WARNING: Trauma and self-loathing, description of a panic attack, abusive behavior.
A/N: This is a Reader-Insert fanfic, so I'll be using a few abbreviations. Here's a key:
Y/N = Your Name
Y/F/N = Your Full Name
Other Notes: Reader is she/her and I pretty much write out Kurt's accent, replacing w's with v's and th's with z's. If it turns out it's too hard for people to read that way, I'll change it.
Also! Here's some translations for German words Kurt uses:
Ja = Yes
Meine freundin = My friend
Enjoy! :)
She's flying, leagues above the city. Wait, why is she up here? Thunder booms and lightning strikes above her as she feels whatever invisible force that was suspending her break away. In an instant she's falling, plummeting to the ground. She screams and covers her face, waiting for the impact!
Then she feels it. Her whole body just drifts through the ground seamlessly, like all the matter in her body has disappeared.
Another loud boom wakes her up, and Kitty Pryde shrieks as she realizes she's in the dark, dank basement instead of her room. The storm rages on, terrifying her further as she clutches her pajamas.
'What.... what happened??' she thinks in a panic, but somehow she already knows what happened. How it happened is what really makes her shiver.
A light turning on attracts her attention, and she breathes shakily as her parents come downstairs. She begins to break down as she grabs her mom tightly, afraid she might slip through the ground again.
"What happened?" Her dad asks with worry, "Were you sleepwalking?"
"No, I fell, I just..!" Kitty sobs, "I fell through the ceiling!"
It's three in the morning and a storm is raging outside. However, the thing that wakes him up is the urgent alert that Cerebro issues. Professor Charles Xavier rolls into his study, lights blinking and alarm beeping, and presses the button that uncovers the supercomputer. Then, he carefully puts on the headset and logs into the system. His mind expands as Cerebro guides him straight to the signal.
"Discovery. Mutant signature. The second detection in this vicinity. Extrapolation complete. Identity confirmed."
He clasps his hands together as the image of a young girl appears on screen. A teenager with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.
"Name: Kitty Pryde. Residence: Northbrook. Age: Fifteen."
He closes his eyes and concentrates on her, reaching out to her mind. It comes in flashes: A nightmare, and then falling right through the floor. By the look of it, the experience really frightened the poor thing.
Charles takes off Cerebro headset and thinks for a moment. Then, coming to a decision, he speaks into the computer.
"Prep the Blackbird."
"Oh, dear.." Her mom says, rubbing her back soothingly, "I'm sure you were just having a nightmare."
"I... don't think so.." Her dad replies, looking up at the ceiling in shock. She and her mother follow, and gasp when they see her blanket and pillow stuck halfway through. Kitty begins to feel ill, and sobs even harder as she clutches her parents.
"What am I? What's happening to me?"
All they can do is hold her and look at each other in terror.
"Worthless child."
"She's insane."
"Now, get up and do something, you idiot. Did you hear me? I said GET UP."
You sit up with a start and put a hand to your head. Your breathing slows as you realize it was only a bad dream. Bad dreams from bad memories..
You shudder, and try to force those thoughts out of your head.
Thinking you might feel better after your morning routine, you go to wash up. A warm shower is just what you've needed. As the water hits your back, you relax enough to reflect on the past week.
Kurt started school. He was really nervous at first, but everyday he comes back with a big goofy smile on his face. With the help of his image enhancer, he's been able to fit right in. Yesterday he told you all about Sloppy Joe Tuesdays and a minor food fight that broke out at lunch.
'He probably doesn't want me to feel left out.' You think, a small smile on your face.
After some consideration, the Professor decided to move your enrollment back a bit so that you could get a better handle on your abilities first since you tend to panic when you start feeling too many emotions. It's tough sometimes even being in a room with only a few other people. The two of you have been working on your powers every day, and he seems to think you're improving. But the thought of being surrounded by all those students and teachers? All their feelings?
"You're a burden on everyone here."
You hang your head. 'I can't do it. I'm just not good enough.'
After drying off, you throw on a large t-shirt and jeans and head down to the kitchen. It's fairly early, as you have a session with the Professor soon. When you walk in, you see that Logan is sitting in the corner with his newspaper and coffee, and Scott is finishing up his cereal. You try to ignore the rush of confusing emotions. Boredom, exhaustion, irritation... yep, typical morning. Still, it's disorienting, and even more proof that you have no idea what you're doing when it comes to being an empath.
"Hey, Y/N!" Scott says when he sees you, "Up for your morning session with the Professor?"
You nod, trying your best to focus on anything other than distracting feelings. Grabbing an apple, you turn it over in your hands and peer at Logan's newspaper. The front page looks to be reporting on some mysterious animal attacks outside of town.
A pang of sadness hits you, but also some happiness. You look around and see Scott smiling. 'Is he happy? Am I happy?'
"Lucky. I'd rather have that than my physics class." Scott continues. "Have you seen Kurt?"
Your eyebrows raise. "He's not here?"
Scott groans. "I bet he went out for a breakfast burger. If he's late again..."
You try not to be annoyed. Kurt is really starting to develop a fast food addiction.
"Get out of here before you're late." Logan grumbles. Scott looks at the clock and subsequently rushes out. He still takes time to wave you goodbye. "Later!"
"Have a nice day!" You call after him. "You too, Logan. Enjoy your... newspaper." He nods in response and you feel a little better than before, like a little bit of pressure has been lifted from your chest. Is that because there's one less person in the room? Maybe the Professor can help you understand.
When you get to his office, however, you see Jean standing there with him.
"Ah, Y/N, come in." The Professor says when he notices you in the doorway. Jean turns and sends you a smile.
Suddenly very unsure, you pause there. "Am I too early?"
"Just in time, actually." The Professor replies with a grin, "What would you say to a field trip?"
Kurt jogs down the sidewalk, munching on his burger as fast as he can. Being able to go out in public without people freaking out at his appearance has been awesome! All thanks to the Professor's fancy image inducer. He wants to go everywhere normal teens go, especially food places! Hence, his fifth time grabbing a breakfast burger this week. And sure, he may have gotten a little sidetracked... again... but the meaty deliciousness is worth it.
Bayville High is in his sights. As he takes another bite, he checks his watch and nearly chokes.
"Late again!" He can't get caught by her another time!
Ducking behind a tree, he does a quick scan of the area to make sure no one sees him, then locks eyes on a dark corner near the school's entrance. In a puff of smoke, he's there! Sneakily, he emerges from the shadows and makes a beeline for the doors. Unfortunately for him, an intimidating presence steps in his way.
"Ah! Mz. Darkholme!" He sputters, crumbs flying out of his mouth. She glares down at him and grabs his watch.
Looking at it, she frowns. "Hm. Watch isn't slow. Must be you." Kurt doesn't miss the sarcasm dripping from her tone, or the narrowing of her stone cold eyes. "Another tardy, Mr. Wagner, and I'm enrolling you in my after-school group."
He gulps. Spend more time with Miss Principal? That's about the scariest thing he can imagine.
To his everlasting gratitude, Scott comes to his rescue. The older boy comes out through the front doors and starts ushering Kurt inside. "Hey, light a fire under it, kid. Your teacher sent me to look for you." Scott turns his head to their principal as they escape. "Ms. Darkholme."
As soon as they're in, Scott mutters to him. "Stopped off for another breakfast burger gut bomb, didn't you?"
"Vhat can I say? It's an addiction." Kurt replies sheepishly. A lecture from Scott isn't fun, but way more appealing than the alternative. Looking back, he sees Principal Darkholme scowling after them. He shudders. She always seems to be right there when he's at school, watching him over his shoulder.
'I vonder vhat her deal is?'
Kitty closes her bedroom door as softly as possible, schoolbag in hand, and makes for the stairs. After checking that the coast is clear, she tiptoes down. Her heart pounds as she approaches the door, twisting the knob gingerly and opening it to the front porch. Just as she's about to take a step out, a soft voice stops her.
