Oh god, what does that mean!?! (pt. 2)
First day of school, and for South Park, it's a surprisingly normal day. Aside from Bradley being scared half to death of course.
"Yeah- man! Oh god, you're probably like fresh meat to them. They're gonna get you killed!" The blond screeched, his voice jumping to higher pitches at random making it seem like he was speaking through voice cracks, his pitchy voice resembling nails on a chalkboard. His eyes were blown out in fear, its twitching green iris zipped about, looking all around him as if something was going to jump out to grab him. His face twitched, contorting into a grimace before turning back into his fearful stature as he let out a pained grunt.
"K-killed?!" I squeak out, my face paling slightly. Sure I thought those boys were weird, scary even, but I never thought I could have gotten killed!
"Tweek, you're scaring him." A gravely voice interrupted our panic. The taller of the two, stepping closer as he put a light hand in the blond's messy mane, his foggy-sapphire eyes shifting from me to his companion.
The blonde leaned into the taller touch, his demeanor seeming to slowly calm down in his presence, though his doe-green eyes still shook. "B-but Craig!"
"Relax," The taller soothed, before turning his attention back to me, "Those guys are idiots, but they won't get you killed." He stated.
A breath of relief escaped my mouth as my body relaxed at his words.
"At least not this soon." He added, turning around as he began to walk away.
"What?!" I exclaim, my nerves shooting up as I frantically grip on my backpack straps in an attempt to calm down.
He turned an annoyed face towards me, his eyebrow arched, before setting his gaze back on his blonde companion.
He had started to twitch slightly at the loss of his friend's touch, his bandaged hands gripping harshly at his wild honey locks.
A bored hum escaped his throat before he faced the door again.
"Come on Tweek, we're gonna be late." He called out as he continued his way towards the classroom doors, ignoring my scared outburst.
The blonde let out a screech at the thought of being late, tugging roughly at his hair, before turning and sprinting to join the other muttering worries of being late and somehow spiraling to being expelled and sold into child slavery.
I watched the pair leave the empty classroom, watching as the stoic boy slowed down enough for his anxious friend to catch up, placing an almost comforting hand on his shoulder as they continued out into the empty hallways. I continued to watch the empty doorway even after the two had turned out of my sight and as a new set of students bustled their way into the classroom. I continued to stare as kids began to fill up the seats around me, and continued to stare as the second bell filled the empty school halls.
I continued to stare at the doorway with a steel grip on my bag straps and a face of pure fear.
Aiurhafaliuhfa I'm so glad you guys seem to like my writing and how I portrayed the characters and stuff in the last chapter it really means a lot and when I re-read your comments I just- MOTIVATION LIKE IDEAS SWARMED MY HEAD
Gonna be completely honest- all that motivation. Went into me writing a short, really stupid style chapter that's not going to be posted yet cause TIMELINE; like I have sooooo many chapters prewritten that are just out of order cause ideas come and I'm like WRITE and so I do so now I'm just tryna connect the main fun chapters with strings of words that are hopefully interesting and make sense, BUT HEY ITS KINDA WORKING
I'm surprised I'm on my like what, fourth chapter??? So proud of myself thought that I would have given up by now but I DIDNT AND THANK GOD I NOW HAVE A GAMEPLAN. IMMA BINGE READ SOME CUTE BUTTER/BRADLEY FICS AND LOOK AT FANART FOR MOTIVATION CAUSE YES.
Also Akfhalifhai I'm sorry I described tweaks voice like that I love tweaks voice so much TT I just feel like Bradley wouldn't like it that much I'm so sorry kagehrilareghailerghse
also I love that Craigs kinda helpful but then isn't and im- HHHHHHHHH so tired rn
*I didn't preread this or anything it's all just words I spewed out in such and science today and decided, yes let's post this without knowing wtf I just wrote so here we are. If there are any mistakes please feel free to point them out in the comments*
Other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter that had some creek cause I couldn't help myself they just UGHHHH you know, yes they're referred to as friends throughout this chapter but like, Bradley's perspective you know, mans isn't very, what's the word, perceptive??? Idk but yea
Hope you enjoyed
Feel free to leave comments they give me LIFE
I really need to stop writing here soon it's gonna be longer than the chapter- oops ^^;
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