I could be watching Disney movies, getting ice cream in the park, napping, playing with lego. A lot more with Peter. But what am I doing? Sitting in a fucking meeting with general Ross and the others. None of us really liked him. Especially after his past with Bruce. You piss off one avenger, you piss off all of us. But we were still kinda on the same side. He wasn't with Hydra....I think. The guy's a dick so honestly I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know and I don't care if Ross could hear/see my leg shaking under the table. But I had put Peter to sleep in his room that we finished last week. Hopefully he sleeps 'til this meeting is over. In the middle of one of Ross' boring speeches, Friday interrupted.
-Boss code spider cry
My eyes widened and I flew up from my chair. Steve did just the same thing as me which caused Ross to raise an eyebrow. But we didn't have time to explain to him, nor did we need to. Peter is none of his fucking business. Instead me and Steve rushed out if the meeting room towards the elevator. Those 10 seconds in the elevator were the longest 10 seconds of my life. The elevator doors didn't even fully open before Steve and I had rushed out of it to get to Peter's room. As we opened the door we saw a crying baby on the ceiling.
-Oh Petey! Steve sighed and stopped under him.
Peter looked down and smiled through his tears which melted both of our hearts.
-Hey bud'. What are you doing up on the ceiling? Steve asked with a soft voice and reached out his hands.
Peter continued to sob a bit which broke my melted heart if that even was a thing.
-Why don't you come down here? I asked with just as soft voice as Steve.
Peter nodded and his grip on the ceiling disappeared. Luckily Steve caught him. It only took a second before Peter was embraced in a hug from both me and Steve.
-Peter please try not to climb up on the ceiling. We don't want anything bad to happen to you. Okay?
Peter nodded.
-What got you so upset son? Steve asked as he was slightly rocking Peter to get him to calm down.
-Y-you we'en't he'e whe-when I woke up.....a-and I thought you'd left me, Peter said sad.
-Oh underoos. We will never leave you. We were just in a meeting with a clown, I said which earned an eyeroll from Steve.
-We love you so much Pete, Steve said with a soft voice ignoring my nickname for Ross.
-I-I love you too pops and dad, Peter said.
Did he just.....did he.....oh my god. Don't cry Tony, don't you fucking cry!
-W-wasn't.....uh....Don't you wanna be called that....cause mama-spide' told me you guys wanted to be called pops and dad, Peter said nervously.
-No, no, no Pete. W-we were just a bit....surprised that's all. You....uh...please continue to call us that, I said.
-Okay Dad
I stared at the angel in my love's arms. My eyes were tearing up and I didn't care that Steve could see me. I dried away a single tear and stared seriously at Steve as I reached out my arms.
-Give me my son, I said
Steve smiled and handed Peter to me. Peter hugged me as he came into my arms.
-Boss Ross Bitch is requesting yours and captain handsome's return to the meeting.
-Tony, Steve said with a stern tone.
-Oh don't worry. I covered his ears during the....B-i-t-c-h part, I said and glanced down at Peter.
Steve sighed deeply and massaged his forehead.
-We have to get back to the meeting, Steve said.
-But what if Peter panics again? I asked.
-What do you suggest we do? No way we're telling Ross about our kid, Steve said.
-Then we agree on something, I said.
-So....What's your plan?
-I'm glad you asked
We all knew why Tony and Steve left. Well....except for Ross. To be honest it was hard staying here in this chair and not rushing to Peter. All of us were trying to make Ross move on with the meeting. But he was stubborn and wanted all of the avengers here. Finally Steve and Tony returned. I almost started laughing as I saw Tony. He was wearing a sweater in the Hulk's size with a big bump on the top side of his chest. A.k.a probably a sleeping Peter under the shirt.
-About damn time you two came back. What the hell are you wearing Stark!? Ross yelled.
-Uh....can you quiet down? I uh....had to put on my heart charger. And while it's loading I'm sensitive to loud noises, Tony lied.
-Heart charger? Your heart has infinite power.
-It used to. But yesterday I had an accident in the lab. So until I can fix it after this meeting I sometimes need to....charge my heart. Luckily I have a wireless charger but it's difficult to put on. That's why Steve had to come and help me.
-Do you need medical attention?
-Oh no, no, no. I'm fine. I'll have it all fixed by this evening. Please continue....quietly.
-Alright....well as I was saying the Washington HYDRA base is completely cleaned out. Which only leaves us ten....
Then we all heard a snore from Tony even though he was wide awake. But as we all turned our attention towards him he closed his eyes halfway.
-Oh sorry. You're just so incredibly boring, he said.
-Polite as always, Ross snorted.
Ross finally left. I turned to Tony giving him an amused look.
-Heart charger....really? I asked.
-Well it technically wasn't a lie, Tony said and pulled down the shirt so that Peter's head came through the head hole.
Peter yawned and opened his eyes.
-Well good morning underoos, Tony smiled.
-Mo'ning dad, Peter replied.
-I demand a movie night for that, I said.
-Deal, Tony said without hesitation.
I just feel like everyone deserves to see the beautiful artwork downbelow
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