Chapter 4
Third POV
Wheels and the twins were wide shock see Karina was different. Suddenly the soldier bots were splash away and behind them were The Heroic.
"We're here guys-Whoa! Is that-"
"Yes! That's Karina and someone had done to her." Wheel cut off WildCard.
WildCard use freeze breath at Karina to freeze her, Karina turn around quickly blast fire ball at him cause him to crash at the wall on his back.
"The adults take it from here, you kids stop the bomb." Marcus command.
The adults charge towards at Karina use their powers to attack her. But suddenly she dodged every of their attacks they use, Karina blast at them using her cannons cause them groan in pain from the blast. Sir Devil and Mistress Angel look at their daughter with heartbroken watching her attack the hero's show them no mercy.
"I'm almost done. Now-woah!" Wheels didn't finish his sentence when a metal tentacle grab his wheelchair from behind hold him up above Karina head. The hero's surrounding her in circle slowly walk up to her that she hold Wheel as hostage.
"Karina, put him down. Please." Missy said.
"Come on, you don't had to do this." WildCard join.
"We're your friends." Lavagirl add.
"Karina, look at us." The girl look at her parents see them with worried look on their face.
"Please sweetie, listen to us, listen to our voice. We know your still in there. Please come back to us." Sir Devil almost whimper.
Karina titled her head confused, her parents notice slowly walk towards her. Karina aim the cannons at them think they might attack her. The parents now stand front of her close enough, they wrap their arms around her and whisper into her ears.
"Please, oh please.... come back to us." Mistress Angel whine.
"Come back to us sweetie. We love you." Sir Devil join in.
Radius watch them from the hologram screen, he growl in anger "The heroes try to take my creation back to normal." He bring out a control behind his back "But they won't see what's coming next." Than press the red button.
Karina scream in pain feel the shock around her body. Her parents move back away from her quickly. After the shock Karina glare dagger at them blast them using her cannons cause them hit on the wall on their back. Karina throw Wheels, Noodle quickly grab him use his arms hold him secure.
"Get the bomb done, we'll take it from here." Wheels nod his head as he was place down hurried toward the control system.
The hero's attack Karina but failed, Karina use her powers taking them all down hurting them. She look at them lay on the floor unconscious. She turn around facing at Wheels, the tentacles grab and pull him away from the control system.
"Good work my creation, take them into the cells and make sure they won't escape." Radius command her through the speaker.
Karina throw the hero's into the cell, they groan in pain. She slam the metal bars stand by the metal door guarding them to make sure they're not getting out. The hero's sat down on cold floor quietly.
"What we gonna do? We had 14 minutes left and almost running out of time." Wheels said.
"We gotta get out here." Missy said.
"How? Karina is guarding us by the metal bars. Look at her, someone had done to her." WildCard said look at Karina that her back is facing.
"I'm gonna tear that bastard into pieces after what he had down to our precious daughter." Sir Devil growl. Mistress Angel bury her face her husband shoulder started to cry, Sir Devil hug her to comfort her.
"Wait... Guppy come here." Guppy walk over Missy. "Listen closely, I need you to splash Karina by using your water power, that way she be back to normal." Missy whisper her ear. Guppy look over at Karina than use her water power and splash her. Karina body twitch from the water and collapsed.
"Did it work?" Noodle question. Until Karina get up place her hand on her head "What the heck happened?" She groan.
"Karina!! Your back!" Mistress Angel and Sir Devil exclaimed in relief.
"Hurry! Break us out of here so we can stop the bomb." Marcus said.
Karina grab the bars pull it with force as the bars pull out by her strength. The hero's flow out hurry to go find the bomb to stop it. They burst through the double doors but they saw Radius stood there by the control system he standing.
" turn my creation back to normal. How disappointing." He chuckle.
Sir Devil growl in anger summon a sword out from his hand charge at him. "You'll pay for turning my daughter into a cyborg you bastard!"
Before he slice him in half Radius tentacles grab him and throw him at the wall. The adults join in attacking Radius but he was too strong fighting back.
"Wait, Wheels can you create a teleportation device from my armor?" Karina question.
"You know I'm smart to make stuff. Why?"
"Just do it, I explain later after you finish." Wheels grab the armors from Karina body started to create.
After like few minutes Wheels finish create teleportation device. "It's finished, now what?" He questioned.
Karina use her fire seal the door that was above the bomb. "You and the others go using the teleportation device to get out. I'm gonna push this mothership to space as far as possible." She told him.
"What? No! You'll sacrifice yourself. You-" "We had 2 minuet left. You all need to go." Karina cut off Wheels.
She knee down his level gave him a hug "Please... we need you." He sob. " I know, but this war has to be done. Remember, hero give justice to earth." Karina stood up quickly grab the hero's away from Radius place them behind Wheels.
"Karina, what are you-" "No time, you all need to go without me. I'm pushing this mothership away from earth far away from here." Karina cut off Missy.
"What!? No! We can't leave you here. Please come with us!" A Capella said about to cry.
"You can't do this, we need you." Guppy join in.
"Sweetie please, you can't do it by yourself." Sir Devil add.
"I know, you know what hero's are? They show justice. I love you all." She gave them a smile. She swiftly take the teleportation device from Wheel hands blast them as they teleport.
"So, you teleport them back to earth and lock yourself here with me." Radius said.
"Your wrong, because you forgot there's 1 minute left. The door is seal from dropping. Do you know what that means?" Karina said.
"Wait.... you brat! You lock me here while the bomb about to explode!" He growl.
"Yes, so I'm gonna move this ship away from earth." Than Karina teleport herself now that she teleport outside from the mothership. She push the mothership than flew into space so fast.
The hero's look up at the sky see Karina push the mothership into space. Til it explode create a sonic boom from the atmosphere. The hero's cry in sadness that Karina was gone forever.
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