Rogue Recruit
WARNING: Trauma, self-loathing, child abuse, identity confusion, fear, angst. Too much angst. Also, eating a dead bug for a hot sec. Don't worry about it.
A/N: Hello all! I've read some great suggestions for the Reader's X-men codename! It was a difficult choice, but I decided to go with AO3 user MegaWevileWhen's entry! Without further ado, Y/N's superhero name is Avatar!
Since this is a Reader-Insert fanfic, I'll be using a few abbreviations. Here's a key:
Y/N = Your Name
Y/F/N = Your Full Name
F/C = Your favorite color
Avatar = Your codename
Other Notes: Reader is she/her and I pretty much write out Kurt's accent, replacing w's with v's and th's with z's. If it turns out it's too hard for people to read that way, I'll change it.
Enjoy! :)
"Heads up!"
You jump out of the way as yet another rubber ball gets launched at you, and you turn to see it hit the wall behind you instead with a loud slap. There's no time to process before you hear the machine fire off another round.
The Danger Room has become a lot less scary since your first time in it, but no less exhausting. Somehow, Logan's class makes easy mode seem impossible to beat. He has you, Kurt, and Kitty doing laps while the room fires projectiles. Thankfully, the rubber balls aren't lethal, but they still hurt way too much for you to slow down. You duck as another one passes you by, then look up ahead. The finish line still looks a million miles away, and you groan in defeat.
"Hey, Y/N, no vorries! Zhis exercise isn't zhat bad!" Kurt exclaims nearby, "No problemo, as you say in America! Ve got zhis!" His joyful optimism is slightly undercut by the fact that he isn't even running, rather walking and teleporting forward every few steps.
"Easy for... you.. to say!" Kitty gripes breathlessly, a few yards behind you. Despite being in no danger of getting hit since the balls fly right through her, running doesn't seem to be her strong suit. You can relate as her frustration and exhaustion comes through.
Being the only one with inconvenient powers, you've had to work really hard in Logan's classes. You don't think you've ever worked out as much as you do now, and you're probably healthier for it. Still, exercise isn't exactly enjoyable. The biggest reason you work so hard is so you can be of real use. The Professor tells you that your powers are already helpful, but when Jean and Kitty were trapped in a collapsing building you couldn't do anything about it.
'I can at least do this!' You think as you eye the finish line.
Of course, things rarely go as planned. Kurt, getting a little too cocky, accidentally teleports directly into the path of a ball that knocks him over. The other machines seem to recognize this and take aim.
You turn around and yell worriedly. "Kurt! Look out!"
"We're almost there!" Kitty shouts, running past. You hesitate for a moment before running back towards Kurt.
He sits up and recovers enough to notice the incoming barrage and yelps. Just before you reach him, he disappears and you're left in his place, unfortunately directly in the line of fire. You barely get your arms up to shield your face before six balls hit you in rapid succession, knocking you over.
You yell in pain and someone else yells too, but you don't find out who before a deep, irritated voice yells, "Computer, end program!"
Wincing half from your welts and half from Logan's expression, you stand up carefully. Looking around, you see Kitty shoving Kurt angrily and stomping away. Your eyebrows furrow at the scene as you wonder what exactly happened.
"That was embarrassing!" Logan shouts, and you flinch. "S-Sorry, sir!" You say automatically. He looks at you funny, then sighs. "Not you, kid. And don't call me sir."
"Yes, si- I mean, um, Logan." You comply, a little relieved that you're not feeling much anger from him. Mostly exasperation.
"You two, on the other hand." He jabs, eliciting a protest from Kitty.
"Hey! I would have gotten there if Kurt hadn't just- ugh!"
"I'm sorry, Kitty, I didn't mean to teleport into you!"
'Oh.' You think. 'That's what happened.' You feel a headache coming on with all the negative emotions brewing.
"Enough!" Logan snaps, shutting the argument down, "Elf, it's called the Danger Room for a reason, take it more seriously. You put Y/N in harm's way with your stunt."
Kurt looks at you and gasps. "Y/N!" He teleports to your side and checks you over, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you! If I had I vould've gotten us both out of ze way!"
"And on top of me!" Kitty snaps.
"No, no, it's okay! I'm fine!" You grimace as you see the redness on your arms. He doesn't look quite convinced, but you smile and reassure him. "It was an honest mistake. That's all."
'I'm more to blame.' You don't say, 'If I weren't so useless, he wouldn't need to save me.'
"Go clean up." Logan sighs, "We're going to have a demo here later, so maybe you all can learn from that. Or at least try to."
The three of you nod and rush out before he decides to change his mind and dole out a punishment. "Phew, zhat vas hard." Kurt exclaims, draping an arm on you, "Ve almost got to ze end zhis time!"
Kitty squints at him. "We would have if you hadn't messed around."
"But training is no fun if you don't mess around a little!" Kurt smirks, "Remember zhat time vhen Storm stepped out of ze class, Y/N?"
You snort, "Oh my gosh, Scott's face when you teleported to the board and rewrote all the prompts in German!"
"How did Ororo know it vas me??"
You both burst out laughing. The memory of that dumb joke is funny enough that you barely register the twinge of envy.
"Mhm. Well, me and Y/N are going to go change in her room. No boys allowed, later!" Kitty takes your hand and pulls you away before you can say anything.
"Finally, we can hang out!" Kitty says when you get inside, excitement so strong that it's impossible to deny her. Since she came to the mansion, you've been hanging out more and more, probably because you're close in age. She's only a year younger, but you're both in the same grade! You like having her as a friend. She usually brings a positive energy to the room. However, whenever she and Kurt are around each other, a tiny problem arises. They don't get along, like, at all.
You think it started when they first met. Kurt decided to prank her by popping out of nowhere, and Kitty wasn't used to seeing blue guys with pointed ears with fangs. The Professor chewed him out pretty good, and he felt bad and apologized. Ever since then, Kitty just hasn't warmed up to him. You can feel her distaste whenever he's around, and it sucks. Kurt is such a sweet friend, and if she gives him a chance she could see that.
'They're my friends. I should try to bring them together.' You think, clearing your throat to get Kitty's attention.
"Kurt's really nice, and, um... he's funny! He makes me laugh and cheers me up a lot!" You try listing off his good qualities, "He's kinda like a brother."
Kitty raises an eyebrow and scoffs. "Yeah, an annoying one. Which top do you like better?" You deflate a little, but point to the pink one.
"Maybe, um.." You try again quietly, "Maybe we can all be friends?"
But she doesn't seem to hear you. "You're right, pink's definitely my color. And I think F/C suits you." Kitty holds a F/C butterfly barrette up to your hair and you blush. She fastens it and gives you a hug, then whispers. "I'm so glad there's someone here who, like, gets me."
You blush and smile back. She didn't really answer you about Kurt, but seeing her like this makes you think they'll start getting along soon. She just needs to see his good side.
"But man, it's so dull around here sometimes." Kitty remarks, flipping through a magazine. "Where's a good party when you need one?"
A house sits at the edge of Mississippi swampland, lights flashing and music blaring. The local teens are all inside, dancing and shouting and drinking like they don't have to go back to school on Monday. One girl, however, stands alone on the back deck, away from the cacophony of adolescence. Rogue, dubbed that nickname by an old friend, gazes out over the bayou.
She doesn't really even know why she bothered to come to this dumb thing. Noise and, well, people aren't really her forte. It's just that she feels like she's suffocating in that new house. Lately, Irene's been inventing every excuse to keep her at home. Finally, Rogue managed to guilt trip her into letting her go out tonight.
"I still don't know anyone in this town." She said, "I thought I could make some friends or something."
Now here she is at a weekend rager, out of the house at last. It's only when she arrived that she remembered how much she hates socialization. She retreated to the back deck for some peace, but apparently that isn't going to work. As she stares off into the night, she can hear two buzzed guys walking over. Rolling her eyes at her destroyed peace, she catches a bit of their conversation.
"Aw, come on. I'm just, you know, picking my moment. Taking it slow."
"Cody, I've seen glaciers move faster! There she is! The girl you've been staring at all week! Please tell me you at least know her name."
"You lame-o! This ends now, c'mon."
"Ty, I-!"
Rogue hears the boy stutter and turns around. She raises an eyebrow when she sees two guys in letterman jackets, one pushing the other toward her.
"Can I help you?" She asks with about seventy percent attitude.
"Uh, Dance! I mean... would you like to? With me that is? Together?" The bashful blonde one splutters as his friend facepalms behind him.
Rogue hesitates. She fiddles with her gloves, Irene's voice in her head telling her to be careful not to touch people because of her sensitive skin. It has been feeling sort of itchy lately.
"I'm really just hanging out here, um.." She begins to say, but the boy looks so dejected. He is kind of sweet, and nice looking too. She debates it for a moment, then smiles. "Ah, why not? After all, what's the harm in one dance?"
She walks toward the door, leading him in. He happily follows and his friend high fives him as Rogue smirks.
'Hell, maybe this night won't be so bad.'
A few miles away from the party, a middle-aged woman sits in her living room, walking stick in hand. Something flashes across her pale eyes, hidden away by her darkened glasses.
In seconds, the blind woman sees.
A dance.
A fall.
A hand touching her wrist.
She gasps. "No! Don't touch him! Oh my dear child!"
His name is Cody, and apparently he's pretty popular. Rogue isn't all that into sports, which most people would assume anyways from her punk-goth aesthetic. So, dancing with a linebacker isn't something she's used to. He's surprisingly sweet, though, giving her some space. For once, Rogue feels okay with letting loose in a crowd.
It's hard to hear over the music, but she sees Cody's friend Ty move in and say something to him. The next second, Cody is shoved into her, both of them falling to the ground.
A few people stop and see him on top of her. Her face flushes as Cody clumsily climbs off.
'Great. This will be the school's new favorite joke next week.'
