Hey, maybe let's get friends? (pt.1???)
First interaction with the main four, and who's this blondie?
Bradley pushed open the brown classroom doors only to find... the room empty. It was practically deserted, with only a few speckles of kids sitting at random desks.
Quietly, Bradley made his way to an empty desk in the back of the class, careful to avoid going near any of his already present classmates. He slumped into his newly claimed desk and snatched his phone from his jacket's pocket, fiddling with the empty home screen, pretending to look busy.
As the minutes passed, more students entered the now almost full classroom, some of the desks near him starting to fill up.
As the bell rang, the last of the students trickled in the classroom, followed by who he could only assume was the teacher.
The teacher walked up to the chalkboard and began to introduce herself, writing her name on the chalkboard in green calk before diving into random stories about her family, a sad attempt to introduce herself. Bradley, however, wasn't paying attention to that. What he was paying attention to were the last four kids who entered the classroom.
The four kids who were making a beeline towards his desk.
--- weird change from 3rd person to 1st person, don't question it ---
Their idle chatter, if you could even call it that seeing as it was mainly arguing, filled the classroom; though no one else seemed to mind, much less acknowledge their commotion.
The one leading the group was a short, squat brunette. His turquoise and yellow hat covered most of his greasy brown hair, the few bits that stuck out were pasted firmly onto his forehead in sweat. His bright red jacket clung to his body in an unflattering way, as a bulky yellow backpack clung to his back.
Arguing beside him was a curly redhead. He looked to be a little below average height, but among his taller friends seemed tiny. His fiery, curly locks flooded wildly out of his lime-green trapper hat, covering his pale face. His emerald green eyes shined bright against his companion's muddied brown. They ignited with irritation at every word he spat out, his face contorted into rage. His furrowed brows were mainly covered by his flaming-mane, as his aquiline nose furrowed in disgust. His green-gloved hands flew about as he talked, causing his neon orange jacket to screech with every ecstatic arm gesture and his forest-green backpack to swing dangerously on the one shoulder it was perched on.
Behind the arguing pair were the two tallest of the group, towering over the others in impressive comparison.
To the left was an annoyed-looking boy, his jet black hair was almost completely hidden beneath a blue and red cap, pulling off a messy-but-put-together kind of look. His foggy blue-grey eyes fixed on the pair before him as his lips stuck in a line, forming a sour expression. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his brown jacket, which was left open to reveal a band t-shirt that I had never heard of, Chrimson Dawn. A black and grey backpack, that looked suspiciously empty, was being dragged behind him.
To the right, the tallest of the group stood. His neon-orange parka was scuffed with dirt and mud from years of use, dulling its once bright pigment. The hood was pulled up, over his head, with the strings pulled taut, making it near impossible to see his face. Sandy-blonde wisps of hair dangled in front of his baby-blue eyes. His pale skin was littered with freckles, and his hood made it practically impossible to see his expressions; but judging from how his eyes creased it could be thought he was smiling. Unlike the other boys, he didn't carry a bag with him but instead held a notebook and a few pencils in his hands.
As the boys neared me the tallest of the bunch broke off, waving goodbye to his companions before heading towards the other side of the classroom.
The remaining three kept in my direction. I wiped my head down, fixing my gaze on my desk as they settled into the three empty desks in front of me. I refused to look up, opting to examine the variety of grooves, carvings, and scribbles that blemished the wooden desk as the sound of their arguing voices began to die down.
I brought my gaze back up to the board when I was certain they had finished talking.
There wasn't anything wrong with me meeting their gaze, perhaps I'd be forced into some idle chatter until the teacher told us to quiet down, or maybe pressured into introducing myself to the tight group before me.
Or worse, maybe I'd meet their gaze and they'd stare. They'd study my very being, every detail they could until they deduced that they hated me, that I was a nuisance. A bug that wasn't worthy of attention and needed to be squashed.
