Mandatory - Rainy Boyfs (Drabble; 11)
"Yes Michael?"
Michael patted the spot in front of him. "Mandatory cuddles."
Jeremy snorted, putting down his pencil and swiveling his chair to look at the other boy. "I'm trying to study, Michael."
Michael pouted. "Who needs studying...?" he mumbled.
"I heard that, you dork. Fine, but only for a couple minutes."
Michael giggled, beckoning Jeremy over and hugging him tightly from behind as Jeremy sat down in front of him. He wrapped his legs around Jeremy's waist and snuggled his face into Jeremy's back.
"You're like a koala," Jeremy noted, shaking his head and laughing.
"I assume that's a good thing?" Michael tested.
"I wouldn't assume too quickly."
"Jeremyyyy." Michael squeezed him lightly, causing more laughter to spill from Jeremy.
"I'm only joking." Jeremy suddenly unlatched Michael from his waist and shifted their positions so he could look at him. He hugged Michael's waist and planted small kisses on his neck, inducing giggles from the hoodie-clad boy.
Despite this, Michael found himself nodding off happily. Jeremy laid him down gently on the pillows and attempted to leave, only to be caught by Michael.
He pulled Jeremy down next to him and snuggled close to him.
Jeremy sighed. I'll study in the morning...
Hi, friends! This is really short. And was only written because Becca really wanted some rainy boyfs. And my tired brain was like I gOTCHU, FRIEN.
So this was born. It is literally the definition of pointless fluff. But hey, that's what rainy boyfs is, isn't it?
Anywho. Hope you enjoyed! Love you all, and see you later! <3 -May
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