My characters
Name. Heather Duke
Age. 17
Sexuality. Unlabeled/Questioning (She knows she's Asexual though.)
Grade. Junior
Musical. Heathers the musical
Face claim.
Personality. Heather Duke is very easily annoyed, do the wrong thing and she'll probably storm off in a bad mood for the rest of the day, yet she covers up her insecurities with her rude actions, she's stubborn. Very stubborn.
Likes. Make up, croquet, doing nails
Dislikes. Being told to shut up, Heather chandler (secretly)
Quotes. "Sorry Heather.."
"Shut up!"
Name. Farrah (I have no idea what her last name is)
Age. 15 (that's her cannon age I think)
Sexuality. Lesbian
Grade. sophomore
Musical. We are the tigers
Face claim.
Personality. Despite only being 15 Farrah Is constantly partying and constantly drinking to numb everything, she's really terrified of people hating her, so she covers it up with her snappy comments and dumb remarks, she's pretty much drunk almost all the time, and if she's not drunk she's complaining about having a hangover, though she tries not to come to school drunk, she really does try she just doesn't make an effort. (WOAH I MADE FARRAH MORE COMPLEX THAN SHE IS??)
Likes. Drinking, partying, cheerleading
Dislikes. Being told off, getting whatever she's drinking taken,
Other. She's a cheerleader and has been since her freshman year
Quotes. "She hates me..Everyone does."
"Y'all are overreacting iM fIne!"
"Hey! Pretty people have problems too!"
Name. Elizabeth I "Lizzie" Boleyn
Age. 14
Sexuality. Pan-romantic Asexual
Grade. Freshman
Musical. Six the musical (Six the kids)
Face claim.
Personality. Lizzie can be very protective of her family and freeness despite her young age, she is quite the jokester and jokes a lot about random things. She doesn't pay much attention in any of her classes and she would rather spend her time drawing than in class. Although she can be sweet she can also be very stubborn and sassy at times.
Likes. Drawing, make up, the color pink
Dislikes. Rude people, people who pick on her close friends and family
Other. She's Anne Boleyn's younger sister (if it's fine with the Anne) because it makes sense
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