Kitty suppresses a sigh as she's caught by her mother. "I thought we agreed you were staying home today." Her mom continues.
She groans and turns around, avoiding looking directly at her mom's sad face. "Yeah, well like, what's the point, you know? You guys don't wanna talk about it and I'll, like, totally go crazy sitting around here!" It's been hours since she fell through her bedroom floor, and neither of them have said a word! Her mom keeps cleaning things and making tea, and her dad basically ordered her to stay home sick, like this is just some weird virus.
"But should you really be at school?"
It's almost worse that they're being so gentle, as if Kitty is some bomb that could go off at any moment. She can't stand it.
'I can't stay here right now, I just can't.' She hasn't wanted to go to school so bad since before her parents made her skip a grade.
Upstairs, she hears her dad call out, "Kitty? Honey, where are you?" She bites her lip, knowing that he'd never let her go today. "Pleeeease, Mom? Dad'll make me stay!" She does her best puppy-dog eyes as a last resort.
Her mom seems to consider it for a moment, then gives her a little smile. "Alright, go on."
Relieved, Kitty blows a kiss and waves goodbye, running off before her dad can catch her. 'This has to be the only day in my life I've been this desperate to go to school.'
The X-Jet cuts through the clouds like a knife, and you watch the sky intently from your seat. You've never been on a plane before, let alone a jet.. not that you can remember, anyways. You clutch the armrests, trying not to think about how high up you are.
"Why just me? Why not all of us?" You hear Jean in front of you, talking to the Professor as he pilots.
"Because- You're the one who can connect with this girl."
"I hope so, Professor." Jean replied, less than happily.
Apparently Cerebro found a new mutant, someone the Professor wants to invite to the Institute. He also wants Jean to take the lead so he and you can have a session out in public. Throughout this conversation, Jean's had a strained look on her face. Maybe that's the reason why there's a current of anxiety running through the air.
'But why would she be anxious? Jean is really good with people.' You think. Ever since your first day, Jean has been there for you. She helped you once when you got lost in the Institute, and seemed to know when you were getting overwhelmed, finding excuses for you to leave a room of people. Yes, Jean will be just fine on this mission. You, on the other hand..
"Professor?" You ask quietly, not wanting to interrupt anything.
"Yes, Y/N?" His voice is warm and knowing.
"....Do we really have to have our session outside?"
"It will better prepare you to reenter school, Y/N. Don't worry, you'll be fine. You've been progressing splendidly."
Jean turns around to look at you. "I guess neither of us are getting out of this one." She says with a smile, though it looks a little different from her usual smile.
"So then, how are we handling the other kid Cerebro spied out? The one in the foster home." Jean continues to the Professor, and you perk up.
'Foster home?'
"Yes.. Lance Alvers. Let me worry about that." He replies, "I'd like you to just keep your focus on Kitty's parents. Remember- you're a model of what we're offering them." He looks to her, "No pressure."
She laughs ruefully. "And to think I passed up a nice, relaxing midterm for this."
You bite back the urge to ask more about this Lance guy. You really shouldn't be listening anyways, it's none of your business. Still, even though the home you were in and foster care aren't really the same, they're not entirely different. It's strange that the Professor would only invite you to learn at the Institute and not this Lance Alvers, especially if you're all in town to recruit someone anyways.
An uncomfortable thought enters your mind. 'What if foster kids are too much trouble for the Professor? Will he think the same about me? What if he kicks me out?'
About to ask him, you stop yourself. 'Don't bother him.' You think, and settle back into your seat as the plane starts its descent.
Jean knew this was a bad idea. The second she rang the doorbell, the Prydes were on guard. Now, with every word that comes out of her mouth, they seem even more tense. It doesn't help that the Professor is just sitting behind her, watching her crash and burn.
This has to sound crazy to them, it would sound crazy to anyone. Hi, we have superpowers and so does your daughter so we can teach her how to use them! And yet, the Professor always makes the explanation part seem so easy.
"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Pryde asks, voice shaky, "How do you know Kitty?"
Telepathy is most tempting at times like these. But, the Professor would want Jean to do this without her powers. So instead, she takes a deep breath and does her best to be convincing. "Please, may we come in for a moment? We'll answer all your questions and anything you need-"
"Excuse me, miss. You can talk to us out here." Mr. Pryde says coldly.
'Well, that went well.'
'Don't give up, Jean. You can handle this.' The Professor tells her.
'But they won't listen! Please, Professor..'
After a moment, he rolls forward and takes over.
"Very well." He addresses them, "I think you know Kitty is going through a very unique transition. We simply want to help her through it. Why don't you tell us about last night?"
The husband and wife look at each other in surprise and alarm. Mr. Pryde turns back to the Professor. "Last night is none of your business! Please just leave us alone."
Before another word is said, the door slams shut.
Jean huffs. "Next time let's just call and get hung up on. Less hassle."
"You'll need to make contact with Kitty directly, at her school." The Professor replied, crushing her hopes of ending the mission early.
"You know, it's not really ethical to ambush this girl at school without her parents' consent." Jean says with slight annoyance as the two of them walk back to the rental car.
The Professor just looks up at her solemnly. "You know what it's like, Jean, when a mutant first discovers their gift. And I know the damage it can do when they're left to deal with it alone." He spares a look at the distant car where you wait, and Jean's expression softens. She knows this, of course, and that's not even the real issue she has. Once, she was a lost little girl with a power that terrified her, and the Professor saved her from that.
'Can I really do the same?'
Logan wipes down his bike outside the mansion. The sun beats down, but the breeze keeps the heat at bay. As the wind blows past him, however, he picks up a familiar scent.
Standing up quickly, he double checks and grits his teeth.
"Sabretooth." He growls.
The scent is distant, probably just outside the city, and getting closer. Too close.
'Ballsy of him to show up on my turf. If he wants a fight that bad, I'll give it to him.'
"All I'm saying is zhat it's not entirely my fault if I'm late. School is just too early." Kurt protests.
"Yeah, try using that defense next time Darkholme catches you." Scott replies as the two get back to the mansion. But as they make their way up the walk, a motorbike rushes by them and out the iron gates. It happens fast, but Kurt catches a glimpse of a fully-suited up Wolverine putting pedal to the metal.
"Vhat's up vith Logan?" Kurt asks as they watch their instructor floor it out of here.
Scott blinks. "Woah. That man is packing some serious attitude."
Kurt almost laughs. 'More zhan usual?' But realizing this could be an important X-men mission, he starts getting excited. 'Y/N gets to go on a mission today! It's my turn!'
"Wanna follow him?" He asks, making his best puppy dog eyes at Scott.
For a second, he thinks Scott's going to say no. But then he grins back at Kurt. "Let's go!"
The two of them race to the garage, and Kurt looks around with glee, pointing out the impressive black van. "Should ve take ze X-van?"
Scott smirks. "Uh, a lower profile, I think. And cooler, besides." He replies as he hops into his polished red sports car. "You comin'?"
Kurt teleports into the passenger seat and leans back, feigning coolness. "Hit it."
"Put your seatbelt on though."
"Ja, ja, let's go!"
'Zhis is gonna be way better zhan school!'
Kitty places her books in her locker as students file out of the hall. The bell signals that it's time for gym class.
'Great. Just a cherry on top of a perfect day. No doubt Riley and her minions will be there to torture me.'
Thinking back to last night, her hand shakes. She'd been feeling so weird the past few weeks, but she'd thought it was just normal, gross puberty stuff. She'd just turned fifteen, y'know? Oh, what she wouldn't give for it to be normal, gross puberty stuff... She sighs, wishing that this day is just some crazy continuation of her nightmare.
And just when she doesn't think things can get any worse, two sets of hands shove her into her locker.
"World closing in on you, Kitty?" She hears Riley and Amy laughing as they slam the door shut on her and mess with the combination lock.
