Visiting Jeremy
Quick disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about medical stuff so yeah just thought I should say that because not everything in this chapter might be very accurate.
Alexander's Pov
John and I were driving back to King's College when Michael called us, saying that Jeremy was in the hospital. I began to freak out, but calmed down when he said that our roommate wasn't hurt. He only hit his head on a table and could possibly have a concussion.
My boyfriend gave me a weird look when I hung up.
"What was that about?" he asked, picking nervously at the bottom of his sweatshirt.
I reached over and rubbed his shoulder soothingly as I told him the news. "Jeremy hit his head early today while he was eating lunch with Michael. He wasn't waking up, so Michael took him to the hospital. He might only have a minor concussion."
John let out a deep breath of relief.
We were stopped at a red light, so I looked over at him.
I noticed how tense John was, so I leaned over and brushed some hair away from his face.
"Can I kiss you?" I whispered. He nodded eagerly and pushed forward to meet me halfway. I held John's face gently in my hands as I tilted my head to press my lips to his.
I reluctantly broke the kiss after a few seconds and turned my head to check the color of the traffic light. It was still red, but probably not for long, so I pecked John on the cheek, whispered, "I love you," in his ear, and then sat back to wait on the light to turn green.
Ten minutes later, and we had just arrived at the hospital. John pulled his sweatshirt back on, and I wrapped a scarf around my neck. It was the middle of December and cold out, so almost everyone in the parking lot was also wearing very warm clothing.
We locked up the car and walked as quickly as we could towards the big double doors at the entrance. I held John's hand the whole time, from the moment we entered the building until we were standing in front of the door to Jeremy's room.
I pushed down the door handle and we both cautiously stepped into the room. I quickly spotted Michael sitting in a chair next to Jeremy's bed. He looked pretty upbeat, despite the fact he was sitting in a hospital room with his injured best friend.
I gave him a small wave when he noticed John and I standing in the doorway. Jeremy sat up in his bed and grinned.
"Well, come on in guys," exclaimed Jeremy, waving us over towards them.
I sat down next to Michael in a decently sized red chair. After standing awkwardly in the middle of the room for a few seconds, John squeezed into the chair next to me. In order to make more room, I picked up his legs and set them across mine.
I slowly started rubbing his knee, just out of habit.
"So, how are you, Jeremy?" I asked him. "Michael said you hit your head on a table?"
Jeremy rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.
"Yeah, pretty much. I feel better now though. Really, I have no idea why I'm even here."
I tilted my head back against the chair and closed my eyes. I heard John ask, "So, what happened exactly?"
I opened my eyes to see everyone staring expectantly at Jeremy. I raised an eyebrow.
"It was really weird actually. I was eating with Michael, and then my squip started acting up. It..was saying some pretty rude stuff and then everything started getting dizzy. Next thing I knew I was here."
Michael sighed. "What kind of stuff was it saying?"
Jeremy shrugged. "Basically a bunch of stuff about how I would never get rid of it and how I needed it to be popular."
He made a face at the word popular. I stopped rubbing John's knee as I said, "He sounds like a real asshole."
Both Michael and Jeremy nodded at the same time.
"Maybe the squip and Rich are right. Maybe I'll be stuck with it forever."
Jeremy looked scared at the thought and I felt horrible for him. I can't imagine what it must be like having a voice in your head all the time.
"But, the good news is that he gets out of the hospital tomorrow. They just have to run some tests to make sure Jeremy doesn't have a concussion," Michael spoke up, trying to sound upbeat and happy.
I forced a smile and saw John do the same. I glanced down at my watch. It was getting close to ten, so I reached over and gently tapped my boyfriend on the arm.
"It's getting late, we should probably go," I told everyone. I looked at Michael to see if he was coming with us or not. He shook his head slightly.
"I think I'm going to stay the night here with Jeremy if that's alright with him," he said, glancing over at his best friend.
Jeremy smiled and laughed. "Of course you can stay. See you later guys," he said as John and I grabbed our things, said goodbye, and left the hospital room.
It was pretty late when we got back to the college so John and I quickly fell asleep. He had his head on my chest and I had both my arms around him. I leaned up and pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead and the last thing I saw that night was John smiling in his sleep.
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