She has half a mind to tell him off, but he looks about as mortified as her. He even reaches to help her up as he apologizes, but she moves her arm and he ends up fumbling and grabbing her wrist instead of her hand. Her sleeve rides up, exposing her pale skin to his touch.
The sensation is like having the breath sucked out of her lungs and getting electrocuted all at once.
'It hurts!' She can't speak, she can only yell incoherently, 'Make it stop!'
She manages to yank her arm away, and the pain stops just long enough for her to register Cody's body slumping over.
Then it hits her again, an incredible pressure in her head that makes her double over. Memories fly by every second.
He's climbing a tree.
He's getting lunch in the school cafeteria.
He's winning the football game.
"My head! These images! What's happening to me?" Rogue, no, Cody? asks, panicking, "What am I? Who am I?"
He... She? They get up and see Cody- himself- sprawled on the floor in front of them. Everyone is gathering around now, music still going loudly.
"Cody? Cody, what's wrong?" The friend is shaking the limp body.
'His friend? Ty! My best friend?'
Ty turns an accusing look at her/him. "What did you do to him?"
'I'm scared. Leave me alone! I don't... I know you! No!' Rogue or Cody, whoever they are, runs for the door. Ty blocks them but they push past him just like Cody had done at last month's game, knocking him to the ground.
'That game... Why do I remember that game?'
Crying, the lost teenager runs off into the night, two identities overlapping in their mind.
It's been an hour since Irene's vision came to pass. The blind woman saw that boy touch Rogue at the party and knew it was too late to stop. She still called her child over and over, hopelessly praying that she'd pick up. Then the sirens sounded past her home and she knew there was nothing left to do.
Nothing except to call her.
"That's not what I said!" Irene explains, exhaustion and irritation creeping into her voice as she grips the phone tightly. "I see pathways, probabilities. I predicted what form her mutant powers would take, not when they would manifest!"
Her voice softens as she feels the edge of a picture frame, portraits of her and Rogue that she can't look at. "Yet, I did take precautions. The phony skin condition, the way she dressed... but she's a teenage girl! I couldn't keep her in isolation."
She hears the sharp voice on the other end of the line and sighs.
"Of course you're coming. I know. And the others, Xavier's team, they're coming too."
The line goes dead and Irene falls back into her chair. It's been a long time since she had last taken up her old moniker. "Destiny." An appropriate name for the reader of fates. But meeting with her old partner again, after all these years... She shakes her head, banishing the thought. The only person she needs to worry about right now is her child. She takes a deep breath and calls up her driver.
It's a quiet night outside the X-Mansion. Crickets chirp and leaves rustle, but other than that everything is as quiet as a mouse. Even the man currently jumping the fence makes no sound, even as he scales the walls of the building and accesses the vents. The intruder crawls inside, dropping into the attic stealthily.
"Impressive. You got past the automated defenses by using the air vents." The masked intruder whips around to see Storm step out of the shadows and raise a hand. "But you won't get past me!"
By her summons, wind comes blasting through the windows. Thinking quickly, the man jumps back up and escapes the way he came. Storm's amused voice echoes around him as he crawls away.
"Testing me, hm? Alright then. It's time you remembered why they call me Storm!"
He hears the crash of a lightning bolt outside. Then, a howling noise like an approaching typhoon. The intruder looks forward and sees the torrent of rainwater coming towards him. He cries out in surprise, but it's too late. He's carried away through the vents until he spills out onto a metal floor, sputtering.
"Look a little flushed!" Her voice sounds like it's coming through an intercom, and the intruder looks up to see her standing in the control tower of the massive Danger Room. "And the forecast isn't good."
He quickly jumps up, but is blasted to the wall by a freeze ray. It only takes a moment for him to break free, but now he's more than a little pissed. "Now, that was cold." He grumbled.
"Then let's warm you up."
A laser gun begins firing, but he dodges and jumps onto it. Metal claws appear from his hands and he sinks them deep into the machinery, yelling as the electrical current hits him. The gun blows up and blasts him back, burning away chunks of his black garb. Despite the burns, he gets back up undeterred.
"Gotta connect first." He goads her. "Got any other party tricks?"
The room splits open as a contraption rises, four long metal prongs spinning out at him. Exhilarated, he weaves between them, making it to the center and tearing the machine apart. He's just about to deal a fatal blow when another voice broadcasts over the room, this time telepathically.
'Stop!' The Professor exclaims, 'It is, at the moment, as much as we can afford, Wolverine.'
To illustrate his point, the machine whirs to a stop and collapses in on itself, thoroughly slain.
Wolverine takes off the black mask and smirks. "Hey, when I give a demo, I give a demo."
You watch Logan walk out of the Danger Room into the elevator, traveling up to the control room where you and all the rest of Xavier's students are spectating from. Your fingers touch the glass panel and you let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding in. That performance had your heart racing!
"Is that 'demo' as in 'demolish' or 'demonstration'?" Scott says as a very expensive looking machine falls apart down below. "What was the point?"
"The point, young Cyclops, was to teach you something about how to find the weak points in sophisticated security systems." Storm explains as she inputs something into the system. As a teacher, she always carries an air of gravitas that captures your attention. Seeing her and Wolverine in action gives you a new sense of admiration for their strength. Their powers are amazing!
The elevator doors open and you see Logan enter. "That's right, bub." He says in his gravelly voice. "And I'd say ours needs a little work."
It's difficult not to worry too much when you see Logan's burned black suit. The Professor has already explained about his fast healing powers, but he still must feel pain. You hope he's okay, and turn to survey your team's faces.
Kurt doesn't seem all that bothered. He's hanging upside down from the ceiling in his natural blue form, munching on a bowl of popcorn.
"Zhat vas tight! I give it two thumbs up!" He says, not realizing that in his current position his thumbs are pointing down. Jean smirks and gives you a look. You shrug and smile at his antics.
"The vents were pretty easily breached. Gonna need to fix that." Logan says to Storm, who's reviewing footage of their battle. "Maybe electrify me or install poison gas sprayers..."
"Alright, alright. Knockout gas then."
You frown when you hear this, but a wave of anxiety comes over you that makes you turn around. Kitty is standing in the corner, arms crossed and clear displeasure on her face. "Is it just me or is anyone else, like, seriously freaked by this?" She asks. No one answers and she rolls her eyes. "Oh right, it's just me? Great."
You weren't going to say anything before, but now that Kitty has brought it up... "Um, I also think this is kind of... freaky." Everyone looks at you and your face goes red. "I mean... do you think bad people could really... break in here? Past all that security stuff?"
Something you said must have struck a nerve, because now you're getting that anxiety from all around you. The students look at the adults, who quickly look to each other. Logan looks away and Storm speaks. "This is all hypothetical. You don't need to worry about break-ins. We just thought you may be interested in... security protocols."
The others relax and you look down. 'Right. Of course. I shouldn't have said anything.' You ignore the worry still lingering in your stomach.
Someone pulls you over, wrapping their arm around you. "Well, at least somebody here isn't crazy about lasers and weird ninja fights!" Kitty exclaims. This lifts your spirits a little.
Kurt, still hanging around, smiles over at you. "Relax, Kitty and Y/N. You'll be fine." He teleports to your side, giving you a quick hug. "Ve're right beside you!" Then he teleports to Kitty's side, extending the snack bowl with his tail. "Popcorn?"
Unfortunately, an already on-edge Kitty isn't prepared for him suddenly popping up so close to her. She gasps and jumps back, accidentally shoving into you.
"Ah! Sorry Y/N!" Kitty exclaims before shooting a dirty look at Kurt. You remember the cartoons where characters literally stare daggers at each other, and realize it feels just as painful.
Kurt looks sheepish as he puts the popcorn down. "Oops, hehe, sorry. I forgot you vere such a Scaredy Kitty."
Kitty crosses her arms, unamused. "Charming. Look, guys, it's late. If it's no biggie to you, I'm gonna, like, drop out."
"Aw, c'mon Kitty! I vas joking!" Kurt says, but Kitty ignores him completely and turns to you. "Coming, Y/N?"
"I... um..." You look from her expectant gaze to Kurt's, "I'm gonna stick around a little longer."
"Oh. Okay. Goodnight." An uncomfortable feeling sits in your chest as she sinks down though the floor. Kurt groans. "Ach. She's fully not into ze fuzzy dude." He sits down on the table and adjusts his watch so that he appears normal, "Not zhat I really blame her."
Your eyes widen as his sadness floats by. "Kurt, no, she's just tired! And stressed out! It's not your fault."
His face scrunches up. "Yeah. You know vhat? It's not my fault. She's just no fun!"
"But she can do vhat she likes! Me and you have vay more fun on our own anyvay vithout
her bringing ze mood down!"
"Um.." The uncomfortable feeling expands as you sense something bad starting to brew. Almost as if you predicted it, the Professor enters just then with a serious look on his face.
"X-men, we have an emergency. Scott, get the Blackbird prepped for launch. And since it's a weekend, assemble the full team."
Everyone stands at attention, and Scott steps forward. "Yes sir. What's the mission?"
"Cerebro has detected a new mutant in Caldecott County, Mississippi." The Professor explains as you and Kurt look to each other with similar expressions of surprise. "My mental impressions from the scene indicated a highly disturbed individual. Our mutant is a danger to herself, and possibly others as well."
"Professor?" Kurt asks excitedly, nudging you, "By full team, do you mean-?"
"Yes, you, Y/N and Kitty as well." The Professor nods, "This is a serious matter, so do as your instructors tell you. Understood?"
"Yes sir!" Kurt turns to you, and his joy is infectious. "Zhis vill be ze perfect time to test out your new codename, ja, Avatar?"
Breathless, they run aimlessly down the road, pushing past anyone in their way. Rogue, Cody, Rogue, Cody- Different memories from two different lives overtake them. They are two people, but one person. It hurts.