"Hey! Let me out, you jerks!" Kitty yells as she bangs on the door angrily, "Open this door! Somebody open this door!" She gives a strangled cry, knowing that they're long gone. A small tear runs down her cheek as she clenches her fists.
Everything is so wrong. Not just this freaky new ability either. Being treated like a prodigy by her parents. Being treated like a kid by her peers. Feeling gross and wrong and so alone.
'Why? Why me? I should be used to this though, shouldn't I? Maybe I deserve this. I must have done something awful to have been cursed like this..'
Her thought is interrupted by a sound from the hall. A hissing noise, and.. 'Is someone whistling?' As they approach, her heart leaps and she starts banging on the door again. "Hey! Who's out there? Can you hear me? Let me out-!"
Her hands come down, but they don't land on the locked door. They just keep going. Then, that momentum pitches her whole body forward so fast she can't even process it. Suddenly it's bright, and she's falling on top of somebody.
After collecting herself, she realizes she's on the floor of the school hallway, looking right at the locker she was just trapped in, the door still sealed tight.
"Hey!" She jumps and looks at the boy she fell over picking himself off the ground. He's grinning at her, and asks excitedly, "You see what you just did?"
She scrambles up. "What? I- I, like, just fell out!" The lockers are covered in streaks of red paint, and this boy, whoever he is, is holding the spray can. A bit of paint got on his face, too, but he doesn't seem to care.
"Yeah, man! Right through the door! That is so cool!"
"You're crazy!" Kitty backs away and tries to make a run for it, but he grabs her arm.
"No, no wait a minute!" He exclaims, pulling her closer, "I'm the one guy around here who gets the beauty of it! Cuz you're just like me! Really!"
This catches her off-guard. 'Like me?' She thinks, then shakes it off. 'No, no way.'
She shoots him a skeptical look, and he grins as if accepting a challenge. "Alright then! Check this!" The boy lets go and extends his arms, like he's reaching for something. The hall begins to rumble and all of a sudden everything is moving. Kitty watches in shock as his eyes roll up into his head, and an earthquake spreads through the area. Locker doors clang open and shut as books and papers come flying out. Despite her fear, she can't bring herself to pull away from him, lest she lose her balance. Then, as his eyes go back to normal and he puts down his arms, everything becomes still. He's panting, like whatever he'd done had been a strain, but still he looked at her with a victorious grin. "Get the picture?"
Her heart skips a beat, then beats faster and faster. "No! You're just, like, some freak!" She yells, yanking her arm away as he tries to grab her again. "Leave me alone!"
She runs, frightened and vulnerable, as fast as she can away from him. His voice calls out behind her. "You can run, but you can't hide, because I'm gonna rock your world!"
You and the Professor are on a grassy knoll by the school, and you watch Jean's form receding slowly toward the track field. You'd wished her good luck with her mission, but she doesn't really need it. Jean is one of the nicest people you've ever met, so it'd be strange if she doesn't succeed in helping Kitty. But for some reason, Jean felt different when she left. Not very happy. You've been really stressed ever since the ride here, so maybe that came from her. Then again, she's gone now and you're still feeling stress, so you could be completely misreading things... again.
"Ready, Y/N?"
Turning to the Professor, you ask shyly, "Ready for what exactly?"
"To test your abilities." He answers, "We've only ever meditated on your powers within the Institute, in relative privacy. Out here, however, is an environment more representative of what you'll have to face day to day. Tell me, Y/N, what do you feel?"
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to focus on your powers like he taught you. "It's... it's kind of like a pressure coming from the school?" You try to explain, "Like a dam that could overflow. And people around me, it's like their emotions just flow right into my body.. I try to block them out, but it's so hard."
The Professor nods. "Yes, it is awfully difficult to feel all of that at once. But instead of blocking those emotions out, maybe you should try to let them flow through you. Let them in, and let them go. It may help to relieve the strain."
"Maybe.. but I don't want to feel any of it." You look at the ground, "It's so confusing. I don't... I don't even know when I'm feeling something anymore."
He rolls to you side and puts a hand on your arm gently, eliciting a small smile from you.
"What do you feel now?"
"When I touched your arm. What did you feel?"
"..Good? Um... it's like.. soothing?"
"Where do you think that feeling originated?"
You pause. "I guess in me? But what if-?"
"This isn't something you need to guess at." He continues with soft eyes, "You described how emotions flow into you, but this one didn't, did it?"
After a moment, you realize. "I don't think so? I don't know.."
"It seems to me that when you feel overwhelmed with the amount of emotions you feel at one time, you forget which ones are your own. But trust me, with enough practice, you will know the difference. On some level I think you already do."
Everything the Professor is saying seems like the truth. You do get overwhelmed and doubt yourself. Maybe practice will help?
Then again, practice means going near lots of other people.
"Let's start slow, shall we?" The Professor grins, "A walk through the park. Every time you feel a new emotion, try to sense which direction it came from and then let it drift away. Resist the urge to shut them out."
Biting your lip, you nod.
'I hope Jean is having a better time than me right now...'
Jean looks around the field, watching the high school girls warm up for their gym class. 'She should be somewhere around here...' Soon her eyes land on a girl who's running pretty late. She matches the description, and Jean doesn't need to read her mind to recognize the distress present on her face. Being a mutant is hard to get used to.
"Hey, Amy. Check who got out." Jean turns to see two girls closer to her, pointing and smirking at their late classmate as they finish up their stretches.
The Coach whistles, leveling her gaze at the girl. "Pryde, you're late."
"Sorry Coach." Kitty replies, panting. "I was like, um, having trouble with my locker."
The two girls closer to Jean snicker at that, making her glare at them discreetly. 'Bullies.' She thinks, wishing there was something she could do about them. But for now, she can't get involved, or she might freak Kitty out.
"Alright you three, to the long jump." The coach orders, "Pryde, you're tardy, so you're first." Jean watches her, waiting for the right moment.
Lance's eyes narrow at the scene unfolding below. He's discreetly perched on top of the roof of the administrator's office, overlooking the track field. He smirks when he catches sight of a certain ponytail brunette, then frowns at the two prissy rich girls making fun of her.
"Trailer trash", they called him the other day. It took everything in him not to shake things up and wipe those grins off their faces.
The bickering behind him annoys him even further. "Shut up with the cloddin' around!" Lance snaps at his partners in crime. The only reason he's working with these two is because one of them claimed to be an "expert lock-picker."
"Stow it, Griff!" One hisses at his friend, who fiddles with the rooftop hatch. "Can we bust in through here or not?"
"Not. It's wired into the alarm system."
'Great. I teamed up with these idiots for nothing.'
"Now what, Alvers? We've got, like, no way into this stinking office and midterms start in the morning!" They both turn to him, but Lance doesn't break his gaze from the field. He keeps watching her, the girl who fell right through a locker, a plan formulating in his mind. Sometimes the pieces just fall perfectly into place.
"Yeah and exam answers ain't exactly gonna fetch a prime price after the test." Griff continues when he doesn't answer. Lance feels a hand on his shoulder. "Can't you just, y'know, make a door?"
Lance turns his head, glaring daggers at this moron. "Sure, and have them know we were in? They'll change the tests!" He stops and smiles. "I have a sweeter idea. Her."
She's stretching now, and Lance can't help but notice how good she looks in the gym uniform.
Griff scoffs. "What? What, are you gonna have her long jump through the wall? C'mon, get serious!"
The boy has no time to react before Lance grabs his arm. "You riding me, Griff? Huh?" Lance spits in his face. The roof starts to tremble as Lance's grip tightens. "Are ya?!"
"Sorry man, I was I was just-"
"Woah, woah, it's cool Lance!" The other approaches with his hands up. Lance takes a breath and lets go, the rumbling fading. He points in their faces. "You two losers just line up the customers. I'll snatch the answers."
The guys back away, whispering to each other about him. Lance smiles. It feels good to scare them. They're not his friends, they're not his equals, and sometimes they need a reminder.
