S1 Epilogue
WARNING: Angst and feelings, ew. Minor Intrusive thoughts and PTSD.
A/N: This is a Reader-Insert fanfic, so I'll be using a few abbreviations. Here's a key:
Y/N = Your Name
Avatar = Your codename
Other Notes: Reader is she/her and I pretty much write out Kurt's accent, replacing w's with v's and th's with z's. If it turns out it's too hard for people to read that way, I'll change it.
Also! Here's a/some translation/s for German words Kurt uses:
Ja = Yes
Mein freund = My friend
Enjoy! :)
The sun beats down hot and bright on the sandy shore, blocked out but for a moment by a black jet as it lands. A door opens and a ramp extends downward, and out come rushing a gaggle of mutant teenagers ready to enjoy the beach day. You look around with an excited smile on your face, marveling at the first real beach you've been to (you figure that fight with the Brotherhood didn't count). The ocean is a beautiful shade of aqua. "Wow."
"Didn't I tell you?" Alex grins, "This cove is the best beach in the world."
You take his word for it, gazing at the palm-tree covered cliffs that keep the X-Jet safely hidden. The Professor gives the nod you've been waiting for. "It's all clear. Go have fun."
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Kurt exclaims, and grabs Kitty by the waist.
"Wait, no, KURT-!"
He disappears and reappears over the water, taking Kitty in with him with a big splash. You laugh and run to join them. "Wait for me!"
The ocean is warmer than you thought, and the waves are bigger. One knocks you over as you try to swim out to your friends, and you get a nose full of salt water. Gagging as you resurface, you wave at Kurt and Kitty, slightly embarrassed. "I'm okay!"
"Congrats, Y/N." Kitty smiles as she sneaks behind Kurt and dunks him, "You've officially been christened by the ocean."
"Ja!" Kurt laughs, fur damp and hair over his eyes, "Velcome to ze beach!"
"I hope there's more to it than burning my nose." You reply, but you can't hide how much fun you're actually having. You're so glad the Professor took you all to Hawaii with Alex. He'll speak with Alex's foster family later, which hopefully means Alex will be moving into the X-mansion soon. Scott will be thrilled.
"Don't vorry!" Kurt insists, "Zhere's lots to do! Vant to build a sandcastle so ve can vatch it get knocked down?"
Ororo keeps a watchful eye as she sits in the sand, making sure to keep all the children within view. You, Kurt, and Kitty are playing in the sand, Rogue is setting up a little spot under an umbrella, Scott and Jean are walking the shoreline, and Evan is out on the water with Alex. He wanted to try his hand at surfing, and Ororo would be lying if she said she wasn't keeping an extra close eye on him.
"You're worried." Ororo turns to the Professor, who's lounging in a beach wheelchair. "After the time they've had, they deserve a vacation. We all do." He gestures to the students, "Perhaps we should take a page out of their book and try to relax."
"Maybe you should tell that to Logan." She retorts, raising an eyebrow at her grumpy coworker. She has half a mind to conjure a storm cloud over his head.
Logan lets out an annoyed snort and mutters, "Don't like the beach." With that, he stalks off and scales the cliff with ease, disappearing into the jungle.
"Well, relaxing may come easier to some of us than others.." The Professor amends and gives Ororo a knowing look. She doesn't feel like discussing her deflection, though. Maybe a week ago she would have had a better time basking in the sunlight, but all that's on her mind now is the children.
There's a bandage on her arm covering a scar Mystique gave her. All the security protocols her and Logan put in place were useless. Charles says he knows where to plug the leak, but people like Mystique are creative. They'll find a new way in.
What happens the next time Ororo fails to defend the Institute against her enemies? What happens when she can't protect the children?
What happens when she can't protect her nephew?
A splash catches her eye and Evan disappears. She leaps into the air with no hesitation.
"Woah!" Evan wobbles on the board, falling back to his knees. "How do you work this thing?"
Alex laughs. "Just chill, take it slow. You got this."
Here Evan thought he'd have an advantage with all his skateboarding experience. Turns out surfing is a lot more different than he imagined. "Okay... Here I- Wah!"
Losing his balance as he tries to stand up, he tumbles off the board and into the water. Spikes leave his startled skin as he goes under, and when he resurfaces spluttering water, he notices the surfboard is impaled. "Whoops."
Alex laughs good-naturedly and Evan smiles, but a strong gust of wind leaves them in shivers. Evan suppresses a groan as his Auntie O flies overhead. "Evan! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine."
