Thomas Jefferson Fucks Everything Up
Alex's Pov
A few days had passed since John got into that fight with Samuel Seabury. Everything has been rather calm and normal. I was doing pretty well in most of my classes, and so was John.
Speaking of my boyfriend, today is our anniversary. It's hard to believe we've been dating for an entire year...
I want to surprise him tonight, so I asked Jeremy and Michael to go out for a few hours so John and I could be alone.
Before I could finish my thought, a loud screeching noise filled the air, and I threw my hands up to cover my ears. The bell has been broken for a few days now, and if I'm being honest, I might go completely deaf before it's fixed.
I gathered my books, along with some pencils, stuffed everything in my backpack, then stood up to leave. Right as I was leaving, I heard Mr. Washington say my name. I sighed as I turned back around.
"Yes, sir?" I said as politely as I could.
The older man raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a moment?" he asked.
"Well, I'm kind of in a hurry-"
"I have to discuss something with you," Mr. Washington said, cutting me off.
I tried not to get mad. I hate when people cut me off.
He gestured at a chair across from his. "Sit."
I sat.
"Alex," he said slowly.
"Yes?" I replied impatiently.
"Your work so far has impressed all of our staff, but you really must stop doing so much extra," he told me.
I held back a laugh. "Did John tell you to say that?"
Mr. Washington looked confused. "Who?"
"My boyfriend," I explained.
He laughed.
"No, Alex. I'm just worried about you. You don't look like you get enough sleep. Just promise me you won't overwork yourself."
Just to get him off my back so I could leave, I nodded. We shook hands, and I left after that, hurrying down the hallway.
I was going to be late meeting John.
I was almost back to the dorm, when I heard none other than Thomas Jefferson call my name. Instead of turning around or stopping to talk to him, I just kept walking. I'm not in the mood for his shit right now.
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Thomas called at my back.
I sped up, already thinking about what to say to John when I get back to our dorm.
I heard him come up behind me, and then grab my shoulder. I sighed and turned around, only to find myself face to face with Thomas.
He gave me a tiny small and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"Do you need something?" I asked, glaring at him.
Thomas smirked. "Yes, actually," he stated.
"Kiss me."
I took a step back. "P-Pardon?" I stuttered.
Thomas pressed a finger to my chest and slowly started backing me into the wall.
"You're gay, aren't you?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders.
"I'm bi, asshole. Now get out of my way, I have to meet my boyfriend," I exclaimed, pushing past him.
I started sped walking away, leaving Thomas standing alone in the middle of the hallway behind me.
It wasn't long before I had almost reached the end of the hall. That was when I noticed a certain curly haired person walking in front of me.
"John!" I called, lifting a hand to wave.
He turned around and grinned, waving back.
I just started to hurry towards him, when someone grabbed me by the shoulders and pressed me into the wall.
Then they kissed me. I simply stood there in shock for a good fifteen seconds, before I realized what was happening.
Thomas Jefferson was kissing me. I jerked away and turned my head, only to see John standing at the end of the hall, staring wide-eyed at me. Before I could open my mouth say anything, he turned on his heel and ran.
I turned back to Jefferson, shoved him backwards, and kicked him in the stomach.
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