Bright lights flash and the teenager who could be Cody or Rogue stops. Their heart pounds as the car swerves, narrowly missing them and hitting a lamp post. The clang of metal on metal reverberates, adding to the pressure in their head.
The driver gets out angrily and shouts, "What are you, nuts?! Crazy kid!"
But they're already running again, holding his/her head as she/he tears up.
'Home! I need to go home!'
You grip your seat tightly as the Blackbird makes its take off. Most people would think that the anxiety would be lessened on your second flight, but your heart is beating faster than ever. Of course, that's likely due to the fact that none of the adults are driving.
Cyclops is at the main controls, Nightcrawler co-piloting. You aren't actually sure how legal it is to let a teenager fly a jet, but no one else seems to question it.
You take a deep breath, calming yourself down. 'It's fine. Cyclops looks like he knows what he's doing, and the Professor is sitting right over there!' You are a touch more worried about Nightcrawler, though.
Despite your fears, Nightcrawler actually looks to be trying his best. He's focused on the sky in front of him as he speaks to Cyclops. "Stealth mode stable. Leveling off at 10,000 feet."
"Steady. Hold it right there." Cyclops responds, then turns and smiles. "And you've got it! Nice job Kurt! You'll make a pilot yet."
Kurt leans backs and drives with his feet. "Zhanks!"
As Scott mutters, "Or, maybe not..." You lean forward and look at Nightcrawler worriedly.
"Kurt, please! I really don't want to crash and die today!"
He laughs. "Ah, relax, Y/N. I am only joking." He puts his hands back on the controls and grins at you. "Vhat did you zhink? You zhink I'm ze best pilot, ja?"
Yet again, his positivity is irresistible. Your lips pull up into a small grin of their own.
"So, are you excited for ze mission?" Nightcrawler asks, and you're about to answer when you feel two hands grab your shoulders. "Sorry!" Kitty says, phasing you out of your seat from behind, "I need Y/N back here!"
You make a small noise of surprise as Kitty pulls you to the back, strapping you in next to her. Jean looks at you and raises an eyebrow as Kitty starts to chat. "Honestly, he's so immature! Teasing you like that." She says, gesturing to a now frowning Kurt, "But whatever! It can just be me and you on this mission, Avatar!"
"Who's being immature?" You hear Jean say under her breath.
'Does she mean me?' You wonder with a pang of embarrassment, 'I guess I am too scared of flying...' But Jean sends you a smile, confusing you even more.
"I've logged our flight plan with the FAA. We're cleared through to Jackson. We'll take the van from there." Cyclops states, and looks back at the Professor who nods. "Good. You're picking up logistics quickly, Scott." Cyclops smiles, and you sense the pride he feels in that moment.
Kitty is also watching him. "Scott seems so, like, together! So cool and..." She leans into you and Jean conspiratorially. "He's kinda cute."
Jean laughs, but in a weird breathy way. "Cute?" She exclaims incredulously, "Uh, stiff? Maybe, exacting? Definitely.," She focuses on him, "Y'know, from a certain angle..."
Your heart starts beating fast again, and you can't explain the muddled mess of feelings that you get. There's something strong, and warm... no, hot.
"Ooh, Y/N! Do you, like, like Scott??" Kitty exclaims, nudging you. Jean turns to you quickly when she says this and the feeling slowly fades.
"Um... uh..." You try to say something, but just as one emotion leaves, another enters that is even more confusing. It's almost.. possessive?
You barely have time to process that when you hear the puff of smoke, and you realize in horror that Kurt is currently standing on the front of a speeding jet.
"Kurt!" You yell as you unfasten your seatbelt and stand up, starting to panic. For a second, he has the goofiest look as he strikes a pose, but then the wind catches up and sends Nightcrawler flying. In another burst of smoke, he teleports back inside with an unfortunate amount of momentum. You gasp as he tumbles back, and jump to try to catch him. The two of you end up colliding and landing on something soft.
As you shake off the daze, you hear the Professor scold. "Kurt! The Blackbird is not the place to be fooling around. You've frightened Y/N, and now you've landed on Kitty!"
Just as he says it, you look up to see and feel the seething irritation of the Kitty you just landed on. Nightcrawler helps you up, looking embarrassed. "Sorry, Y/N. I did not mean to scare you. Sorry, Kitty."
Kitty unbuckles, brushing off her suit. "Ugh, just like stay away from me and Y/N!"
"Yeah? Vell, maybe Y/N vould rather not hang vith a rude person!"
"That's exactly why we're getting away from you!"
"W-wait!" You protest as they keep arguing, "Maybe we can.. We can try to, all of us..."
'You're failing again. Everyone is upset because of you. Your fault.'
"That's enough." Kitty and Kurt stop to look up at a stern Jean, "You'll need to work together today, so take a break from each other. Go cool off."
Kurt looks down and teleports away, while Kitty huffs and marches toward the front. You sadly watch her walk away, but then you feel a touch on your shoulder. Jean is looking at you seriously.
"Hey. It's not your fault if they don't get along. It's also not your responsibility to mediate. That's on them, not you. Okay?"
You nod and she pats you, then goes to sit back down for the rest of the flight. You're trying to take in what she just said. 'Did she read my mind?' You wonder, and then a different question, 'Could she be right?' You sit back down, trying to get rid of the negative feelings so you can think clearly.
Logan watches as Shadowcat storms up to the front and plops down in a chair, sulking about some stupid argument. He rolls his eyes.
Trying to train up these amateurs has been giving him a slowly worsening migraine that seems to be immune to his healing factor. He would rather be fighting Sabretooth again than be stuck in this teenage drama.
"By the way, Wolverine," The Professor says beside him, "The kids are with you."
Logan balks. "No way. Storm could-"
"Storm's not the one who was worried about leaving them alone at the mansion while we're on a mission." Xavier counters.
He growls in response, but the Prof isn't wrong. Ever since Sabretooth tracked him to the city, Wolverine's been on high alert. That's why he's been drilling the newbies so hard, why he wanted to retest the security system. As long as Sabretooth is out there, all the kids are in danger because of him.
That doesn't mean he wants to babysit the twerps, but he doesn't have a choice. "Fine." He grumbles, then levels a glare at Charles. He's known him long enough to notice how his eyes crinkle like that.
"...You're enjoying this too much, Chuck."
The Professor turns away, obviously trying to hide a smile. Logan sighs and grits his teeth.
'It's gonna be a long night.'
Destiny's hands nervously rub the top of her cane as she hears the engines closing in outside of the limo. With a deafening roar and a blast of air, the jet lands close by. It's been years since she last sat by her. Has she missed it? Yes. Has she been glad she's gone?
The other passenger door opens and Destiny catches that familiar perfume. At least one thing about her hasn't changed. "You made good time, Raven."
"Our organization's mysterious founder has certain... resources, Irene." Raven, or Mystique, replies.
Raven's voice has always been sharp, but there was a time it did nothing but warm Destiny. Now it gives her frostbite.
"What happened?!" That frigid voice demands, "I left the girl in what I thought was your safekeeping!"
The accusation stings and elicits a pang of defensiveness and guilt from Destiny. But she doesn't show it, not to her.
"At the party her mutant powers manifested and she accidentally made physical contact with a local boy." She explains concisely, as neutral as can be.
"Absorbing his memories and physical abilities. Wonderful." Raven responds facetiously. "We keep her hidden away in this backwater for the better part of ten years and in ten minutes it all falls apart."
'I kept her hidden. You weren't here.'
Raven raises her voice, enough that Destiny can practically feel it vibrate in her ears. "We cannot lose her, especially not to Xavier! She possesses the potential for limitless power!"
Destiny's grip on her cane tightens. "Limitless power for your benefactor?" She asks. Though her voice remains steady, the atmosphere of the vehicle changes.
"Isn't everything you do for him now? Or are you just in it for yourself at the end of the day?"
"And you would, what, put her in Xavier's hands instead?!"
"Of course not. But is your man so much better?"
"He has a plan for the future, Irene, one you just don't understand."
Destiny laughs. "I think you know I understand the future better than anyone, Raven."
That renders them both silent for a minute. After rounding a few corners, Raven speaks again in a quieter tone that feels vaguely reminiscent.
"It seems we have both chosen our paths. They don't align anymore... but..."
'But I wish they did.' That's what Destiny wants to say, what she feels Raven wants to say as well. Sadly, she knows there is no future where either of them admits it.
What do you see, Irene?" Raven says instead, "Where will she go?"
Destiny sits back and images slowly filter through her mind's eye. There are so many possibilities, but one is most prevalent. Her helpless girl, wandering into an unfamiliar house. She's looking for something... for..
"Home. Or what she thinks is home."
'I recognize this house.' She/He thinks, relieved, 'Cody's... My house. My dad.'
The thought puts a smile on their face as they run toward the suburban home's front door. It's locked, but the pressure in her/his head returns as another memory surfaces. The spare key. They reach for it and unlock the door, stepping into what they hope is safety.
Tyler paces back and forth across the cramped hospital room. Cody's been out for hours, completely unresponsive. His parents arrived a while ago and have been sitting with him, but Tyler just can't sit still. If he stops, he'll start thinking, thinking about his best friend never waking up ever again, thinking about never getting the chance to tell him-
The door opens and Tyler turns. It's a nurse he hasn't seen before. She has red hair and looks pretty young. Tyler would think she's a teenager if not for the uniform. She strides to Cody's side and puts her hand on his forehead.
'Is she checking for a fever?'
He'll be okay right? You'll help him?" Tyler pleads, and the nurse smiles at him.
"Yes, we will."
With that, she leaves the room without checking anything else. He's about to call after her when he feels someone take his hand. He turns and gasps, seeing Cody stirring a little. His friend's hand has unconsciously made it into his own.
Tyler smiles with tears in his eyes because he knows in that moment that everything is going to be okay.
