Chap. 9
I want to dedicate this to bookwormsrule0. She was my first comment. Keep those comments coming.
It was the end of the week and the whole family was at the gym. Everyone but the children and Lan. They needed to let their frustrations out somehow. Patrick had recommended a place he normally frequented, it was said to be the best in town with the top notch equipment. Gina and Vic and Kevin and Brian didn't care as long as they were able to get their frustrations out somehow. Working with idiots was in no shape or form exciting. It was tedious task to deal with the buffoons in the company. The incompetence wasn't much of a problem, they could take with a pinch of salt. The problem was their arrogance. They couldn't comprehend how people who were so dumb and stupid could have so much pride and ego. They were stupid yet proud. Poor yet proud. They honestly should leave the pride to those who had higher I.Qs. Lord help them.
Once they walked into the gym, everyone stared. In their defense, they were a sight to see. Four women surrounded by ten men was not of the ordinary. Peter, had them signed up and ready to go. The only problem with the gym was the division between the women and the men. And all the good stuff that Gina and Vic enjoyed at the male side. One supervisor seeing the two ladies venturing to the male side stopped them.
"Ladies, we recommend that you stay at the other side. You could get ..."
He didn't get to say another word, because right at that moment Vic was pulling off her t-shirt, revealing her toned body in tights and a green and black sports bra. Gina had a similar one on grey. Gina already in a bad mood didn't bother to answer or defend her decision and was already walking away. Leaving Vic alone to try and convince the man.
"Aww. Thanks for your concern honey. But I'm sure we'll be fine" Vic said sweetly.
Gina was taking out her extra energy on the punching bag. She was beyond pissed. Mainly at Thomas and his arrogant ass. The man had pissed her off to the point that she had lost her cool. She had come close to killing him. If it hadn't been for Peter and Ganicus who had convinced her that spilling his blood was not worth it, the Davis would be mourning for a son.
"Children?" he had asked. It had taken him a full minute to realize that the person who Brian was going to pick up was his ex-wife's children. His jaw had gone slack.
"Did you just say children?" he asked again.
"Yes. I did" she answered simply. Honestly she did not have any idea why she told him the truth. It was just a reflex. Denying her children was something she swore she would never do. She could never forget when Estelle and her husband and family would deny her any chance they got. During introductions, they would craftily leave her out. She would stand there looking like an idiot and a groupie that was clinging to them like a sore cold. She would wait for her husband to claim her, but he never did. Too many times did she hear the phrase;
"Thomas never said he had a wife"
And the looks of pity and mockery she had received stabbed her in the heart each time. It was enough to make her want to cry. But she couldn't lest the fear they call her crybaby. God forbid she give them any more ammunition to insult her.
"You have children?" he repeated. He seemed to be in a daze. His mind was trying to comprehend what his ear had just taken in. Georgina had kids. Not kid. Kids. But how was that possible? Was that even possible? Different probabilities were going through his mind but one stood out.
Taking a deep breath. He looked her in the eye and asked "Are they mine?" he asked in slight fear, a little bit of hopefulness and a lot of shock.
"No" she answered simply. She nearly laughed at his reaction.
He exhaled in relief. But then as soon as he thought more of her answer, the angrier he became. If they were not his, then they were somebody else's. She had been with someone else!
"Are they Brian's?" he demanded in anger. That would explain why Brian was so close to her. It made all the sense in the world.
"Does it matter?" raising her eyebrow. "Whose they are is not the main point" folding her arms over her chest and leaning back in her seat.
"Then what is the main point?" he demanded through gritted teeth as he leaned forward.
"The main point Mr. Davis is that, they are not yours" she answered in a calm, cool voice.
Anger rose in Thomas. Anger and insult. Anger, insult and betrayal. Did she think of him unworthy to father her children? Did she think that low of him?
"Just who do you think you are? Who are you to speak to me in that manner?" he yelled slapping his hand on the desk.
"Do you really need to ask? I think my accounts, name, and family speak for itself" she questioned softly and nonchalantly.
