It's been over a year since Peter first came to us. The day when it had been exactly a year we celebrated it as if it was his birthday. His real birthday was on 10th August. Which is in two weeks. Fury had found out about Peter. He's Fury after all. I remember all of us preparing to beat him up after founding out about Peter and sounding threatening. But Peter grew on Fury too. And it turns out Fury never wanted anything bad to happen to Peter. Peter was a child and Fury didn't think a child should be a soldier. Now a handful of shield agents knew about Peter. But it was only people who Fury and we trusted. Which wasn't a lot.
I was sitting in my art gallery and painting Peter while he was painting me. In the background we had some kids songs playing. Peter was humming along to the music as he painted. His face was half covered in paint which was an enjoyable sight to have. A lot of the paintings in my gallery had a painting beside them that was made by Peter. It was very important for me and Tony to give Peter as much praise as we could. Sure we didn't praise him if he broke a vase but we tried to keep the scolding at a low level.
Ever since Peter's first sensory overload he has been practicing sign language with Clint and Nat. He now knows how to sign pretty well. Which definitely helped when he couldn't hear us during his sensory overloads. Peter had grown so much on all of us. So much that it was hard imaging how it was before Peter came to us.
The doors to the art gallery opened and Tony walked inside with Thor and Bruce. Tony smiled at the sight of us two. So did Thor and Bruce. Peter looked up to see who entered and smiled as he realized it was his dad. He quickly got up and ran to Tony with his painting.
-Dad! Dad! Look!! Look what I made! He shouted and showed Tony his painting.
Tony took the drawing into his own hands and showed it to Thor and Bruce.
-It's me you and pops on our picnic in the lab last week! Peter said happily.
-I can see that. Do you want me to hang it up next to one of your old man's paintings? Tony asked.
-Yes please, Peter said.
Tony smiled and lifted up Peter in one arm and held his painting in the other. Then he walked further into the gallery, looking at all the paintings.
-Alright, underoos. Which painting? Tony asked.
-Our family photo! Our family photo! Can we hang it next to our family photo? Please.
-Sure thing bud!
I smiled and then turned to Thor and Bruce.
-Any particular reason you came down here? I asked.
-Fury wants a meeting in an hour. We came to get you two....well now three, Bruce said.
-What's the meeting for?
-The young warrior's safety. Son of Fury wants all agents of Shield to know how important young Peter's safety is, Thor answered.
-Uugghhh....I think Tony is rubbing off on him, I said and couldn't help but smile.
-Well with powers and you two as parents plus the rest of us as close family that kid is gonna be a target, Bruce said and nodded in Tony's and Peter's direction.
I glanced back and saw as. Tony hung up Peter's painting while Peter sitting on the wall. As Tony had hung up Peter's painting Peter clapped his hand excitedly. The way his face light up as his dad had hung up the painting put a smile on my face. I turned back to Bruce and Thor and nodded. We needed to protect him at every cost.
This was an important meeting. It's not often I think so about meetings. Especially not with shield. But this wasn't just any meeting. It was Peter's safety. And everything about Peter is all of our top priority. Luckily for us it seemed like Fury thinks the same way.
Right now I was just getting some files. Just then I heard something, sobs. I looked up, slightly confused. Then I listened to where the sobs were coming from. As I listened closer to the sobs they led to the bathroom. I grabbed the handle and shot the door slightly open. As I got a glimpse of the bathroom my heart broke. Peter was curled up in a corner crying. I immediately rushed inside and sat down on the floor with him, bringing him into a comforting hug. Peter sobbed for a while but soon calmed down. He looked up at me and tried to talk since his sobs interrupted every attempt to talk.
*Are you hurt?* I signed and thanked god for Nat's and Clint's sign lessons.
Peter shook his head and held up his hands, thinking about how to sign.
*I'm sorry* he signed.
-What happened? I asked worried if he had hurt himself in a way he didn't know.
Peter walked out of my embrace and grabbed something laying on the floor, a mini tie. I looked at him confused. It wasn't until now that I had realized he was wearing a nice shirt for kids with matching suit pants.
*Can't tie* he signed since he was still sobbing a bit.
I sighed relieved that he wasn't hurt. Then I brought him back into my arms.
-It really isn't a problem Peter. You don't even need it. You're handsome in everything, I said and dried some leftover tears on his rosy red cheeks.
*I just wanted to make you and pops proud*
-Aww, Peter....we already are. And we love you so, so, so, so much! You can't possibly imagine how much we love you. And you do absolutely not need to know how to tie a tie until you're old enough for your first school dance. Okay?
*Thanks dad. I love you too*
I don't think there's ever gonna be a day where those words from. Peter doesn't almost bring me to tears. I smiled at Peter and then took his tie.
-Why don't I help you with this? I asked.
-Ok, Peter said.
I watched Deadpool yesterday with my dad and brother.
And bOII!!! Did I get excited to write spideypool
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