"You need to be more careful-"
"I said I'm fine, Auntie!" He snaps, climbing back on the non-spiked section of his board. "Quit hovering!"
Ororo's face falls and she flies back to shore, leaving Evan feeling slightly guilty. Still, it's embarrassing for her to freak out over him like that.
"Harsh." Alex mutters, looking to Evan, "You okay, dude?"
Evan frowns, averting his gaze. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay."
'Great, now the new kid thinks I'm weird.' Evan searches the beach and his eyes land on you, Kurt, and Kitty frantically trying to protect a sandcastle from the oncoming waves. 'They look like they're having fun.' He thinks, and for some reason it makes him feel worse.
"I'm gonna head in." Evan tries to say casually, "I'm not cut out for this."
"Oh, sure!" Alex replies, "Hey, it's not for everyone. At least you tried!"
"Yeah." Evan mumbles as he awkwardly starts paddling back to shore, inwardly scolding himself. 'What's wrong with me? Ugh, I'm such a freak.'
Scott squints out at the water, seeing Evan leave his little brother out there. He hums in concern, only looking away when Jean elbows his side.
"Don't tell me you're gonna start smothering Alex, too?" She smirks.
Scott smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, sorry.. It's just hard to keep my eyes off him, you know?"
Her face softens, and she touches his shoulder. "I understand. Scott, I'm really happy for you."
He wonders if Jean knows what she's doing when she touches him like that. It sets his whole body ablaze. "Th-Thanks."
"You okay?" She asks, putting a hand to his forehead as his cheeks burn up, "Are you overheated? Hold on a second."
Jean reaches out a hand, and before Scott can ask what she's doing, a water bottle flies into her grip. She hands it to him. "Here."
Taking it, he glances back in confusion. "Jean, did you get this all the way from the cooler?"
She shrugs. "I guess I did."
Scott whistles. "Wow. That is impressive." The cooler is all the way by Rogue, maybe a hundred feet back. And she summoned the bottle so quickly! "Looks like I need to practice more."
"Oh, you always make it a competition." Jean laughs.
"I just want to catch up to my idol!" He jokes, but it comes off with more sincerity than he intended. Jean's face changes, and she clears her throat. "If you say so."
Scott frowns. 'Great. I made things weird. How many times do I need to say it? She's just not into you like that.'
Jean makes a strange noise, and Scott sees her wincing. "Jean? You alright?"
After a moment, her face relaxes. "Yes, sorry." She answers with a small smile, "Just a freak headache."
"Oh, well, here!" He hands back the water, "You might be dehydrated."
"Thanks.. Maybe we should head back."
"Sure." They turn to walk back toward the others, and Scott bites his lip.
If all he gets to be is her friend, that's enough. That has to be enough.
Jean hadn't meant to, she swears. Sure, sometimes she's curious about what her friends are thinking, but she keeps herself from peeking. She usually doesn't slip up like this, not anymore. But for a moment, it felt like everything was flooding into her at once. She cut them off quickly, but some snippets of thoughts slipped through.
'Feels so nice-'
'-just want him to-'
'Did I-'
'She's just not into you like that.'
Scott can't actually have a crush on her, right? That's insane. They've been friends for years, ever since they became the Professor's students. And if he did like her, surely he would have said something by now, right?
Maybe she's just overthinking things. That thought could have been about someone else entirely. But for some reason, that makes her uncomfortable. Why? She's never been able to picture Scott in a relationship. He's such a workaholic and devoted to the X-men, he acts like he doesn't have time for that sort of thing. But what if he does like someone?
What if he likes-?
'No. No, this is why you stay out of people's heads. It drives you crazy and makes you want to read even more. I'll just pretend I never heard anything, no harm, no foul.'
'That should be easy, right?'
"Aaaaaaand voila!" Kurt lifts his hands from the sandy mermaid tail he's spent the last ten minutes crafting on top of Kitty. You nod, having helped by supplying some pretty shells to decorate with. "This is truly a masterpiece."
"I wanna see!" Kitty exclaims, phasing up out of the sand to judge for herself. "Hmm. There's something missing.."
Kurt makes an offended noise and starts squabbling with Kitty over the final product. You giggle and turn your face to the ocean breeze. Then, a certain pale girl catches your eye. She sits under an umbrella, nose deep in a book. You swallow thickly as your feelings bubble up again.
Then you feel some mischief brewing behind you, and sure enough, Kitty and Kurt are grinning like crazy. "Commence Operation: Love on ze Beach!" Kurt says, and Kitty elbows him. "I never agreed to that name!"
