//Unknown's POV\\
I grumbled something In the Netherian language, none from Minecraftia knew the Netherian language for It was forbidden from their overlord Notch, I don't follow the rules of Notch, for I was born In the Nether, yet people say I have Aetherian Angel blood In me, bull fluff! You see here, my name Is simply 'Unknown', people get confused when I say my name Is Unknown, for I've never known my true name, so my friends started calling me Unknown and It's just.. clicked? Well, anyways, here Is how Minecraftia Is ruled:
Notch the creator of Minecraftia, had created the Aether, where he rules, the people up there are called 'Aetherian Angels', the Aether Is basically heaven, Minecraftia Is the Over world, and the Nether? It's hell, but I was born there so I like It, we Netherians are called 'devils', 'evil souls', or 'those who don't deserve to live'. Minecraftia has one more realm though, The End, where the Ender Dragon comes from, well my friends, let me tell you about my dear friends. Well there's Hero, short for Herobrine, the younger brother of Notch, ruler and creator of mobs, and the ruler of the Nether, or as Minecraftians call It, the Under world, has dark brown hair, white eyes, hidden from his hood, and or contacts, and loves to wear blue. Then there's Endy, the Ender Dragon, ruler of the End, understands any mob, has purple hair, purple eyes, and loves purple and black. Then there's me, Unknown, I match the powers of Hero, I can control and understand mobs like Hero and Endy, I have white hair, white eyes like Hero but put contacts In so have light blue eyes, I love to wear my dark blue hoodie, I have white cats ears and a tail, real of course, and I'm always found holding onto a 'special' stick, or playing around with It. But enough with Introductions, we should get on with the story, bow shouldn't we?
I growled, flicking my wrist my alarm clock slammed Into the wall, wait a minute, opening one of my soulless white eyes I giggled at the sight, Endy had been thrown Into the wall Instead. "Nice job, Unknown," He grumbled, rolling his bright purple eyes at me, I rolled out of bed, using my powers to levitate before placing my feet on the ground safely. "Well, don't wake me up next time," He sighed, walking away from my wall; which has a dent In It now, towards me. "You know I have to, you and Hero both sleep like a ducking rock!" He exclaimed, patting my head before walking out, I snorted, hearing Hero yell out words In the Netherian language. Which translated to, excuse my language: 'F*ck you Endy!', Endy had learned our language from hanging out, and living with us for so many years, I could hear Endy's laughter bouncing off the walls as he treaded his way downstairs. I sighed, shaking my head as I got dressed In a light grey tank top, my dark blue hoodie, and jean shorts, I took a brush through my hair, putting my light blue contacts In, I turned and walked out of my room, walking down the stairs I sighed. "Hero, your brothers bound to find us when you keep shouting Netherian swear words!" I joked, slapping him upside the head lightly, he turned and glared at me, crossing his arms. "Says the one who swore a whole line of Netherian words at a random duck yesterday," He snickered, Endy nearly choking on his breakfast. "The duck Insulted me!" I defended myself, as the boys shook their heads, laughing. "Suure," Endy joked, I laughed lightly, sitting down at the table and beginning to eat my cereal. As soon as I finished, I grabbed my bag off of the floor, hitch was a darker blue than my hoodie, which for those who wanted t know; No, It's not baggy, I LME my goodies or sweaters close to my body but not hugging It. The boys finished up, placing their bowls In the sink before grabbing their stuff, grabbing Hero I turned him around and Inspected his eyes. "Good, you have your contacts In, we don't need to be called out, unlike Endy over here who looks just normal, except his neon hair and eyes." I laughed at the END, Endy snorted at me, as we headed out the front door, making sure to close and lock It of course. We made our way towards school, I of course still had my 'special' stick with me, the teachers learned the hard way last year that I NEVER part with this thing, people question It, but Endy and Hero don't they know I grew an attachment to the thing, seeing as the Nether never had 'toys' when we were little. As we entered the school gates of 'Phoenix High' I mentally prepared myself for the hell we were about to enter. We walked to our little corner, away from the rest of the school, whispering things In the Netherian language so others couldn't hear If they somehow knew the language, we didn't need to be sent to jail or even have Notch find us... There seemed to be a few new kids, a girl with black hair and amber eyes caught my eyes, I saw Ivy picking on her. "Hey guys.." I