That enraged Thomas even further. He started to pace back and forth which seemed to amuse Gina. After a couple of minutes she turned back to her screen, finding no more use for the conversation.
"I want to see them" Thomas voice came again, with determination.
She turned to face him, waiting for an explanation.
"I demand to see them and make sure that they are not my children. That you are not hiding them away from me because you have some vendetta against me"
"To have a vendetta against you Mr. Davis I would have to care. And I simply do not give a damn."
A vein was throbbing in Thomas's temple. He was ready to explode out of anger and shame.
"But I will tell you to put your mind at ease. I have three children. One of them is older than 9. And two of them are younger than 6. Do the math. And when you are done, please get out of my office." Then with that she turned back to her screens.
"So they really aren't mine?" he whispered. He didn't know why but that really hurt.
"No" not bothering to look up.
"Are the Brian's?" he needed to know that answer. Was Brian her lover? Or was she just a friend? The name Brian was starting to be bitter taste on his tongue. He was so tired of hearing and seeing that man. The man was a hypocrite. He was a two-faced liar.
"We are not doing this again. Look my personal life is not any of your concern. Now if that will be all, please get out" she ordered. She was getting tired of this conversation.
"If they are not Brian's then they are somebody else's. Is that it?"
She didn't answer.
"Is that how you became so rich? Sleeping around? Whoring yourself to any rich man available and becoming pregnant" he sneered. "Then using them to milk them dry of all their money. I feel so sorry for those bastards"
Before she answered, she pressed a button under the table. "Let's suppose that what you said was true, those men will treat me ten times better than you ever could" she answered back in a calm voice.
His breath hitched.
But Gina was not done yet "Even at their worst, they will beat you Mr. Davis at your best" she finished.
"You little..." he growled.
"Watch your words Mr. Davis. I won't repeat myself"
There was a slight pause.
"Why?" he asked softly.
"Why. What?" she repeated continuing to type into her computer.
"Why are you so cold and rude to me?"
She froze mid-way. "Are you seriously asking me that question?"
She exhaled. "I am not the right person to answer that question. I think a better person would be Kevin. Please stop by his office, I am sure he would like to explain in detail your question"
"Are you trying to be funny?" he snapped in anger.
"No. I am totally serious" looking him in the eye. "Please get out. And I suggest now than later" she warned.
"I am not leaving" sitting down and making himself comfortable. They were going to have a long heart to heart talk. "We are going to talk. Now that your lap dog is gone, we can have a heart to heart conversation"
The door was thrown open and Ganicus and Peter came barging in.
"Get this animal out of my office, gentlemen" she ordered the two men.
"Anything you say" grabbing him by the arm.
"Hey get your hands off of me!" Thomas screamed. "So this is what you do? Use men for your whims. You are a disgrace Gina. A charlatan and a fool. You are worthless. You and your bastard children. You-"
Thomas didn't get to finish his sentence because he found himself on the floor with a heel at his jugular.
"Say one more word I dare and I will crush you to death. One more word about my kids, Thomas Davis and I will end you right here and now" Gina said in a deathly calm voice.
For the first time, Thomas truly feared her. The look in her eyes, told him that Gina was more than capable of hurting him. He had never seen her so determined.
She added slightly more pressure "Insult me all you want. But if I ever hear any of my family's name coming from those cursed lips of yours I will crush you"
He was struggling to breathe.
"I said do you understand?"
"Yes" he croaked.
That was four days ago, and her anger hadn't calmed down yet. She wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. Thomas now had the nerve to ask her how she was doing and asked her after her children. His sincerity was lost on her. The only thing she can recall was his audacity to insult her children. It might have been in the heat of the moment, but Thomas was a grow ass man. He should know by now that words have consequences. The excuse that he spoke without thinking was insufficient and invalid.
Every time she saw his bloody face, she had the urge to grab the nearest chair and bang his head into it until he was as soft and smooth as butter. But since, she couldn't, she was taking it out on the bag. She was still punching the bag when Richard pulled her away.
"Little mama, you are about to punch the metal if you go any harder" he chuckled.
