The fight against sandman was finally over. Our plan to just heat him up and turn him into glass wasn't just as easy as you'd think. There were a lot of civilians around who could get hurt. Thankfully we got them away pretty quickly. Now Sandman was defeated too. I sighed relieved as Tony landed beside me.
-Wait....where's Peter? I asked slightly panicked since I haven't seen him in a while.
-Bruce took him away. I'm sure he's fine, Rhodey answered.
-Actually he swung nack after he refilled his webshooters. I haven't seen him since, Bruce said.
-Do not fear friends. Man of spiders is with me, Thor said and landed with Peter on his back.
-Thanks for the lift, Peter said and got of Thor's back.
I smiled as I heard his voice. It was nice since he mostly signed when we visited him last time. Peter took a few steps towards us and I couldn't help but to smile. But soon my eyes landed on a pretty deep looking scar on his right arm.
-You're bleeding, I said.
Peter tilted his head slightly before he looked at his arm.
-Oh yeah. I forgot about that, he said.
-You gotta get that looked at. We have a pretty good medbay at the HQ, Tony said.
-Alright, Peter agreed.
The new jet landed and all of us got aboard. Everyone either staring or just glancing at Peter. I could tell by Peter's body language that he was a bit uncomfortable. The hatch closed and Clint took the pilot seat while the rest of us sat down elsewhere. Bruce detransformed and quickly grabbed a shirt.
-Hey kid. You can take off the mask. Everyone here has seen you without it, Tony said.
Peter nodded and took off the mask. Underneath was the same brown haired kid we had dinner with the other day. Except he was much sweatier now and had a slight black eye and his hair was a mess.
-You did good back there, Nat said.
Peter smiled at her.
After I took off the mask I felt most of my confidence disappearing and my shyness rising. It's not like I don't wanna talk to them. But I'm still a bit shy for them since I basically just met them.
-Is it okay if I take a look at that? Dr. Banner asked and pointed at my scar.
I nodded and held up my arm as dr. Banner started cleaning it.
-You've grown into a strong and noble warrior young Peter, Mr. Thor said.
*Thank you* I signed.
-You still sign? Ms. Romanoff asked.
I nodded. She smiled and looked at her feet for a second.
-You hear that Clint!? He still signs!
-Wait for real!?
-We told you guys about it days ago, Steve said.
-We thought you lied because you felt sympathetic, Clint answered.
-Noo! Tony answered.
-Wow I can't believe you still sign after all these years. I'm fricking Yoda!
*He taught me to sign?* I asked Natasha and pointed towards Clint.
-Yeah. I mean I helped out. But Clint was the main teacher, Natasha answered.
I was stunned. Sure I did hope I would someday meet the person who had taught me sign. But I wasn't prepared that it would be today. Signing has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. My mouth was slightly opened from the shock and I tried to form words even though it felt weird. But I ended up not finding the words for a whole minute.
*Thank you* I signed.
-He says thank you, Natasha said towards Clint.
-Trust me Peter it was mine and Nat's pleasure. Tony and Steve would rarely give you away. So our signing lessons were uncle Clint and Peter time.
Natasha cleared her throat very loudly.
-Uncle Clint, aunt Nat and Peter time, Clint corrected.
Natasha rolled her eyes at him. But dropped it
-Alright we're home guys! Clint said
-Great. It's not that bad. But you'll need some stitches, dr. Banner said and left my arm alone
I nodded and slowly let the word "stitches" sink in. I've always had a big fear of needles. A pretty extreme fear. When we'd get vaccinated at school May, Ben and the nurse had to prepare me two weeks ahead so I'd be ready for the needle under my skin. I think I even passed out once.
-You okay? Steve asked and put a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded and felt how the jet landed. Tony shot me a doubtful glance, like he didn't believe me. As the jet's hatch started opening I felt my spidey sense tingle and I quickly put on my mask. Outside the jet a group of people dressed like nurses stood. I flinched when I saw them because I knew I was getting the stitches soon enough and I had no excuse to get away from it. I felt my stomach turn as the nurses walked with us towards wherever we were going. Natasha and Clint were leading us all while Tony and Steve were beside me. My hands started getting sweaty and I tried to take some discrete deep breaths.
-You sure you're okay? You don't seem like it, Tony said.
I just nodded again since my voice was long gone and my signing would probably be too shaky to understand. We continued walking and I was considering just running. We were walking through hallway after hallway and I noticed how everyone tried to start some small talk with me. It didn't go so well since all I could use to communicate was the movement of my head.
-Hey guys! Wanda suddenly said. We all stopped and looked back at her. "Can I talk to Pe-I mean spidey for a second....in private?"
-We have to get him to the medbay? He-....
But Wanda didn't let Bruce finish.
-No....uh....I feel....uh....his mind...you guys need to leave so I uh....can help his mind to get free from a telepathic attack.
-From who? Sandman's not telepathic, Tony said.
-I don't know but do you want him to be safe or not!? Wanda snapped.
-Okay! Okay! we'll wait for you inside the medbay, Tony said and everyone left me and Wanda alone.
She stayed silent until everyone was out of sight. I looked at her confused since I'm pretty sure my spidey sense would've detected a telepathic attack.
-Take off the mask I wanna see your face and all off those doctors have professional secrecy about everything that goes on here, she said.
I did as I was told and took off my mask. Wanda seemed to take a good look at me before she spoke.
-You really don't want those stitches do you? She asked.
*How did you know?* I signed surprised.
-I'm a mindreader. You panicking inside your head is something I picked up on.
*Please! Please don't tell the others. I don't want them to know about this.* I begged.
-Well hate to bring you the bad news Pete but if you don't wanna get stitches you have to tell them....or run. But I can't really see you as the fleeing type.
*I was considering it*
-I know
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