the girls
the elevator door opens it was really biright considering we were in a dark place for a few hours.
"ahh it's so bright it seems like it's brighter than usual!" it said
our eyes start to adjusted to the brightness.
"hey I can see." I said jokingly.
"jezelle what's that over there."
"what's what" I said holding my gun up to where she was pointing.
"no put your gun away it looks like to people walking together."
"survivors." I said putting my gun a way.
"let's go find out who they are get your weapons ready in case your wrong Emma."
I turned my sword into a sythe again.
"dude that's going to scare them off turn It into something small."
"OK fine."
I turned it into a small sword and we started to walk towards the figures.
"they look hurt hurry let's go."
we ran torwds them.
"hey you guys o-, ahhhhh!" Emma said jumping back
"what the hell!" I said jumping back turning my sword back into a sythe and grabbing my pistol
"Emma click that small button on your boot it will help you jump higher!"
"ahhh" emma said jumping out of the way"
a big wall of fire separated us.
i turned my bullet into a ice bullet and shot the floor it was wet since it was raining last night the ice extinguished the flames.
"Emma freeze there feet don't let them get away" I said shooting a few more flames and cutting a zombie in half with my sythe. emma shot the floor beneath them with her arow freezeing them right where they stand.
"who the hell are you and why are you attacking us we are trying to help you." I said pointing my sythe towards them.
"m-my name i-is l-Lena a-and this is j-Jess my f-freind."
"why the hell were you trying to kill us." emma said rushing towards Lena and Jess
"Emma calm down." I said blocking her with the pole of my sythe
"I was trying to protect Jess she is badly hurt." Lena said
"I could freeze the cut it will stop bleeding till we get to Walmart." I said I point my gun towards the cut.
"dont worry it will just freeze the cut i fixed the settings calm down."
i shot it it froze the cut stoping it from bleeding
"now lets go to walmart q-"
"EMMA WATCH OUT!" i yell.
she jumped in the air wile i shot the zombie in the head with the black magic bullet its head turned into black ash.
"hurry lets go before someone gets hurt." i said as i look over to Jess
"well lets go before we get hurt more."
we help Jess and lena get unstuck and we head to Walmart.
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