Going back to the isle was a bad idea (Mel's Pov)
I storm my way to my room and flop down on my bed, soon mal comes in panicking. "I've been trying to keep calm, but I can't. I want to fit in her but I don't. I tried to tell the others but they don't feel the same way." She rants. "Ben accused me of doing magic to help myself after he found the spell book in the basket. He said I run from my problems while he's busy running a kingdom." I say tearing up. "Oh mels, I'm sorry." She says softly. "Don't, I just, I want to go back to the isle." I reply.
That's how we find ourselves back on the isle in lady tremaine's barber shop. Dizzy tremaine is currently dyeing mal's hair purple again after she dyed mine lilac purple fully. I take the money I had in my pocket and giver her all of it. Harry hook comes in and snatches it from her. "Still doing uma's bidding, or are you finally doing something for yourself?" Mal taunts. "Uma won't like that you're back." He tells mal. "Uma can bite me." I say stepping up to him. "Ah, princess mel's here too. Why are you back? Prince to soft for ya?" He taunts putting his hook on my cheek. Mal takes his hook off my cheek and puts her gum on the end of it. He smirks and eats it, then turns around and swaggers out. I gag and then hand dizzy the money I swiped back from him. She thanks us and we go back to our old hangout. I slump down against the wall across from mal and watch her spray paint.
"You gonna get in on this or what?" She asks, gesturing to her current mural, it's of the vk's. I shake my head and she shrugs and continues spray painting. "At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitch fork, hope there are none." A voice speaks and mal and I turn to find ben. "Ben?" Mal asks. "What are you doing here? You should be in auradon." I tell him and he shakes his head. "I came to get you, I'm so so sorry for everything I said to you." He replies. "I can't go back benji, I've been having trouble controlling my powers and dealing with queen leah. It's safer here where I can't harm anyone with an accidental burst of magic." "I'll help you with all of that, like I should have been doing in the first place. Come back with me please." He pleas. "If something happens that causes the people of auradon to turn against me, you'll be defending me and that'll turn them against you too." I reason, crossing my arms. "Melrose Madeline Malora the Second, You are my world. I'd be so lost without you, please come back with me." He tries again and before I can deny it he speaks again. "Nate and Kurt will come up and get you will come up and get you if you don't." "You wouldn't dare." I gasp and he nods. "Send them up." He says into a walkie talkie. "They're on their way." Evie's voice replies. I snatch the walkie talkie from him and shout, "Traitor!" into it. "Am not." She replies offendedly.
Soon both nate and kurt have me sandwiched between them as they frog march me down to the group. "I've got her guys." Ben tells them once we're outside. They nod and hand me over to ben who slips and arm around my waist to keep me from getting away. "Now all we need is mal with jay." Evie says and they move closer to the hideout entrance leaving ben and I further back from the group. I try to wriggle out of ben's grasp but he holds me tighter. "Ben let me go." I say, and try and move. "I'm not about to leave you here." He answers. "Let go." I grit out and he shakes his head.
"I do believe the lady said to let go." Harry says putting his hook under ben's chin. Ben lets go and harry ties us up. "Untie us or so help me, I'll break your kneecaps." I tell him as he pushes me forward. "No can do princess, uma wants you two on her ship asap." He tells me teasingly. "You're so dead when I get out of these ropes I'll come for your hook you dodgy bastard." I spat at him. "Ouch, always with the hurtful words mel. We used to be so close." He says in mock hurt. Once we get on the ship he ties us to the mast. "You fowl piece of dragon dung, I'll hang you off the flagpole by your underwear!" I shout at him. "Quiet mel. Your sister just needs to show up with the wand and we'll let you both go." Uma speaks as she walks up to us. "Uma, how nice to see you. Are you still your mother's little bitch?" I ask and she grimaces at me. "Ah-ah princesses shouldn't use such colorful language." Hook scolds. "Suck on my big toe you eyeliner wearing bastard." I retort dryly.
"Ouch, so harsh to us, what happened to our friendship mel?" Uma questions. "I don't know, maybe when you decided to use me to get back at my sister all the time I realized I made a mistake in being your friend. Now kindly untie me from this damn mast so I can slap you half into next year." I answer. "No way, you're my only chance at revenge." Uma says and before I can make a clever retort ben speaks up. "You don't need to get revenge uma, you can come to auradon and be so much better." "Oh now I get an invite. No way." She scoffs. "I started out with five and I'm making it so that more could come over." Ben tells her.
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