Chapter 10.
L-ladybug?" Chat asked gulping. "Oh I guess you figured it out, what a shame." Marinette said pouting once more. "Come on, fight me." Marinette said carelessly standing up and wrapping the yo-yo around her finger as she swung it. "Stop, come on you know better!" Chat yelled. Marinette stopped, her emotionless eyes widened. "Don't speak. You remind me of someone." Marinette warned. "Who?" Chat asked getting tense. "Adrien agreste." Marinette said carelessly as her emotionless eyes turned back into its stance. She figured it out. But Adrien figured out something as well.
Adrien jumped to the top of the Eiffel Tower where no one was seen there. "Just trust myself." Adrien mumbled in a repetitive loop. Adrien took off his ring and showed his civilized form. "A-Adrien?" Ladybug asked falling to the floor, as weak as possible. "What the fuck are you doing?" Adrien asked. Marinette started laughing, laughing like someone who was caved in a mental hospital, her eyes even screamed mentally sick.
"This is all your fault. Why does your father have to be so rude, huh? Why didn't you leave me alone? Why didn't you leave me at my depressed state?" Marinette asked laughing slightly. "B-because I like you!" Adrien asked covering up his blush. "Bullshit!" Marinette screamed. "You know how long I fucking liked you? No, Adrien agreste because your lazy oblivious ass didn't realize it!" Marinette said. "And yes, I'm Marinette, unless you couldn't figure that already!" Marinette said whipping her yo-yo out.
"You don't do anything in this world but make people feel worse about themselves!" Marinette screamed tearing a bit. "I'm doing a world a fucking favor!" Marinette yelled as she put on a sadistic smile. "And don't you say some bullshit that you liked me, agreste! I could laugh at that statement! You know what? I wish I never apologized, I wish I never cared about you, I wish I felt fucking emotionless!" Marinette cried. "I hate you." Marinette muttered.
"M-marinette." Adrien stuttered. "What!" Marinette yelled as she tried to control her tears. "P-please reconsider this. A-and I actually like you." Adrien muttered at that last time blushing crimson. "J-just stop lying." Marinette said. "Stop!" Marinette screamed, her scream was probably loud and clear, maybe some people around Paris could hear it.
"You will put this bullshit that you like me, and pretend that I am never here again!" Marinette yelled. "So, why do you still try to fool me!" Marinette asked. The last sentence left Adrien silent. "I never attended to fool you." Adrien muttered. "Haha, you made me laugh." Marinette replied carelessly grunting a bit. "I hate your whole family. No wonder your mom left you." Marinette smirked, she hit Adrien hard. He was quiet, dead quiet. "P-please don't say." Adrien whispered slowly going into a fetus position. "Fuck it, agreste? Everyone dies? Won't you be happy if you and your dad join your mom?" Marinette asked slowly laughing like a sadist once again. "S-she isn't dead, okay?!" Adrien yelled. "She is. God, face reality." Marinette replied rolling her eyes.
"You all piss me off that since you live in your dream world and everything perfect happens, your mom will come back. But you know what? Reality hurts and reality is that you're mom is fucking dead, agreste." Marinette shouted bitting her lowkey lip in the inside. "Stop, stop. You... Your lying!" Adrien replied.
"Now you feel what lying is. You can die now." Marinette replied scoffing at Adrien's nonsense. "Have fun trying to save Paris. Because ladybug won't be able to swoop in and save the day. Some people are depressed anyway, so they would enjoy being killed." Marinette replied getting her yo-yo out. "Goodnight, agreste. You will see your father soon." Then Marinette started walking close to Adrien, swinging her yo-yo with a sinister look.
Short chapter but wow, you guys showed a lot of support for this shitty book! I'm still going to publish frequently because I'm an high honors student lol. But anyway, you should check my story, lust out. I'm publishing a new book soon so I'll update you on that as well. Also I'm currently making progress for the sequel thanks for the positive support!
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