Wolverine taps his fingers on the wheel of the X-van impatiently, waiting for Jean to come back out of the hospital. He eyes the cops near the entrance warily. No doubt they're here to talk to the same kid.
"This really necessary?" He asks, and Charles nods.
"Yes, Logan. The boy, Cody, is the key to finding our Rogue. But he's unconscious and his mind is elusive. To isolate his memory patterns, I need someone on the inside."
"You sure it's not too much for her to handle?"
"Jean is strong." The Professor replies, "Stronger than she knows."
Wolverine raises an eyebrow, but Chuck has that pensive look on his face, so he doesn't pry. Instead, he looks over his shoulder at the three knuckleheads he's going to be in charge of. Nightcrawler and Shadowcat are sulking and ignoring each other, and you look really high-strung. He has sympathy for you having to deal with this childish B.S.
"There." The Professor says, and Logan turns to see his hands on his temples, "Jean accessed his mind." He pauses, and Logan picks up on the hesitation. "What?"
"..Nothing pertinent." Charles answers, "I can sense a similar pattern not far from here."
Wolverine starts the van as he sees Jean approaching in the nurse uniform. It's time to find a rogue mutant.
Destiny feels the car pull to a stop, knowing they've arrived. Call it intuition, but she can feel her child nearby.
The passenger door clicks open and Destiny grabs Mystique's hand. Despite her best efforts, fear is present in her voice. "Don't you dare harm her."
"You really think that low of me?"
"She's your-"
"I know, Irene, I know." Mystique interrupts, and no one but Destiny would be able to detect the layer of hurt under the annoyance.
"Trust me." She feels Raven's hand on her shoulder, a reminder of a better time when they had been able to comfort each other. But her old lover removes her hand, and the new darker voice falls back into place as Mystique speaks, "She will come to us willingly. Given the right incentive."
Destiny knows by instinct that the woman beside her has shifted, changed into a new form to fit her schemes. She changed long ago on a much deeper level.
The blind woman navigates her way out of the car and starts to walk, ready to play her part. She knows what is bound to happen, the vision has been building in her mind all night. She has too much experience to be anything but resigned to fate, no matter how much it pains her.
One way or another, she will lose her child tonight.
Albums of Cody are spread out on his bed, and the teenager looks at all the pictures long and hard. The trophies, the bedspread, the smell, the view out the window... None of it feels quite right.
"All this is me? Mine?" They ask themselves. Two answers from two people in their head respond.
'Yeah, I'm Cody.'
'No, I'm Rogue, not him.'
They sigh, on the verge of crying again, and get up to look in the mirror. Rogue stares back. "But... which me am I?"
Looking at the trophies, their thoughts argue again.
'My trophies. I won them.'
'Not mine. Not here.'
'I live here-'
They yell in frustration, knocking the trophies onto the floor. But another loud noise quickly turns their attention to the kicked-in bedroom door.
A strange man stands there in a yellow costume of some kind, with black stripes across it. His cowl hides his eyes, but his bared teeth make his expression quite clear. A predator after his prey.
"W-who are you and what do you want?" They stutter out as the frightening man stalks forward.
"You, girlie." He growls, "I want you!" From his fists emerge long, sharp metal claws, and he pounces at her. She dodges just in time, and the feral man crashes through the closet doors.
As Rogue.. Cody? No, Rogue backs toward the exit, the man gets up, stepping over the splintered wood from the wreckage. "Hold still and make it quick!" He shouts, "You're dealing with the X-men now, and you ain't got a chance!"
She picks up a piece of wood, brandishing it shakily. "X-men?? I don't understand! I just want you to leave me alone!" Shouting her plea, she swings at him and runs out, darting down the stairs and out the front door as he howls behind her like some demented werewolf.
Mystique stops howling and follows slowly, changing from Wolverine to Storm. "One more turn of the screw and you will come running into my arms." She chuckles, following Rogue into the night.
With Cody's mental patterns, the Professor had been able to narrow down the search to a large neighborhood in the suburbs. You, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat have split off with Wolverine to cover more ground.
"What happens if we find her?" You ask your instructor, who is sniffing around the alley to pick up a scent. Usually you'd be too intimidated to approach him, but this mission is currently more intimidating.
"Well, according to Chuck, this kid is pretty disturbed. Best case scenario, we talk her down and take her with us." He sniffs, "Worst case, she flips out and attacks. Which is why you three are gonna be extremely careful, got it?"
He sounds angry, but he doesn't exactly feel angry. You aren't sure what he's actually feeling, so you just nod quickly and fall back.
Kitty and Nightcrawler are trudging along behind you, not together. They both haven't been in the best mood since the jet, so you've been trying to keep your distance. It hurts to be around them right now, it literally hurts. But, then you also feel guilty for avoiding them.
'I'm a bad friend if I can't fix this.' A thought echoes in your mind.
Exhaustion and annoyance creep up behind you as Shadowcat groans. "So does this, like, bite or what?"
Wolverine doesn't even turn around. "The Prof says the girl's mind is confused and difficult to pinpoint. So keep looking."
Kitty huffs and mutters. "Super fun mission. Ten out of ten."
"Vell, maybe you can stay back at ze mansion on ze next one." You hear Nightcrawler mutter back and grit your teeth as the anger flares back up.
'Not again..'
"Excuse me?"
Kurt rolls his eyes. "I'm just saying, if you're not cut out to be an X-man-"
"If anyone's not an X-man it's you! You're always messing with everyone!"
"Maybe if you had a sense of humor-!"
"Maybe if you stopped acting like a freak-!"
Each insult tears through you as you clench your fists. "Guys, please stop-"
"Zhat's it!" Nightcrawler exclaims furiously, "Avatar and I are going to team up und find ze mutant on our own!" He grabs your hand and your eyes widen.
"No, but-!" You try to protest.
"No way!" Kitty takes your other hand and glares, "She's coming with me!"
"No, she's coming vith me!"
As they tug you back and forth their fury at each other burns you up until it's too late. It bursts out in flames.
You yank your arms back and glare at them, unable to hold yourself back. "I hate this! I hate being in the middle of your fight! All of your feelings have to go through me and it hurts, okay?? I hate it!"
A tight grip lands on your shoulder and you instinctively push this person in rage. Only as the anger dies down do you realize it's Wolverine. A new emotion fills you, all your own. Fear.
"I-I-I'm sorry, I-"
"Walk up in front with me." He interrupts, "You need to calm down."
You glance at Kurt and Kitty's stunned expressions and shamefully walk away. It takes a lot of deep breaths before your face cools down.
'Why... Why did I say that?' You think, 'They'll both hate me now.'
'Help me... Someone...'
The young mutant runs through the backyards, stumbling over herself to get away from that monster. If she could remember how to run like a football player she might be better off, but the traces of Cody are slowly fading from her mind. Still, she can't quite remember who she used to be, and doesn't have time to as she scrambles to get over a high fence. Perched atop the fence post, struggling to get her foot over, she looks back.
There's a tall, white-haired woman draped in blue robes standing there, no monster in sight. She tries to cry out for help but the look in this woman's eyes stop her cold.
"One well-placed lightning bolt-" The stranger lifts up her hand, "One ex-mutant."
As the woman's hand comes down an explosion of electricity nearly hits the girl. She shrieks, falling over the other side. Her head hurts, and everything is out of focus.
"Rogue!" A familiar voice calls out. The girl recalls a small home, newly moved into, and a blind woman waiting in an easy chair. As her vision clears, she sees that woman standing above her. "It's me, Irene! Try and remember!"
"Who? Wait.. Irene.. Yes, but-" She.. Rogue.. breathes quickly, holding her face in her hands, "I'm so confused! Strange thoughts in my head... People chasing me!"
"Easy, easy honey!" Irene's voice is comforting, like a mother. 'Is this my mother?' She wonders.
Irene reaches a hand down to her and continues urgently. "The police are coming. The X-men will not risk a confrontation."
"The X-men?" Rogue's voice quivers.
"Yes, mutant hunters. Now hurry! I have a friend who can help you! I'll take you to her!"
Rogue takes her hand and uses it to steady herself as she stands. She's still unsure, eyes darting around for those two X-Men who'd attacked her. "All this is happening so fast, I don't-" Then she sees him. Fear grips her as she spots him, that animalistic man with the metal claws, approaching in the distance with some strange others.
"It's him! The one who attacked me! Run, Irene, run!"
She pulls away, running for her life as Irene stands still, holding the glove she left behind.
The second Wolverine caught a scent, the four of you were jogging through fenced-off back alleys of the neighborhood. Now, you spot some people up ahead. One woman with dark glasses and a cane... A blind woman? And next to her is a teenage girl, looking pale and wary.
"That's her!" Wolverine grunts as you all move forward. When the girl looks your way, she gasps. You're knocked back slightly by that wave of emotion. It's enough to make you tremble as you try to keep pace with the others.
"She's terrified!" You exclaim.
"Was?" You jump, noticing Nightcrawler at your side.
As Wolverine and Shadowcat continue on, Rogue screams and runs away, leaving the blind woman behind.
"Vhat did you say?" Kurt asks again. After your previous outburst, you can't look him in the eye.
"She's scared." You answer quietly. "Of us."
Just as you say this, the girl scales a fence haphazardly in a desperate escape. "Please! Leave me be!" She cries out, and your heart aches.
In a second, Nightcrawler disappears from your side and reappears in front of Logan, blocking his way.
"Volverine, vait! Avatar says ze girl is scared! She seems to be terrified by you!"
Logan stops and looks back at you, then sighs gruffly. "Well, what do you expect me to do? Not go after her?"
"Let me try." Nightcrawler answers, "All of us! Ve're her age, right? So ve're less scary!"
Wolverine grunts, obviously not too happy about this development. "If she touches you-"
"She von't! Kitty can phase past her, I can teleport, and Avatar can stay distanced from her! Ve'll be careful, just like you taught us!" Nightcrawler wears his signature goofy smile, but something is different. You can sense a seriousness and determination from him.
