Chapter Eight- He'll Never Be..
Woah, guys.. got more of you now! Hey!
If you didn't read the last chapter because you couldn't read the abuse stuff, comment here and I'll tell you a brief summary. ————————————>
This chapter starts when Logan first decided to spend the night at the hospital with Patton, but it's Patton's POV instead of Logan. Here we go!
~Patton's POV~
Logan climbs into bed next to me and I wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me.
This is.. comforting. It's almost like he's my boyfriend..
..but he's not. He'll never be. And if I ever marry someone, my mom won't be there at the wedding. In fact, most of my family probably won't be there.
I feel tears well up in my eyes. Logan notices.
"-Patton? Are you alright?"
I quickly plaster on a fake smile.
"Huh? O-oh, I'm okay!"
He moves one hand up to my face, wiping away a tear. "You're crying."
I feel my smile slowly melt and I bury my head in his chest, sobbing out my heart.
"..And.. she said she won't come to the wedding, and I lo- I love you, but you'll never love me back, because you're.. you're just to good for me, and I just- I-I just wish I could restart everything.."
I slowly quiet myself down as I realize what I just admitted. I look up at Logan.
"Did.. did you hear any of that?"
"I only heard a few words, but I still listened. You were heard."
I smile slightly. "Thank you, Lo.."
I see him hesitate before planting a quick kiss to my forehead. "Goodnight."
Woah. Did- did he just do that?
"U-uh... night, Lo."
Logan leans his forehead against mine. He falls asleep.
I smile to myself. Maybe there's a chance he'd consider a date with me at the least.
~The Next Morning~
I wake up to Logan cuddling me in a hospital bed.
Oh, right.. Dee.
And he kissed me on the forehead.
I smile to myself before looking up at Logan. He's awake.
"Hi, Lo." I smile.
"Good morning, Patton." He smiles back. "Did you sleep well?"
"Uh, yeah.. did you?"
"Yes, I slept decently."
Just then, the doctor enters the room.
"Patton, you are permitted to leave."
"Oh! Thank you!" I smile at him before he leaves the room.
Logan sits up. "Let's go home."
Logan and I walk up to bed.
I turn to him.
I really want to give him a kiss on the forehead, like he did to me last night.. do I just..
"Yes, Patton?"
"Uhm.. last night, you.. kissed me on the forehead. I was wondering if.. I could kiss you on the forehead?"
He smiles at me, almost excitedly. "Uh.. yeah. Go ahead."
Logan bends down to my level and I quickly place a kiss to his forehead.
He stands back up, looking at the floor. "So.. sleep?"
"Yeah.. sleep."
~The Next Day~
I walk into school with Logan. Immediately, someone shoved a flier in our faces.
I look at mine. There's a space to write a pick-up line, and then underneath it, it says "go to prom with me?"
"Oh.. it's a form to ask someone to prom." Logan shoves the flier in his pocket. I put mine in my book bag.
Maybe, just maybe..
Cliffhanger much? Don't worry, next chapter will either be out tomorrow or Friday. :)
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