That aside, Lance watches the girls practice. Kitty runs up for the long jump, but ends by face-planting in a way that makes even him wince in sympathy. She sits up and hits the sand in frustration, and he smiles.
'She's cute when she's angry.'
His frown returns when the dumb rich girls make some more snide remarks at her. An idea comes to him though, and he gets ready as the queen bee Riley lines up for her turn. When she starts running, he uses his power. Everything around him starts shaking, and he feels the vibrations echo in body. A rush of adrenaline shoots through his bloodstream as the earth quakes wildly. It's a strain, but he focuses enough to send a seismic wave in her direction. It ripples through the grass, and as Riley makes the jump he pulls up, and a jet of sand comes bursting out of the ground. He practically doubles over laughing, seeing her knocked over and covered in dirt. 'How does it feel?' He thinks, then turns his attention to Kitty.
She's looking up at him, and he grins and waves down at her. Her eyes widen, then she starts running off the field toward the drama department.
'Huh.' His face falls, 'I guess she wasn't as impressed as I thought. But she'll come around.' As he thinks this, he notices a strange redheaded girl following after Kitty.
'Now, who do we have here?'
Kitty runs. What else can she do? That boy literally moved the earth for her! At first, it was hilarious to see Riley fall on her privileged butt. Then she remembered how crazy this all is.
She bursts into the auditorium and clambers onstage. It's filled with props arranged in a dining room scene. Stopping to catch her breath, she can't help but be angry.
'It's not fair. It's not fair!' She kicks over a chair in her fury, though watching it clatter to the ground gives her no satisfaction. Sighing, she leans back against the table. However, her weight throws it off balance, and it flings a bowl of fake fruit into the air. Startled, she tries to catch it on instinct. It literally slips right through her fingers.
Kitty gasps as it clatters on the floor and looks at her hands. 'How do I keep doing that?' Hesitantly, she gets down on her knees and reaches for the bowl. She touches it. Her fingers press against it, feeling the smooth, hard surface. Then, frightened but curious, she tries to put her hand through it.
She isn't sure what to expect. Her body hasn't exactly been doing what she wants it to do today. Hell, it hasn't done what she wants in years. Puberty sucks. But when she sees her finger pass through that solid bowl she was just touching, she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
About to try again, she's startled by a new voice. "Kitty?"
"Kitty?" Jean calls out, spotting the girl onstage. Relieved, she begins walking down the aisle towards her. "Are you alright?"
Kitty backs away. "Is that 'Ra-Ra-Riley' a friend of yours? Because, y'know like, I had nothing to do with what happened to her out there in the sand pit." Jean remembers the scene outside, not exactly subtle on Lance's part. That's something she'll have to tell the Professor about.
She tries to approach more slowly as Kitty takes a decorative mask off the wall and starts fiddling with it. "I know. And I'm not Riley's friend. My name is Jean." Hopefully, she can get Kitty to be a little less hostile.
Kitty narrows her eyes and holds the mask up. "Well, you look like you'd be her friend."
On stage now, Jean stops. "Kitty... look, there's no need for masks. I know what's going on."
"You, like, don't know anything!" Kitty snaps, "And neither does that creepy guy out there!"
"Who, Lance? Forget about him." Jean tries to refocus, "This is about you. You and your wonderful new gift."
Kitty scoffs. "I don't have any gifts. Just a curse."
"Only if you let it be." Jean replies quietly. Memories of her own childhood resurface, and she sighs. "I'd like to help you understand it. Together we-"
"Look! I don't want any of this! It's, like, hard enough just being normal y'know?!" The girl yells. "I never wanted to be gifted! I never wanted to skip a grade and be that weird smart kid with no friends!" Jean doesn't want to lose her, but Kitty is so scared, she's pushing her away. Should she... show her? Making a decision, Jean holds out her hand.
"Kitty.. Look, I want you to watch me for a second. Please?" Kitty stops, looking unsure. Jean, not so sure herself, looks at the mask Kitty holds. Reaching out, she wills it to move. The girl is left mouth agape as the mask floats out of her hands and places itself perfectly back on the wall. Then she looks at Jean with eyes so astonished and asks, "H-How'd you do that?"
Jean smiles gently, stepping forward. "The same way you pass through walls. Just like you, one morning, I woke up, and I had this power. And trust me, I hated it too."
She's so close now, Jean can hear some of the thoughts running through Kitty's mind.
'It doesn't look like she's lying.'
'I thought I was a freak..'
'What if she's right?'
'She's like me. I'm not alone.'
That last thought seems to scare Kitty though, and she pushes away. "I.... I don't believe you! This is a trick!"
"No." Jean replies quickly, desperate to keep that connection, "You do believe me. I know because of my other ability. I can read your thoughts."
One second is all she needs to realize that was the wrong thing to say. Kitty's expression shifts to one of panic and horror. Jean tries to reach for her, but she recoils. "No! Stay out of my head! No!"
"Kitty, wait!" It's too late. Kitty has run away, right out the door. Before she can go after her, Jean feels a rough hand grab her shoulder and comes face to face with Lance Alvers.
"Piece of advice, Red." He snarls, "I'm the only friend that girl's gonna need, and I'll be teaching her what's what, so you just back yourself off!" He pushes past her, and Jean lets her failure sink in.
'I had her. I had her and then I lost her.' She scolds herself, sitting down on the stage to avoid returning to the Professor for a few minutes.
You squeeze your eyes shut tighter as you concentrate. A feeling enters you, making your skin crawl, and you try to force it away.
"Don't fight it, Y/N. Feel it."
You do your best, letting the discomfort flow into you. Part of you wants to laugh, another is about to gag.
"What are you feeling now?"
"Mostly uncomfortable." You reply, shaking your head, "Like... grossed out?"
"Which direction did it come from?"
Eyes opening, you point hesitantly. You gasp, however, when you see you're pointing at a little girl, recoiling away from a little boy holding a worm in her face. The boy is laughing.
The Professor grins. "See? You're getting better at this."
You smile slightly, then sense your mood changing. "Another one... or... wait.." Your eyebrows scrunch together as you try to figure it out.
A hand on your back. "Relax. Take a breath and try again."
You follow his lead, breathing deeply and closing your eyes. Then, a moment later, they fly back open. "It's more than one! Close together... one is relaxed and nice, but the other is frustrated." You whip your head around and grin when you see two teenagers hanging out together. The boy is playing games on his phone while the girl next to him crosses her arms and looks at him expectantly.
'I wonder what that's about?'
"Ah, to be young." The Professor remarks, and you just look at him confused. He smiles. "You're doing splendidly Y/N. As you practice around more people, the better you will get at sorting out their emotions."
You feel warm and perk up again. "Oh! This one's happy. It's-" You stop when you realize it's coming from you. Then you smile even harder. "Thank you, Professor."
He looks as if he's about to answer when his phone rings. "Ah, excuse me." You nod as he takes the call. He says a few things like "Of course" and "Good" until finally saying "I'll be right over."
"Where are we going?" You ask when he ends the call. He shakes his head. "Only I, actually. I have a quick errand to attend to, and I'd like you to wait here and continue this exercise as you wait for Jean. She's only a few minutes away."
"How do you-? Oh, yeah." Sometimes you forget that the Professor knows everything. He seems to be in a hurry, which is curious. But you push your wondering aside and let him go. Before he does, he makes a remark. "Perhaps try practicing on Jean. It may help." He's off before you can think to ask what he means.
You sit down at a picnic table and close your eyes. There's a lot of emotion in the school's direction. Too far away to be too affected by it, but close enough that you sense it there. It's sort of like the static sensation one gets before accidentally shocking themselves. A faint buzz.
Closer by, there are the people in the park. Most are good feelings, happiness and excitement. Those only make the negative ones stick out more. You zone in on one such feeling, a sadness, or.. disappointment? But deeper than that, somehow. As you try to track down the direction it came from, you realize it's coming towards you. You jump, turning around so quickly you make Jean jump as well.
"Y/N!" She exclaimed, "Wow, you really startled me there."