For a tense moment, Wolverine is silent. "Okay, kid." He finally agrees, and the shock is palpable from all three of you. Wolverine letting Nightcrawler call the shots?
As you start to wonder if your instructor has been replaced by an alien, he starts to sound normal again. "Just don't mess up, capische?"
"Yes sir!" Nightcrawler beams.
"I'll go find the Prof and get the others over here quick. You three find the girl and try to keep her here. But do not confront her if she's acting dangerous!" Wolverine points to Nightcrawler, "And Squirt? Put on your best face. No sense freaking out the poor kid anymore than she already is."
Kurt gives a big thumbs up and changes into his civilian mode. Kitty, who'd fallen a bit behind, catches up completely out of breath.
Pointing at her, Wolverine looks at you and Kurt. "And keep an eye on the half-pint here."
"Hey!" She exclaims, but he ignores her and turns to you, holding out a small device. "If anything happens, use this communicator to call the Professor."
You take it and watch him leave, and in a second he's already gone. After seeing how fast he moved in the demo, you figure he'll be back in no time.
Then, you suddenly realize who you're alone with, and nervously look to the ground. 'What do they think of me now?' You wonder sadly, wishing you hadn't lost control of that anger. Another worry bubbles up that they'll just start fighting again, and it'll be another barrage of negativity. Or maybe they'll call off your friendship completely, and you don't think you can handle that right now.
"I'll- I'll go around this way!" You suggest, "And you two can go the other way!" Avoiding them is all you can think to do.
Shadowcat starts to object, "But-!"
"Okay, Avatar." Kurt interjects, "Ve can find her from both sides zhen! Ve'll meet up around ze block."
He smiles at you, and you're confused as you dash off. 'I thought he'd be mad at me..'
Kurt watches Y/N run off and frowns. He turns and Kitty is glaring at him once again. At this point, he's over it.
"Why did you let her go off alone?!" She demands, "What if she runs into Rogue and gets hurt?!"
"She's better off alone zhan vith us." Kurt mutters, and starts off going the other way around the block to look for the new mutant.
Kitty catches up, slightly out of breath. "What... do you... mean?" She asks in between intakes of air.
"You felt it, didn't you?" He asks seriously. When you yelled at them, it was like he could feel your anger. Then, your fear and your shame. By the look on Kitty's face, she felt it too.
"Ve vere bad friends!" He exclaims, "Ve didn't even zhink of how she felt vhile ve vere fighting, how putting her in ze middle could hurt her!" Kurt feels awful that he hadn't noticed the little things he now remembers. How you wince when people start to raise their voices, how you would try to mediate and deescalate the conflict.
"I... also didn't think of that. I didn't get how she would feel when we fought." Shadowcat isn't glaring at him anymore. She looks almost embarrassed.
Nightcrawler sighs. "I'm just tired of arguing vith you, Kitty. At first, I vas just joking around, but zhen I vas really mad because of you and Avatar."
"What do you mean?" She replies, looking confused. Kurt shrugs.
"I shouldn't have been so jealous."
Kitty stops. "Wait. You were jealous of me??"
Kurt nods, and hesitates before saying this next part. "Avatar's my first real friend. I've made a lot more since getting to ze Mansion, but I feel like she really understands me. She doesn't care vhat I look like, and she always listens to my jokes, and ve eat burgers together, and... I vas showing off on ze jet to get her attention, because I had zhis stupid idea zhat since you don't like me, Avatar might stop being my friend if she likes you more." Kurt pauses, then grins his best grin, "But I don't want to make her choose like zhat. Let's share, ja?"
Kitty is struck silent, it seems. Nightcrawler thinks she has a funny dumbstruck look on her face. It's much better to look at than her glare.
Then his invisible blue ear twitches, catching the sound of an exhausted girl coming to a stop in the next yard. "Found her first! I vin!" He exclaims, and teleports away just before Shadowcat can protest.
'Now I shall charm ze girl vith my vinning smile and infecting personality!'
His teleport lands him on a swing, and he grins at the girl who has her back to him. "Gutentaug!"
Rogue turns around and gasps, obviously surprised by his appearing. He frowns seeing how scared and tired she looks. "Please, don't be frightened!" He teleports again, this time onto a bird fountain beside her.
She turns to him, eyes narrowing as she steps away. "What do you want?"
Kurt hops down. "To help you. Ve're the good guys. Especially me!" He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
"I don't want your help! I'm so confused, I don't know what's happening, and I- I just want to be left alone!" She cries.
Kurt takes a step towards her, and she crosses her arms but doesn't back away. "I vas like you once. Alone. Unsure vhat I vas. Afraid to show my face." He smirks and flips his hair. "Can you believe it?"
She looks skeptical, but she's stopped at least. As long as he can calm her down...
He sees Kitty creeping up behind her a second too late.
"Kitty, no!"
"Found her first! I vin!"
Kitty is caught off guard, to say the least. She doesn't have a second to react to what Kurt says before he teleports away again.
'Ugh! Why does he always do that?!' She thinks, waving off the smoke with irritation, 'This isn't a game! This is, like, dangerous! He could get hurt!'
She wasn't this worried about him before. Somehow it annoys her more now that she is. And all because he had to go and be sincere about his feelings!
Kitty sneaks along, following the sound of voices as she phases through backyard fences. Her chest feels all twisted up and she exhales hard out of her nose. She's angry at Nightcrawler... mostly because she knows he's right.
'It's our fault Y/N got so upset. My fault. And he..' She sucks in a breath, 'He was jealous of me?'
The irony sets in slowly. Come to think of it, she was being just as jealous of Kurt. She didn't want the Institute to just be a repeat of her last school, lonely and friendless. Y/N was so friendly, and Kitty thought she might finally have a friend in her grade. And then Kurt was there, always making you laugh... and Kitty got scared.
As Kitty's face goes through another fence, her eyes lock onto them. Nightcrawler and- the mutant! She panics as she sees them standing so close.
'She's dangerous!' Shadowcat remembers Logan saying, and steels herself as she creeps forward. As soon as she's close enough, she launches herself onto the girl.
"Kitty, no!"
Shadowcat barely registers Nightcrawler's plea as she grapples her. Suddenly, as if she's been hiding some secret strength, Rogue throws Kitty off with a surge of power.
Shadowcat grunts as she hits the ground. 'I suddenly wish I'd tried harder in gym class..' She silently bemoans on her aching back.
You jog along the way your group came from and round the other side of the block, absent-mindedly keeping a lookout for the scared girl. However, you can't seem to keep focus. All you can think about is how you yelled at your two new friends, and what they must think of you.
You shake as hidden memories surface in your mind.
"Do you know why no family has adopted you, Y/N?" Matron Mary glowers down at you, holding a ruler.
You shake your head.
"It's the same reason you have no friends." She continues, "The same reason you were dumped on my doorstep in the first place."
She leans close as you shake, and whispers in your ear. "You're alone because you deserve to be alone."
"Please. Please." You reach out to a girl, an older girl at the orphanage.
She smirks. "Why should I be friends with a spaz like you?"
"I'll..." You grip your dress, "I'll do anything..."
You nod. You're desperate.
The girl picks up a dead cockroach off the floor. "Eat this."
You gag just thinking about what you did, all just to call one person your friend. Having a friend means you aren't alone, and being alone means you deserve it. Eventually that's what you came to accept.
Now, there are people who not only want you as a friend, but who might accept you without conditions.
'Do I deserve that?' You wonder, 'Do I deserve to want more than a friendship that makes me feel... bad? Shouldn't I just put up with them fighting? Be stronger? I'm so weak.'
Your thoughts are stalled when your own distress is interrupted by another's. A deep and weathered sorrow fills you to the brim and pours out in a torrent. You look up to see that same blind woman from before, still standing where you all had run past to pursue the mutant. The woman holds a black glove in her hand which she grips tight.
"Excuse me?" You ask quietly so you don't startle her. She doesn't make any move, "Um, are you lost?"
"Not me.." She whispers almost imperceptibly. The despair hugs you close, desperately.
'I know I'm on a mission, but,' You look at the woman, 'I can't just leave her here, not like this.'
"Here, let me take you back to the main road." You step forward and her head tilts up, as if she's looking directly at you.
"You're one of Xavier's children." She says, a sternness entering her tone that sets you back.
"Wh-what?" How does she know-?
"You're looking for my child, the same as the others." Her eyebrows furrow, "I know this is unwise.. I know his ideas are foolish dreams.."
She seems to be talking to herself more than you, and you can't quite understand her meaning. 'Her child? Is the mutant girl her daughter?'
There's a hand on your wrist, and you gasp as the woman's face leans in close to yours. "But right now I don't care about the far future! Only tonight! And if that means she chooses you, so be it!"
She releases you, and her resolve and desperation comes cascading down. She points her cane down a dusty way.
"Go! Find her! You must hurry!"
You don't know why, but your legs start to move before you tell them to. You just start running in the direction she points without a second thought.
Almost like fate, you hear yells in that direction and your pace quickens. You recognize your friends' voices!
"Kitty, no!"
Bursting through the gate, your eyes take in the scene. You arrive in time to see Kitty knocked to the ground hard by the girl. "Shadowcat!" You cry out, and rush forward. Her eyes widen when she sees you, and you go to help her to her feet when you are stopped short by the rush of emotions.
Anger, frustration, fear. You turn to see the girl about to flee when Kurt grabs her arm, trying to stop her. It's impossible to move as her fear takes you over, your breathing accelerating with hers. Rogue raises her hand and her fist comes down on Kurt's holowatch, transforming him.
She screams at the shock of Nightcrawler's true appearance, and before anyone can stop her, her bare hand flies out to push his face away.
