Dont Be Suspicious
(It's a Tatami POV! And this is mainly a joke chapter since I haven't updated and most chapters have been pretty sad.)
"Hey Tatami, do you hav-" Tatami was on the ground with some dude from her class.
"Oh hey! This is my friend Shindou. We're working on a project together. "Need something?"
"Ok. Do you have any idea where Crimson is?"
"Yeah. Crimson should be in the dinner room. Dad said he's taking him to the vet later. Don't forget to let Remi out."
"Crimson? Remi?" Shindou laughed.
"Crimson is a guinea pig, Remi is our dad's Rottweiler." She explained.
"What project are you working on?"
"A health one. It's stupid but ok." Tatami laughed. She was lying. She always twiddled her thumbs when she lied, which is what she was doing at the moment.
"It's so cool to meet you man! I'm Yo, your sister's friend. Do you wanna stick around?" He asked. He was kinda cool. He'd actually like this guy, unlike all of Tatami's other boyfriends.
"No! We have to finish this Shindou!" Tatami laughed. She brought him back down and shooed her brother out of the room. "Ok, so we need to pick out a name, Plan a future, and discuss a lot of things."
Now, without context, this sounds really weird. They were doing that weird baby project, but they were using a doll. The doll had brown hair, blue eyes, and small buttons.
"Every time we do something wrong, that thing makes it obvious to the teacher. Right?"
"Right. She also forgot to name ours so we have to name the kid." Tatami said.
"Oh. Ok. It's a girl right?"
"What did you just say to me?" He asked, tickling her.
"Whatever. What about something that sounds like your name?"
"No, Toyomitsu." He sarcastically said, "of course Tatami! You're adorable when you're clueless." He said, hands on his knees, sitting criss cross applesauce(omg)
"Oh!" Tatami blushed. She put on a hoodie and closed it so it only showed her lips. "I'm not cute!" She laughed.
"Whatever you say Tatami. I like the name Manami for the baby." He laughed. He had an adorable laugh! Tatami was catching feelingsssss~
"Manami sounds like Tatami."
"Yeah, I know. It's cute too. Just like your name." He flirted. She blushed even deeper. Why was he flirting? Especially with her dad in the house, able to walk in at any moment.
"Hey kiddos, I'm going to the vet with Remi and Crimson, don't burn down the house." He said, walking inside Tatami's room. 'Manami' stared at him and Shindou was facepalming. He only then began to notice Tatami with her hoodie on, screaming. "I'm not gonna ask."
"Wait, you wanna see Remi?"
"We have so many pets it's unnatural." Tatami laughed, showing him a picture of the Rottweiler. They also had a French bull dog named Chonk, and Tamaki had a small Iguana named Iggy. Remi was their dad's favorite dog.
Tatami showed the large dog to him. He had shown his small obsession with dogs in class and he seemed so excited when he heard they had a dog earlier!
"So, What do you wanna be when you grow up?" Tatami asked.
"I don't really know. Either an actor or a vet."
"I wanna be a vet too! Or go to the Olympics."
"Oh? For what?"
"Rhythmic Gymnastics. I'm a contortionist!"
"That's neat. Manami would have two famous parents." He winked. Tatami laughed. "So let's write that down."
"Ok! Olympics and Actor or vets?"
"They say a more realistic goal so I think Vets are more realistic choice." Tatami sighed. She knew she was one out of at least a billion people trying to be in the Olympics.
"Hey, If you practice enough, you can get there." He said with a sympathetic tone. He took off her hoodie and looked at her red face. He snickered and stared at him. "Ya sick of something?" He laughed, grabbing her face.
"I'm fine. Let's just finish this damn project." She cursed. His eyes darted across the room. He went to write but his pen ran out of ink in the middle of writing.
"Your room is really nice. Where do you keep your pens at?"
"The drawer in my desk." He grabbed one and Tatami noticed it. "That one's empty. It's just to bite on." She said. He playfully rolled his eyes and grabbed another one.
He wrote the rest of the project for them.
Tatami started to feel weird, she already knew she had a crush on him, that was frankly obvious. She just stared at him as he began writing.
Manami began crying, scaring both of them. She grabbed the doll and rocked it. "It's so lifelike Shindou." She whispered. They were acting like actual parents. Tatami puffed her cheeks out.
Manami stopped crying and fell asleep. She put her on her own bed.
"Your bed is really soft Tatami." Shindou laughed. He pushed into it and felt his hand sink. "How hard is it to get out of bed in the morning?"
"Really hard. How about you?"
"I have seven siblings. Not hard at all." He said. Such a pretty boy.
Tatami decided she should just go for it. Should he reject her, they could stay best friends. If he shares feelings, they could go to the beach or something.
He went to the same middle school as her but they got separated in the first year of Highschool sense her dad wanted her to go to an all girls school. But well... she really hated it! She got teased because her dad was a wrestler and not some model or businessman.
So they were already good friends. It wasn't rushed or anything. Her crush was reasonable and ok!
"Yo, I don't know how to say this, oh gosh." She stammered.
"You're making me nervous Toyomitsu Chan." He laughed, making sure Manami was ok. She bit her lip.
"I kind of... I kinda like you..."
"Aw I like you too!"
"Not like that! Like, I really like you."
"I like you too Tatami." He said, hugging her. He grabbed her and held her in a tight embrace. He began to take off her hoodie... it remained PG-13 but they kissed for like twenty minutes, and now she had a large love bite(hickies)
"You've been wearing hoodies all day Tatami. Aren't you hot?"
"N-no! It's fine!" She said. She had a large purple love bite on her neck. She put a hand on her neck as they all ate.
"When did Shindou Leave?"
"A while ago."
'Don't be suspicious, Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious." She murmured.
Eijirou stared at her with his red eyes.
Her face was red and she was hiding her neck. Makeup was already a pain to deal with, now she really needed to use it. Especially around her father.
"What happened while I was away?" He asked his daughter.
"We makes the doll and we talked about what we wanted to be."
"Is he your boyfriend?" Eijirou chirped. Tatami glared at him as he laughed. "Drop the glare, I'm just messing with ya!"
"Well, I enjoyed this. May I be excused?"Tatami said, finishing dinner.
"You may." Their father smiled.
She ran upstairs and got ready for bed.
"Hey Remi." The Rottweiler was in her room. She licked her and Tatami brought her outside. She needed fresh air and so did Remi.
A girl was at the beach. She had short, curly pink hair. (this is the only happy chapter so far omg)
(I made a mistake btw. Mina is Dark skinned in this au. It looks better in this au with her pastel pink hair and stuff.)
"Oh! Your Ei's sister right?! I'm Mina!"
"Oh. Hi!"
"Ooh you have a hickie don't you?" She giggled. "You're doing it all wrong honey! You wear turtlenecks and concealer. The hoodie makes it obvious if you're inside. Don't worry. I've hid at least twenty from my parents."
"Aren't you a first year?" She laughed.
"Yeah! But, it was mostly from a curling iron and my brother thought it was a hickie so I just started acting like it was one." She laughed.
"Thank you!" Tatami said. Mina laughed. "Bye bye!" She yelled and ran off.
Such a nice girl! She and Eijirou should date... Tatami ran home with Remi and slammed the door open.
"Ei! You need to date that Mina girl!"
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