bleh bleh bleh bitch
April 8, 2016 (Friday) 7:41
'we're all gay here lmao' Groupchat
'waterboi, birdboi, MINECWAFT, eyeglassesboi, ImTallAndPale, ImShortAndTan, demonass, grammarcel, aquabunbun's 'actual' husband, aquabunbun, themom?, theirishdad?'
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: can i add 2 people in this gc? i stg they are great people.
waterboi: idk sure.
[aquabunbun's 'actual' husband has added 'suck mi dick' and 'gorilladad' to the groupchat]
suck mi dick: bryce you are an idiot and i hate your whole being
waterboi: i like this dude already.
aquabunbun: hey dracula??? hey gorilla.
suck mi dick: oh hey its satt's crush.
eyeglassesboi: someone call victoria because her secret is out
grammarcel: that is an old meme and you know it.
demonass: oh hey gorilla. didn't know you were close with bryce.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: we just had to mingle with each other like 2 weeks ago. blep.
suck mi dick: you are an overrated pet meme you shit.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: at least i don't run around the hallways shouting suck my dick to every guy i see.
suck mi dick: oh please, at least i don't yearn for my boyfriend's dick while im in class.
aquabunbun: i was attacked with sins. i need my mom.
themom?: don't worry sweetie. mommy is on the way.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: RYAN I CAN EXPLAIN WHEN I GET TO THE DORMS LATER
aquabunbun: you better.
demonass: ^^ oh shit. bryce about to have the 'talk'.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: shut up u shit
demonass: make me, bitch. i dare you.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: oh its on. meet me at the fucking rooftop tomorrow at 5th period.
aquabunbun: wait wait wait, who's fighting and why?
aquabunbun's actual husband: shush. stay out of the fight ry, i don't want you getting hurt or sinned.
aquabunbun: am i supposed to feel safe or worried?
demonass: both so, buckle your fucking seat belt.
birdboi: am i actually witnessing a fight for a bunny?
waterboi: yup. get some popcorn babe, we're about to watch a fight.
suck mi dick: hey i want in on this too you fucking pricks. don't forget about me.
[Secret conversation between aquabunbun and aquabunbun's 'actual' husband]
aquabunbun: okay hold up, why are you and Luke fighting??
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: for fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
aquabunbun: what the heck do you mean for fun???? what if you guys hurt yourselves and was rushed to the hospital???
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: love, that's the point of a fight, you get injured, but you had your stand.
aquabunbun: actually no, debates are fights, but they don't use violence >:(
aquabunbun: look bryce, i just don't want my boyfriend and my best friend getting hurt by each other.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: ry, don't worry about us. it's a fight, yes, but we won't mean to hurt each other's feelings. we're completely aware of our doings. so, it's okay. okay?
aquabunbun: okay... just please don't punch each other to the extent where you'll both be in a coma.
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: you got it, give me a kiss good luck for tomorrow?
aquabunbun: mhmm, but you won't get it til' tomorrow, of course. ♡
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: i'll wait for it as long as i need to, just to feel your lips against me. ♡
aquabunbun: you're such a cheesy poet bryce. i'll wait for you to come home later. xxxx
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: oh fuck, did you just put quadruple x??? tell me im not dreaming.
aquabunbun: you're not dreaming bryce. ♡ you still have some explaining when you come home okay?
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: can we forget about that? \(; u ;\)
aquabunbun: nope. ily! bye! ♡
aquabunbun's 'actual' husband: s i g h s, bye love. stay safe with your day. i'll be home at 3 pm later. xxx
//seen at: 8:02 am//
i click the 'power' button to turn my phone off. and stood up from where i was sitting on, which was behind the school's field. i brush off the remaining loose grass on my pants and grabbed my backpack slinging it on my shoulders, jogging quickly to get inside for first period. i finger-combed my hair to try and fix it while, i was running across hallway to hallway. once i got inside of my first period's classroom, i pant a little and put my backpack on a seat near the back of the class. as i sat down, the bell rang signifying it was already class time. 'thank fuck i ran out of the fields in time.' i thought sighing a bit.
"okay class, good morning, today in Health class, we'll be talking about different kinds of love and sexuality between teenagers, young and old." professor collins announces writing the title of the lesson in the board. "so, does anyone know what is there about love during teens this days?" he asks smiling at me. i look side to side confused and shrug his gaze off.
a shy hand raises in front of me which i don't recognize i've seen before in the hallways, so i just stare at the girl waiting for her to get called. "kayla! yes, what do you have in mind darling?" professor collins exclaims grinning brightly at her. she stands up and timidly answers. "teenagers this days have yearned for sexual intercourse in needs of pleasure, when they well know that this can cause them sexually transmitted diseases towards each other." "well done kayla!" he claps after she sits down back on her chair ,adjusting her skirt a little.
"children that is good knowledge about teen relationships nowadays. unlike the older times, teens have to be over 18 and have permission from their parents to have relationships. as early as 6, kids tend to seek relationships with others quick." professor collins says clasping his hands together while, putting his lips in a straight line. as the lecture gets deeper and deeper, i started to doze my mind off of something, completely forgetting that there were people around me.