While the very idea was irrational, it didn't stop my brain from replaying all the bad scenarios over and over in my head, embedding each one into my skull. The very possibility that one of them could come true scared me, so I'd rather just not exist in their world. Hide in the back and not speak. Don't make eye contact, don't make myself known to the rest of South Park for as long as I could. Pretend I'd never moved here in the first place, and that my presence was just a shadow in the corner or a trick of the light.
Brilliant plan on my part, but sadly, sometimes the great forces above just want to screw you over.
The teacher had finished going over the class rules and had given us the rest of the period to do what we wanted.
To some, that meant talking to a friend.
To others, catching up on some reading.
To me, it was scrolling through random websites on my phone as I try to avoid eye contact with my fellow classmates. After all, if I don't see them they don't see me, right?
I self-consciously began to bite on my thumb's fingernail again, embarrassingly, as I scrolled through Instagram. My eyes darting up every once in a while from my screen to look at the backs of heads in front of me.
It was going well at first, I had gone through half of the period without any social interactions. That was until a burst of loud, obnoxious laughter flooded the room. Stupidly, I looked up from my phone and froze like deer in headlights, my eyes blown out in fear.
In front of me, the turquoise and yellow hatted boy was doubled over his desk laughing, probably from something his friend said.
The redhead was glaring at him, a look of annoyance clearly plastered on his face.
In front of their desk stood the fourth boy, who had previously branched off from the group.
I don't remember hearing him come over.
His orange parka was pulled down so you could see the matted, sandy hair that fell flatteringly along his freckled face. Dirt, cuts, and bruises bloomed randomly across his face, though none seemed to be causing pain or discomfort, and if they were his face didn't show it.
His right eyebrow had a slit; and his opened, smiling mouth revealed a slight tooth gap. His eyes creased as he laughed quietly along with the heavier of the bunch.
Finally, the raven-haired boy in the middle was turned around in his chair, his ocean grey-blue eyes fixed on me.
He stared at me for a while, his eyebrows pinched together as if he were frustrated, trying to come up with an answer but not knowing where to start. His head tilt slightly to the left like a confused puppy as he continued to ignore his troubled friends, his full focus on me.
"You're the family that moved into my house?" He questioned after a while, cutting off his obnoxious friend's laughter and, sadly, bringing their attention to me.
And to think I was doing so well.
"I-I'm sorry?" I asked back, turning my phone off to look at them anxiously.
"2001 E. Bonanza Street," he clarified, "that's your house right?"
"How do yo-"
"Stan, you idiot. You can't just name off some stranger's address like that! You sound like a stalker!" The redhead beside him interrupted.
"Shut up Jew, everyone knows that he's the one that moved in. It's not every day some dumb family moves into this stupid town." The brown-haired boy grumbled back.
"That's not an excuse to just blurt out someone's address like that. You could have just, described it or something!?" The Jew, as he was referred to, argued.
"Mhm hmm mmhhhm mnm!" The standing boy objected, his orange parka pulled back over his head, muffling his voice as he spoke into the dirty hood.
"Kenny not you too! You can't possibly agree with these idiots!" The redhead exclaimed, seeming to perfectly understand his parka-wearing friend.
I stared at the group before me in confusion and slight fear.
Why were they talking to me?
Why did that kid know my address?
How on earth did they understand what he just said?
This was all so...weird.
"You never answered my question, was that the house you moved into?" The boy who I assumed was Stan, according to his friend's first outburst, asked again.
"I- yea, Why?" I answer, confused.
"No reason, just wondering if some weirdo moved into my old house or something." The boy shrugged, turning back to his desk and starting a new conversation with his friends as if nothing had happened, effectively taking the attention off of me.
What just happened...
Am I a weirdo or not, he never clarified?
Is that really all he wanted to ask?
Shaking my head slightly, I cleared my thoughts before going back to my phone , determined to forget the interaction that just happened.
Finally, the school bell rang.