"Sorry!" You respond as she laughs lightly, but you can't laugh along. You're too worried. "What's wrong?"
Jean looks surprised, then her expression falls and she looks down. "Oh! It's nothing, it's fine. My mission just didn't go as planned."
You frown. "Kitty didn't listen to you?"
"I practically drove her away." Jean replies, then shakes her head. "It's alright... I already knew I wasn't cut out for this."
Your eyes widen a little. "But you're really good at it."
"At what?"
"At making people feel better."
"Thanks, Y/N, that's really nice of you to say." She smiles, but you know she still feels the same.
"When I was ready to leave the Institute, you convinced me to stay!" You exclaim, "And more than that, you made me feel like.. like I belonged with you all. You did that."
Her mouth hangs open slightly, and she takes a second to respond. "Did it.. Did I really help that much?"
"Yeah, of course you did! Why don't you think you can do the same for Kitty?"
Jean hesitates, then sits down with you. Looking at the grass, she tells you. "The Professor is trusting me with this. If I mess up, I'm going to let him down. He's done so much for me, ever since I was a little kid, so what if I can't do this? I won't just be failing Kitty, I'll be failing him."
You take hold of her hand. "You're one of the kindest people I've ever met. Kitty will listen, she has to! And if she somehow doesn't, it's not your fault. And I haven't known him for long, but I think Professor Xavier will be proud of you." You squeeze her hand, trying so hard to get her to understand. You aren't sure if the words you say are expressing exactly what you want them to. Then, her other hand covers yours, and she's smiling again.
"Thank you, Y/N." she says, "You know, you're pretty good at making people feel better too." And you smile as well because you think you may have finally done something good with your powers.
The last bell has finally rung, and Kitty is exhausted and kind of scared. She keeps looking over her shoulder for that mind-reading redhead and the earthquake boy, Lance. They just won't stop talking about her powers! And just thinking about them makes her mad.
She finds herself wondering if staying home would've been better. But, as she takes some books out of her locker, she can't help but wince at the memory of her parents' faces last night. The horror when they saw her bedsheets hanging halfway through the basement ceiling. Home just doesn't feel as comforting anymore.
'So, like, now where am I gonna go?' She asks herself as students file out to the buses.
A finger taps her shoulder, surprising her. She turns quickly, dropping her books as she does.
Lance raises his hands in the air. "Easy! I won't shake things up, I promise." He cautiously moves to picks up her books, and hands them back to her with an almost bashful look on his face. "I'm, uh.. my name's Lance. We should really talk."
'Can't he take a hint?!' Kitty yanks her books back, and yells. "Why can't everyone just, like, leave me alone?!" She slams her locker shut, making Lance flinch. In an effort to finally ditch him, she starts to storm off.
"You feel sick inside every time you think about it, don't you?"
She stops, caught off guard by his words.
"You want it to go away." He continues somberly, "But it won't. You're afraid of what might happen. Your parents are clueless. Probably ashamed. Being alone don't help."
"What, are you, like, reading my mind too?!" Kitty accuses him, clutching her books tighter.
He shakes his head. "No way! It's.. just that I've been going through it myself. Y'know, tryin' to figure it out." Her heart beats faster as he approaches her. "But I've figured out how to control it. Meet me outside the office in an hour! I'll show you how."
Kitty doesn't know what to say. Everything he's saying rings so true for her, she's scared. But for some reason, looking into his eyes, at his softened face when he says it all, hearing his voice change and become gentler... she believes him. And knowing that there's someone else who really understands what she's going through... well, it's a lot to handle.
So, she turns to go, walking away from him without a word and thinking about his offer.
"Excuse me, ma'am, I merely wish to inquire about her records." The Professor speaks into the phone, mildly irritated, "Frankly, as her current guardian, I think I'm entitled to that."
He rolls out of the building, listening as the voice on the other end goes on for a while, then sighs. "Well, it's in your interest to know that I will be filing a formal claim soon." His eyebrows furrow. "Yes. Goodbye."
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he does so. Just one more issue to add to the pile. After recollecting himself, he makes his way down the ramp and his cell rings.
He smiles lightly at Jean's voice, but senses hesitancy. "Jean. How have you been faring?"
After a pause, she sighs. "I haven't been able to connect with Kitty. I told her about my powers, and she ran off. I'm so sorry, I know you're counting on me."
"I have faith in you, Jean." He replies, "Ever since you counseled Y/N on her first day, I knew you were ready for this. I'm sure if you persist, you will earn Kitty's trust."
Jean doesn't answer immediately. Xavier waits a moment, then asks, "Jean? Are you still there?"
"Yes, sorry!" She answers quickly, "It's just funny. Y/N said something similar."
Xavier smiles. He had hoped you would be able to help Jean find her strength. In turn, he hopes you will be more confident in your abilities.
Jean continues. "There is a big problem, though. Apparently, Lance Alvers is also trying to befriend Kitty."
Stopping in his tracks, the Professor frowns. Lance Alvers manifested his powers a couple months ago, and Xavier reviewed the boy's background. A troubled youth, to say the least. The poor boy has been passed around foster homes since he was born and developed a rebellious attitude. His record is a mile long, but that isn't the main reason Xavier didn't extend an invitation to the Institute.
"Sounds like Lance is trouble. If he bonds with Kitty, we may not be able to reach her."
Jean responds. "I agree. And he is reaching her."
"You have to stay with her, Jean. I don't want to lose her. Whatever obstacles get in the way, remember, they can be overcome. Xavier out." He hangs up and puts down his phone, gazing off into the distance. 'Though, some obstacles are more irritating than others..'
"Happy, relieved.." You say to yourself quietly as a group of teenagers pass by, chatting. 'Maybe because the school day is over?' You're really starting to get into the swing of things with figuring out your powers, even deciding to venture farther towards the school. Every time you figure out what people around you are feeling, there's this nice flutter in your chest. Of course, a lot of that excitement is coming from around you as more students go home.
You smile as you watch groups of friends walking together, thinking of joining Kurt at Bayville. If you can walk all the way up to this school, maybe going to high school won't be as bad. For once, you're actually confidant.
Right then, you feel something new, making you stop in your tracks. It's a strange mix of feelings, difficult to pull apart. As you try, it all gets even more muddled and hard to discern. This makes you frown, and you keep trying to no avail, getting more frustrated as you do. The only thing you can tell is that it comes from the same direction, so you're drawn through the trees in pursuit of this mystery.
Through the branches, you see the source a few yards away from you. Leaning against the side of the school in a secluded area is a boy about your age. He's much taller than you though, and dressed in a rough jacket with cutoff sleeves, a black tee underneath. His face is contorted in an angry expression, as if it just rests that way. Seeing as he gives off the general vibe that he'll beat you up if you look at him wrong, you begin to turn back.
Then his emotions hit you again, clear enough to dissect. Contrary to what his face would make you believe, he isn't particularly angry. He's... nervous? Like he's waiting for something. Whatever it is makes him feel all sorts of things. Excitement, stress, and a kind of longing. Then something else that you can't put your finger on, but when it passes through you it makes you hot in the face. You inadvertently make a noise of discomfort.
"Kitty?" The boy looks up with a smile when he hears it, but frowns when he sees you. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
His initial excitement cut by a wave of hostility makes you falter. You sheepishly emerge from the brush. "Uh, sorry, I was just-"
"Whatever, just get out of here before I make you!"
As your face pales, you're about to apologize again and leave. Then you realize something. "I- Wait, you know Kitty?"
Now he looks surprised for a second. Then he steels himself again. "You're with that redhead, aren't you? I told her to back off."
"You're Lance?" You gasp, remembering.
"Yeah, what of it? And I don't know who you people think you are, but you don't wanna have problems with me."
"N-no. Not really.." You stutter, and he nods, smiling to himself.
