-What is taking them so long!? Peter is hurt, I said annoyed.
-Honey calm down. Yes Peter's hurt but he's not dying. And I'm sure whatever Wanda wanted to talk to Peter about was really important, Steve said and pulled me into a side hug.
I was about to answer when the doors opened and Wanda and Peter walked inside. Peter looked a little bit nervous while Wanda had her hand on his shoulder. I could tell by the look on Peter's face that something was wrong.
-Pete....what's wrong? I asked and took a step closer.
Peter sent Wanda a glance and Wanda nodded before she turned to us.
-Is there any chance Peter does not have to get stitches? Wanda asked.
-Why? Bruce asked.
-Well you see Peter is terrified of needles. He has been panicking since Bruce first mentioned getting stitches on the jet.
-Peter is it true? Steve asked.
Peter nodded
*Sorry. I didn't wanna sound lame because I was scared about getting stitches* Peter signed.
I sighed deeply. I really didn't wanna force Peter to do this. But by the look of that scar some stitches seemed necessary.
-Bruce, Helen....what's your insight. Does he need stitches? I asked.
Bruce got a troubled expression on his face and turned to Helen.
-The scar seems to be deep enough to get stitches. If not it may get worse.
I turned to Peter to see him already signing something.
*....healing* was all I managed to pick up on his signing.
I looked at Wanda.
-He has enhanced healing, she said.
-What do you mean enhanced? Bruce asked and walked up to Peter.
-Peter you don't have to sign if it hurts your arm. Just think it and Wanda can tell us, I said.
Peter nodded and looked at Wanda. He does know that he doesn't have to look at her right?
-His healing is faster than for normal people. He once broke his arm in a fight and it healed up after a day, Wanda said.
-Have you ever been cut that deep? Bruce asked and pointed at his arm.
Peter looked at Wanda again. Wanda's eyes shot wide open as if she panicked a bit.
-You what!!? She yelled.
-What? Nat asked.
-He's been stabbed a couple of times, Wanda said.
-Who? I asked.
-When? Steve asked.
-Where? Nat asked.
Peter just pointed at himself. I looked at him weirdly for a second. He was spider-man and....oh I see.
-Well.....I guess we can wrap your arm in bandage then 'til your arm heals up, Bruce said.
Peter nodded.
The whole doctor team had left since all I needed was a bandage around my arm. But the rest of the avengers had stayed in the room. For the moment there was an awkward silence. I wanted to talk to them about not living with them, but staying in contact and me visiting them. But I had no idea how to bring it up.
-How's....school? Tony asked.
I showed a thumb up and then looked at Wanda. Hoping she'd understand to read my mind. She nodded and her eyes light up. It was good that I ran into you....
-Is that what fighting a big sand pile is? Running into each other? Natasha asked.
A little. I don't remember planning to meet you there.
-Alright you're done, Bruce said.
-Thanks, I accidentally said.
My eyes widened as I spoke out loud. The rest of the avengers looked at me a bit surprised since I hadn't been talking since I took off my mask. I swallowed. Maybe I can talk to them? I mean....they are all very nice.
-I-I w-wanted to t-talk t-to y-you a-about.....th-the living wi-with you t-thing, I stuttered and almost facepalmed myself of how stupid I sounded.
Before I locked my eyes on my feet I saw how all of the others exchanged looks. They had probably been waiting for me to reach out to them.
-I-I um....I h-have th-thought about it, I stuttered again.
-Peter if you're not comfortable talking to us you can just sign. Friday can translate out loud so we don't miss anything for those of us who don't understand sign language just as good, Clint said.
I gave him a thankful smile before a hologram appeared in front of me.
-I've thought about what you said when you came to visit. About living with you. And I'm not really ready to leave my aunt yet.
-Okay. We understand Peter, Steve said but I could see a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes.
-But I was wondering if maybe we could still be in contact. I want to get to know you guys, if that's okay with you?
I could see how everyone's faces light up with happiness. Like all of them just won a billion dollars.
-Y-yeah. That'd be great! Tony said.
The room fell into an awkward silence. Nobody really knew what to say. So everyone stayed quiet for a short while. I tried to come up with something to say....or well....sign.
-Hey Pete. You like MarioKart? Clint asked.
I smiled and nodded. Then we all left the MedBay to go and play MarioKart. To my surprise when we started playing nobody seemed to go easy on me. Everyone wanted to win and acted like five-year-olds when they either won or lost.
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