"Oh, it's okay guys.." You answer nervously, "We really don't need to-"
"Ah bup bup! No more hesitating, Y/N! You've gotta go for it, and I have the perfect plan." Kitty smiles and starts dragging you to the X-Jet as you weakly protest. You send one last pleading look back at Kurt, who just gives you two thumbs up.
'Oh no.'
One mutant walks alone through the tropical forest, eager to get away from the people he reluctantly grew to care about. Logan used to keep his distance, keep to himself. Sometimes for his own peace of mind, sure, but mostly because wherever he goes, danger always follows.
As he pulls the dog tags out of his pocket to look at again, he wonders if this is some clue as to why.
There are two sets of dog tags on the chain. One with the name Victor Creed. Sabretooth's name.
And the other tags bear the name Logan Howlett.
Logan. He's wondered before if that was really his name, or just the ramblings of a crazed animal who wouldn't leave him alone. Now here it is, engraved in metal along with a service number. He looked it up, of course, and found only one record.
Logan Howlett and Victor Creed of the Canadian army were captured and executed by German soldiers in 1918. World War I.
"You really think that's how long we've been at it? Sixty years? We go way further back."
He almost wants to laugh. He's literally a dead man walking, and he and Sabretooth were brothers-in-arms. It's a cruel kind of funny. In a way, everything makes a little more sense. No more wondering why he spent so many sleepless nights hearing the distant sound of artillery. Yet still there are more questions. Every time he finds a piece to his past the picture changes. What happened after he supposedly died at war? What happened before? What kind of person was he?
Was he just as much a monster as Sabretooth?
Tucking the dog tags away, Logan exhales heavily and turns back. One way or another, he'll remember. The question is whether he'll regret knowing.
"I'm not going out there." You shake your head fervently.
Kitty sighs, nudging you encouragingly. "You look great!"
Blushing a bright shade of crimson, you risk another glance down at yourself. Kitty apparently bought you a new swimsuit in secret. A very small suit. So much of your skin is showing, you're afraid the fabric will fall off. "I look stupid."
"Y/N, look at me." You comply, and Kitty continues earnestly, "You can feel what I feel, so you know I don't think that."
Sure enough, there's no hint of mocking amusement or disgust. Still, you're unsure. What if it looks silly to everyone else? "I don't know how to wear something like this! It's all..." You cover your face, mortified, "...sexy."
"Hell yeah, it is! And so are you!" Kitty puts a hand on your shoulder. "Listen, if you want to change back, you can. Or, you could think of it like a costume."
"A costume?"
"Yeah! When I try on something new, I pretend I'm, like, the most confident, beautiful person ever. Just for a little while, I'm a supermodel." Kitty beams, "I got you this because I hoped it would make you feel as cool as I know you are. Step out of your insecurities for a little while, y'know?"
Thinking carefully, you look at yourself again. Maybe it would be pretty nice to feel... just a little bit... sexy. But you also aren't ready to go fully out of your comfort zone. "I... think I could try the top, but I'd rather wear my swim shorts. I really don't want to lose my swim bottom in the water."
"Fair enough." Kitty shrugs, and you smile a little when you feel how proud of you she is. And as you cautiously step out into the sunlight, you think you're a little proud of yourself too.
"Looking good!" Kurt exclaims, and you resist the urge to curl up in yourself. Instead, you take a breath and think about what Kitty said. 'It's a costume, costumes are fun.'
Surprisingly, it does take some pressure off and make you feel a bit better. So does knowing that, for all her bold fashion choices, Kitty also struggles with her self-image. Holding her arm, you answer, "Thanks. It's not as awkward as I thought.."
"Great! That means it's the perfect time for Phase Two! Showing off." Kitty states confidently, and that's when you remember how this all started.
"Oh, um, I don't know if I'm good at showing off." You reply, a little pale at the thought of Rogue seeing you in this outfit.
"Zhat's okay, ve're great at it!" Kurt grins, high-fiving Kitty knowingly. "All you have to do is valk past her."
You tilt your head, unsure. "Walk past her...?"
"Yeah!" Kitty turns you to look at Rogue, still reading in the shade. "Walk past her, and-"
"Oh! Oh! You should pause in front of her like you just found a cool shell in ze sand-"
"Oh my god, the bend and snap! Kurt, you're a genius!!"
"The bend and wha..?" You are completely lost at this point.
