scene 2: now what?
As the un gets more information about the aliens from the us they begin to get a clearer picture of whats out there. the less panicked they become but they also become more worried.
They. after all. they just learned about a massive galaxy sprawling republic who could easily take earth for themselves.
Initially talks went nowhere as of few countries could agree on what to do about this. some wanted to fight against them first. taking the fight to them, which many thought stupid due to the fact that they couldn't even get to the republic.
Others wanted to enter diplomatic relations with the republic to benefit the nations of earth (and themselves)
others wanted to join the republic for protection but most are shot down quickly. the idea of joining the huge faction wasnt appealing to many of those who had the same idealogy as the republic. much less those who had different agendas.
There wasnt a clear idea as to what the nations would agree on. they still hadnt gotten a clear idea as to what the republic was like and what the republic would do with them.
Initially the jedi has said that the republic was peaceful and accepting. but most didnt beleive them because what faction would say that they wanted to attack someone. it would remove the element of surprise.
But once the us got out what the jedi did from the captives/prisoners. they were a lot less inclined to join the republic or enter diplomatic relations.
The idea of allowing a bunch of magic wielding superstitious people. who used infants to fill there ranks. to police earth while wielding laser swords and playing by there own rules was appaling to most of the nations. while also making them worry about what else the republic had that earth didnt.
Shielding, lasers that could effectively be used in combat, faster then light travel and other things earth could only dream of having this side of the millenia.
Even with whole facilities devoted to making new tech in the usa they still hadnt been able to replicate the tech. heck they couldnt even use much of what they had, the sheilding had been damaged in the fighting with the chiss to the point that nothing was fixing it, all of the jedi lightsabers had been lost or the crystals damaged so that they would have to be mended by tech the nations of earth didnt have. making testing of the tech impossible and establishing a air of failure
At the moment the only thing they could hope to do was advance quick enough that they could at least not get completely defeated. no other option was completely acceptable to the nations. giving up wasnt a popular descision at all. and if this expidition into the unknown was any indication of the republics plans simply hoping that they continued to stay in the known galaxy possibly wouldnt go well.
So earth had to prepare. even if it seemed like nothing was working.
Silently the us, russia, and other developed countries ramped up there previously ignored space programs. providing them with all of the salvagable engines they could give them and just told them to "advance" and then went back to politics and worrying.
Luckily with a good amount of funding the majority of the projects do okay. adapting the engines to new rockets. and conducting limited test. not wanting to waste the engines they had. as they could not replace the ones they had. even the ones they had were damaged and couldnt be used to there full extent.
At the moment none of the nations have made it public but a couple people are beggining to get suspicious. people had to be moved by the armies so that nobody got hurt by or found out about the ufo
Along with that many had seen the ship fall to earth and had heard nothing about it. even if it burned up in the atmosphere something would have been said about it. and the fact that a chunk of the medditeranian had been blockaded by officials made some people even more suspicious. and people began to theorize and a couple began to come together to think.
Instantly a bunch of them suggested ufo's but like the boy who cried wolf. people had dulled down to the point where nobody took notice. despite them being correct at least on this occasion.
Others beleived it was simply a rock that the goverment didnt want people coming in contact with due to alien bacteria. but that wouldnt explain why the populace wasnt told about it.
Others theorized that there was something important about the rock. perhaps new ores in it that they didnt want anyone else knowing about. maybe it was a falling sattelite and they didnt want people to worry.
Even though they all couldnt agree on what it was they could agree that it existed. amd began to tell others about it.
most people didnt beleive them or thought it wasnt that big of a deal. only a couple actually listening and believing them.
In the nations that had been given tech to test on the scientist and engineers had been sworn to secrecy to avoid this getting out of hand. and no one was willing to risk whatever punishment there goverments would come up with just for the chance of informing the public.
Eventually the majority of the story came out from the jedi about the republic and about how they got here.
They told them about how is was a colonization/exploration fleet not a war ship. that was supposed to go outside there known world and bring more land into the republic. they told them about how they had been intercepted by a chiss fleet who had assumed to much, a chiss fleet who had attacked unjustly and killed hundreds of innocent republic citizens with some kind of explosive droid that had almost killed everyone onboard.
When asked how they survived the jedi had refused to answer.
One thing that was extremely weird and worrying to the jedi was the fact that. the humans seemed untouchable by the force. there thoughts absent from it, there presence not being found. as if they were dead or droids.
It seemed as if the whole planet was absent. from the force. not even the plants that had been set up were in the force. making the jedi feel more empty and isolated then ever before. they had grown so used to the force. so adjusted and dependant on it. that to be surrounded by things that had zero connection to it was frightening.
Even between the jedi the force was dampened by the planet. they each had been put in isolated rooms so that they couldnt converse and plan. usually they would simply have to connect mentally but a jedi just 2 cell blocks away was untouchable to each of them. meaning they had to pass thoughts along to converse. extending the conversations and making talks difficult.
They worried that they were being blocked somehow by the humans. and they didnt want to give up anything that could be used to hurt the republic to the humans if they had malicious intent, intentionally attempting to make the republic sound like a peaceful nation that could easily defend itself.
Unknown to the earth humans the republic can next to nothing in ways of a army. the jedi were a small peacekeeping force and the only other thing that could be used to defend the republic were small token forces for some of the planets and police not trained for war.
Had the humans known this. they might have considered the idea of attacking the republic more so. even though they most likely wouldnt due to the simple size of the republic along with its population.
The earth humans would eventually notice that the aliens seemed to be able to sense eachother. while they wouldnt notice a human out of there view even by a little they would instantly snap up to the pain or moving of a fellow alien.
Initially they beleive that they have a psychic link that worried them. if so then they could still be communicating without being anywhere near eachother.
It was about this time that Master sabayeth fully left his self induced coma.
When asked about the physic link he laughed in the face of the agents and told them about what was really happening.
After the almost complete destruction of the ship by the chiss master sabeyeth had been delt with the most amount of radiation and had to be in a force induced healing coma the longest*
He now hated the chiss absolutely and wanted them to fall. didnt matter whether the republic or the humans did it just as long as the chiss fell.
As he began to be told about the humans he begins to get invested into them. being the most accepting to the humans. making the humans trust and tell him more. including there history.
As he learned about it he began to think they were his best bet for vengeance, a aggressive society that hungered to expand and take land. they would probably go to war with the chiss if sabayeth gave them enough tools to get to the chiss.
He begged to be allowed to help the humans with there expansion. which surprise the agents but they were having plenty of difficulty's and what was the worst he could do so he was let out to help the americans advance.
Initially the other jedi thought that he would help stop the space programs but sabayeth had gone to far into the darkside and helped the us advance as best he could. while he wasnt any technological expert he did help fill in some gaps and tell them some other things. making the other jedi consider him a traitor. which he was.
Not only did he help stop some accidents he also helped them get stuff into the sky., helping them with the 1st fly test. getting a ship he helped design from republic designs into the sky. which was huge since the best of the other nations were using the jets in rockets based off of earth designs.
While he didnt know how to get the ships into space safely his efforts advanced the us greatly
Anyway im going to end scene 2 here. the nations of earth are trying as best as they can to advance quickly to avoid getting squished by a future republic and sabayeth is trying to get vengeance
*yes i know technically they all died but im not going to explain how they live so you can fill in your own plot holes for now
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