Chapter 1
Katniss POV
'The ones we love the most, are the ones that destroy us'
I wake up with those words on my mind. They keep replaying over and over until they take me to insanity.
Another nightmare, as usual. Why do I even try to sleep? It's no use, I always end up having another nightmare. They are usually about my loved ones dying, Snow or the Games.
I sight as I swing my legs off the bed to get ready for another day of rotting inside this stupid house. I usually just go downstairs and stare at the fireplace until I dozze off and wake up with nightmares. That's how my day always goes.
And That's what I do, I go downstairs and sit in the swing chair infront of the fireplace. I stand there looking at the air.
"Katniss, honey, do you want me to light the fire" First I am a litle bit startled, I thought I was alone. But then I remember that Greasy Sae comes here every day to make sure I eat. Wich i dont but she unless tries.
I think of her question for a while when I notice that the fireplace is off.
"Yes" is all I answer.
She just sights and lighter the fire.
"Have you eaten today?" She asks.
It starts to bother me that everyone is always asking me that question. It's só annoying. So I decide to give her the silence treatment.
Greasy Sae tries persuading me to eat something but eventually gives up and leaves.
I'm left alone. Again. Im always alone. There's nobody left.
I start making the list of people that I loved that left this world:
My dad dead, Rue dead, Cinna dead, Boggs dead, Finnick dead, Mags dead, Madge dead... the list keeps going until I reach Prim's name. My litle duck.
I miss her so much. she was too young, too gentle and I couldn't save her. It was my only duty, and I failed to protect her. Now she is reduced to ashes. Just like everyone else. I want to cry but I cant. I've ran out of tears.
What has happened to the Girl in Fire? i ask to myself. I guess she just ran out of flames.
I can feel the Anger rising to my head, but not for long. I simply dont have energy to feel angry or anything. So I stick to feeling numb.
After a litle while I hear the front door crack open.
"Sweetheart?" it's just Haymitch. Nothing too special.
I dont answer.
"How ya feeling?" he asks.
I dont answer yet again.
He sights. "you cant keep blocking out everyone forever."
"You know when the boy comes back he won't be glad to see you like that."
This atracts my atention.
"Who?" I croak out.
"Peeta, who do you think it is?" He answers.
"Peeta is not coming back. He is locked insane, in some asylum in the Capitol."
I psit out through greeted teeth.
I'm trying to cover my feelings. Since I arrived back to 12 I've been trying not to think of Peeta. He'd better off dead than being completely insane. How I miss him. My boy with the Bread. But now he is gone, and nothing will ever bring him back.
I miss his soft passionate kisses, his warm smile, his strong arms. But the Capitol destroyed him and tossed everything he was to the flames. I can feel my lip quivering and shivers throught my spine. I wish I could cry right now.
"Actually I spoke to him the other day" Haymitch says.
That catches my atention.
"How?" I ask.
"Through the phone." Haymitch shrugs.
"How did he sound like?" The curiousity is taking over me. Any news about Peeta are always welcome.
"Normal. A litle gloomy though."
I give him a questioning look.
"There was something missing. That life he used to have" he explains.
"He asked me about you. He says he misses you."
That just made my day. Peeta misses me? Does that mean he's back? Well partly, Haymitch himself said there was something missing. But he did ask for me and said he missed me.
I feel a smile dancing in the corners of my mouth.
"I miss him too" I mumble.
Haymitch lights up at my statement.
"He is coming back soon. I can feel it" he says.
"I hope so" I mumble.
And with that Haymitch leaves and I dozze off.
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