The moment she touches him, you feel it all. The pain, the confusion, the overwhelming power of every bodily sense. You think you're about to pass out, can see the black dots creeping into your vision. But when you can't feel Kurt anymore, the adrenaline hits.
'Help... I have to help!'
Without really thinking, you push yourself forward, knocking into someone. A sound of surprise, the smell of smoke, and the sensation of hitting hard stone ground. That's the last thing you remember before you can't fight the darkness anymore.
Rogue yelps as she lands on something hard. Looking around, she's shocked to find that she's no longer in someone's grassy backyard, but in a dank, cool cemetery. "What just happened? Wo bin ich?" She nearly chokes when she hears herself and touches her throat. "I can speak German?!"
She stands, trying to regain her senses. Some girl grabbed her, and that boy, that boy had turned into some fuzzy, blue, devil thing? Then when she pushed him, when she touched him, that sensation happened again. Now, all these new memories are swirling around her head.
"The fuzzy one, Kurt.. I'm him, like I was Cody." But she's still Rogue, too, because she's always been Rogue. This time, maybe because she's been through this before, she can think more clearly. "I think I'm catching on now."
However, that still doesn't explain her current surroundings. "But how did I-?" As she wonders aloud, a memory shows Kurt teleporting into that backyard. Since he could do that, does that mean-? She teleports to the top of the mausoleum and gasps, then concentrates and tries again. Like before, she teleports a few yards away in a puff of smoke. Then again and again, and as she gets the hang of it she starts to laugh. It's ridiculous, after all, popping up all over the graveyard. Everything about this night has been ridiculous, and surreal, and terrifying... She teleports onto some old stone, and as it crumbles beneath her so does that brief moment of ecstasy.
On the cold ground, the fear begins to creep in again. She curls up on herself and mutters softly. "When is this all gonna end?"
Then, out of the corner of her eye, Rogue sees a girl, about her age, lying unconscious on the ground. And out of Kurt's memories, a name comes to mind.
"Nightcrawler?" Shadowcat calls out, racing over to his limp form and turning him over. "Nightcrawler? Kurt? Kurt!"
It all happened before she could even get to her feet. Kurt changed, then that mutant girl touched him, you knocked into her and teleported off together to who knows where, and Kurt collapsed onto the ground. Kitty can't tell if he's even breathing.
"Say something Kurt, please! Tease me, scare me, anything! Oh, please don't be dead." She tears up, "If you're dead, I can't argue with you during Mr. Logan's classes! And you'll never show me that burger place that you're, like, totally obsessed with. Unhealthily obsessed. And.. And I won't get to tell you I'm sorry. That I was being jealous too. Please, Kurt." Shadowcat tries to catch her breath. "C'mon Kitty, okay. What would Wolverine do? I mean, besides dice up like half the landscape! Avatar has the communicator, so how do I call for help?? Wait.. The Professor can read minds, right??"
'Maybe he can hear my thoughts!' She thinks as loud as she can.
The Professor stops, concentrating on a quickly fading mind. Despite his efforts, it disappears completely. He looks up at Cyclops, Jean, and Storm, who had been following him along the sidewalk. "Odd. The trail seems to have gone suddenly cold. I can no longer read Cody's brainwave patterns."
Jean looks worried, "But if he's gone then-"
"Then it may simply mean the effect of transference is temporary." The Professor cuts in calmly, "Our problem now is how to find the girl."
He senses Wolverine before the man hops the fence to join their group. "Try about ten gardens due west." His old friend relays in his ever gruff temperament, "She was scared of me, so the kids are trying to keep her from bolting."
The Prof nods, his mind reaching out in that direction. "Then we must- Agh!"
'Professor! Professor!'
"Kitty!" Shadowcat's voice bursts into his mind, loud enough to cause a migraine. He grimaces. 'Kitty? Not so loud. Slowly, please. Order your thoughts.'
She still sounds panicked, but he manages to make out her message. 'It's Kurt! She hurt him! She did something to him! And she and Y/N are gone!'
'Stay where you are, Kitty. Help is on its way.'
He looks up at Logan, who's standing at attention. Knowing him for as long as he has, Xavier can recognize the worry in his eyes. "Wolverine, it's Nightcrawler. Rogue has his mind and his abilities. It seems he's unconscious, and the girl teleported away somewhere with Avatar."
Wolverine growls, and his claws emerge as a sign of anger more than anything else. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have left the little squirrel in charge." He takes off back toward Kitty and Kurt, jumping over the fence again.
The Professor turns to the others. "I'm getting a clear reading now on Kurt's brainwave patterns. She's more focused each time she uses her power. You three go ahead. I'll guide you." Storm, Cyclops, and Jean run off, leaving him following slowly behind. Just as they depart, the Prof senses, much to his relief, another of his student's mental patterns begin to surface.
You wake up with a pounding in your head. Whatever you felt in that yard really overloaded you. Sitting up sluggishly, you notice something right in your face. When your eyes adjust, you realize that the mutant girl is standing over you, brandishing a long stick.
"D-Do I know you?" She begins shakily.
You swallow hard and try to find some words. "Uh-uhm, I don't know you? At least, we've never met?"
"No, no, you're Y/N! You're like the others!"
She knows your name? "Others?"
"The X-men!" Rogue points the stick at you again and you just stare at it. She points it closer. "Well?!"
You stutter. "Uh, u-um-"
"What?" She demands.
"Are you..." You ask, still shaking off unconsciousness, "Are you going to hit me... with a stick?"
Her face goes red, and after a moment she lowers the stick and laughs. Maybe because you're feeling her emotions, or maybe because you're on an exhausted high right now, you laugh, too. There you two are, having a fit of laughter in the middle of a graveyard. It's not the usual joyful laughter you're used to, but a sort of tired and hopeless laugh.
She manages to catch her breath before you and shakes her head. "What am I thinking?" she mutters, "Like a stick could do anything against you guys."
You sit up slowly and shrug, "Well, I guess a stick is better than anything I can do.."
"...You can..." The girl touches her forehead, "You can feel what other people feel... right?"
"Y-yeah." You look at her curiously, "How do you know that? How do you know my name?"
"That guy, Kurt... I think I have his memories."
As she says that, you remember. "Kurt!" You look around frantically, "What happened? What did you do to him?"
She glares at you in response. "What did I do?! You mutant hunters have been after me all night! He attacked me!"
"They're not mutant hunters!" You protest, "The X-men are good people! They've been trying to help you!"
Rogue falters, then presses her lips into a frown. "You have no idea what I've been through, stop pretending like you want to help me!"
"But I do!" You stand up, then sway and lean on a grave marker, "I promise you, I'm not here to hurt you. I couldn't even if I wanted to." She looks at you, and you know she knows it too. "All I can do is feel how scared and confused you are."
"I.." She puts a hand to her head, "Ugh, all these memories.. I can't think straight.. You- You need to go! I want to be alone!" She yells and takes a step back.
You look down. "You really want to be alone?" You ask quietly, "I hate being alone."
Rogue looks at her hands and glares at the ground. "Maybe some people deserve to be alone."
You finally notice the emotion you two have been sitting in this whole time. It was obscured by anger, fright, and confusion, but underneath everything you feel it. A pool of loneliness surrounding you both.
'She's like me.' You think in surprise.
Then an idea dawns on you and you take out the communicator Wolverine gave you. "Maybe, I mean, if you change your mind and need help later, you can take this?" You hold out the device and, after a few seconds contemplation, she carefully takes it.
"Latest fashion accessory, huh?" She has a half-hearted joking tone, but even that little bit of levity makes you smile.
"Y-Yeah. Newest craze with all the kids these days." You watch as she examines it, and then pockets it, "What's your name?"
"Call me Rogue." She says, eyes connecting with yours.
"Yeah, what of it?" She asks with a little barb of defensiveness.
You smile a little, thinking of the strange coincidence of the X-men calling her that all night. With a small wave, you say, "Nothing. I'll leave you now, since you want me to. It was... it was nice to meet you, Rogue."
As you start to walk away, you hear her voice call out behind you. "Y/N, w-wait!"
You turn around, and it looks as if she's deciding something. "Yes?"
"I-" She stops, and all the color drains from her already pale complexion as she spots something behind you. You whirl around to see Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm approaching. Rogue's fear returns as she stares at them.
"Y-Y-You!" She stutters before you can say anything, "No, you won't take me!"
Your heart falls as she runs away again, and you reach out your hand as you cry. "No, wait! They're not-!" But it's too late, and she's already disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The others catch up, feeling as confused and distressed as you. "Avatar!" Cyclops exclaims, approaching you, "We've been looking for you. Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah." You reply, then remember, "Nightcrawler? And Shadowcat?"
"Wolverine is with them now. They're in good hands."
You sigh in relief, but shake your head. "I was talking to her, and she was calming down, but.. I don't know what happened! She just got so scared again."
Jean puts a hand on your shoulder. "It was when we showed up. We scare her."
"No you. Me." Storm interjects softly, "She looked right into my eyes and ran. For some reason she's afraid of me."
Cyclops looks around. "Well, she looked pretty beat. She can't have gone far."
You look at him worriedly. "What are you going to do?"
"She hurt Nightcrawler, and she might hurt you, too. We need to find her before she does something drastic. You stay here and rest, we'll try to talk her down."
Before you can protest, all of them spread out in different directions, leaving you behind.
'Because you're weak.' A voice in your head says. 'They know you can't do anything to help.'
But you think about that blind woman, about what she said to you, and you can't explain it but you know you need to help. You start to run across the stone and dirt to find Rogue.
Wolverine knows he shouldn't have left the kids alone. As he runs to Kitty and Kurt's aid, he angrily lets his claws out and chops down a fence post.
'They're just kids!' He grits his teeth, 'They're just dumb, stupid kids and I left them alone!'
It was Nightcrawler who had changed his mind. For once, the joker was taking a mission seriously. Logan thought that maybe they were finally ready to face a challenge on their own. Now, because of his misjudgment, the elf is hurt and another kid is unaccounted for!