"Right. No one really knows her, except for me! I know what she needs." He looks like he's saying this to himself more than you, as he puts a hand on the building and smiles viciously. It makes your stomach turn. Then he turns his glare back on you. "Didn't you hear the school bell, loser? Get lost, already! Go home!"
A flash of emotions drifts by, quick enough that you almost miss it. The anger and annoyance in the anger obscure it and make you want to leave, to run away from him. But it's a feeling you know all too well, and you identify it right away.
There's no reason for him to be afraid of you though, it makes no sense. He could easily beat you up, and honestly, the longer you stay here the more it looks like he might. But you know what you felt, and you also know a really good reason why.
"Are you..." You ask softly, shaking a little, "Are you afraid to go home? Your foster home?"
His eyes widen and the fear shows on his face. "H-how did you-?"
There's so much you want to say to him. That you're afraid too, of going back to the Home. You're still afraid even though you're not there. To think that maybe he understands... but the words don't come to you. Instead, you reach out a hand and touch his arm.
Rough hands grab your collar and you're face-to-angry-face with Lance. The ground shakes beneath you, but you can barely feel it as he lifts you off the ground.
"Are you trying to mess with me? Huh?!"
"What?! N-no! It's my powers, I can feel that you're-" You're thrown to the ground before you can finish.
"You're crazy."
"She's insane."
"What?" You reply shakily, seeing Lance glowering down at you.
"Get out of here!" He screams, and you scramble away, crying. "Don't even think about coming back here, freak!"
Logan stands atop the parking garage, trying to get a better scent to track, since he lost the old one. The wind today is not on his side. As he concentrates on this, he almost tunes out the rumble of an engine getting closer and closer.
He turns just in time to see the bike jump from the previous building, aiming to land on him. Flipping out of the way just in time, he levels his glare on Sabretooth.
A monster, to say the least. He's been after Wolverine ever since he can remember, and intent on winning some grudge match he doesn't know about.
Sabretooth turns his bike and revs the engine menacingly. "Unfinished business, runt."
"Bring it on, pops." Wolverine growls as his metal claws emerge. "Bring it on."
His enemy floors it toward him, and he waits until the very last second to dodge. Using this opportunity, Wolverine's claws rake through the bike, cutting off the front wheel completely. It loses control and pitches over the edge of the building, taking Sabretooth with it.
'Hopefully, all the way down.'
Unfortunately, no sooner does he finish that thought when the concrete below him begins to break apart. Some poor sap's car is shoved up from the next floor down, causing him to fall as the roof caves in.
'He's gotten stronger.' Wolverine thinks bitterly as he tries to get up from heavy debris. But Sabretooth has the upper hand and pins him against a pillar with another car.
He struggles as he feels his ribs threatening to snap, and still the car is crushing him more every second.
"One shall fall by the other's hand." Sabretooth goes on, ranting about the same thing as always. "Our destiny. We can't change it."
He feels like rolling his eyes. "I didn't know.. you went for that.. philosophy.. mumbo jumbo... urgh!"
"Hey hairball! I've got your destiny right here!"
Sabretooth is hit by a red laser, sending him flying into the side of a van. Wolverine pushes the car off himself, finally able to breathe again. Then he looks up to see Cyclops and
Nightcrawler in their uniforms. Before he can say anything, the blue elf teleports onto Sabretooth, like he can take him. The big guy easily throws Nightcrawler off, but to the kid's credit he doesn't seem that fazed. "Typical." He mutters.
Sabretooth turns on the kid, and Wolverine's running. Just before Nightcrawler gets sliced into ribbons, he tackles the villain away. He uses more force than he thinks when he sees the kid in danger, sending him and Sabretooth into an open elevator.
Wolverine lifts up his claws, ready to gut this chump, but Sabretooth kicks him out as the doors shut. Frustrated, he shreds the doors to pieces, only to see the elevator is long gone. From the dark shaft comes an echoed voice.
"A taste of things to come, Wolverine!"
He stares down, knowing it's too late. Teeth clenched, he thinks angrily. 'I should've stopped him. If it hadn't been for these dumb kids getting in the way..'
Said dumb kids join him by the empty elevator shaft, and Nightcrawler has a triumphant smile on his face. "Ha! Ve showed him! Ve are ze X-men!"
Wolverine turns a glare on him, which doesn't seem to dispel the blue elf's glee in the slightest. "I don't fight your battles," He merely growls at them, "So don't fight mine."
He stalks away, leaving Cyclops and Nightcrawler to find their own way home.
"Ehhh, he loves us." Nightcrawler says.
"Oh, yeah. Big-time."
Wolverine grunts, irritated as he listens to them. 'Idiots nearly got themselves killed.. They need to stay out of this.'
You run, hitting branches and stumbling more than a few times on loose rocks. It's hard to see with the tears blurring your vision. All you can do in your panic is latch onto a distant warmth and run towards it.
'What was I thinking?? I shouldn't have told him that! I shouldn't have talked to him, I shouldn't have even gone towards the school! Stupid, why do you always mess everything up? I can't go to high school, I can't control my powers, and I'll have to go back to the Home!'
You run straight into Jean, and after a moment she wraps her arms around you. "What happened? Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.
"I tried to- I tried to use my power!" You manage to choke out. "I thought I could- I thought I could help Lance!"
"Lance?" She exclaims in alarm. "Lance Alvers?"
"I'm sorry." You whisper. Of course you'd never be of any help to anyone. Your powers are never going to do anything but hurt. You never should have gotten your hopes up.
"You did everything you could, Y/N." You turn to see the Professor approach, and he's smiling sympathetically. "Some people don't want to be helped, Lance Alvers among them. That doesn't say anything about your ability to empathize with others."
You dry your tears with your sleeve, calming down slowly. "Sorry, I- I'm sorry."
Jean squeezes your hand. "Hey, you're okay. Don't apologize."
"It was just-" You take a deep breath, "It was just a lot."
"I understand."
They're both beside you, and you feel less weak. All that anger, that fear, all the bad feelings that came crashing down on you with his words... you had lost yourself in them. But Jean and the Professor found you.
Once your breathing gets back to normal, you look at the ground meekly. "Sorry. I overreacted."
"Y/N, seriously, you don't have to apologize." Jean says, "The next time I see Lance, I'm gonna cut off his-"
"Jean." The Professor interrupts sternly.
"He deserves it! Not just with Y/N, he's been harassing Kitty, too! Who knows what he's planning for her?"
You shudder for a second, a reaction to a residual feeling. Dread. Something about the way Lance had looked..
"Professor?" You ask, "Do you know what that building is, through the trees over there?"
He raises an eyebrow as he looks in that direction. "I believe it's an administrative building for the school. Perhaps the office. Why?"
"Lance was hanging around there, and I think he was waiting for Kitty." You say shyly, "And this look he had.. I just think something bad might happen."
The Professor and Jean look at each other, then back to you. "I think you two had better suit up." Professor X finally says, and your eyes widen as he continues, "I'm going to get Kitty's parents on call."
'Who does she think she is?!' Lance thinks angrily, trying to keep from using his powers again. He chased that you off, but he can't shake off the things you said to him. 'Talking like she knows me! Nobody knows me!'
He never talks to anyone about his foster parents. The idea that some stranger knows about his business makes him uneasy. And someone like that, a girl with these wide, innocent eyes.. Lance grimaces, almost feeling bad for scaring you, but then quickly shakes his head.
"She's with that redhead know-it-all." He mutters to himself, "They're trying to get her away from me. Mess with my head."
Ever since this morning, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about Kitty. The girl who can fall right through a locker door. She has the power to take back everything they've been denied, turn the tables on every adult who's ever hurt them. And he knows she wants it too, because that anger in her eyes reflects his own. She's just like him, and he can show her how to really live.
"H-how do you take control?"
He turns, a smile gracing his face as Kitty steps through the foliage. Until this moment, he hadn't realized how nervous he was that she might not show up. But there she is, looking so vulnerable in front of him. It's kind of cute, actually.
"By admitting something no one wants to cop to." He replies honestly, "That we are outsiders. That there is something wrong with us."