"Oh" she stopped to catch her breath and started to pull off her gloves.
"You okay?" Richard asked with concern
"Will be" giving him a smile.
"I am here if you need anything"
"I know"
Vic ad Gina were keeping up with the men. They had an athletic finesse to what they did. Vic was tackling those darn push-ups and sit-ups. She was in better mood than Gina.
Teddy the man who had interrupted her four days ago had made her day. One day into his project and this man's project was already in deep trouble. No matter how much he tried he couldn't solve it, he didn't have the skill, experience and knowledge to curb this disaster. And no one he went to could figure out how to solve it either.
His presentation days ago had been passed without compliant, but what almost everyone had overlooked and missed was a teeny tiny detail. A detail that could cost him his job. And ironically that was the question or statement that Victoria was trying to point out when she was so rudely shut down. But she did nothing. No better punishment could she give this man than he was giving himself. It was downright hilarious bordering on cruel and inhuman. He was running around trying to fix the problem and only making it worse.
Visibly, you could tell poor Teddy was losing weight and his looks that was always his priority were out of order. His colleagues passed him still working at his desk way past office hours. And he became despondent and irritable, snapping at everyone and anyone. His looks were going. Once being the ladies' man of the office, now ladies were running the other direction, with bags under his red eyes, coffee breath, sweat stains and moldy perfume. Yup, girls were certainly taking to the hills.
He had worked so hard in a period of four days than he had ever studied in college or since he started working at this company. It was comical to see him reading and researching and calling anyone who would answer the phone for a way to rectify his problem.
What made it worse was, Victoria constantly walking past his office with a knowing smile on her face. Victoria was a master of psychological warfare. Not being able to face the shame, he had turned in his resignation letter a day before his project was due. The only requirement was that he gives the presentation regardless of whether he was done or not.
The day of the presentation, he was ordered to come to the meeting with all the other execs and partners being present. He had to reluctantly and shamefully tell his colleagues and superiors why and how he had failed and how he had set the progress of the company back. After his solemn and somber speech Victoria started laughing. Causing everyone except her friends to stare at her like she was crazy.
'This guy had set the company back, why was she laughing?' they wondered.
Smiling, she took to the screen and explained how to solve the problem. She did it with such ease that some were looking at Teddy like he was retarded. Vic, couldn't help but add that she had noticed the mistake much earlier and worked to correct it in two days.
Teddy nearly blew a gasket when he heard this. All along she knew and had had the answer and he had been suffering.
As if she knowing what he was thinking she said "I was just doing exactly what you told me to do. Shut up and stay out of your way. Plus I enjoyed your pain and suffering and fear caused by your own stupidity" she added with a smile.
He looked at her dumbfounded.
"You know it is too bad you handed in your resignation. You could have had the chance to redeem and prove yourself"
Teddy just bowed his head down in shame and boiling anger.
"What have we learnt here today, ladies and gentlemen?" Brian asked after a moment of silence.
No one said a word for they were confused as to the nature of his question.
And in voice with humor but seriousness said "No good ever comes out of telling Victoria Nnaji to shut up"
And by golly was he right.
People were staying clear out of Vic's way.
Back in the gym Brian taking a break was irritating the heck out of Trevor and Richard. It got so bad that Trevor threw a water bottle at his head which he back-kicked almost hitting Steve but he caught it way before the bottle was even close to his face. The men were causing a havoc with the ladies. Ladies of all ages, were ogling their perfect muscled body.
"You okay?" Vic asked Gina.
"Yeah. I needed an outlet"
"I could tell. Hey want to have a sparring match?"
"Sounds good to me. Wanna challenge the boys?"
"Yeah. Peter and Brian?"
Gina nodded with a glint in her eye.
"Hey, Brian, Peter, you guys want to fight?" Vic called out to the boys.
The two guys declined and after a few name callings it was on. The rules were simple, they fought till someone could not get on their feet. Gannicus was busy making bets on who was going to win.
