Thor was still asleep while me and Bruce watched some TV. Tony had just arrived too. But he was mostly on his tablet.
-Oh you're going down!! We all heard Nat yell from the kitchen.
-Is Clint pranking Nat again? Tony asked.
Just then Peter came running from the kitchen. He was soaking wet and running on the ceiling.
-Can't touch this NANANANA NA NA!!! I he yelled as Nat came running after him on the floor.
Nat too was soaked in water. After Peter had yelled Thor woke up in shock.
-FOR ASGARD!!! He yelled as he sat up.
Peter flinched and shrieked as Thor yelled before he fell down from the ceiling. Luckily Nat caught him and put him down on the floor. Then she poured water over him from the bottle she had with her.
-Gotcha! She smirked.
-Peter? I asked confused since Bruce told me he wasn't coming over.
Peter smiled nervously and waved.
-I....we didn't know you were coming over, Tony said.
-Oh that's my fault. I invited him last minute and forgot to tell you guys, Nat said and put her arm around Peter.
Peter gave her a small smile and then nodded confirming.
-Hope Nat haven't scared you too much kid, Bruce said.
Peter just shook his head and he and Nat then smirked at each other.
-Something tells me you two have been up to no good together, I said jokingly.
Peter's face then went pale and he shook his head.
*We've just been sparing and splashed some water on each other. But don't worry. We'll clean it up* Peter signed
I felt so uncomfortable. It felt like I'd just been sent to the principal's office for doing drugs in school. Luckily Natasha could probably tell I was uncomfortable since she put her arm around me and stepped forward a bit.
"You guys spared?" Tony asked.
"Well I thought that some training wouldn't hurt" Natasha answered.
Wow she was really trying to take all the blame for this. I then spotted Bruce who was normal again. That worried me a little. Did something go wrong after I left? Tony, Steve and Nat started talking back and forth about our sparing match. Since my focus was now completely shifted to Bruce I slowly made my way over there. I could tell the others noticed but they didn't say anything.
*You're not big green* I signed when I came closer.
Bruce shook his head.
-I don't have any clothes in hulk's size yet, he said.
-It's good to see you young Peter!! Thor said with a pretty loud voice.
I just smiled at him.
-My apologies for frightening you
*It's okay* I signed.
-So you spared with Nat. How did that go? Bruce asked.
*I kicked her butt* I signed.
Bruce smiled
-I'm sure you did. But uh....don't rub it in her face. Nat's kind of a sore loser, Bruce said.
-Don't listen to him baby spider. He's telling lies! Nat said loudly from where she was with the others.
I couldn't help but giggle a bit before I nodded.
-Come back anytime you like! I yelled after Peter as he left the compound.
Hos aunt had called because she was picking him up. He smiled and waved before he walked out the door. It's absolutely amazing to have him back in our lives. But it wouldn't hurt if he didn't only hang around Nat and Bruce. I knew there was no point in trying to get Bruce to spill the secret of why Peter talked to them. It would only give me a Russian spy beating me up. I sighed and walked back towards the living room with Steve. He sent me a pitiful glance as he put his arm around me. Even though he doesn't say it, I know he wishes that Peter would wanna hang out with us too. It hurt knowing that our son didn't like us that much. But we don't really know what to do. We've tried our best to talk to him, but we just can't seem to....bond. Like he has with Nat and Bruce. When we got back to the living room we sat down on the couch, both sulking in silence as the TV was turned on.
I checked the time on my phone and then looked around in the living room. Tony was leaning against Steve having his depressed-but-trying-to-hide-it face on and Steve was not far away. Occasionally some show or maybe even add would show a family and the lovebirds would just sigh and switch the channel. It was fucking torture okay. Bruce didn't seem like he cared as he was reading a book with the Asgardian Prince sound asleep in his lap. I tried leaving to get something to eat but somehow I ended up in the living room again. After another 20 minutes of torture, I groaned only getting Bruce's attention since the super husbands was too busy sulking. Bruce looked at me and raised an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong. I just nodded at Tony and Steve. Bruce gave them a pitiful look before he turned back to me looking a bit confused to what I meant. I sent him a short smile with a nod, meaning that we should tell them what they're doing wrong with Peter. However Bruce didn't seem to understand my facial language, only looked more confused as he put down the book. I just rolled my eyes at him and then mimed Peter with my mouth. This time Bruce seemed to realize what I was "talking" about. However his response was the wrong one since he shook his head. I gave him a stern look before nodding at the super husbands and then nodded again. Bruce just shook his head again. And so we kept doing that for a while until Steve interrupted.
-Are you two having a silent argument? He asked.
I gave Bruce one last look and he sighed deeply.
-No, he simply answered and went back to his book.
I groaned and looked over at two very confused people.
-Bruce won't help me get back at Clint for a prank he pulled, I lied.
-Can't you do it yourself?
-Oh absolutely. But I want someone to blame, I answered and nodded at Bruce to follow me to the kitchen.
Bruce sighed as he carefully got himself loose from a sleeping Thor.
-Good luck Bruce! You'll need it, Tony said and Bruce groaned.
so....um it's been a while.
And I'll tell you what happened
Minecraft YouTubers happened
yup. I got too invested in a new fandom that also forced me to start playing Minecraft.
I will probably finish this though since I don't wanna just leave a story halfway. But the next update will probably take forever so....
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