Christmas Special
Danny woke up earlier then usual and it took him a minute to remember what day it was. When he remembered he smiled before quickly and quietly getting out of bed, he didn't want to wake up Richard. After he was out of the room he looked around the haunt, he and Richard had decorated yesterday.
There were a few presents under the tree but only a few, Danny grabbed the presents he had hidden and put them under the tree. He went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast, he made it Christmas themed so it took more time to make. After that he put on some light Christmas music and he smiled once again before going to the bedroom.
He lightly shook Richard and he groaned, "I don't want to get up."
Danny smiled, "Well I'm making you get up, breakfast will get cold if you don't."
Richard smiled before he got up and he kissed Danny before they sat down to eat. After that they started with the Christmas traditions, they gave each other one present which were pajamas. They always got each other new pajamas and they wore them for the whole day.
Richard got Danny Gryffindor pajamas and Danny got Richard Ravenclaw pajamas which made them laugh. They hadn't planned on getting each other Harry Potter pajamas but now they were matching so they thought it was funny. Then they watched the Grinch and they sung along to the songs because it was fun and they're dorks.
Not long after that they had to go to the mountain since Batman made them. They still went in their pajamas since Danny could control his transformation and keep them, Richard just put his cloak over them. They had gotten a few presents for each team member but they weren't going to let the young heroes know.
They snuck in and Omen used his powers to mess with the cameras while they placed the presents under the tree. Once they did that they waited for the young heroes to show up, they felt like they should be surprised that the mentors were there, even Batman showed up. Once everyone was there they showed up and Red Arrow seemed a bit irritated that they were actually late.
Artemis saw their pajamas and she smirked, "What's with the new clothes?"
Omen smirked, "Believe it or not we have Christmas traditions that we won't break. Plus, Harry Potter is awesome and house pride is a much, Gryffindor forever!"
Hollow smiled, "Ravenclaw for the win!"
The heroes looked confused but Omen and Hollow just laughed a little before the matter was dropped. Omen and Hollow looked around and they were a bit disappointed in the Christmas decorations. Since Megan was cooking and the others had training with Black Canary they decided to decorate.
The mentors had gone to watch the young heroes train so the duo quickly put up decorations. About ten minutes later they went to see how the team was doing and they watched Superboy and Red Arrow fight. Hollow quietly sighed, "Your creating to many opening Superboy, pay attention to how your moving."
Omen shook his head, "Red Arrow, your stance is too wide and you need to get closer to the ground." The two corrected their mistakes and the Leaguers, aside from Batman and Black Canary, looked a bit surprised. Black Canary actually smiled at them before she continued to watch the fight, she had warmed up to the two after getting used to them.
The next fight was Aqualad against Artemis and Omen immediately saw a problem. "Save your energy Artemis, if you get tired before the fight even starts your screwed."
Hollow smirked, "Pay more attention Aqualad, keep an eye on her movements."
The next fight was Megan against Kid Flash and Hollow shook his head as the fight continued. "Don't get distracted Kid Flash, just because she's a girl doesn't mean you can run your mouth and let your guard down."
Omen crossed his arms, "Don't lose sight of him Megan, sneak attacks are a killer." The adult heroes seemed to be a bit impressed with Omen and Hollow, they both smirked under their hoods, they ain't seen nothin' yet.
Black Canary looked at the two, "Omen, Hollow, your turn." The two walked to the training area and everyone seemed to have all of their focus on the two. Most of them had seen them fight but they either hadn't seen them fight each other or wanted to know what they'd do.
As soon as the fight started the two charged each other and they fought, everyone's eyes widened. They were moving quicker the usual, their attacks were more powerful, and neither of them were on defense. It hadn't even occurred to anyone that they were holding back, they could have seriously injured the other after all.
After fighting for a full ten minutes they stopped and suddenly fell backward onto the ground. The young heroes and Black Canary weren't surprised but the others were, they hadn't been expecting it. Omen helped Hollow up and they all headed into the living room and when they saw the decoration the duo smirked.
Omen helped Megan make some food since she still hadn't gotten the hang of cooking certain things. Hollow helped put on some Christmas music and put a video of a fireplace on the TV, you can't go wrong with a lit fireplace on Christmas. After the food was done and they all conversed with each other, Omen and Hollow only talked to each other since no one even tried to talk to them.
Batman noticed that the two weren't talking to anyone and he was going to talk to them but someone announced that they were opening presents before he could. There were several presents for each of them, aside from Omen and Hollow, that didn't say who they were from. There were even some for the Leaguers which confused them, they hadn't thought that they'd get presents.
Omen and Hollow were surprised when they got one from each of the team members, Batman also got both of them something. When everyone finally got to the unmarked presents they seemed a bit cautious at first but they were surprised. They actually liked what they got, a few of them wondered why Omen and Hollow hadn't any unmarked gifts though.
Batman then put the pieces together after staring at the two of them for a few seconds. "You two got the unmarked gifts didn't you?"
Omen smiled, "What makes you say that?"
"Because it seems like something you two would do."
Hollow shrugged, "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't, you'll never know." All of the heroes gave them slightly suspicious looks but they left them alone after a few minutes. After that they watched a Christmas movie and Omen and Hollow left after that without giving a reason as to why.
They got home and they decided to go out for some late night ice skating and have some fun. Richard thought that Danny was more graceful on the ice but it didn't matter when they were skating together. After over an hour they went home and they danced, Danny was leading and they were smiling the whole time.
Not long after that they gave each other their presents and they were happy. After drinking some hot chocolate, because it isn't Christmas without hot chocolate, they went to bed as snow fell outside.
It's short but sweet, I hope.
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