His ears twitch as he picks up a familiar voice, and closes in on Kitty's cries.
"C'mon Kurt! Wake up! You know, I'm-I'm still not big on facial hair but, like, the pointy ears are starting to work for me!"
Wolverine leaps over the fence into the backyard where Shadowcat cradles Nightcrawler's body. She turns to him, tears in her eyes. "Wolverine! He's not waking up! Is he... Is he...?"
He kneels down and looks over Nightcrawler, relaxing when he sees the steady rise and fall of the kid's chest. After a quick check-up, he nods.
"He's just unconscious."
Shadowcat lets out a shaky but relieved breath. "Thank goodness.." Then, still crying, she looks up at Wolverine, "It's all my fault! Nightcrawler and Avatar were trying to help me when... and... I'm so sorry!"
She dissolves into sobs, and Wolverine kneels there awkwardly, not really knowing how to handle this situation. "Um... Hey. It's, er, it'll be okay?" He sighs, "Look, half-pint. You messed up? That's life. What matters is what you do next."
Shadowcat sniffles and looks at him for a moment, then at Nightcrawler. Her face changes and she turns back to Wolverine. "Then... let's get him to the others so the Professor can help him! And find Avatar!"
She looks determined, and Wolverine cracks a small smile. Then her face falls and she looks to him sheepishly.
"Could you, uh, like, carry him?"
Wolverine groans.
'Dumb kids..'
Rogue crouches against the stone casket in the dank mausoleum, breathing becoming more and more rapid. 'Y/N... I let down my defenses around her, I almost trusted her! Then the lightning woman came back... But why does she hurt me in some memories and smile at me in others?' Rogue thinks, the pressure in her head deepening. 'She's after me... Someone is after me!'
The sound of footsteps jerks Rogue around, and she sees a boy jump in through the open ceiling. His strange uniform bears a yellow X, and his visor gleams red above his twisted frown.
"Thought you could escape us, did you?" He calls out angrily, "The X-men don't leave loose ends."
Rogue yelps as he pushes over one of the stone statues which shatters on the floor inches from her. She quickly jumps up and runs for the exit. But, as she looks over her shoulder to see if he's pursuing her, she runs right into someone outside. To her horror, it's the same guy!
'How did he get out here? Can he teleport too?' Rogue doesn't have time to question this, and like a cornered animal she lashes out and pushes him. He cries out with something like surprise. When he hits the ground, something flashes from his visor and shoots out, hitting the power line tower above. Sparks fly everywhere, and Rogue takes some quick steps away from the fireworks and back into the cold, stone building.
There waiting for her the second she turns around is another one, a girl with long red hair and a mean look. "You really just don't know when to quit, do you?!" The redhead raises her hand menacingly. Whether she's going to produce more lightning or some other torture, Rogue doesn't want to know. She backtracks so hastily that a stone catches her heel and she falls to the floor.
When she gets up, the tall redhead is gone, and Rogue is alone in the dark. At least, it seems that way until she hears a voice.
She turns to see wide eyes staring back at her. "Y/N?"
Y/N stands there, looking around, then motions for Rogue to come closer. "They're gone." She whispers, "It's just me now."
Rogue's eyes water up, and she staggers forward. "They-They're trying to catch me. Y/N... Y/N, help me. Please."
Y/N cocks her head. "Are you scared?"
"Wha-what?" Y/N's eyes look different. The whites look more yellow.
Y/N smiles, but not the sweet way Rogue had seen before. It's malicious. "If you're not scared... you should be."
The girl before her changes, all the while laughing as she morphs into a hideous, scaly beast. She stands over Rogue, leering down.
"Never trust an X-man." The monster sneers, and a claw comes swiping down. Rogue's arms go up to block as she inhales-
-and then she's outside. And in free-fall. Rogue screams as the graveyard ground fast approaches, then squeezes her eyes shut and wills herself to teleport again. She appears a few feet above the earth, and lands hard. The soft, muddy ground breaks her fall slightly, but her bones ache as she attempts to sit up.
"Are you hurt? Lie still! Don't try to move!" That voice is unmistakable, and Rogue quickly crawls away from the redheaded girl running towards her. The pain radiates throughout her body as she does so.
Then behind her, another voice. "Child, what is it? We are your friends." The lightning woman!
'No, I won't be fooled again!' As the woman reaches down, Rogue acts on instinct and hurts her the only way she knows how. She grabs her wrist.
She and the woman scream together, and the memories come flowing in again. This time, Rogue is prepared. She can remember who she really is. Even so, nothing can prepare her for the rush of electricity shooting through her veins.
A blast of wind knocks you back suddenly as you're racing through the headstones. It's as if the very air is changing on a whim. Turning a corner, you take a shocked breath when you view the scene.
Rogue is rising up into a steadily darkening sky as a hurricane forms around her. Trees are ripped up out of the ground, and everything is torn apart by wind, rain, and lightning.
You run to Jean and Cyclops, who are looking up with similar shock. As the storm begins to toss large branches and debris around, Jean creates a telekinetic barrier around you three.
"I can hold it off a little.." She grunts. You sense a flash of worry from Cyclops' direction as he yells over the howling gusts, "She's got Storm's powers but not her control!"
'If she has Storm's power..' You realize, and you whip your head around frantically. Finally, you spot her, unconscious but afloat in a huge muddy puddle the rain has collected in. The pylon above her creaks as broken power lines are blown all around. Sparks fly dangerously close to the water.
"Storm's in danger!" You cry out, pointing. "If the power lines hit the water-!"
Cyclops jumps into action immediately, quickly wading into the water and picking Storm up. The power lines nearly hit the water, but Jean extends another hand and lifts the two up into the air just before they do. You can see the electric charge running below them.
Jean's arms shake. "I can't keep this up for long!" She says through gritted teeth, struggling to keep all of you safe from the torrent. You look up at the girl in the sky who's barely holding herself together. Every gust of wind carries a piece of her misery and pain.
'What can I do?' The thoughts begin again, 'I'm useless! Even when I talked to her earlier, I couldn't-' Your eyes widen, and without a second thought you snatch Jean's communicator off of her and press into it.
"Rogue!" You yell, "Can you hear me?"
Static. Then, "Wh-who? Y/N? No! No, stay away! Monster!"
You begin to shake. "Rogue, please! If you don't calm down we're going to get hurt! You're going to get hurt! Please stop!"
"I can't!"
"You can!" You shout, barely seeing her among the clouds anymore, "When your power gets too big and tries to drown you, just breathe! You're not alone! You're not alone!"
The winds seem to die down a fraction, enough that Jean can levitate Cyclops and Storm away from danger. But the hurricane rages on still, and you grip Jean's communicator tightly as Rogue's voice cuts in and out.
"Too much.. power! I can't.. control it! I have to-!" A guttural scream rings out, one that makes your head hurt. Then, in a flash of light, Rogue disappears. Without her, the sky clears up almost immediately.
The cemetery is half-flooded, with broken branches all over the place and many crumbled memorials. Jean lets down her shield with a deep exhale and rushes over to check on Cyclops and Storm.
You stay put, still holding the communicator. It's gone completely silent. Your knees are shaking, and you're holding your breath, waiting for any noise from it, waiting to hear that she's okay.
"Wha-What do you think happened to her?" Cyclops asks, sounding slightly dazed.
"She's gone.. somewhere." You turn at the Professor's voice, surprised to see him rolling up to the scene. "Her mind is a jumble, I can't trace it."
'But she's alive.' You think gratefully, and then you see Wolverine carrying Nightcrawler, Shadowcat trailing close behind.
"Kurt!" You rush over to see him, then look up at Wolverine, "Is he okay?!"
Your instructor grunts, "He'll be fine. Just knocked out. You were the one caught in a typhoon. By the way, what happened to you using the communicator if anything happened?"
"I'm so sorry, Y/N!" Shadowcat bursts out in front of Wolverine and takes your shoulders, "This is my fault! And I was such a terrible friend, and-!"
Your eyes widen at her declaration and you pull her into a hug without a second thought. "I'm so glad you're okay."
Kitty hugs back, and as her feelings flood in, you find they match yours perfectly.
Wolverine groans. "Charles, never put me in charge of these three again. I'm not built for all this... melodrama."
But the Professor just hums distractedly. "I strongly suspect the hand of another at work here." He says thoughtfully.
Wolverine sniffs the air and sneers. "Hm. Mystique. She can change her body but not her scent."
"Mystique?" You ask, "Who's that?"
Wolverine's response is a furious growl, and the Professor bows his head. "She's a mutant, a shapeshifter, and not our friend."
You pale at that. Someone who can look like anyone or anything... and this person is an enemy?
Kitty's rage flares beside you. "Then we have to go after her!"
"There's been enough damage done today." The Professor says decisively, "And the girl must come of her own free will... or not at all." You remember Rogue's face, her fear towards the X-men, and look at the communicator once more. Chances are slim that she will ever talk to you again, and that thought gives you a sinking feeling.
"And we must first tend to our own." The Professor concludes. As he does, Storm and Nightcrawler begin to stir. Your heart leaps as Wolverine sets Kurt down and he groans, blinking wearily. He looks around at the surrounding calamity and tiredly says, "Looks like I missed quite a party.."
You laugh abruptly. Of course Kurt would crack a joke the second he wakes up. But before you can say anything, Kitty steps forward with the biggest smile on her face. "Kurt! You're alright!"
He starts to sway but she props him up, glee radiating off of her. "Easy, you fuzzy elf, everything's going to be just fine." Your jaw drops, and Kurt blinks a few more times before looking to you.
"Fuzzy... elf?" You mouth to him, too shocked to produce any noise. Did you miss something?
He shrugs, looking kind of concerned at Kitty. "Did you get hit in ze head?"