"You don't know the bend and snap?? Okay, listen-"
You spend the next five minutes learning said 'bend and snap', which you're still not entirely sure you understand. "So I just... pick something up?"
"Yeah, but do it with a snap! Like so.." Kitty bends over and snaps up, striking a pose. Kurt claps. "Excellent snap."
"Okay??" Despite your continued confusion, their excitement is rubbing off on you enough to give you a sudden boost of confidence. "Okay! I can do this."
You set off across the beach with determination. However, the closer you come to Rogue's blanket, the sweatier you feel. 'Should I just turn around and go back??' You glance behind, and Kitty and Kurt and making exaggerated gestures which you take to mean as 'Keep Going!!'. Swallowing your fear, you force yourself to walk in front of Rogue.
"Oh, u-uh, what is this?" You say awkwardly as you stop in front of her. "A seashell? Wowwwww." You bend over to pick up absolutely nothing.
'Okayokayokay, one, two, three!'
And you snap up, hearing the bones in your back pop. "Yep.. That sure is a seashell." You continue, realizing with panic that Rogue might ask to see the shell that you absolutely do not have. Looking to her, though, you realize with some measure of relief and disappointment that she hasn't even looked up. "Super... cool shell. Mhm."
With that, you make a tactical retreat as fast as you can walk. 'Frick frick frickin frick what do I do?? I sounded so stupid, oh god, did she hear me????'
"Woah!" You startle, almost knocking into Evan. "Y/N, are you good-?" He cuts himself off, concern morphing into something else, and you aren't sure why until he says, "Wow. Um, you look good."
"Uh, th-thanks." You reply, caught off-guard and feeling supremely awkward. It's hard not to when you can sense the attraction he has and which you don't reciprocate. You smile painfully, "Just trying something new!"
"Yeah.." He glances behind you, and his feelings dampen. "Rogue, huh? I was wondering when you'd realize."
"When I'd..." You blink, "Wait, you knew?"
Evan shrugs a little sadly. "You look at her the way I wished you'd looked at me."
Something twists in your chest. "Evan, I'm sorry-"
"Don't be!" He waves his hand, "I know you don't feel the same way, and that's fine.. You're my friend and.. I'm happy for you."
You aren't sure how much of that is true, based on his emotions. He feels bittersweet. "Thanks, Evan. I'm sure you'll find someone else who's perfect for you." You try to comfort him.
"Yeah... I dunno, maybe."
Much to your relief, Kurt takes that moment to teleport over with Kitty. She grumbles, "I don't get it! That should've worked."
Evan raises an eyebrow, and you sigh. "Don't ask."
"Zhat's because ve should've done my plan first." Kurt bamfs away and returns a second later with a volleyball. "Sports montage."
"Montage? What, are you filming something? You didn't invite me!" Evan exclaims, a little offended. Kurt puts a hand on his shoulder. "Only ze film of life, mein freund."
"Hey, a volleyball? Awesome! Are we playing?" Alex grins as he approaches.
"Count us in!" Scott waves a hand, and Jean cracks her knuckles. "Prepare to lose, Summers."
"Oh, it's on!"
Charles smiles as his students create a makeshift volleyball net with Evan's long spikes and some rope they got from the X-Jet. As they start to play, he senses his friend approach from behind. "It's good to see them having fun." He says.
Logan grunts in response, and Charles recognizes this mood. Sometimes Logan retreats from the world into his own head. It's how he was when they met. To be perfectly honest, it's how Charles was as well. Throwing himself into his work with Moira and trying to forget everyone he'd lost. Natalya. Magnus. Gabby.
Well, it's not Magnus anymore. Erik Lehnsherr. Charles doubts that he died on Asteroid M. But whatever happened to him and Mystique in the Cyttorak Chamber is unknown even to the telepath. Charles could have sworn, for just a moment, he heard Erik scream. Then the explosion drowned it out and the asteroid fell apart.
Charles looks back to where the game is heating up. His eyes fall on his new ward.
And for a moment, he hopes Mystique and Erik lie buried remains of Asteroid M along with the gem and their secrets.
At first, you're unsure what volleyball has to do with Rogue. You know she isn't the sporty type. Then again, neither is Kitty, but she seems to be having fun. You are too, come to think of it. The teams are you, Scott, Alex, and Kitty versus Kurt, Jean, and Evan. You and Kitty take the back while the Summers brothers stay closer to the net, and you have to laugh when they forget they're on the same team and try to steal the ball from each other. "Hit it over the net!" Kitty yells in annoyance, "It's not rocket science!"