"Okay, Trevor and Richard claim their money on BriPete"
"What?" Kevin asked him
"You know Brain and Peter" he responded in a duh voice.
"Did you just come up with that?" Steve asked laughing.
"Yeah. What's wrong with it?" sounding proud of it.
"Don't ever go into advertising" Kevin replied.
"Yeah. Don't ever say it again" Steve laughed
"Come on that's hot and so cool" he argued
"Yeah and they say I'm the uncool one?" Brian muttered.
"Oh. Shut up Brian" he retorted. "Okay. Moving on. What about you Patrick and Dan?"
Looking at each other they both said "The girls"
"Aww. That's so sweet" the girls gushed, hugging the both of them.
"I always have my little girls back" Pat said.
"You guys are the best unlike those traitorous cowards" referring to Trevor and Richard.
"Yeah, this is payback for making me go shopping" Richard replied.
"We said that we were sorry." They had been apologizing non-stop ever since the day they had made Richard take their place in a shopping spree with Maria and Ruth. After four hours he was ready to commit first degree murder.
"Tell that to my feet, Gina" he retorted.
"What about you Kev?" Steve asked.
Kevin just smiled and took a sip of the water. "I am staying out of this. I am the smart wise man"
The match began. This gym had a ring and an open space that was just perfect for the fight. They all started at the same time. Gina went for Peter and Brian went for Vic. The men had strength and skills on their side but the girls had agility and athleticism on theirs.
The fight broke out all throughout the room. Everyone, even the manager came to watch. Gina started with some kickboxing moves which Peter was dodging and deflecting. Suddenly tired and wanting to end this he picked up Gina in a straight vertical and was just about to slam her on a mat when she when she capitalized using her weight to rock forward whilst holding his neck and then she rocked backwards bringing his body slamming on the mat. Everyone cheered.
Across Gina, was Vic and Brian who were going hand to hand combat when Vic out of nowhere propelled her feet forward and tried knocking Brian down. But he dodged at the last minute and went for a low tackle and knocking her to the ground. Gina was about to go help when Peter picked her up and threw her backwards but she was able to land on her feet. Running back up, they started with some kung-Fu. Gina was clearly out matched but she was holding up, meanwhile Vic had used the ring ropes to her advantage by tangling and keeping Brian secured and started kicking him which he was blocking, trying her best to wear him down. Peter seeing Brian in trouble slammed Gina face first into the mat and jogged to help his partner.
It was intense no doubt. Gannicus and Steve were looking out for anyone who was taking videos and using their no nonsense glare they stopped and made sure it was deleted. Their physicality and their glare was enough to scare anyone.
Bri-Pete were stalking Vic like a predator but before they could make a move, Gina slide through the bottom rope and taking out the legs of Brian. Then with a close line they pushed both men out.
"Vic, shall we?"
"Yes we shall"
Using one leap they bounded onto the top rope on each side of the ring. Gina used a back flip with her legs taking down Brian and Peter knocking them to the ground. Moving out the way, Vic used a cross legged flipping three times landing on the men.
Thinking they were down for the moment they high fived each other, missing the look Peter gave Brian. They found themselves falling onto the pile, the guys had round kicked their thighs. But the ladies were not down for long, Vic used her long legs to her aid, and secured Peter in a headlock. Gina was playfully hitting Brian who was shielding his body.
At the end Brian just rolled on Gina and trapped her body with his legs and went for the finish. Tickling Gina. She was extremely ticklish around her torso. She was laughing and screaming for him to stop so bad when she admitted defeat and yelled
"You win"
Peter had gotten out of Victoria's headlock and was spinning her around and around and around and finally she yelled
"You win"
Everyone was cheering. The guys were celebrating and high fiving each other. Maria and Ruth looked on with happiness and excitement when they saw that Brian had still not gotten off of Gina and was attentively whispering something causing her to laugh and break out into giggles. But they were not the only ones who noticed.
