Not gonna lie. My usual first choice for a vehicle is my motorcycle. But it's easier to talk to Peter in a car. And safer. None of us said or signed anything. The radio was the only thing keeping the car from going silent. I thought about what Bruce said and he was right. None of us have really tried to get to know the 14-year-old Peter. It's about time to do so it's about time I do.
-Friday could you take over? I asked before the car switched to auto-drive.
Peter starred at the self-moving steering wheel. I smiled as I saw the surprised expression on his face.
-Your dad came up with it. But he never uses it since he wants to be in control of the car, I explained.
*It's still cool* Peter signed.
-Yeah....hey Peter....I'm sorry, I said.
*For what?*
-I've realized that....I haven't really made an attempt to get to know you. This you.
*What made you realize this?* Peter signed looking at me suspiciously.
-Bruce. And before you get mad at him, don't. I uh....kinda pressured him to. I was just worried why you always came over to only hang out with Bruce. And I realized that he treats you as a teenager and not a baby.
*Yeah. Sorry I've been avoiding you guys*
*It's alright. I get it* I signed back.
*Also that move you pulled on the Hulk was awesome*
*I could teach you someday. If you're up for it?*
*Really?* Peter signed excitedly.
I smiled and nodded. Gosh, I've missed signing with him. Back in the day we could sit hours signing together.
*It's probably for the better you learn how to fight better if you're gonna keep swinging around town stopping crime*
*What's that supposed to mean?*
*With a little help. You wouldn't have to run every time you run out of web*
*How do you know about my web fluid problem?*
*Please. I was the one who actually found you after all these years. I can find out anything*
*Good point*
I smiled and shot a short glance outside the window and at the GPS. Peter had put in the address to his friend.
*So who's Wade?* I asked remembering the name from the caller ID.
*A friend from school*
*You put hearts before and after at all your friends' contacts?*
Peter blushed and looked down at his feet for a short moment.
*Not hearts maybe. But I put emojis after their names*
*And why does Wade not have the sunglasses emoji?*
Peter blushed even more and seemed to think about it. The more time that went the redder his cheeks became.
*I don't know. It just fitted him*
*Is it your boyfriend* I smirked before I poked him teasingly.
Peter just shook his head and laughed as it probably tickled a little as I poked him.
-Still ticklish I see, I said as my hands were busy tickling Peter.
-Yeah....please stop! Peter laughed.
I stopped but mostly because I was surprised he actually spoke to me. Peter seemed to realize what he did for himself too. I was about to say something about it when the car stopped. I looked up and saw the sidewalk in front of a not so fancy apartment house.
-We're here, I smiled.
-Thanks for the ride Natasha, Peter said and got out of the car.
-Anytime Pete. And call me Nat, I smiled.
-Okay. Bye Nat! Peter said and shut the door.
I smiled as I walked up the stairs towards Wade's apartment. It's nice to have someone else than Bruce to actually talk to with the avengers. Maybe now Nat can show me some fighting techniques. It would be very helpful. My thoughts stopped as I was outside of Wade's door. Just as I was about to knock I heard the fire alarm from inside.
-FUUUCK!! Wade yelled.
I brushed through the door, ready to help out if Wade needed help. But to my relief, the only thing in actual danger was Wade's cookies. Wade turned around and smiled as he saw me. I closed the door and walked over to the kitchen where Wade was. Then I jumped up in the counter to take down the fire alarm and shut it up.
-Thanks baby boy. You got here fast, Wade said.
-Yeah. Natasha drove me so I didn't have to wait for May, I said and jumped down from the counter.
-Nice. Hey, do you think you can open one of the windows?
Finally, all the smoke was gone and Wade had made his second attempt at cookies. They seemed slightly better than the last ones.
-So what's really going on with you? I asked as both me and Wade sat down on his couch and Wade turned on the TV.
-What? He asked.
-Wade you don't go around for weeks acting strange just because you're thankful we met. What's really going on?
Wade's eyes widened for a second before he gave me a nervous smile. Weird, Wade's not really the person who gets nervous.
I wasn't gonna tell him I liked him. Not yet at least. But a little truth wouldn't hurt....I think.
-Well....before you and I met. My life was shit....like really shit. And I used to do some stuff I'm not proud of. And then you saved me and made me go back to school. I even got Ned and MJ now thanks to you....and I don't know....I guess I didn't realize how much you've really done for me, I said.
And that I love you. The thought hit me like a Red, White and blue shield in the ass. I knew I liked Peter and had a crush on him. But loved him? Love is so much more. And yet it didn't seem weird.
-I'm glad we met too, Peter smiled and leaned against my shoulder as we watched some adds together.
Do you guys know who superior iron man is?
Wonder how a irondad fanfic with him would be like?
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