On the other side, Evan and Kurt guard near the net while Jean covers the back. You can tell she's in game mode by the way she follows the ball. Still, she seems a little off her game today. As she misses another ball Scott launches over, he taunts playfully. "C'mon, Grey, you can do better than that!"
You catch a hint of frustration among all the excitement as Jean looks a little flustered. She brushes it off quickly though, and the game is back on. You're pretty well tied up by the time Kitty serves the ball up high. Your opponents squint in the sun, and for a second you're sure it's your point. Then Kurt appears in a puff of smoke in the air and spikes the ball back down.
"Hey!" Kitty yells as Scott and Alex dive and miss. "No fair, Kurt!"
"Vhat?" Kurt plays innocent, "Powers make it more fun anyvays!"
A shadow falls over the makeshift court, and everyone looks up at the storm goddess herself. Kurt laughs nervously. "Or, um, maybe not?"
Evan groans. "C'mon Auntie..."
Ororo looks down from her place in the sky, and you gulp as you remember how intimidating she can be. Winds swirl around her as if she's about to conjure a hurricane. Then, the volleyball flies right off the ground, carried straight into Ororo's hands. She smiles. "It seems like you need a referee."
You grin, and Kurt whoops, "Superpowered volleyball!"
And just like that, all the rules are out the window. Scott smirks and grabs his visor. "Game on."
The next few minutes is the wildest game of volleyball you've ever played. Everyone goes all out, and it is complete chaos. Scott uses his calculated eye beams to blast the ball at top speed over the net. Jean slows it with her telekinesis and sends it hurtling back. The ball moves around Scott and Alex comically, and you can't stop laughing in time to stop it from hitting the ground. "Get serious, Y/N!" Kitty tosses the ball to you to serve, "Let's cream them!" You salute her and give your best serve, which is so off-center it's definitely going out of bounds. To your surprise, a spike reaches out of bounds and hits the ball like an extra-long baseball bat.
"Evan, that would have been our point!"
"I wanted to hit it though!!"
Rather than staying impartial, Ororo kicks up the winds to mess with Jean's next telekinetic hit, and Kitty manages to intercept. "Yes!"
"I got it!" Kurt teleports across the court, hitting back with his foot. "Haha!"
"It's coming for you, Y/N!" Alex shouts, and sure enough the ball is heading your way. Only just out of arm's reach, you dive into the sand (thank god the swimsuit top fits) and manage to get it. Alex runs over and hits it back over as you grin in exhilaration.
'I did it!' You beam, then see Kurt giving you a wink and a thumbs up. 'Wait a minute...'
Realizing his plan, you smack your hand against your forehead. Kurt loves old beach movies, and there's always some volleyball montage or something where the guy scores a winning point and impresses the girl. 'This was your plan???' You try to mime to him in exasperation, but he's a little distracted by Kitty rising up behind him and sinking him waist down into the sand with an evil grin.
As corny as it is, your heart flutters a little as you wonder if it worked at all. Glancing at Rogue, your smile falls as she continues to read. 'That must be really good book...'
"I got it, I- Woah!" Alex shouts as a blast of white light shoots out of his chest. The other team dives out of the way as the beam goes about forty feet before cutting a palm tree in half. The volleyball, or what's left of it, is another casualty. "Whoops.."
A beat, and then the group breaks out into laughter as Alex's face goes red. "That was a good game." Scott says and pats him on the back.
"Indeed." The Professor interjects, everyone turning to him, "And quite enough for one day, I'd wager. Ororo, would you?"
"Of course." She nods and flies off toward the fallen palm tree, probably to do damage control. Xavier looks to Scott and Alex next. "A word, boys?"
Scott and Alex walk over to the Professor, and everybody disperses. Well, almost everybody. "Heyyy! Help me!!" Kurt wails, still half buried. You giggle and go to pull him out. "I see my life flashing before my eyes!"
"Oh, quit being a baby." Kitty rolls her eyes, phasing him the rest of the way.
Dusting himself off, he narrows his eyes at Kitty. "Zhat was low, Pryde." Then Kurt puts a hand on her shoulder, "I'm so proud of you."
"I learned from the best."
"And Y/N! Zhat save vas epic!" Kurt exclaims, "Did Rogue see??"
"Uhh, well...no." They frown, and as you see them start to restrategize you put up your hands. "You know, it's really sweet of you guys to help me out with Rogue, but.. I don't think I can handle any more elaborate plans today. Let's just enjoy the beach."
