Author's Note
This poem not only took me the fastest to write (literally two hours), but it's now one of my proudest poems next to Coat of Red.
The original idea for this poem came from both a dream and a song (just like Coat of Red). I've been hearing countless songs with lyrics including something about running and not letting anyone stop them, so I'd sort of had a desire to write a poem similar to that. One of these songs really stuck with me, and I'm pretty sure it was stuck in my head before I feel asleep that night.
The dream was pretty weird, it was like this underground amusement/waterpark in a cave. They had a bunch of different rides that I was riding with my friends but it was weird because for some reason we were having to protect each other from other riders and make sure no one was left behind on this one really cool ride. Then the dream kind of shifting to me running with one or two other people up the tunnel of the case to the peak of the cliff. I'm not quite sure if I was the one who asked or if I was one of the younger people (you know how dreams are with perspectives), but either way the same thing happened as indicated in the poem, except that we fell downward while clutching this giant treble-clef-shaped-surfboard thing. I woke up like a few moments after, but it was really the feeling I remember having right before I woke up - contentment, trust, and close to the friends I was falling with.
As for the meaning, that's for you guys to decide. Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it.
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