"Hush. You and Y/N were right." She smiled, "Let's just, like, all be friends! 'Kay?"
You slowly grin as you prop up Nightcrawler's other side.
Cody sits in the hospital bed feeling pretty good for someone who mysteriously fell unconscious for the night. The doctors say that he probably just didn't drink enough water or get enough sleep this week, so his body must have shut down to conserve energy. When he woke up, his best friend was there with a big smile on his face. Even when Cody's parents took a break, Tyler stayed with him every second. His friend is currently rambling like usual, always the more talkative of the two.
"Whatever this was, try to shake it off quick, okay? The game against Jackson is next week and the last thing we need is Stevens taking your position." Tyler tosses Cody the football he brought and says the next part more quietly. "And, you know, I want you to be okay."
Cody stares at Tyler, and a blush grows on his friend's face as he tries to continue on like normal. "I mean, Stevens is the clumsiest receiver on earth! I seriously think Coach took pity on him when she let him on the team!"
"Tyler?" Cody asks, and his friend stops.
Cody tosses the football in his hands. "When I get checked out, do you want to see a movie or something? On a date?"
Tyler smiles. "Yeah, bro. I'd love that."
The boys happily talk together while outside a jet takes off back towards New York.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" The Professor asks, and you sit up from your chair in his office.
"Nothing! I mean, nothing should be wrong." You look down guiltily, "I have friends, really nice ones, and a place to stay. I should be grateful."
The Professor nods to himself thoughtfully and looks at you. "You do have friends here. And, if I may, I'd like to hear what's bothering you so I can help. As friends do."
"I... I just wish I could've done more to help on the mission. I lost my temper at one point, and I couldn't stop people from getting hurt, and-" You think about a pale girl, scared and running away from everyone, "It just seems like the mission would have gone better without me."
"Is that what you think?" The Professor asks with a smirk, "I think you played a very important role this weekend. You helped Kurt by breaking him and Rogue apart quickly. If you had not, he may have been asleep for much longer."
Just the thought that Kurt could've been seriously hurt is enough to make your heart drop. You didn't know your actions made that much of a difference.
"Not to mention, you and Kurt were the only X-men to meaningfully connect with that poor girl." He continues, "Thanks to you, she may not be too far gone."
You received a communicator of your own upon your return, one you put on your bedside drawer. Last night it was hard to sleep as you waited to hear something from it.
"All things considered, I believe you are one of the strongest members of our team." He said, and quirked an eyebrow, "Which is why I know you'll do brilliantly in school today."
"Thank you, Professor." You say, getting up and slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
"Have a great first day, Y/N!"
You leave his office and suddenly two arms hook yours from either side. Kitty and Kurt grin at you and drag you along.
"Yes! I'm finally going to have someone to talk to in class!" Kitty giggles.
"Hey! You can talk to me vhenever you vant!" Kurt replies, eyebrows waggling at her.
Kitty sniffs, turning her head. "You mean never?"
"Oh! My tender heart! It's broken!"
"Go cry about it somewhere else! Y/N and I are too cool for you!"
They're arguing, but not angrily anymore. Instead, they have smiles on their faces and laugh after every jab at each other. You don't know what happened, but Kitty and Kurt have been thick as thieves ever since the mission. It's a change you rather like.
The three of you meet Jean and Scott in the garage, ready to carpool to school. You bite your lip.
"Nervous?" Jean asks with a smile. You nod. "Well, after two missions, I think you can handle a few classes."
"Yeah, especially with the X-men to back you up." Scott adds with a grin.
You grin too, squeezing into his red sports car between your friends. With them beside you, nothing seems as challenging as it did before.
You smile. You are not alone.
Rogue pulls her sleeves down more as she sits. She's still acclimating to the cooler temperature here... among other things.
Her powers were explained to her so fast, she's still not really used to the idea of being a mutant. Looking at her hands, now securely gloved, she wonders if she ever will be.
The principal of this new school sits before her, looking down at Rogue intensely.
"Welcome to Bayville High. I'm sure you'll be very happy here. Happy and safe." She says these words slowly and carefully, and Rogue isn't sure if they're supposed to be soothing or not.
'Safe from the X-men.' Rogue figures she's implying.
Her mom, Irene, found Rogue that awful morning, crying on the curb of some strange street as the rainwater drained into the gutter. She told her that she's going through some changes, and her friend Ms. Darkholme can keep her safe. No X-man will be able to touch her in this school, they said.
"Sure. Thank you." Rogue gets up and leaves with a polite response. The rules buzz around in her head as she walks out.
'Keep your skin covered.'
'Do not make skin-to-skin contact with anyone.'
'If you do by accident, find Ms. Darkholme.'
'Under no circumstances can you befriend the X-men. They will act nice. They will try to trick you. Do not trust them. They are the enemy.'
A rule like that should be easy to follow. The X-men are monsters. They clawed at her, shot lightning and lasers at her, they can change how they appear and move things without touching them. Rogue wants nothing to do with them.
Which is why she doesn't know why she kept the communicator.
Rogue leaves the room and Raven Darkholme leans back with a smile. It falters ever so slightly when she detects the familiar metal jangle. Not too much, of course. She's expecting him.
"The girl has great power." His deep voice rings as paperclips float around her, "She is a fine addition to our side."
"Yes. We were lucky to get to her first." She changes back to normal, back to Mystique. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees his shadowed figure standing there. She doesn't dare look him in the eye.
"Indeed. You are certain any residual memories of the true X-Men have faded?"
Mystique would scowl if she wasn't being watched. The incident would've been much more cleanly resolved if she'd been able to find Mastermind. But that slippery coward has fallen off the grid yet again.
'It doesn't matter anyhow. I've made sure she thinks the X-men to be nothing but heartless monsters.'
"And you've reconnected with your old flame, Destiny." Mystique nearly shivers when he says her name, "Has she reconsidered?"
"She is a fool." Mystique answers automatically.
"Obviously. We only have need of your Rogue."
Her fingers grip the table's edge. Seeing Irene again was... difficult. Aggravating.
Leaving her was worse.
'It's for the best. She doesn't fit into my future. Rogue's future.' Mystique smirks. 'How does it feel, Charles? To have someone special taken from you?'
She hopes she can make him feel a thousand times worse.
You look down at the speckled hallway floors, concentrating.
Joy, frustration, boredom, anxiety, exhaustion, glee, anger... all these emotions and more mixing as they flow through you. The Professor said you may be more receptive than usual, but it will get better. You hope so.
At least Kurt and Kitty have been taking turns escorting you to your new classes so you don't get lost. Kurt is with you now, leading you to your English class. Unfortunately, he won't be joining you.
"My English is so good zhat zhey put me in ze special class!" He joked, "So I guess you have to vork up to my level!"
You wonder if they'll transfer you into the non-native English speaker class if you just... refuse to talk. Ever.
But his grin is so encouraging that you figure you have to at least give it a try. The second bell rings and he gives you a wave. "Teleporting vould make zhis so much easier. Normal people are boring, ja?"
After a quick goodbye and good luck, you face the classroom door with shaky breaths. You hesitate for a moment, then turn the knob and enter slowly.
Your face reddens as dozens of students turn to you. It seems most people have arrived already. You begin to sweat as they whisper among themselves, looking at you.
"Ah, new student, correct?" The teacher asks when he sees you. "Come in. What's your name?"
"Um, Y/N." You say quietly, "Y/F/N."
"Oh yes, another Xavier student." The teacher notes something in his clipboard, "Welcome. Take a seat and I'll put it down on the seating chart."
You dare to look up at the class, to feel the class. Unexpectedly, no one is really paying attention. While the emotions have flurries of everything you detected in the hallway, they're also overwhelmingly neutral. They are uninterested.
'Okay. I can handle this.'
You slink over to a lone set of two desks, the only empty seats, by the window. Sitting down, you hug your backpack to your chest and stare outside as the teacher gets started.
"Alright, settle down." The chatter dies down as the teacher addresses everyone, "We have two new students today. Y/N over here, and..." he looks at his clipboard, "Is she here yet? Ann-?
"It's Rogue."
Your mouth falls wide open when you see the lean, pale girl with the goth-punk clothes and white streaks in her hair standing in the doorway. Her eyes connect with yours a second later and she makes a similar expression. Then she scowls.
You cringe away from her utter disdain, and realize the only seat left is next to you.
'Never mind. I can't handle this.'
A/N: I'M ALIVE!!! Just, y'know, caught up in school. I also got distracted by other projects along the way, haha. Feel free to yell at me for taking so long.
But boy am I excited about this one! I love Rogue so much, and I've been looking forward to writing her. This episode she was a bit out of sorts, understandably so. I tried to convey the identity confusion she was going through with mixed up pronouns and such, and hopefully I didn't do it so confusingly that it's completely unreadable. Please let me know if there's anything I wrote that just makes no sense. I lost my betareader so I don't have anyone checking my fics for the time being. :/
I'm loving my headcanons, hehehe. Mystique and Destiny? Bitter exes. Wolverine not knowing how to deal with children? Yes. Those two side characters no one ever thought about? Fucking soulmates. Tyler and the Cody are only the first of all the pairings I have planned! Bwahahahaha I will make all the X-men super gay!
Also, if it's not clear by now, the Reader has some serious trauma. I just really like some angst and emotional pay-off. That said, if you ever find yourself having the same kind of self-deprecating intrusive thoughts, I strongly recommend therapy or whatever help you can get. I do therapy when I can and it helps me so so much. Just know that there are people who care about you and that you are not alone, even if it feels like you are.
Thanks again to MegaWevileWhen for the great codename! And thank you PseudoHuman and Notstinglesstoo for making suggestions as well! I appreciate all of the support! If y'all want me to NOT take another year off, smother me in comments. Hearing whatever input y'all have is my biggest motivator.
I hope to see y'all soon! Happy Holidays! <3
Updated 10/15/24
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