Chapter 1
Karina POV
Few years had been pass by. Our world is in peace and save by The Heroic and kids. The alien president and Ms Granada are not here and that means the real president and Ms.Granada were back. Ojo is not here on earth anymore, she is the leader of her fellow aliens. Our future had change a lot, we stop bad guys who try to rob or harm people in our city or beast aliens try to rampage our city. We save our world from threats who try to take over so our earth is in peace as safe when we protect the world.
Here I'am training with my dad outside of the backyard teaching me to fight and spar so I can get strong. My mom is in the kitchen cooking lunch for us.
"Getting there Karina, your getting strong as I thought." My dad smirk.
I block his kick "Thanks, guess I'm feeling strong as I thought." I smirk.
"Lunch is ready guys." Mom called out.
We stop our training head inside the house. We took a seat begin eating our food. I hear a phone ring on the table. It was my dad phone, and I see Ms. Granada ID. Could it be an emergency? My dad pick it up and answer as a hologram of small figure of Ms. Granada appeared.
"Mistress Angel, Sir Devil, Karina you all won't believe what came from outer space." We look each other and look back at Ms. Granada.
"There's a new threat coming here, we need you all here." Ms. Granada hang up. We eat our lunch quickly before we head out going to the Heroic Headquarters.
About like few minute of flying there we made it hurry inside see Ms. Granada there. "Glad you here, Karina you may go to underground class I need to tell your parents about the important news." I nod and walk away to find the underground class.
The guard open the safety door as I walk in see my friends there. They guard shut the door behind me once I'm in. The kids look up at me and stood up from their seats ran up to me. Seems they're happy to see me again.
"Welcome back Karina. How are you been?" A Capella ask.
"I'm doing very well kids, I heard there's a new threat from outer space." I said.
We took our seat and going to watch the news. Until suddenly it was shut down, but than the screen went back on show.... a robot?
"Humans of earth, if your listening this we are your enemy to take over your earth and make it our home kingdom. This is war. In 5 hours we'll drop a nuclear bomb on your planet and make sure you all be dead with no life. You all won't stop us."
We we're shock what the robot alien told us. 5 hours til the bomb destroy our planet. Won't let that happen. The screen change show Ms. Granada.
"Kids, your parents need your help. It's time to suit up." We change into our hero uniform in hurried before heading out.
We rode in the black jet giving us a lift. I look through the window that was by me see some kind of spider bots down there, there's so many of them. The jet land on the street safely, the door wide open as we all got out to take those bots down.
I use my light beam blasting at them when they were getting in my way. I focus on them make sure they're turn into noting but a pieces of scraps.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I heard scream behind me. I turn around and shock see Blinding Fast lay on the ground on his back cough out blood and his legs were broken. "Dad!" Slow-Mo gasp.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" I look to my left side see Miracle Guy was pin on the building. I blast the spider bot as it let him go. I flew up to him in hurry caught him into my arms.
"Ms. Granada, Miracle Guy and Blinding Fast are badly injured. Need ambulance here ASAP." I called out through the comlink.
"Ambulance is on its way in few minutes."
"Dad!" Wheels rush towards here and he look worried and sad.
I look over behind him see more spider bots were about to attack him. I place Miracle Guy down gently flew towards the spider bots to attack them from hurting Wheels. I summon two spears throw one at its claws that it was about to grab him as the spear stab through. I charge at them slice them so fast.
I flew back to Miracle Guy and Wheels. Than I heard an ambulance siren coming closer this way. The supporters carefully carried Blinding fast and Miracle Guy into the ambulance car as Slow-Mo and Wheels decided to go with them.
I went back to fighting but I hear more screaming. I look over my left side see Rewind and Fast Forward front of their parents. Their parents look badly injured and blood cover their faces. I turn to my right side see Lavagirl shoot lave balls at the spider bots and behind her is Sharkboy lay on his back and he's injured and Guppy was by him and look worry. I turn around behind see Tech-No badly injured on the ground on his stomach.
All is left was me, my parents, Missy, Noodles and few hero's are still standing. There's too many of spider bots dropping down from the mothership.
"Ms. Granada, there's too many of them and keep falling from the mothership. Few hero's are still standing and fighting and some of them are injured. We don't how long we gotta keep this up." I warn through the comlink.
"Retreat back in the headquarters, we'll think of a plan." We hurried into the jet flew back to the Heroic Headquarter.
Third POV
The kids are in the underground class and their parents are in the medical room to be treated their wounds from the fight. The kids gloom in worried or sad or depressed.
"This is bad.... those alien robots hurt our parents and we're still left." WildCard said.
"What we gonna do? If we don't think fast the bomb drop down til 5 hours is done." A Capella worry.
"Don't know, those spider bots seems to be stronger as we thought. We gotta do something before the takeover. We need a better plan." Missy said.
"...I'll go..." the kids look over at Karina lean on the wall with arm crossed on her chest. "...I'll go alone." She finish.
"No you can't, those bots out there are stronger as we think. You can't go out there alone it's dangerous to do it yourself." Missy said.
"I know but some of our parents are badly hurt from the fight. I can't watch them get hurt. I had to do it alone on solo." Missy was about to say something but Karina flew out from the underground class in a rush.
"Karina..." Missy whisper and was about to cry.
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