I slowly dragged myself to the infirmary with the others. It felt like I'd collapse at any minute. Seemed like the others except Bruce felt the same way. I was carrying my mask in my hand since it was a little hard breathing with it on. When we got to the infirmary Bruce and the others were very serious about making sure I was okay first. So I did. Not really in the mood to argue. So Bruce checked my breathing, pulse, injuries, sight, reflexes, etc. I wasn't bleeding from anywhere else than my nose. After making the last check on my eyes Bruce sighed relieved.
-You're all good Peter. A broken nose and a rib. But with your healing I'd suppose it's gonna be okay tomorrow, Bruce said.
*Thanks* I signed.
-Go and get changed. Your suit's all sweaty, Bruce said and patted me on the back as he signed for Tony to sit where I sat.
*I'll be right back* I signed and grabbed my clothes from my backpack that were in the lab.
I got into the changing room and heard how Bruce started examining Tony and Tony started small talking. I didn't pay much attention and focused on getting changed while still being entirely exhausted from the fight. And even though I'll never admit it to Bruce, he was right. Hulk would've killed me if I was alone in my suit. As I was only halfway done I heard my phone calling from outside of the changing room and footsteps coming closer.
-Who's "Wade" with a heart before and after? Natasha asked.
I was a little worried about Peter. I'd called and texted a few times now and he hadn't answered. It was making me anxious since Peter usually calls or texts back. And he never takes naps and would most certainly not be away from his phone when he's with the avengers.
-Hello? A female voice answered.
My eyes widened and I flew up from the couch.
-Who is this? Why do you have Peter's phone? I swear to god if you've....
-Wade! Hi Wade....hi, Peter's voice suddenly came through slightly stressed.
-Peter. Are you okay who was that? I asked worriedly.
-Just Natasha. Don't worry I'm fine. I was getting changed and she answered my phone, I explained.
-Oh okay....well what have you been up to? You haven't answered any of my calls or texts, I said and sunk back into the couch.
-A lot. Uhm me and Bruce have been working on some very unstable particles. I'm sorry I didn't see you'd called, Peter said a little out of breath.
-Are you sure you're okay? You sound a little....out of breath.
-Yeah well....Bruce and I may....or may not have started a fire and....then an explosion.
-Explosion!? Peter.....!!
-I'm okay Wade. No harm done. Can't say the same for my old shirt tho. That's gonna need a few washes.
-You sure?
-Yes. How about you? You've been acting a little....odd lately.
-Oh! Uhm....well I've just been thinking about some stuff. That's all, I answered.
Technically not a lie. Peter just doesn't have to know that it's been him I've been thinking about.
-About what? Peter asked curiously.
-Aren't the avengers getting curious about who you're talking to? I said trying to change the subject.
-Nah I left the room. And they can wait. You're always listening to me complain about stuff. Only fair if you get to complain a little too.
I smiled. Peter just doesn't know how much it means for me that he cares.
-It's nothing really. Pete. You don't have to worry about it.
-It's obviously something if you're thinking so much about it. C'mon Wade, talk to me!
He has no idea.
-Well....I've just thought about....you, I said and bit my lip.
-Yeah. Uh....I'm just....really thankful you're in my life. When I first met you my life was as shitty as Ryan Reynolds' movies.....and it still is at some points. But I think....You've helped me become a better person. And I'm really thankful for that.
-Well for what it's worth...you've made me a better person too.
-Naaah....pretty sure you were already a cinnamon roll before I met you, I smirked.
-It's true! Seriously Wade you can't joke away every compliment I give you!! Peter scolded.
-Why not?
-Because they're not jokes Wade. Whatever you believe it or not....you are a good person.
I saw how my vision became blurry because of tears. Peter never stopped believing in me. Not after every bad grade or fight, I got into. He always had my back and believed in me.
-Yeah? I answered with a bit of a broken voice.
-Are you crying? He asked worryingly.
-Uuuuhh....yeah! I'm watching the lion king right now and Mufasa just died, I lied.
-Do you want me to come over? Pretty sure I could figure out your cheer up cookie recipe.
-Nah you're with your parents. Besides I got the ultimate secret ingredient in my cookies. You'll never find it, I said making my voice deeper at the last part.
Peter laughed and I smiled as I imagined his cute little face lighting up along with his laughter.
-I'll be there within an hour, Peter said.
-I'll prepare some cookies, I answered and waited for him to hang up.
I really don't want to be that kind of parent. But Peter didn't seem like he wanted to share stuff with us. So here me, Steve and Nat were eavesdropping on Peter. Whoever this Wade was, he was obviously very special to Peter. It was nice to see the smile that spread across Peter's face when he spoke to Wade.
-I'll be there within an hour, Peter said.
Even though I'd love to keep him here forever and never let him out of my sight ever again, this wasn't the time. He obviously had someone to go to. We hurry back to the lab before Peter and pretend like we haven't been eavesdropping on him. Peter walks into the room with a smile on his face.
*I need to go. A friend needs me* he signs.
-I'll drive you. You shouldn't be swinging right now, Nat said.
Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. I've just been writing on other unpublished stories of mine
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