When we are kids, we are taught about the Civil War. We are taught about slavery. We learn about Civil Rights; Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, etc... Yet as adults, we seem to forget.
Over years ago, Black men, woman, and children were slaves. It was tradition to have them. You were respected to have them. For generations, that has been the drill. Yet, didn't it become illegal? Did the USA not go through a gruesome Civil War to end slavery and get Civil Rights? Did Abe Lincoln, the sixteenth president, not sign the document to make slavery illegal? And you guys are just gonna forget all that?
"I had a dream..." I had a dream. I had a dream that the people of Earth realized the things they are doing. Think about it. Just do it.
What's next? The Jewish people? The Mexican people? The religious people? I am honestly disappointed that we aren't past this. I am so disappointed. When Jefferson made the Declaration of Independence, he wrote, and I quote "All men are created equal". And I know that wasn't the case when he wrote those words, and they were signed (women's rights and colored rights), but it is NOW!
Slavery is over. Segregation is over. GET THAT IN YOUR BLIND LITTLE MINDS! If a Black man has a heart, then he is human. He is human. HE IS HUMAN! That's a fact. That is a proven fact. And if you do not respect that man, you are not respecting the human name.
Yes, Black men have sinned. If they are human enough to be respected, they are human enough to get consequences. I agree. (Sue me.) But FAIR consequences. If you were not going to shoot the White man for stealing, don't shoot the Black man for stealing. Simple. Give them a fair trail. If you weren't gonna put the White man in jail for jay walking, don't put the Black man, who is equal to the White man, in jail for jay walking. HONESTLY!!
I heard that somebody's child (who were African American) asked if they were going to be put back in slavery. Isn't that scary? Isn't that sad? Can you believe that a child would have to even think that? How would you feel if your children were scared to walk home, for they might get shot for no reason? How would you feel if your kids were staying inside, so that they don't get caught and shipped away to slavery, even though that era is over? Huh? It just stinks that children have to worry about that.
And the counselors? Where are the counselors? The counselors that are supposed to talk to those troubled kids about this stuff at school and at home. Where are they? Oh yeah, they are in quarantine! Sorry, I have nothing against counselors, it's just that, those little kids who are scared have nobody to talk too. They have nobody to assure that they are safe. Nobody! It is just sad to think about. Sad to know that there are kids here, trying to feel safe, but are helpless. They need people like you guys reading this, to stand up for them.
Now, am I apart of the protest? No, I am not. Do I have all of the information? No, I don't. But do I have a say? Yes, I do. I do have a say, and my say is; #BlackLivesMatter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This world is full of bad people of all colors. This world is full of death and rebirth. This world is full of sad people, scared people, and people who can make a difference but don't. I said it. I said the truth.
In my town, we have a saying. A saying I believe in. A saying that became so popular, it is a motto. The saying that should bring the world together. A saying that will push us forward, and not keep us back. A rich saying. A poetic saying. A meaningful saying. The best saying there could possibly be; "Equality before the law!" (If you have a saying that you think is more meaningful, then agree to disagree. I don't want to argue.)
Yep! I love that saying, err motto. Don't you?
Anyway, Black lives matter. They really do. Black lives, White lives, colored lives... They are all the same to me. When I look at my Jewish neighbors, I do not see different religion. I see proud people who know their heritage and they know their worth- the same as mine. When I see that grumpy Native American guy at the market, I don't see him as a "Savage", like some did centuries ago. I see him as a mark in history, someone capable of great things, just like me. When I see that African American man walking his dog, I don't see him as a "slave". I see him as a man that shares his love of dogs with me. I see a man that breathes the same air, eats the same food, walks the same ground I do. I see a man of equal intelligence, worth, and importance. I see a man. A human, as am I.
I don't care about winning the contest. I do not care about getting comments and votes and praise. I care about raising awareness. I care about showing people, of all color, that I, ElizabethAndersonJr , care about the Black men. I care about the Black women. I care about the Black children. I care about the Black nation. So care with me. Raise awareness with me. Repeat this message with me. Share the kindness, your opinion, and your awareness, too. And check out AdultFiction who are raising awareness and have made this challenge, and gave me the spirit to write this for all of you. I am dedicating this to not only the Black Nation, but to the Adult Fiction profile (though I can't do both, just going to say them both.)
Also, a big shout out to all of the Wattpad profiles that told about this contest (which were all of the profiles about specific genres). I literally scrolled through my announcements like "#BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter and then again #BlackLivesMatter ." I thought it must have been a really serious contest, so I entered this story. Anyway, here are the other shout outs to so that I would have learned about this;
Oh and also to ElizaSchuylur , who speaks what she thinks about this. I saw it with my own two eyes. She is amazing. You readers are amazing. Thank you.
Pay no attention to the cover, it's just some stick people that I drew with an orange crayon...
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