whispered, they looked towards me and then at Ivy, knowing what I was going to do, Hero smirked, nodding. I put my left hand behind my back, flicking It upwards, Ivy few upwards, which attracted everyone's attention, we pretended to be surprised as well, I flung my hand to the side, and Ivy went flying Into the fountain, a lot of the ids burst out laughing, Including our small group, I had released Ivy from my grasp, and fell to the floor laughing my face off, Hero was trying to catch his breath as Endy was shaking his head In approval. Ivy looked beyond furious, her precious, expensive clothes were ruined, and she didn't even know who did It! I was strong In levitating objects and throwing them around, which you just saw, but I was struggling In controlling mobs, and communication with them, controlling mobs was Hero's job to help me and communication was mostly Endy, but sometimes Hero when I needed help with orders. The bell rung and we all headed Inside to class, I didn't bother going to my locker, I just summoned my books to my bag, I had to be careful with how I use my magic around here, I can drain easily, not only that but there are magicks users here as well. The three of us always kept a low profile around the school, we were walking to class at the moment, Ivy passed by us, shooting us looks of disgust, I bit my tongue, holding back an snarky comment, we pretended to Ignore her which only made her passed, she slammed me against the lockers, I could sense Hero's eyes starting to glow faintly, I sent him a look which made the glow fade, Endy and him were protective of me since I was usually targeted since a lot of people found me as the 'weaker link' due to me being short and the boys always protecting me. Endy's low growl could be heard as he approached Ivy. "Oh please, you can't hurt e." Ivy laughed, only for Hero to zoom behind her, and rip her off, pinning her to the lockers as Endy made sure I was okay. "If you ever touch her again, and I mean EVER, I won't hesitate to rip your pathetic, ugly face from your body..." He snarled In her ear, letting her drop to the ground before muttering Netherian curse words under his breath. A few kids stared at Hero, before turning away, I placed my hand on Hero's shoulder, he calmed down knowing I was alright, he and I treated each other like siblings, really close ones for that matter. Endy glared at Ivy before the three of us headed towards our first class, which was History, and the teacher there, I hated for he told lies about the Nether, but what was to be expected from a Mincraftian who knew nothing but lies? We entered the classroom, sitting down, I sat next to Hero, and Endy was on my other side. The teacher glanced at us all, as the rest of the students entered the class, I was Ivy parade In with her minions, Sasha and Lily. "Take a seat, girls." The teaches demanded, Ivy scoffed at him before sitting down. I had dragged my sketchbook out of my bag, and began sketching Endy In his Ender Dragon form, I had tuned out the teacher, that was until he decided to call me out. "You! Did you even here my question?!" He snapped, I sighed, staring at him blankly. "First of all, my name Is U N K N O W N, Unknown. And second, no sir for I was too busy staring at the blackboard, I thought I saw a bee." I replied, he growled under his breath. "I don't care what your name Is, Unknown, and I asked you, 1) Why and what are you drawing In my class, and 2) Why 'Herobrine' Is a disgrace to the creator of Minecraftia's family." I saw Hero visible flinch at the second question, I resisted the urge to lash out at the teacher for the second question. "1) I am drawing the Ender Dragon, and because It's apart of History, 2) That I can't and will not answer." He scoffed at my answer, his eyes narrowing. "Oh? And why Is the Ender Dragon so fascinating? It's the one that killed half our civilization centuries before." I narrowed my eyes at him before responding. "That was CENTURIES ago, and the Ender Dragon Is fascinating because It can fly which none of us will be ever able to do, and It's the only existing dragon on the face of Minecraftia." I smirked, Endy and Hero smiled at me, especially Endy because he knew the words I Said were true. "Oh but we can fly with the gadgets we can make." The teacher replied. "You may be able to do that, but you will never feel the wind on your face when flying, nor will you be able to actually enjoy the experience!" Endy, Hero and I all snapped In unison, before standing up and leaving the classroom, leaving everyone stunned, even the teacher....
A/N Dang, already spotting Aphmau, and encounters with Ivy! But what does this History teacher have against Unknown and her friends? Especially Herobrine and the Ender Dragon? If only the man knew that they were actually In his class!
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