Kitty's head bows, letting the truth of it sink in. Then Lance reaches out and lifts her chin up. "Hey, don't fret it. Embrace it! The way I see it, fate dealt us winning cards.. if we play them together."
Their faces are so close, and Lance likes the feeling of his hand on her face. It surprises him, and her too by looks of it. She blushes a little, and turns her head away.
"Nothing is making any sense." She sounds so lost. Lance can't help but revel in his role in showing her the way.
"That's why I'm here! To light your path." He walks behind her and puts his hands firmly on her shoulders, pointing her the right way. "And the first step leads us right into that office."
She looks up at him, unsure. He smiles back. "You can do this. I believe in you." Lance squeezes her hand as he walks around the building, "I'll be waiting on the other side."
It's taken everything in her to convince herself to come here. Now, Kitty is standing in front of a brick wall as Lance waits on the other side.
Lance. She doesn't know what to make of him. He's always been in the background of her world until today, and they shouldn't have anything in common. He's a punk, she's an honor roll student. But now he seems like the only person in the world who understands her. When he touched her, she felt something, like butterflies in her stomach. That's never happened before.
'Get a grip, Pryde!' She thinks forcefully, 'Focus!'
She's been scared before to even try. But, somehow, the fear isn't as bad anymore. Bravely, she closes her eyes and walks forward in concentration. A few steps later, she peeks at the inside of the school office.
'I...I did it!' A smile comes to her face as she realizes. 'He was right!' Looking around excitedly, she spots Lance in the hall outside and runs to let him in.
"Did you see me? Did you?" He laughs as she jumps up and down, but she's too giddy to be embarrassed.
"Yeah, wow Kitty. How did it feel?" Lance asks.
"It was, like, totally unbelievable!"
In a moment of absolute joy, she pitches forward and wraps Lance in a tight hug. Her elation rises even further when he returns it.
"You're making it yours, Kitty." He whispers to her, "Once you own it, nothing can own you."
They pull back, and spend a long moment just smiling at each other. They're looking at each other for so long that Kitty blushes and begins to turn away, but she's stopped as he seizes her and pulls her into a kiss.
At first, she's surprised and even afraid. This is her first time. But in a split second those feelings melt away as she kisses him back. He, in turn, presses his lips against her more forcefully. It feels so different. It feels dangerous. It feels good.
As he lifts her up onto the desk, she can't help smirking.
'If only Riley could see me now.'
You're in your suit, an X emblazoned over your chest. You've only ever worn it before in the few training exercises you and Nightcrawler had with Logan. Rigorous and exhausting, as per Wolverine's usual instruction, but never dangerous. The feeling in your gut is telling you that this is different, and something bad is about to happen. It doesn't help that the Professor has the same instinct.
Jean puts a hand on your shoulder, red hair flowing out from her black and green uniform. "Don't worry. We're not putting you in any danger."
'It's not me I'm worried for.' You think soberly.
A car pulls up, and Mr. and Mrs. Pryde dash out quickly. The Professor rolls over to meet them.
"Where is she?!" Mr. Pryde demands, worry plastered all over his expression.
That fear and anger coming from the parents you are already somewhat prepared for. It's still so powerful and uncomfortable that you want to take a step back. When you do, you realize you've stepped closer to a similar feeling. It's faint, but that's because it's coming from...
You gasp. "The school!"
Jean looks at you, then puts her fingers to her temples and closes her eyes. A moment later, she steps forward. "Kitty broke into the office!"
Kitty's mother shakes her head in shock. "She-she's never done anything like this before!"
"Go with them, Jean!" The Professor says hurriedly, "I'll catch up." The adults hurry with Jean towards the school, and you keep pace with the Professor. You're worried, because as you get closer, so do those negative feelings.
Kitty lays against the desk, catching her breath. Lance's hands move up and down her body as he peppers her neck with kisses. Then he stops, much to her disappointment. "One second." He flashes her a grin, then goes to sit behind the desktop computer.
She gets up as he types away at something. Curious, she approaches, watching as he hits the download button.
"Hehe. Test answers present and accounted for." She hears him chuckle to himself.
Something shatters in her. "That's what this is about?" She exclaims, voice near breaking, "Cheating?!"
"Hey!" He argues back, "This crummy school uses these kinds of tests to keep us down, Kitty! No more." A smirk plays on his face. "We take control."
Kitty shakes her head, sad and angry. 'He doesn't even get it. Did... did this mean anything to him?'
"Now, lets modify some grades... You're having trouble in gym, right? Pryde, P-R-"
"No!" She pushes his hands away from the keyboard, and in a flash he's up, looking down at her.
"Look, there's no victim here! We're just evening the score!" His eyes pierce hers, looking so sympathetic.. and yet she can't ignore the glint of something more malicious in his gaze.
"This doesn't feel right!" Kitty exclaims, "It.. I've changed my mind! I wanna go!"
Turning to leave, she feels a large hand grip her arm. It hurts.
"Woah, woah, what are you doing? C'mon, Kitty!"
"Let go of my daughter!" The door bursts open, and there's her Dad glaring daggers at Lance. Her mom is there, too, eyes wide. Kitty stares at them speechlessly, almost afraid, as her furious dad marches towards them.
Lance's grip tightens. "Far enough old man!" His eyes go up into his skull, and Kitty braces herself as the whole room begins shaking violently. She gasps as a bookshelf falls over onto her father, knocking him down.
"No! Stop!"
As she shrieks, Lance pulls her to the wall she came in through. "They're just going to confuse you, Kitty!" He yells, "We're outta here!" The wall starts crumbling, but she can't take her eyes off her father.
"Kitty, please! We can work through this together!" She can hear the tears in her mom's voice.
Kitty turns to Lance angrily. "Let go of me!" She tries to wrench herself loose, but he holds fast. Then, the wall comes down, throwing her off balance.
Lance spins her toward him, all gentleness gone from his face. "We're in control now! We make our own way!"
She's so confused, and only vaguely aware that the redheaded girl from earlier is moving the bookshelf off her father. Her mom helps him up, and they hold each other as they stare at her imploringly.
"Kitty, I pushed you to this, I know!" Her dad says, voice shaking, "I-I wanted to pretend nothing was wrong.. I'm not perfect! I'm learning. Just like you are."
Kitty tears up as she looks at him. He doesn't think she's a freak! He's been afraid, all this time, because he loves her. "Daddy?" She chokes out.
Lance pulls her back angrily. "Forget them! C'mon! I'm bringing this place down!" He strains again, causing the building to fall apart. The roof starts caving in on the other side of the room, debris falling over her parents.
Before it can land on them, though, the rubble bounces off some giant, invisible shield. Kitty sees Jean with her arms outstretched, sustaining this force and protecting her parents.
"You called your gift a curse!" She calls out to Kitty, "If you go with him, I guarantee you, it will be!"
"Please, Kitty, listen to her!"
"Sweetheart, we love you!"
Tears stream down her face.
"They're too late! You're with me now!" Lance drags her along, about to force her through the destroyed wall. But before he can, she moves through him.
"No! I'm not!"
Her arm phases through his hand seamlessly, everything in her being pulled towards her family. As she runs to her parents, she hears a scream and is shaken to her core.
That's when the roof caves in on her.
The building is collapsing rapidly, and it's taking every bit of energy Jean has to shield the Prydes. But after seeing Kitty buried alive like that, her concentration is slipping as grief and shock set in.
'Jean, your powers! Use your powers!' The Professor's voice urges her.
She grunts. 'I'm trying.. It's too much!'
'I'll assist you. Keep your mind clear.'
'Keep your mind clear!' He commands, and she tries. But the debris keeps on coming, she doesn't know how much longer she can hold it.
"No... Kitty.." Mrs. Pryde says sorrowfully, and Mr. Pryde looks on as they embrace each other tightly. "My little girl..."