Steve came up and held the guys hand in victory, the guys started slow pumping their fist in the air. Some people came up to talk and congratulate them on a fun and exciting match which they just replied with thank you's and tried their best to get away from their adoring and screaming fans. Some of the guys asked for the two girls' number, but they just smiled and walked away. The girls were in the washroom changing, Gina was walking out and decided to stop at the vending machine for a drink when someone walked behind her.
"Nice fight"
Groaning inwardly she turned to give a polite thank you but the words nearly died on her lips when she saw who it was.
"Thank you Mr. Davis and Mr. Majorik" she said in a tight polite voice.
"Nice to see you again, Gina" Matthew said giving her a dazzling smiling. People were not lying when they said she had grown more beautiful and stunning. Simply put she was drop dead gorgeous. And the way she had taken on those two guys was so sexy and breathtaking that he had hardly blinked. He still could not believe that she was the old Gina but was now the infamous Douglas.
Sweat had never looked so good on a woman than right now. She still managed to keep a beautiful appearance and looked stunning. Matthew had called him about an hour ago to say that his ex-wife was in his gym. He had rushed right over. Like Matthew, Thomas was thinking the same thing. But he didn't need much evidence to believe that Gina could hold her own. He instinctively touched his neck. He was still in shock. Granted, he should never have insulted her kids, but he was so mad and angry.
"I never knew you could fight" Matthew remarked. Seriously impressed by what he saw. There were times when he thought that the men were about to hurt her, but she clearly displayed that she was a force to be reckoned with.
"Surprise is my best suit" she muttered. "Quite impressive. It seemed everyone enjoyed the show. I think that you have made my gym famous Gina" Matthew said with a wink.
"You own this gym?" Peter had not mentioned it.
"I have some shares in here" he clarified.
"Trust me it was not my intention. Or anyone else with me for that matter" she said coldly which caused both men to flinch back.
"Well I still owe you a thank you. How about if we buy you and your friends lunch?" he suggested trying to turn on the charm.
"Not necessary. But thank you for the offer"
"Anytime Gina. And I mean anytime. You are welcome to my house and my gym" Matthew said with a charming smile.
To this she smiled "That is quite kind of you. I might take you up on that offer. I might still have your contacts somewhere" Pausing she had a thoughtful look on her face.
"I am sorry gentleman for spacing out like that. I was racking my brain trying to remember where you lived. But it seems for the life of me I can't remember or I was never told or been there. Coming to think of it, I owe you an apology, Matthew. I really do. I was extremely disrespectful and shady to never have come or been present at any of the functions and parties that you threw. Something always came up which caused me to not show up. But that is no excuse of how to treat a friend" she said solemnly.
"I would feel simply awful if I decided to attend after everything that occurred and all the shade that has been thrown. If I was in your position I wouldn't want you anywhere near me" she said apologetically.
She knew exactly what she was doing. How dare Matthew! Coming around acting like he was not the ring leader in all the abuse and humiliation that she suffered. She would be okay if they apologized and talked about it. Oh no, they are trying to play it off like nothing ever happened and they were the best of friends.
When she finished she watched as Thomas and Matthew shifted their eyes uncomfortably. They could not meet her gaze. They knew exactly what she was talking about. Matthew never invited her. There were times when he would openly invite everyone to an event but leave her out and she was sitting right in front of him. Or he would simply ask Thomas
"She's not coming right?"
Gina's phone buzzed. It was a text from Brian. Telling her to hurry up she was beautiful enough. Smiling she muttered something like
"Patience Brian" more to herself but Thomas heard it.
"Brian again, huh?" Thomas asked in controlled angry.
"That Mr. Davis is none of your concern or problem" she answered her voice neutral. But made her question herself internally. She had never thought about it. Was there something between her and Brian?
"Just don't want you to get hurt" he argued.
"Oh no worries. I learn from my mistakes. And I never ever repeat the same mistake twice" staring pointedly at him until he lowered his eyes to the ground.
"Good day gentlemen" then she walked away.
"Wow she has changed" Matthew muttered.
"You don't know the half of it" he groaned.
"Hope to see her again though" Matthew quietly said to himself.
And his wish would be coming true. He will be meeting her and her family again sooner than he thought.
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