Feel Better-Boyf riends (Oneshot; 10)
This is dedicated to Becca because I love her, and she was feeling down, and I was like no ma'am I won't be having that. So I wrote this for her. FeEL BETTER, FRIEND ILY NO HOMO -May
Jeremy sat in his room, staring at the text he had received about six minutes ago.
Don't move, I'm coming.
Under normal circumstances, this kind of text would've seemed absurd. But coming from Michael Mell, it was nothing less than expected.
Sighing, Jeremy locked his phone and laid his head on his desk. He thought back to earlier. He had told Michael he was feeling "a bit down today", and after many attempts to make him feel better, Michael had sent that last text.
He heard the doorbell ring a few minutes later and got up to go and answer it, already expecting who he found outside the door.
"Hi, time to go!" Michael said excitedly.
"Wait what? Where? Michael-!" But Michael gave no response as he dragged Jeremy to his car.
The two listened to Bob Marley in the car and talked for a bit, but Michael could still see that Jeremy was unhappy.
When they arrived where Michael had planned, Jeremy stared at the entrance. "Michael," he started. "Why are we at an amusement park?"
"Well," he began. "You said you were down in the dumps. So I thought of all the things I've done with you. And then I thought, 'Wow! We haven't gone to an amusement park!' And what better time to go to an amusement park than when you're feeling all cruddy? Am I right, or am I right, Mr. Heere?"
Jeremy found himself laughing at that. "Okay, Mr. Mell," he mocked. "What's your plan?"
"Well," Michael said. "Let's go!"
Jeremy and Michael walked into the park, hand in hand. Michael had insisted. ("The buddy system is important!" "Right. The buddy system." "Would you rather I call it the boyf system?") Jeremy had stopped speaking at this point, defeated.
Michael brought them to a roller coaster, and Jeremy felt his nerves skyrocket. However, he didn't want to ruin Michael's excitement, so he allowed himself to be dragged to the front of the line.
Michael felt Jeremy's hand shaking and turned to him, concerned. "You okay, Jere?"
"Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine," Jeremy lied.
Michael knew he wasn't "fine," but he couldn't seem to pinpoint what could be wrong.
The two got onto the ride, Jeremy regretting his life decisions up to this point.
"You sure you're okay?" Michael asked worriedly.
"Michael," Jeremy said right as the ride began, his voice shaking. "I'm terrified of roller coasters."
"JEREMY! Why didn't you tell me?? Oh, we have to stop the ride. Shit, what should I do?" Michael was panicking, but Jeremy was silent. He had already accepted his fate.
Michael didn't let go of Jeremy after that. When the ride was over, Michael got out and offered a hand to his player two. Jeremy stood, but his legs crumbled, and Michael caught him as best he could. When an employee rushed over, Michael dismissed them as he hoisted Jeremy up bridal-style.
Jeremy's face was bright red as Michael carried him out without another word.
"I'm sorry, Jeremy," Michael said, sounding defeated. "How did I not know that about you?" he asked under his breath.
"Ahh, actually," Jeremy answered, thoroughly embarrassed. "I didn't develop a fear of roller coasters until Rich drove me to school one day..."
Michael burst out laughing. Jeremy looked offended until Michael apologized. "Sorry, sorry, it's not you, it's just... he's a pretty crazy driver, isn't he?"
Jeremy nodded, shivering. They both began to laugh at this.
"Looks like I'm doing something right," Michael said, smiling. "You're laughing."
Jeremy felt a blush creep up his face. "C-Can you put me down?" he asked, hiding his face.
"You sure you can walk?" Michael asked. He let Jeremy down slowly, but caught him again when his knees buckled. "I'll take that as a no," he finished. "Get behind me, I'll give you a piggyback ride."
It was a group effort to get Jeremy onto Michael's back, but they managed to do it. "I'm... kinda useless right now, aren't I?" Jeremy asked, resting his chin on Michael's shoulder.
"Are you kidding? Now I have an excuse to do something like this," Michael replied, chuckling when Jeremy turned red.
"Should we just... go home?" Jeremy asked, sighing.
"Nope. There's one last thing we need to do," Michael said seriously.
He brought the two to a Ferris wheel in the very center of the park. "You're not scared of this, are you?" Michael asked cautiously.
Jeremy stared at it, entranced. "I've never been on one," he admitted. Michael grinned.
"Okay, so we're doing this," he agreed.
When they climbed onto the Ferris wheel, Michael put Jeremy down next to him, gripping his hand comfortingly.
Jeremy laid his head on Michael's shoulder, feeling exhausted. Michael hummed in response.
The ride up was slow, but when they reached the top, Michael nudged Jeremy lightly. "Hey, Jere, take a look." Jeremy's eyes fluttered open, and he saw that the sun was setting, casting a pink glow on everything around them. He took in the view, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness he hadn't felt in a while.
"Hey Michael?" he asked.
"Hmm?" Michael buzzed.
"I don't remember why I was upset."
Michael grinned. "Guess I did my job?"
"I guess you did. Thank you, I... I love you."
"Love you too, dork."
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