Jean almost loses control, distracted by the despair and horror. But the atmosphere suddenly changes as she senses someone in front of them. Slowly but surely, Kitty Pryde emerges from the dense pile of rubble unharmed.
"Woah." The girl exclaims, and Jean sighs in relief knowing that she's okay. Strength renewed, she keeps the shield up over the younger girl as well.
"Kitty?" Mrs. Pryde smiles as her daughter runs into her arms and sobs, "Kitty.."
"Okay. Everyone grab onto me." Kitty says in determination. "I'll get us out."
Jean smiles, placing a hand on her and relaxing as the whole building comes down.
You don't know what's happening. The building is falling apart with Jean and the others inside, and the Professor is outside with you, concentrating. He told you to step back, so you're stuck pacing and watching the scene get worse. Not to mention the rollercoaster of emotions emanating from the scene. You've clenched your fists so hard that your nails break skin.
A stream of unbridled anger and horror and grief slams into you, and you scream. It's so intense that you fall to the ground. It hurts so bad that you just want to shut it out and stop feeling anything. But you remember what the Professor said and close your eyes. Trying to breathe through it, you let the shock and terror in, let it electrify your body. Then, after what seems like hours, it fades away.
"Y/N? Y/N, are you alright?" The Professor calls, still concentrating on holding the building up, but concerned nonetheless. You nod, reeling from the experience. Following the trail that feeling left, you see someone on the other side of the building. A boy running into the trees.
Then, as the entire office collapses, you should be crying. How could they possibly have survived it? And yet, you feel relief in front of you, coming from the wreckage. You look at the Professor, and he's smiling. Then you look back and a smile comes to your face as well.
Jean, Kitty, and her parents walk right through the pile of debris, holding onto the youngest girl. You step forward, amazed at her ability and grateful for it.
The Professor also looks pleased with her. "Yes, Kitty. It is a gift." He tells her, "And you've used it well."
Kitty, in turn, smiles at Jean. "I have her to thank, for helping me realize that."
Jean beams brightly, if not a little tiredly. "It's what we do." She looks at you, "Right, Y/N?"
"R-right!" Jean did it! You knew she could.
Kitty hugs her mom. "Mom, I'm so sorry. And Daddy.." She turns to him, "These people, they, like, wanna help me. I trust them."
He puts his hands on her shoulders. "I know sweetie. And so do I." He and his wife look to Professor Xavier gratefully. "Professor? I think we have some things to talk about."
"Yes, we do."
Kitty turns to you and Jean. "So, like, tell me more about this Institute." She starts chatting away with Jean, and you listen, thankful that they're both safe.
That makes you think though, and you look over your shoulder for the boy that ran away. He's gone, but that horror he felt.. You don't know what to make of it.
From an overlooking hill, Lance watches the chaos as authorities swarm the school.
'I...I didn't mean to hurt her..' He thinks, the horrific memory of Kitty being buried alive playing over again in his head. He just got so angry, he couldn't... 'No! No, she should have come with me! Why didn't she choose me?!'
He turns to leave, not willing to stick around for the cops to find him. But in just a few steps, he's startled to come face to face with someone. A rich looking lady in a neat blazer, nastily smirking down at him.
"I'd say you've blown your chances at this school, haven't you?" She asks mockingly. He tries not to show on his face that he knows she's right. That the school, his foster parents, the cops, everyone in this city will want him gone. He wants to scream, to tear apart the world that rejects him.
"And you are?" He asks instead.
"Your new adviser." She replies, "I've made an opening for you at Bayville High. I have much to teach you, my young Avalanche."
As he watches in shock, she changes before him, body reshaping itself, skin blue and hair blazing red. Her pale yellow eyes look to him, expectantly.
'Well..' He thinks, 'It's not like I've got any other options.'
"Yes, Professor?"
He's called you into his office to talk, though you aren't sure what about.
"Ah, hello Y/N. Jean told me you helped Kitty get settled. Thank you."
"Oh, it was nothing, really!" You reply, "I just told her what it's been like for me so far."
Kitty just moved in this week, taking the room next to yours. Her first day, whenever Jean wasn't around, she asked you all about the Institute, the teachers, and the training sessions. Your description of Logan's course didn't seem to enthuse her all that much, but that's to be expected. Overall, you've mostly gotten positive emotions from her so far, which is a relief for several reasons. Even though you've improved, it's still hard to hold a conversation with someone who's feeling bad.
She's been talking to you a lot actually, which made you realize she's probably as chatty as Kurt. You think they'll make good friends for each other. The two haven't hit it off just yet, though.
"You know, Y/N," the Professor continues, and your attention snaps back to him, "I've been considering it a lot this past week, and I think you're ready to begin attending Bayville High."
You can imagine that you've gone quite pale. "I-but-what if?" You stutter out, but he holds up a hand.
"The way you handled yourself on the mission was excellent. You improved a lot, and supported a teammate in need."
"But I still lost control and freaked out with Lance." You admit shamefully, "I wanted to quit."
"And yet you recovered, and kept in control when the situation turned dire. If it weren't for you, we may not have gotten to Kitty in time." He wheels forward and puts a hand on your arm, "You must give yourself a chance, Y/N."
You bite your lip, thinking of how much it would mean to Kurt if you agreed. You're not sure if you trust yourself, but if Kurt and Jean are there with you, you're willing to try. "Okay." You reply with a tiny smile which the Professor returns.
"Wonderful. Ororo will have you ready by Monday. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important calls to make."
You thank him and are about to leave when you remember something. "Professor.. I was wondering.. Why did you invite me to the Institute but not Lance?"
Professor Xavier nods. "Unfortunately, Lance's anger issues and his ability to create massive seismic activity pose too much of a threat to the safety of other students and staff at the moment. As much as I want to help him.. Well, I'm responsible for my students first. Perhaps somewhere down the road, things will change. As for you-" He continues, grinning a little, "Why wouldn't I invite you to stay here?"
You blush, trying to let it sink in. Maybe you do have a place here, and maybe Lance could too, one day. "Thanks, Professor." You say again, and leave feeling... good.
"Meine freundin!!" Kurt exclaims, practically jumping on you. "Logan's making me take an extra class! And after I defeated a ferocious beast with Scott and him too!"
You giggle at his theatrics. "Isn't that the reason why he's making you?"
"Ja, and it's not fair." He pouts, then grins again. "Vant to go get burgers?"
Days ago, you would have never wanted to step outside. But now?
"Let's do it." Well, you can at least try.
"Hello, Ms. Whedon." The Professor speaks to his lawyer on the phone, just a few minutes after you've left, "Yes, this is about what we spoke of before. I'd like you to look into Matron Mary's Home for Orphaned Children, especially pertaining to Y/F/N's treatment. Let me know what you find."
A/N: I'M ALIVE!!! Wow, I haven't posted anything in months. School is a lot right now. Heck, life in general is a lot. But here is another chapter if anyone cares.
Let me address something first. I do not have an upload schedule, and probably never will. Writing fanfiction is fun for me, but if I give myself a deadline I know I'll be too stressed out to write anymore. My life has enough stressors as it is. But I am sorry I can't give y'all a good timeframe. It really just depends, since these chapters are long and free time comes and goes. I WILL however, let y'all know if I decide to discontinue this story, I won't let it sit there forever to torment you. And as of now, I don't intend to discontinue this any time soon. I'm just getting started!
I'm also gonna ask one last time what the Reader's X-men codename should be (i.e. Ororo is Storm, Kurt is Nightcrawler). If there's no preference, I'll either keep using Y/N, maybe Y/C/N (if you all want to make up your own codenames), or Empath. But please, if you have a suggestion, let me hear it!
That's all the business stuff. I've gotta say, it's really fun getting more characters in here! Kitty and Lance were fun to write about, and I have my own headcannon ideas of some of these characters' pasts and motivations. I hope I get to explore that more!
Okay dudes, I've gotta finish a chapter for my other fic now so my readers over there don't burn me at the stake.... Later! <3
Updated 10/15/24
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