroes, Scarlet Witch removed her hands from the Head Watcher's neck.
"Dead." The Head Watcher was dead. All of the other Watchers were dead. The city was safe, They had saved the city.
Now, shortly after the victory, they all got rushed to the hospital to treat their wounds. HotGuy was rushed into surgery to close a very scary and big wound close to his heart. While CuteGuy was assured over and over that his boyfriend would be okay, he kept pacing back and forth, waiting for any update. Blaze, Void Crawler, CuteGuy, Slaylor, and Scarlet Witch had all luckily received less life-threatening injuries, and they were all already patched up, waiting for HotGuy to come out of surgery. Mumbo, Jimmy, Scott, Impulse, and Zedaph were all with them. Tango, Impulse and Zedaph were hugging each other, Mumbo and Gem were looking after Grian, and Jimmy and Scott were talking with Xisuma. Grian's parrot wings were dropped down and one was slightly bandaged, while one of Gem's deer antlers was patched up too. Pearl was watching all of them. Playing with the bandages on her arm. After he was finished talking to his friends, Tango walked over to Pearl, and planted a kiss on her forehead, intertwining their hands together.
"Well, what are we?" Tango asked. Pearl looked up at him in confusion. "Like, are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Tango asked again. Pearl thought about it for a moment, before responding.
"I mean, I'm alright with us being boyfriend and girlfriend, what about you?" Pearl asked. Tango's smile grew bigger, and Pearl kissed him on the cheek, to which he responded by kissing her on the lips quickly.
"Then I guess that we are boyfriend and girlfriend now. I love you." Tango responded. His smile grew impossibly bigger, and he held both of her hands into his.
"I love you too." Pearl responded, pressing their foreheads together.
Soon, Scar came out of surgery and after two days in the hospital, he was ready to go home. The city was at peace now, no Watchers would ever harm them again. Their old building was raided by the police, which had some important files, and Pearl was pardoned for her crimes.
They were happy. They were all together.
And Pearl and Tango ended up together, guess they were more similar than they thought they were.
And that is it! I hope that you enjoyed this oneshot, and the person that I got for secret santa, I hope that you liked it!!
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