"mister mcquaid!" a voice shouts putting me out of my trance. "yes sir?" i ask shaking my head a little. the class starts giggling at me and i look at professor collins' face to face. "will you tell me if you've had crushes or relationships in the past before? if not do you get interest on getting one in the future?" he asks crossing his arms and grinning at me, raising his brow out of curiosity. "erm... it's kind of personal, but okay?" i say, sighing at the end. "i currently have a crush right now. they've been my crush since elementary school and they're now my soul mate. does that make sense?" i rub the back of my neck feeling the tension of stares up my body.
i look up to professor collins with a bit of fear and awkwardness in my eyes. "uh... thank you for sharing your relationship with us mister mcquaid. if you don't mind, can you stay back in my classroom after the bell rings? i will be writing you an excuse letter in case you get late for your next class, don't worry." he proclaimed feeling the awkward tension between us as well. "hah! bryce mcquaid is a gay faggot!" a random douche shouts throwing a paper ball at my head. "saying gay and faggot at the same sentence is so redundant. why don't you just shut up idiot? i get more girls and boys than you do, you shit nugget." i say smirking, going to sit down. i then heard everyone gasp and start yelling nonsense.
i look at professor collins face-palming. 'now im definitely having a talk with him.' the bell rings and the guy that taunted me gives me the finger while, i just laugh. i take my backpack and sling it over my shoulders waiting for everyone to come out of the room. after a minute or two, the classroom was completly empty leaving me and professor collins alone to talk about 'business'.
"hey. come sit down here near me." he motions to a chair near his desk. "what did you want to talk about professor collins?" i ask, curiosity easily heard from my voice. "i just wanted to talk about the relationship you said about earlier in class." he says, putting on a serious face. "is this relationship of yours with ryan sanderson?" once he stated that, i feel my face turn beet red so, i had no choice, but to just nod. "well, you could've just told me." he laughs patting my back. i look at him confused and shocked. "i've kind of known for some time now. he's my best student in the whole school. no offense. he's a very kind, obedient, intelligent, and timid boy. i trust you with him mcquaid. i know how stubborn you are, but he loves you like you do with him." he puts a hand on my shoulder as he says that, he grins at me.
"did you know he tells me a lot of things about you? since he likes to stay most of the time in last period which is my class, he cleans up and twirls around looking at somewhere as if his eyes were sparkling which it was. he would tell me how he was in love with a guy that cared so much about him. he would put on point adjectives in each feature your body had. such as, 'joyful baby blue eyes', 'perfectly side-swept blonde hair', 'tall ass lamp post', and more." he says chuckling at the last statement.
"anyways, i trust you with him. he's already like my son and i want him to enjoy his first love life with a person he'll last spend it with. thank you so much. please keep him feel loved and safe." he finishes, giving me a semi - hug and a big smile. i felt liquid come out of my eyes and from that, i never realized that i was already crying. "no, no. thank you professor. because of that, you've made me realize that i am one of the luckiest people in earth whoever existed. without ryan, i wouldn't know where i would be right now. he's so special to me to the point where i would do anything for him." i say, wiping the tears off my eyes.
he smiles at me again like a father would to his son's soul mate. he nodded and proceeded to give me a white slip acting as my excuse letter. "better run along now bryce, you wouldn't want to be any late than you are right now." he chuckles again patting my back guiding me out the door. i thank him again before walking on the hallways to my next class clutching my backpack straps close to my waist whilst, still grinning at myself.
"a love-struck kid with a big heart for his soul mate. such a disgrace that the love of his life is dangerously ill. i pray for them." he says to himself frowning slightly, feeling bad for the couple.
i walk over to my 2nd to 7th period classes. most of my classes, i just thought about what professor collins had said. i promised to mostly my friends that i will protect ryan at all cost. as much as i love him, death can be the only thing that will separate us from each other and our friends.
after dismissal, i walk over by foot back to the dorms, recently me and jon have exchanged roommates which my roommate now is ryan. i can't wait to see him. i have not seen him all day due to separation of friday classes between us so, it really bothers me of what has happened to him.
i finally reach our dorm room. i twisted the door knob open and stepped inside to enter the room. i close the door behind me and head straight to ryan's room. i opened his door and didn't expect to see him standing there naked. no towel. no underwear. no some sort of clothing. no fucking nothing. i feel my face get red and as soon as he notices me staring at his ass, his face gets red as well. "b-bryce!!" he squeaks turning more red. "im so sorry!" i shout before slaming his door shut. i cover my face with my hands with embarrassment and slide down on the wall beside his door, pulling my legs to my chest.
after a few minutes or so, i hear the door click open and feel ryan staring at me. "hey, im sorry for shrieking earlier when you came into the room."
he says sitting beside me looking away. "no, i should be the one whose sorry, i came to your room without knocking. i must've caught you by surprise." i say as i nuzzle on his neck. i feel the hair on his neck rise when i did this and continued. "w-well, you did catch me by surprise. how was school?" he asks leaning his head on my head. "it was okay, i missed you a lot though. you wanna go to the living room and chill?" i proclaim as he nods his head. i stood up from my position and carry ryan bridal style to the other room.
he seemed to be blushing madly, because he hasn't said anything to me ever since i plopped him down on the couch. and my theory was right, he was blushing and covering his face with his hands. "you look so cute like that ry~" i tease him, smirking to myself as i wrap my arms on his waist. he shuddered and covered his face more. i chuckle at this and add. "though you look cuter when you're not covering your face." i kiss his neck and his hair, sliding my hands in his shirt, caressing his sides.
complimenting him must've worked, because he uncovered his face from his hands. i take this as my opportunity to take his shirt off and pepper his back with kisses. "b-bryce~" he moans, arching his back a little. "s-stop~" he moans again trying to pull away from me. "do you really want me to do that baby?" i ask licking the sweet spot on his neck. he shakes his head leaning into my touch once again, moaning whenever i did something to his sensitive spots.
"let's take this to the bedroom, shall we?~"
so, hello once again? im really sorry this came out really late. october ended already and i had a good halloween. though, for the next chapter, do you guys want some lemon or not? and i need the answer quick, because november is already here and i kinda need to make it quick since our sembreak is already ending. thank you for the wait! see you in the next chapter! if today was your birthday, happy burthday! 💕🎂
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