They smile understandingly, and Kitty taps her chin. "Actually, I have been wanting to go seashell collecting. I can send some to Mom, she loves making beach jewelry."
"And I vant to swim more!" Kurt adds, "How about you, Y/N?"
"Well, since I have this new swimsuit, I might as well try it out."
As they follow after the Professor, Scott notices Alex rubbing at his chest and frowns. "Pain again?"
"Yeah.." Alex replies, "I think that blast helped a little though. Sorry about the volleyball."
"Don't sweat it." Scott smirks, "You know how many times I've accidentally blasted something before? I set a football field on fire."
"Really?" His brother laughs, "I guess I'm not doing that bad then."
"On the contrary, Alex. You've handled your powers as best you can on your own, and that is truly commendable." The Professor turns to address them.
Alex flushes, giving a little shrug. "It's no big thing.. And, well, I wasn't completely on my own. Magneto found me." Scott's face hardens at the mention, but Alex's expression is more conflicted. "I thought he wanted to help me.."
"Perhaps he did, in his own way." Scott looks to the Professor as he speaks, "He's... a complicated man. And misguided."
"Yeah." Alex frowns, "Is he.. Do you think he's dead?"
Again, Scott looks to his mentor. It didn't slip his notice that Xavier used present tense. The Professor's frown deepens. "I don't know for sure. But I do know that you don't need Magneto in order to control your powers. We can help you, Alex. I have a colleague, Dr. Moira MacTaggart, who has done much research on the subject of mutation. She runs a facility on an island off the coast of Scotland, where-"
"Wait, Scotland?" Scott's eyebrows bunch together, "I thought Alex would be coming back to the Institute."
"Dr. MacTaggart has much more extensive equipment to help Alex. She's the one who discovered the ruby quartz for your glasses and visor. Unfortunately, the same material does not work to absorb his rays like yours. It's possible his powers don't feed off of solar energy. So with the combination of Alex's lack of control, our lack of information, and his acute pain, I think it would be best if he traveled to Muir Island for some tests."
"Tests?" Alex asks nervously, and Scott takes his hand protectively. "What kind of tests?"
"I assure you, nothing without consent." The Professor turns to Scott's brother, "It's up to you, Alex. There's a place for you at the Institute as well, but if you wish to stay here in Hawaii, that's also your decision."
"...Thanks, Professor." Alex finally says, "I'll think about it."
Scott can't help feeling bad about it, though. He doesn't want to be separated from his brother again. Alex must sense that, because next he asks, "Scott? If I decide to go, you still know I love you, right?"
He does his best to smile. "Of course, Alex. I love you, too."
Ororo inspects the jungle area that Alex's chest beam plowed through, and she's relieved that there don't seem to be any signs of serious damage to the environment save for one felled tree. Just in case anybody ventures out this far, she carefully scorches the tree and stump with a lightning bolt and douses them with a bit of rain to make it look like an accident of nature.
'These children..' She thinks, reflecting on the increasingly destructive mutant abilities they've come across. 'At least no one was hurt.'
But part of her wonders how long that will last. Perhaps the students can let loose out here in isolation, but soon it will be back to school. They can't afford to be impulsive. They will have to exercise complete control over their abilities every day.
'You mustn't lose control, Ororo!' The voice in her head chides, and she thinks of her nephew. Of Pietro's injury.. one that she suspects wasn't accidental. Evan has brushed her off every time she tries to talk about it, and it's endlessly frustrating. It feels like before, when Evan refused to even consider attending the Institute no matter what she said.
'Am I to blame?' She wonders, 'Have I been too soft on him? I can't let him lose focus.'
"Hey, Ms. Ororo!" A chipper voice draws her attention, and she sees Kitty approaching with a large bag, "Whatcha doin'?"
"Nothing, Kitty. Just thinking." She replies, offering a soft smile back. "What about you?"
"Well, I was looking for some seashells, but I found some trash that washed up on shore." Kitty wrinkles her nose, "It's totally awful how polluted our oceans are, even here! I never lived near a beach, but I used to help collect trash on the side of the road, so I decided to walk around and see what I can do."
Ororo's eyes brighten. "That is very kind of you, Kitty. May I join you?"
"Sure!" Ororo walks along the beach with her, picking up plastic and other litter bobbing in the shallows. It fills her heart with pride that Kitty is taking such an active interest in preserving the health of the environment. Nature thrums happily in her bones, pleased with their work as Kitty chatters on. "Oh, look!" Kitty picks up something smooth and green. "Pretty!"
