[ t w o ]
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a month. I have to keep up with my academics, and outside classes- so it's a lot of work. But I just noticed so if this is a short chapter, I just wanted to post so it doesn't look like I'm dead ha.
| Marinette |
I wasn't excited. Adrien and I were meeting for the project at his house, and he was picking me up in around 25 minutes. I just woke up- but hey. You can't blame me when I was reading something and honestly- the author put way too many cliffhangers! I mean come on. I started at 10 and then I stopped to a chapter where no more cliffhangers were there! It took 4 hours. 4 hours!
"Marinette, you're friend is here!" My mom calls, as I open the latch of my door. "Huh?" I ask, ruffling my hair. It was Adrien, and he was 25 minutes early. "Marinette I'm going to the bakery so help him out." She smiles and left the scene. Good job mom. "You're 25 minutes early." I said, gritting my teeth. He awkwardly laughed. "Whatever. I'm going to change." I yawn, going upstairs.
I put my hair in a tie and put my casual clothes on. I grabbed my phone and my headphones, and left my room. I plugged the headphones to my phone and put my music track. I put it on shuffle, I honestly didn't want to reach one and go to another one. Siri could be a bitch sometimes, but she is useful... sometimes.
Tag, you're it was the first selection and honestly, Siri was killing it. Maybe she finally understood my music instead of some trashy music from 2012 that I decided to buy. "What are you listening to?" He asked, entering my space bubble. I stopped and sighed deeply. "Crybaby album." I said slowly, calming every nerve down that was in my body. "Oh cool." He smiled. He probably doesn't even know what the crybaby album is.
We landed to the brim of the street, as the limo was waiting outside. The chauffeur opened the door for us, with a straight-bold face. "Thanks, gorilla." Adrien smiled, going in the car. "Thank you." I said calmly, sitting across Adrien. The chime of my phone ringed. Instantly, I thought of Alya. But then I realized Alya basically is one of his little fan girls.
"So- how is Chloe?" I asked, starting a conversation. "G-good." He said awkwardly. "H-hey Marinette. I gotta tell you something." It's weird that I heard him say my name again. I haven't heard it in a while. "Hm?" I asked, shutting my phone off. "I-I just wanted to say-" but he was never able to say anything because Chloe answered. I peered my eyes to his phone. Instead of putting a cute nickname for her caller ID it was "Chloe 😬💀."
"Hello?" He said softly. "Ugh, why didn't you call, Adrikins!" She was screaming so loud in the phone that I could hear it from here. "I told you to stop calling me that, Chloe." He mumbled. "Ugh whatever." She shouted. "Chloe- I need to tell you something." He mumbled. "I know what you want to do- and no. I'm not. You're dad and my dad had an agreement." She said, I could see the smirk on her lips from the other line of the receiver. "B-but! It's my choice." He said, defending myself. "Does it look like I care? You are mine and mine onl-" before she could finish her sentence, he hung up.
He looked at the time. "10 more minutes." He mumbled. "You okay?" Dang, I was showing sympathy. He blushed, glancing his eyes anywhere besides me. "Yeah...- thanks for caring." He put his angelic smile. Sure I didn't like him anymore, but even if you didn't you had to gleam at his smile, boy or girl.
"Hey Marinette?" He asked once again. "Yes?" I replied, narrowing my eyebrows. "I just wanted to tell-" but he was never able to finish his sentence- again because of gorilla or something. Adrien sent a deadly glare as he opened the door. Adrien stomped out, practically flaring his nose. Gorilla, however, looked unfazed. Like nothing happened just there. He simply still stood until I got out- but I clearly took a long minute to shut my mouth and my expression.
I ran out of the car and caught up to Adrien who was almost to his door. "Nice house." I complimented. His mood changed and his cheeks turned pink once again. "T-thanks, Marinette." He said fumbling with his keys. "God, just let me in!" He grunted in a whisper, turning into a panic. "Isn't that your car key?" I asked, peering my eyes. His face burnt bright red. "How do you know I have my own car?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers.
"Because your girlfriend always talks about it on snapchat." I replied. "But I don't usually drive it." He said chuckling. "Well, you also live in a rich family so it's not surprising that you do- especially since you have a nice one." I concluded. "T-thanks." He said quietly.
| Adrien |
All I wanted to say was "I would drive you anywhere" if I was dating Marinette. I wish Chloe would just let go. She has to realize that I have feelings for Marinette not Chloe. And that sweet savior moment I had with Marinette was ruined by gorilla and Chloe. Her nagging voice kept going over and over, while marinette's voice was the best thing in the world. If Marinette would be in the modeling industry, she would kill it. I should actually recommend her, my dad needs a new girl model for his winter shoot anyway.
"Hey Marinette, are you interested in modeling by any chance?" I asked, getting in the house. "I don't really care, but I like the behind the scenes of the creation." She said it so widely and soothly. I noticed my dad smiling oddly. "Oh, hello mr. Agreste" she said awkwardly smiling at my dad. Oh yeah, Marinette really likes my dad seeing as she is inspired by him. "I like your enthusiasm. I also saw your work from the school project before." Marinette's eyes lit up. "T-thank you sir!" She pleaded. "I would like to work with you at the future. For a young student you sure do have a future with designing since you already did some jobs. Please contact me when you can." And he walked off. He talked more to her in those 5 minutes than more than my whole life.
Maybe she was in a good mood now.
Hellooo! New chapter and lol I just noticed that I haven't posted in like 2 months because I have been posting on my other accounts but I haven't even noticed this lol. Anyway, enjoy this chapter and I'll update on this story and my other ones. I should pay more attention to ones that are already published, lmao.
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