Chapter 7
Levi's (P.O.V.)
I watched him. He was asleep. His chest moved up and down, his eyes sunken down. It's been awhile since he was home, he probably misses it, I've heard he eats less now.
"*sighs* It's my fault isn't it? If I controlled my self better...he wouldn't be here." I sulked deeper into my chair.
"Mm..." He opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times. "Time...." He hasn't seen me yet.
"It's around four twenty." He looked at me with his eyes wide open.
"Levi...your here?" He started to smile.
"Of course, if I missed your birthday I'd be a jerk." I smiled at him and hugged him gently. "I missed you Bright Eyes." I stroked his hair softly and looked him.
"I thought you were busy..."
"I was, I made time for you, because your special." I gave him the bag and smiled. "Happy Birthday."
He took the bag and opened it, his already large smile got even bigger as he opened it.
" didn't have to...but...THANK YOU!" He threw himself at me and hugged me tightly. "How did you get these, they're expensive!"
"I got a part time job."
"Levi...thank you so much. A Wings of Freedom necklace..."
"There's more."
He dug through the bag even more and squealed. "A SCOUT'S JACKET! WITH THE SIGLE AT THE BACK WITH A PATCH AT THE FRONT! I LOVE YOU!" He squeezed me tightly.
"I guess you like it?"
"Of course I do! This is from my favorite anime!" I smiled and ruffled his hair. "This is the best birthday ever..thank you Levi...I mean it." He smiled.
"But...with me busting my ass to buy these there's something I need you to do for me."
"Get out of here." His eyes saddened slightly. "I'll help you, but you have to pull your own weight. I miss you at home...I was even going to ask Carla is we could have a puppy...or a kitten...gerbil?"
He smiled sadly.
"Didn't you hear...they want to put me on the medication...the kind that makes me a zombie. I don't want to take it...I...its scary..."
I reached over and hugged him closely. His back trembled under my fingers and I looked at him.
"Eren look at me." Just as he did, I cupped his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. He tried to pull away but then stopped as he wrapped his hands around my neck as he slowly kissed back, I pulled away and looked at him.
"That was part 2 of your present."
"Is there a part 3?" He looked hopeful.
"Part 3 is when you get out and we go to the shelter and get a pet. I've already had them check out the house they said its a perfect area.
"Thank you so much Levi. This really is the best birthday I've ever had."
He hugged me tight and I chuckled softly.
"Remember...this can only happen if you get better. The first step is eating the food they give you."
"But its gr-."
"Ah! No talking back. Your gonna eat"
"Good." I got up and opened the door letting in one of the nurses. She had a bowl of miso soup, rice and baked tuna.
"This was a trick!"
"If me caring about your health is a trick, then yes it was a trick."
"You have a scouts jacket be happy."
"Oh alright." I smiled as she set the food in front of him. He gave me one last scowl and slowly started to eat. Within 20 minutes he finished and gave a small burp.
And that's how I spent my next few weeks.
Eren was released weeks after he gained some weight and he doing alot better so they decided he wouldn't need the medication.
"I'm so happy to go home! How many girl did you screw in my bed?"
"Not a single one."
"Its true! I haven't even jacked off."
"Well thats a first. I never thought the day would come."
"Shut up." I flicked his forehead and he pouted.
"I'm being abused."
"You're fine now hush."
I brought him over to the car and helped him in, I made sure he was buckled in properly before I got into the driver's side and started to get us home.
"Levi...are you dating anyone?"
"No..I'm trying to fix myself up."
"There's someone....that just...I wanna wait for them."
"Find any hot girls in your ward?"
"No...I'm...not into girls."
I bit my lip...I looked him over from the corner of my eye and examined his figure. He gained some weight while he started eating again, now that I take a quick look he had very nice curves. His shoulders were small and his hips widened into thick yet slender thighs. He had the body of a female.
"What position do you prefer?"
"Are you the one who takes it, or the one that gives it?"
"If you don't want to answer then you don't have to."
"No it's okay I guess... I-I...I bottom..."
"Figured you do. You've got the curves for it."
"I...I do?"
"Yep." I said as I popped the "p". He looked back down and played with his fingers.
" anyone home?"
"Carla and Uncle Kenny aren't."
"Did you have something in mind?" He shook his head slightly. "Well I had something in mind."
"What is it?"
"You'll find out soon." He just pouted cutely and looked at the ground.
"No fair." He looked at his fingers.
When we got home I helped him out of the car and got his things in our room. He ran into the room and jumped on my bed, sprawled out with his legs wide open. I tugged on my belt and looked away before getting on the bed with him. I laid down on my back and he moved closer to me, I pulled him into my chest and he squeaked.
"Levi~" He whined."
"Yes~" I whined back and pinched his nose slightly. "Hey Eren?"
"Are you dating anyone?"
" one wants me."
"I do..."
"Eren, if you haven't realized that I have feelings for you it's a little dull."
"Levi...are you serious?"
"Yes." I looked at him and smiled shyly. " Why do you think I always try to stay around you?"
"Levi..." He looked up at me and blushed.
I slowly leaned down and kissed him softly his lips touched mine gently, pink and soft. We touched lips softly, I licked his bottom lip then opened my eyes looking at him for permission. He opened his mouth shyly and I entangled our tongues together, a soft, quiet moan left his mouth. I slowly started to grind my hips against him, his cheeks turned to a fiery red and he pushed me off.
"Levi, I can't have sex with you."
" it because of my reputation?"
"No...because...I'm just not ready for this yet..."
"Don't worry cutie." I gently rubbed his back and he hid his face in my chest.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, I can't blame you."
"Thanks Levi, I...I love you."
"I love you to." I kissed him on the cheek and smiled as he gave me the cutest giggle I've ever heard.
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