Ororo hums her acknowledgement. "Sea glass. It's weathered in the ocean for so long that all its jagged edges smooth out."
"I guess some good things can come out of bad situations."
"Yes." Ororo contemplates that, "Yes, I suppose so, kitten."
"Ey!" You shout as Kurt appears behind you and dunks you in the water. Resurfacing, you splash him as revenge. "You jerk!"
"Vhat? I'm testing your reflexes! Ze vork of an X-man is never done!"
"We're literally on vacation." You laugh, "I think we got tested enough on that asteroid."
"Ja, I guess ve did." Kurt leans back in the water, something somber passing over his expression. After a quiet moment, he asks, "Do.. Do you zhink Mystique..?" You frown, waiting for him to finish. He doesn't.
"I... don't know. Maybe."
"I don't vant her to be dead, but... I don't vant her to come back. Is zhat horrible?"
You shake your head, thinking of Matron Mary. "No. I get it."
"She vanted revenge on Magneto." Kurt continues, "I guess zhey had some falling out. It's probably ze only reason she helped us. But I talked to her, and she... It's confusing. Sorry, I can't say it right." His eyes downcast, you touch on that well of sadness that Kurt keeps so covered up. A well that just keeps getting deeper every time Mystique shows her face.
"Hey," You take his hand, "Take your time. You can tell me when you're ready."
This elicits a genuine smile, though you know you're only treating a symptom. "And whatever her reasons, I'm glad you showed up when you did. We wouldn't have been able to stop Magneto without you."
"Vhat, like I'm going to leave my best friend in ze clutches of evil? No vay."
You chuckle, but the word 'evil' sits in your mind. After everything Magneto did, part of you still sympathizes with him.
"That's awful."
"You're awful."
'No.' You remind yourself, 'Kurt isn't horrible and neither am I. We're just.. trying.'
The voices quiet and you let yourself relax in the ocean waves, floating up and down gently. "Volleyball was fun. Though I'm guessing we took a few liberties with the rules."
Kurt's makes a surprised Pikachu face. "You mean to say I cheated?!"
Another splash has you spitting out salt water. "Okay, geez, you didn't cheat!!"
"Good." Kurt's tail flicks impishly, "I can't believe my plan didn't vork."
You snort, and he narrows his eyes.
"Sports montages are great meet-cutes!"
"I didn't say anything!" You put your hands up. But as wild as Kurt's idea was, you're also a little disappointed it didn't work. Rogue hasn't even looked at you once since getting here, and you're trying very hard not to spiral into anxiety over it. Then again, the more you think about it, the more these complicated scenarios to woo her don't feel right. You're not some glamourous model or star athlete, but you are Rogue's friend. And she means everything to you.
"I think I have one more plan."
The sun begins to set on the Hawaiian coast, stars peeking out from behind the steadily dimming shades of pink and red. The Professor closes his eyes as a cool breeze blows. He wills his mind to be silent, just for a minute. To let go of any fear of the future and ghosts of the past.
It's peaceful.
"Should we get goin'?" Logan asks beside him.
"Let them be free a little longer." Charles replies. "Next year will bring many new challenges."
"Then we shall meet them." Ororo puts a hand on his shoulder.
Logan grunts. "I bet they will, too. Those kids are tough."
"Let's hope the new students will be as well."
He feels Ororo and Logan freeze. "...New students?" Logan growls in exasperation. "Give me a break.."
Charles smirks. He opens his eyes, looking across the beach at his wonderful students, his first class of X-men. Cyclops. Jean Grey. Nightcrawler. Shadowcat. Spyke. Rogue. Avatar.
His X-men.
You try to ignore the fast beating of your heart as you wrap a towel around yourself and approach Rogue's blanket. Honestly, you almost wish you'd remained oblivious to your feelings, because this is torture. Before you can talk yourself out of it though, you remind yourself.
'She's Rogue. And I love being around Rogue.'
"Hey. Having fun?" You ask. Your smile slowly falls into a confused frown at her lack of response. "Rogue? Hey? Rogue!" You say a little louder, and she suddenly looks up. Her surprise hits you just as you see her take her ear buds out.
'Oooooooooohhhh. That makes sense.'
"Sorry, didn't hear you." She smiles softly. You chuckle. "I don't know how you can listen to music and read at the same time."
"I like to immerse myself in the story." Rogue shrugs.
