Chapter 2
Levi's P.O.V.
It's been a few days since the brat and his mom moved in. I like how things are going so far. I'm decent around Carla ( I told Kenny the word nice doesn't apply to me) and when I'm forced to be around the brat, I release hell's gate upon his sorry ass. Whenever I end up in the same room as him he finds some excuse to get out. I think of it like game, it's very fun for me. I was currently in my room with Petra, we were laying on my bed and she was cuddling into my chest while I kept my hand on her rear. Every so often I'd give her ass a squeeze or a smack. The brat was in the room as well as he did his homework at his desk. It was getting late, I'd have to do my homework regardless...
"Babe." She looked up at me and smiled. "I have a fuck ton of homework to do, do you mind?"
"Not at all, I have a few tests tomorrow anyway." I smiled and smacker her ass once last time. "Bye Levi, bye Eren." He raised his head and nodded at her.
"Bye Petra." She made her way out of the house as I followed and locked the door after her. I walked back into the room and grabbed my bags as I sat down in the chair for my desk that was next to the brat. When i glanced over at him he was going through his phone as he put a pair of headphones with car eats attached to them. He's on a different level of weird. I started to do my homework when I heard him groan.
"Dang it, I can't figure this out, I hate math." He grumbled to himself. I sighed as a decent side of me surfaced up as I dug through my bag for my math homework. We're in the same grade, he had to switch schools because his mom moved here. I finishes my physics and dropped the paper on his desk. Then I got up and packed my things, moving them to the corner of the room.
"Just give it to me when you're done."
"Shut up." I could hear him let out a breath as he got to work.
Sometime later he gave me my math paper back and I put it away without a word to him. He looked at me, when I caught his gaze I stared him down.
"Got a problem?" He looked down and sighed. "All or nothing kid, say something or keep quiet. I don't let people talk much. He gave me a frustrated sigh.
"You don't remember me at all, it was long ago. I didn't think you would but I just had some hope that you would."
"The fuck are you talking about?"
"This, that's all I'm saying." He gave me a small, crisp envelope and rummaged through his drawers,he left and walked into the bathroom.
"Some kind of note? I'll check it out later." I out it on my bedside table and walked out of the room and went into the kitchen. Carla looked at me and smiled.
"Hello Levi, how are you?"
"Tired, homework makes my head hurt."
"I'm sorry honey...come here for second would you?" I walked over and sat next to her on the couch. She looked at me and smiled. Has Eren given you a note yet?"
"He gave me something awhile ago but I haven't looked at it yet. Is it something important?"
"To him yes, I'd love to see your reaction." Just then, said brat came into the living room without a glance at me. "Hi sweetie!" She smiled and hugged him tightly. "We were just talking about you."
"You were?" He smiled and his eyes softened, I guess he a softy around his mom. "Good things?"
"Or course. I have an idea, why don't we all watch a movie? It can be that new one you wanted to see. What was it...Doctor Who?"
"Doctor Strange?! I've been wanting to see that for a month now!"
"It's on the On Demand right now, why don't you and Levi watch it together? I'll make you both some caramel popcorn, or would you prefer something different Levi?"
"No, caramel popcorn's fine. Thank you." I smiled.
"And I can make some of my caramel milk!" The brat beamed and smiled at his mom.
While the two of them fiddled around in the kitchen I was setting up the T.V. so the movie would show well. Kenny came down and decided to join in. After everything was ready they cuddle together on the couch leaving the other double couch for me and the brat. He hasn't spoken to me since he gave me that note. He got up and served out the popcorn and some milk looking drink. When he gave reached me, he kept his gaze on the food rather than anything else. I gave a small thank you only because Kenny was glaring at me. We all sat down and enjoyed the movie, it wasn't bad, I actually liked it.
*After the movie*
It was late at night, Carla and Kenny had left an hour ago and went into their room. That left me and the brat. He was half asleep and the awake part of him seemed to giving in. Once the movie finished he got up and cleaned up. I wasn't in the mood to help him so I just went upstairs and stripped to my boxers and washed up quickly. Just as I slipped into my bed he opened the door quietly and slipped in. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He stood over my bed and sighed softly.
"I guess all those memories we had together won't mean anything to you anymore Levi. It was fun, all the things we did, the promises we made. I just wish..." I hear him let out a chocked sob. "I just wish you wouldn't hate me the way you do now." He moved away, I knew because the smell of warm vanilla left with him. What's he talking about...memories? I've never seen him before.
"Brat, it'd be easier to sleep if you weren't talking all night."
"Y-You heard me?"
"I...I thought you were fast asleep..." I sat up and looked at him, the covers sliding off of me in the process. As the covers slid off I caught him staring at my chest.
"Tch, why are you staring, haven't you ever seen a guys chest before?"
"N-No. I was always home schooled. I've never...seen someone else." I raised an eyebrow and stood up in front of his bed.
"So do I have to show you?" He wouldn't look at me. "Brat, stand up."
"Because I said so." He got out of his bed and stood in front of me. "Good." I smirked as I got close to him. You know brat, I'm not used to having someone else in my room, but when I do. There's one thing I do."
"What's that one thing?"
"I screw them senseless."
"Huh?! N-No, stay away from me." I pinned him to the bed and got on top of him. "Stop it Levi! I said stop!" He struggled and I finally let him go.
"What? It's not like you a virgin or anything."
"Your right...I'm not." And just like that...he got up and ran out of the room in tears.
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