One period down.
Eight more to go.
"Bye new kid." Someone from the group shot out before leaving. I wasn't paying attention, nor did I care enough, to see who had said it, but I just shook it off and got ready to go to my next class.
Shouldering my bag, I searched through my camera roll for my schedule.
"Gah! Oh man, you shouldn't talk to them! Their trouble!"
Startled, I turned to see a twitching blonde.
My chocolate brown eyes meeting his skittish, vivid-green ones.
When did he get here?
The twitching boy's wild blonde hair was messily pinned up with various bobby pins, sticking the hair every-which-way in a sad attempt to keep the honey-colored locks out of his pasty face. He was fidgeting with a large, metal thermos in his hands, and his navy green long sleeve was wrinkled beyond repair, one of the sleeves rolled up to reveal scattered bandages and bandaids pasted randomly along his pale skin.
Behind his trembling frame stood another boy: his tall, almost intimidating, stature made the boy in front of him look like a porcelain doll in comparison. His tousled, inky black hair peeked out of the blue and yellow chullo that covered his head, shadowing most of his face from view. His lanky, olive arms were folded lazily against his chest as two backpacks hung effortlessly on his back, one who I assumed was the boys before him. His slate-blue eyes were fixed on me in a lazy, annoyed glare as he stood patiently behind the other.
HA did you think the blondie from the summary would be Butters?? You fool, you absolute baffoon. I've tricked you- IT WAS TWEEK! I cant be having Bradley and butters meeting in the third chapter-
maybe 4-5 we'll see
I'm scared that I made Bradley's personality a bit too much like Tweek or something but idk- I don't have much to work with seeing as he's in only like one episode, so kinda working from scratch with this character. Well, not from scratch more like I got a kinda templet and I'm adding onto it cause years have passed since then and I would be concerned if he stayed completely the same. (Also idk what color his eyes are but I went with brown cause he didn't seem like a blue or green-eyed type of person, you know??)
ANYWAYS- if you have any criticism, tips/advice, or whatnot please feel free to comment. even if you just plain didn't like something, like you HATE how I portrayed some of the characters, or how I wrote the descriptions, anything PLEASE COMMENT IT.
I won't take it as hate, more like things I could look at working on more in my writing, it would really help especially cause no matter how much I write I end up hating the end product, always looking for improvement so hearing from you guys, the fabulous readers, would totally help!
I really need to stop writing so much here- BUT ANYWAYS I tried to work on my character descriptions a lot (also this chapter was mainly character description cause uhm. ye) and I've never actually done descriptions like that before soooo- was it bad orr??? just a thing- kafhiaailyfga
Also, ignore that weird pov change idk how it happened it just did and I didn't fix it
I wrote most of this in school but it's getting harder to write in school cause of... new seating and it scares me to do things when people are like all behind me (its a problem idk why I feel like this it's not like illegal to write fanfic in school but idk-) so I just don't unless I'm in like...science-?? anyways so uhm that might mean slow updates just a heads up-
anyways hope you like the chapter- it kinda ended abruptly cause- I wanted to post so I did. that's it
also idk if I said this in the last chapter or the previous but uhm Bradleyxbutters isn't my favorite ship anymore (BUT DONT WORRY, IM DEF BUILDING UP TO IT BEING ENDGAME (also I still ship it a lot so I'll def have motivation and stuff just know if you don't see a lot of it in the beginning chapters there's a reason; multiple)) it just might mean that I'd focus on other ships, like Style and stuff *but not too much*in the beginning before diving into the good stuff. just so you know
k bye- I just have the urge to keep typing but imma stop :) enjoy- maybe check my other works that I'm gonna post as soon as I post this if you're in the undertale fandom (also thinking of posting the mha/bnha one that's old and there's that one mlp one that never got updated again that I'm totally working on-) if you want-
until next time, now I'm actually going :D
I wrote 'also' a lot I think-
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