You sit on the blanket, staying a respectable distance apart, and take a look at the title. "Moving on to Edgar Allen Poe?"
"It's never too early in the year to get spooky."
"I agree, spooks all year round."
Your heart slows and settles into a comfortable rhythm, and everything is easier.
Marking the book and closing it, Rogue rests her arms on her knees. The salty breeze blows through her hair. "Having a fun beach day?"
"Well, we played volleyball and I got dunked in the water a few times. So yeah, pretty fun." She smirks, but much like Kurt you detect a hint of melancholy underneath the surface. "How about you?"
She shrugs. "It's fine, I guess. Breeze is nice."
"You seemed excited to go to the beach before." Before everything went crazy, that is. Come to think of it, Rogue was captured by Magneto. A bit worried, you ask, "Is it about Asteroid M?"
"No. I mean, maybe a little." She stretches out and lays back on the blanket. You join her. "That was just like the cherry on top of all the other stress. And seeing Mystique again, it was like.. I really didn't want to have to absorb her again."
Your brow creases. "Are you still having nightmares?"
"Nah." Rogue shakes her head, "The Professor helped them go away. There was this other memory, from Mystique I guess, and it was.. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it anymore." Her eyes narrow at no one. "Good riddance. I don't wanna deal with her anymore either."
Another dream? "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not much to say, it was all jumbled. All I really saw was a huge fire, and then a little girl. She was so scared.."
Your chest twinges, and you get the strangest sense of deja vu. 'Weird.'
Rogue sighs. "Ugh, sorry, you came over here and I'm just talking about myself."
"I like hearing you talk about yourself."
She turns her body to you and smirks. "You flirting with me, Y/N?"
Unfortunately, that was the exact moment you chose to sit up and have a drink of water. At least the coughing fit helps hide your blush, and it makes Rogue laugh. "Oh my gosh, don't choke to death because I made a stupid joke!"
'Joke... right...'
She sits up to join you as you clear your throat. "What are you thinking?"
'That I love you?'
"That the ocean looks super inviting." You back out, too thoroughly embarrassed to tell her now. "Wanna take a dip?"
You wait as she contemplates leaving her dark haven, until finally she gives a nod. "Why not? Let me get some sunscreen on, I don't want to burn to a crisp. I'll meet you out there."
"Awesome!" For your third failure to confess to your crush, it isn't turning out so bad. Maybe you'll work up the courage sooner than you think. Dropping the towel, you start to walk across the sand when you hear a squelch. You turn back to see Rogue, sunscreen bottle gripped tightly with a big, white glob fallen on her lap.
"I think you may have missed the mark." You joke, but she just stares at you, unmoving. "Rogue?"
"Y-Yeah! Whoops!" She laughs strangely and waves you off. "Don't worry, just go!"
"Okay?" Not quite certain what that was about, you chalk it up to a silly mistake. Ahead of you, Kurt, Evan, Scott and Alex have boogie boards. Jogging toward them you shout, "Wait for me!"
"Be prepared for me to get embarrassing photos of you all wiping out!" Kitty calls.
"Challenge accepted."
"That wasn't a challenge, Evan!"
Rogue subtly checks for a nosebleed as she watches you run off. Seeing the front of your swimsuit nearly gave her a heart attack, and now the back? Wait.
She puts a hand over her blushing face.
A/N: Hello all! Happy Spooky Season! I decided to try out a season epilogue to serve as a bridge between seasons, and also because I wanted to write a glorified one-shot of my own fanfiction lol. Let me know if you like it, I might do one at the end of every season. I also tried to hint at some things to come, so start guessing!
I went back over previous chapters to make some edits, mostly minor stuff. If you can point out what's new, you get a cookie. The only two biggish changes are Kitty's age (I decided she's fifteen and skipped freshman year, so now she's going into junior year with Reader, Kurt, and Rogue. Evan is going into sophomore, and Scott and Jean are going to be seniors) and an extended scene between Rogue and Xavier in Grim Reminder. I recommend going back to check that latter one out because it may be important later (Hint hint).
I've got season 2 pretty much all planned out, so all I need to do is start writing in my own convoluted messy style. Since we all know how long that takes, we're doing another Q&A/Prompt chapter! Ask me or any of the characters whatever you want, and feel free to submit prompts for mini fics! These won't be canon, but they will be fun!
Thanks for all the support, I've gotten so many lovely comments that brighten up my life just a bit. You're all spectacular and I'm honored that other people find this fic entertaining. Truly, thank you.
Until next time, be good humans! <3 :)
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