Chapitre 2 : We have to run away
( Internal point of view : Jack)
I stayed overnight in the hospital with Damian. He still has not woken up, I am next to him who is lying in this big white bed, plugged in everywhere to these horrible noisy machines. Doctor Ziggourat returned to the other HD academy to deal with his paperwork and also prepared a good defense. It's his fault that Damian is in this condition. Everything that happened to us is his fault and now we are even more in trouble. I gaze at Damian sleeping, gently stroking a strand of his hair, my lower lip quivering as I try to hold back my tears, constantly thinking about the abuse Ziggurat has inflicted on us, the beatings, kidnappings and threats. .
- Don't worry Damian ... I'll protect you from Ziggurat, I won't let him hurt you anymore. I whisper to her, that's when lifting her locks of hair, I see the bandage covering her wound and it boils the anger in me.
There is no longer any question of being subjected to that.
I grit my teeth in anger, gripping the bars of the bed to try to regain my composure. It is then that the nurse enters the room.
- Oh, good evening my boy. Still haven't come home ? You should be tired. She tells me, I tell her that I prefer to stay with my friend, that's when the nurse tells me that Damian will be able to go out very soon, in two days he will have the authorization to go out and the paper has already been sent to Ziggurat.
No, not that...
I pretend to smile at this news, hiding my deep anguish. She leaves me the file, checks Damian's connections, then leaves the bedroom.
Curious, I come to look at Damian's medical file, luckily there is no head trauma, or even signs of memory loss. He just needs to rest a lot, not make too much physical effort and above all avoid too much stress, but he will be particularly sensitive to illnesses, the slightest cold or the flu could exhaust him so much that he would no longer be able to get up.
I keep the sheet with me then take out my notebook to draw a plan.
- I'm going to get us out of this hell Damian, you can be sure. I tell him as I start to draw, I don't realize when Damian finally opens his eyes.
- Hmm ... hmm ... where am I ? He moans, I jump at the hearing of his voice, I throw my notebook on the ground to see him, he is quite tired.
- Oh Damian ... You're finally awake, how are you feeling ? I ask him, he moans again with his head in his pillow, he blinks his eyes several times, the morphine gradually begins to decrease.
- I feel weird ... I have a headache. I'm in the hospital, huh? He tells me, I stroke his forehead gently, telling him yes, he's in the hospital, but he's safe here. Damian sighs looking at the drip on his arm, he sees the towering bruise on his wrist, tears start to run down his baby cheeks before he moans and complains of a heavy headache. I come to reassure him by promising him that I was going to help him, I pick up my notebook to show him my plan.
- Look, I drew up an escape plan. We are going to leave very far from Ziggourat, if for example we go to another city, or to Canada with your parents, he will never be able to attack us there. I explain to him, despite the morphine in his body, he has this look that means " Are you serious there ? ".
He frowns at my plan.
- Jack ... Although your plan could save us, Ziggourat will find us wherever we go, and if we go to Canada it will be too obvious, it's the first place he will look, the same if we go to Manhattan at your parents' house, he'll pick us up there. Damian tells me with a voice so tired I feel like he smoked drugs, he rubs his eyes trying to fall asleep.
- In that case ... Why not leave the United States? Could we go to France ? Or in Spain, that would be great, what do you say ? With the money we both have, we can probably afford our tickets. Huh Damian ? I tell him, he doesn't answer me. He's already fallen asleep, the morphine must be so strong in his body that he can't get over it. A nurse comes to see me to ask me to go home for tonight, as Damian needed a rest.
I have no choice, I have to leave the hospital, leaving Damian behind. It annoys me, but I fully intend to take him far from Ziggurat, and for that I am ready for anything. I hurry back to the HD academy to prepare my plan, luckily Ziggourat doesn't bother me, on the contrary, too preoccupied with finding a new way to control me and Damian, I would find a way to escape him.
I start by going to my room and taking out all the money I made working for Ziggurat as well as the few paintings I sold to art galleries, I have enough cash to pay for a ticket and at least a week's worth of food, so I get my bank card which is full.
I hide all this in a small bag in my room that I hide under a secret drawer of my bed, then I enter Damian's room, I know exactly where he hides his money and his bank card, in the padlocked cupboard from his office. I manage to find the code for his padlock and open his cupboard, inside there are all his drawings with also a case full of cash, there must be more than 900 dollars in cash in there and I don't 'dare not even imagine the amount of money there must be in his bank card. I also take it to put it in this famous pencil case that I hide in my jacket. Then I take one of the bags from Damian where I put some change of clothes and his toiletries, I do the same with myself and hide it all in my room, then I end up checking the flights between New York and the others. country.
The next morning, I get up very early before waking up to put all our things in my car, I pretend nothing, I am going to have my breakfast quietly, at the same time I try to speak to Damian by message. He is not connected. The poor man must still sleep, I hope he is better, when in Ziggourat, he has to go golfing all day with a friend of his. It's time, I go to my car and go to the hospital to pick up Damian, and for a laugh, I buy a big teddy bear for him, he's still sleeping. It is a real baby, it is not possible, like what the purchase of this bear is the best.
I lean over to wake him up.
- Damian ... Wake up, look what I have for you. I whisper to him, Damian finally opens his eyes.
( Internal point of view : Damian )
I open my eyes when I hear Jack's voice in my ear, he places a big, soft teddy bear on top of me, I feel like he weighs a ton.
- Jack ... I'm 15 years old, what do you want me to do with a giant teddy bear ? I ask him, he chuckles, leaning it a little more on me, the bear is so soft that I could go back to sleep right away.
- See, that's the best gift. I give you anything soft like a plush or a blanket, you become a real baby again, it's so cute. He tells me, I blush annoyed.
- You're talking nonsense ... I growl my head into the teddy bear, it's so warm and soft.
- Here, it's yours. Jack said to me, giving me my pencil case where I put all my pocket money.
- Wait, are you serious there ? You rummaged in my office and took my money, you don't lack nerve. I growl as I retrieve my kit, there is even my bank card in it, Jack comes to pinch my nose and tell me to stop moaning.
- Can you get up ? He suddenly asks me, I'm trying to move my legs a bit but still feel tired.
Jack helps me get to my feet, my legs are shaking a bit but I can stand.
- Well, you can at least stand up but you have to walk a little, I found a flight for us, we are going to leave from here, far from Ziggourat. He asserts me determined, this guy is really crazy.
- We're going to get caught man, we have no chance of getting out of this. I tell him, so he allows himself to lift me up to take me on his shoulder, picking up the bags and my teddy bear and taking me when the nurses go on break. He really intends to run away, to save me?
- You are really stupid Jack ... I whisper as he drops me in his car and drives us to the airport, that's when the HD academy cell phone rings, probably asking for Jack to come in, he breaks his phone while walking on it and throws it in a nearby trash can, he does the same with mine, allowing us to keep only our personal laptops. At the reception I see Jack asking for plane tickets to Japan.
- You want to go to Japan Jack ??
- Yes, there we will be safe. He says to me while paying his ticket, when I pay mine to avoid him paying everything, Jack shows his identity card to prove his majority then we are going to sit on the plane, and I am barely seated that I really want to throw up, Jack comes to give me a bag and in just 5 seconds, I throw up a large amount of saliva.
- Oh god ... I'm sick. I moan and drool again, Jack pat me on the back to help me out a bit as we take off far from the United States, maybe a new life in Japan.
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