I was carefully sneaking around in the tower. We were all playing hide and seek and had just started a new round. I was the one who had to start looking for everyone else. As I was walking I couldn't help but smile. Peter is such an adorable little human being so he managed to get the earth mightiest heroes to play hide and seek. Pepper was playing with us as well. Since this morning he hasn't spoken a word to her. But he signs. We were all worried about him. But it turns out he was just nervous meeting Pepper. Clint told us his son Nathaniel does the same thing.
I can't wait 'til next week. Steve and I are going to the courthouse to make Peter officially become a part of this family. The judge didn't really seem to have anything against it, since Peter was practically begging the judge to let him stay with us.
Third pov.
Peter didn't really know where he was going. All he knew was that his red and blue hoodie, with spider's web on it wasn't easy to hide. He had lost pretty much all the previous rounds because of it. But he didn't wanna take it off because it was one of his birthday presents.
Easy to say, Peter was determined not to lose this round. Especially since it was his dad looking. And his dad always tickled him when he found Peter. Right now Peter was crawling through the vents. He had seen his uncle Clint enter them earlier. So he thought he could do the same. As he was crawling through the vents he soon reached an open hatch. Since he didn't have a better plan he decided to leave the vents. When the young Spider reached the floor his eyes caught the big shiny elevator. If he hid outside....then maybe his dad wouldn't find him. They never said that you weren't allowed to leave the tower. Peter smiled as he had come up with his master plan to win this round. Besides, maybe Happy was downstairs. The man always showed Peter tricks like somehow taking Peter's nose off or pulling out a coin behind his ear.
Peter pushed the elevator button and the doors soon opened. He entered and the doors closed after him.
-Which floor would you like to visit, underoos?
-Uhm....the bottom floor please, Peter said a bit uncomfortable.
It was weird talking to just a voice and not a person. However, that quickly was forgotten by the little spider when the elevator started moving. Since Peter was a kid and had been around the avengers for over a year, he wasn't usually bored. But he never really rode the elevator alone either. So to make his time in the elevator fun he thought that pretending to be his pops and dad would be a fun game. Peter started with crossing his arms and tapping his foot. Then he moved a little bit to the left.
-We're late, he said in the deepest voice a four-year-old could.
Peter then switched back to where he first stood.
-I know babe. Not my fault someone had to....help me out with my morning problem.
Again Peter switched position
Peter would probably have continued if the elevator doors didn't open. When they did Peter walked out happy as always. All through his shyness soon crept up on him. As always the entrance floor was very crowded and Peter couldn't spot Happy anywhere. So he decided to try and get outside. It wasn't really hard for Peter to get outside the tower. Most people at tower's button floor either didn't see him or just sent him a weird look. Soon Peter made it outside. The young spider was stunned by the big city. Sure he had seen it through the windows of the tower and from the car whenever his fathers choose to go outside. But it was something special about seeing it for himself. Peter didn't even notice himself start to walk. He was too busy taking in the views that other New Yorkers always took for granted. Peter was so busy taking in the city, he accidentally walked into someone. Peter fell down on his butt and looked up at the person he had accidentally walked into. It was an older man. The man knelt down to Peter.
-Hi there little guy. Are you lost? The man asked with a friendly smile.
-No. I'm hiding from my dad. He's looking for me, Peter answered.
The man looked at the boy surprised. The way Peter had explained the situation didn't sound like it was just a game. The man grew concerned for the boy. What had his dad done that made the kid wanna hide. The man was a bit unsure of what to do at first. But he soon decided that it would be best if he went with the kid to a police station.
-Okay. Well....I'm Stan. Stan Lee. What's your name spider-man? The man asked as he had seen the boy's hoodie.
-Peter, Peter answered since he wasn't sure he had a last name or what it was.
Peter didn't know why. But he didn't feel shy for the man he had just met. Sure he seemed friendly but so did Pepper. All though, that didn't bother Peter at all.
-Nice to meet you Peter. Hey how about I show you something cool? The man asked.
-Like what? Peter asked.
-A police station.
-Really? Peter asked excited having completely forgotten the game he was playing.
-Yeah. There's one closeby. Wanna sit on my shoulders 'til then?
Peter nodded and the man lifted the little boy up on his shoulders. He then started walking towards the closest police station, playing the "I spy with my eye" game. Stan pretended he couldn't come up with much things since Peter seemed to enjoy being the one giving clues. Soon enough they reached the police station and Stan took Peter inside.
Peter was placed on the floor and followed the man to the front desk where an older man sat.
-Hello there sir. How can I help you? The officer behind the desk asked.
-Well I found this little guy wandering the streets all alone. He said he was hiding from his dad. Don't know anything else than that officer, Stan said and held up Peter
The officer was about to say more when Peter interrupted. He didn't think they understood why he was hiding from his dad. And he didn't want anyone to think bad about his dad. But being in front of a new face was scary. So he did what he had done before when he was shy. He signed
*We're playing hide and seek. That's why I'm here. So he won't find me. I want to win this time* Peter explained.
Stan was relieved. His best friend Jack was deaf, so he understood everything the kid had signed. Stan had been worried that the kid was in an abusive home. But the way Peter light up when he told them about hide and seek told Stan otherwise.
-Okay. Did you understand that sir? The officer asked Stan.
Stan nodded and translated to the officer who just nodded. All though Stan was confused as to why the kid didn't speak anymore he didn't question it. This wasn't the right time anyway.
-Well then. Who are you're parents young man? The officer asked Peter.
Peter thought back to when he and his parents had a talk. Both of them had told Peter that he knew them as dad and pops or Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers. But a lot of other people knew them as Iron man and Captain America. Peter thought that since he hadn't seen the officer around the tower, Peter thought it would be better if he didn't sign their private names.
*Iron man and Captain America*
Stan looked at the kid confused. Sure he knew about Tony Stark and Captain America getting engaged. But a kid he didn't know anything about. That part would probably be public too. Either way. Stan translated to the officer. The officer got the same look Stan had before he laughed. A lot of kids are big fans of the two superheroes. So the officer didn't believe the kid was actually two avengers' kid.
-I'll see if I can find his real parents. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to put him in foster care, the officer said.
-Okay. Thanks officer!
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