I'm glad Ross isn't here. He would probably pass out of anger if he saw all of the avengers taking a night off to watch Disney movies. Peter was watching the movie on top of my chest and I was watching the movie on top of Steve's chest. I could feel Steve's fingers messing around in my hair. It was nice. All of this was nice. We were all together, watching a kids movie and everyone seemed to enjoy it. It was almost to good to be true. Suddenly I felt how Peter tensed up. He was probably afraid of the beast. So I put both of my arms around him in an attempt to make him feel safer. He looked up at me with teary eyes. My dad instincts kicked in and I immediately turned off the movie. But Peter started crying covering his ears.
-Peter what's going on!? I asked worriedly.
But he didn't answer. He only cried louder trying to press his hands closer to his ears. His eyes were pressed together as much as they could be. He was in pain. I could tell.
-Friday ready the med bay! I ordered and flew up from the couch letting my jet boots come to me as I was running towards the med bay.
As my boots were on I started flying as fast as I could to the med bay. Steve and the others were hurrying as fast as they could too. When I entered the med bay I put Peter down on the bed.
-Friday tell me what's going on! I said stressed and pulled out a hologram.
-Underoos' ear canal is constantly vibrating
-Huh....okay. lock down the tower, turn off everything that makes noise except the med bay. Turn down everything unimportant here.
Friday did as I told her and the lights dimmed. On the hologram screen, I was quickly designing earbuds for Peter. When they were done I quickly put them on. Peter stopped crying and looked up at me with a confused expression on his face, probably because he wasn't in pain anymore.
-Friday how's his ears?
-His ear canals are still slightly vibrating. But it has gone down. Underoos should be able to take off the "headphones" in maybe half an hour.
-Peter can you hear me? I asked slightly louder than my usual tone.
I didn't get an answer. He just looked at me even more confused. I sighed relieved.
-Dad! Dad! Daaad!!! Peter said with a louder and louder voice for each time
I wasn't really sure how to comfort him. He couldn't read or know sign language. Sure the others were a lot better at signing. But if one of your friends is deaf without his hearing aids you pick up a few phrases in sign. I put my hand on Peter's shoulder and showed him a thumb up. Then I pointed at his earbuds and then held my finger in front of my mouth. Peter looked at me confused for a moment. Then he smiled and reached his arms out for me to hug him. I did. Only a second later the door to my lab was ripped off by a code green. Both me and Peter was shocked but soon relaxed. Peter smiled at Hulk and wasn't the least bit afraid of him. He loved his uncle in every form. With one look at Peter smiling at him, Hulk started to detransform back to Bruce. While he was detransforming the others ran inside.
-Is Peter okay!? Steve yelled and ran up to me.
-Why the frick did you lock the door Stark!? Nat yelled angrily.
-I needed complete silence. Peter's very sensitive. His senses are ten times stronger than ours. So sometimes I guess he just has a.....sensory overload. This time about his hearing. Next time might be about his sight.
-I could help you build glasses to help Peter if he gets a sensory overload with his eyes, Bruce said.
-That'd be great. Hey Clint, Nat! I said to get their attention.
-Yeah? Clint asked.
-Do you think you could teach Peter sign language? You two are the best at sign language in this room and it would be useful if we still could talk to Peter when he has his earbuds on.
-Sure. We'd love to! Clint smiled.
-Pops! Peter said and reached for Steve.
-Traitor, I mumbled and handed Peter to Steve
Peter hugged Steve's chest and Steve hugged him back probably being super relived Peter was okay. In that moment I knew, I knew that Peter and Steve were my family just like the Avengers were. I would do everything I could to protect them. No matter what.
-We should probably get started on those glasses, Bruce said.
I snapped out of my emotional thoughts about Steve and Peter, and turned to Bruce.
-Uh....yeah....yeah we should. Babe can you watch over Peter while Nat and Clint teach him to sign?
-Sure thing. See you later, Steve said and kissed my cheek.
*knocks on door*
Do you wanna build a snowmaaan!!?
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