Wow.....HYDRA has the suckiest security system in the world. Seriously. I could've hacked this in my sleep. We were running through hallways beating up bad guys. Ever since Ultron, we've all trained together and now we're fighting like one. I mean....we're awsome.
-Check for prisoners! Cap yelled.
I nodded and ran in the same hallway as Nat. We looked through all the cells. But luckily they were all empty.
-We got nothing, Wanda said through the coms.
-Neither do we, Sam said.
I ignored them as I opened the last cell door. As I wasn't expecting anything at all to be there I was shocked when I saw a little boy sitting completely naked on the floor.
-I found someone, I said through the coms.
Nat who also didn't expect to find anyone ran up next to me a looked at the boy. The little boy was as I said completely naked and with scars here and there all over his body. The cell he was in was completely empty. It didn't even have a bed for him to sleep in. The little boy turned to us. His eyes widened and he ran over to the corner where he curled up into a little ball.
-We gotta get him out of here, I said.
Natasha nodded agreeing and we stepped into the cell and closer to the boy. Since my armor probably was a bit scary for him I stepped out of it. Maybe not the smartest move in a HYDRA base. But I didn't care. Instead, I knelt down and slowly approached the boy. As I moved closer my heart broke.
-No' again, no' again, no' again. Please don' hur' me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, the boy mumbled to himself.
-Hey kid, I said trying to get his attention.
-I'm sorry, he continued to mumble.
I sighed deeply. This poor kid. He couldn't even be older than 8. Here he was at the floor shaking in fear.
-My name is Tony. That is Natasha. We're not gonna hurt you. We're gonna get you out of here.
-Please don' hur' me!
I sighed again and reached to put my hand on his shoulder. But he just seemed more terrified by that. I looked up at Nat. He don't wanna be touched or move on his own.
-Hey does anyone have a blanket or something? I asked through the coms.
-Why? By the way, we're coming to you, Clint said through the coms.
-Good. And we have a.....a child without any clothes. He seems terrified and he doesn't wanna move.
-I don't think we have any blankets with us, Cap said.
-And I doubt HYDRA has any, Rhodey said.
-Well.....Thor's got a cape, Bruce said.
Then I heard the Hulk through both the corridors and coms. A few minutes later Bruce arrived with a red "blanket". He handed it to me as everyone else also arrived. I slowly walked back towards the boy with Thor's ripped off cape.
-Hey kid. I'm not....I'm not here to hurt you. Put this around you and we can get you out of here, I said.
The boy slowly looked up at me then he glanced at the others and then back to me again. His crying eyes soon landed on the cape in my arms. He stared at it for a while. Soon I slowly put it down right in front of him. He looked at me and then the cape a second time. Slowly he reached for it and started putting it around himself.
-Okay, kiddo. What do you say we get you out of here? Nat asked with a sweet voice I didn't know she had.
The kid slowly nodded and stood up. He carefully walked towards me as I got up on my feet again. He looked at me still slightly crying. Then he looked down on his feet.
-Do you wanna hold my hand? I asked.
He just shook his head without looking up.
-God, what did they do to you? I heard Steve mumble.
-Alright well let's go, I said and slowly starting walking out of the cell making sure the kid followed.
He did and the relief when I saw him finally stepping out of the cell was indescribable. He was holding Thor's cape tight around his shoulders, but it still was dragged on the floor behind him. Nat was walking behind him not taking her eyes off of him for a second. Steve was on the right side, Thor and Bruce on the left and the rest were in front of us all.
-Do you still want your cape back? Bruce asked Thor teasingly.
-You know I don't, Thor answered quietly not to scare the kid.
-Let's just focus on getting him somewhere safe, I said.
-I don't mean to interrupt you guys.... but Tony forgot something important in the cell, Rhodey said.
I glanced over at him confused and then looked back at the kid.
-What do you mean? I-....we got the kid right here, I said.
-I meant your suit. Are you planning on leaving it in a HYDRA base?
-Oh sh.....ooocolate, I said after getting a stern "language" look from Steve.
Yeah this is weird
It's been a while since I posted a completely new story. Been thinking about posting this for a while. But like I said. It's been a while since I posted a new story.
But here it is
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