Winter break
Ignore previous authors note, I was deep in my feels at the time. Enjoy and sorry for long wait :)
Chapter 26: Winter break part 2
Cheyenne's POV
"Are you sure this is right?"
"Relax," Sebastian breathed against my ear. "It's the right position."
I gripped the ski poles tightly, sure my heart was about to jump out of my chest. This was the least steepest slope they had and yet it loomed before me like a death drop.
"Do you need a push?"
He chuckles behind me and I resist the urge to whack him upside the head.
I can do this.
I use the poles and push myself forward. Here I go...
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I careen down the slope.
"Use the poles! Use the poles!"
I try to remember how Sebastian told me to use the ski poles to steady and direct myself. I'm too scared though and fly forward landing face first in the snow.
"Chey!" Sebastian runs down the hill. "You ok?"
I sit up spitting out snow. "Just peachy."
"I'd say you ate dirt but in this case it was snow."
"Very funny. I'm trying again." I stand up determined.
"Back to the top of the hill then."
So I try again. And again. And again. And again.
"I'm doing it!" I yell happily. Skiing's no so bad once you get the hang of it. Sure I'll have bruises later but it was totally worth it.
"Hey honey," Sebastian's mother stands up to greet him. While we've been out on the slopes everyone else stayed near the main lodge drinking hot coco.
"How was it?"
"Cold," I remove my gloves and hat. "Painful."
"It wasn't that bad," Sebastian slides in the booth next to Haley.
"That's because you didn't fall once."
"Well Sebby did used to be on the ski team," Haley boasts proudly.
"We're all about to go out. Are you coming?" My mom asks.
"I'll pass thanks. My sore body needs to recover."
"Ok. We'll be out on the slopes if you need us." They gather their stuff and head out leaving me and Sebastian alone. Once they're gone I turn to him.
"My mom did that on purpose."
"Did what?"
"Left us alone."
"How kind of her," he smiles slyly at me before picking up his hot chocolate.
I wish I had accepted to go with them. I can't stop thinking about last night with him. It would be so much easier if I had a girl to talk to.
I didn't regret it, I just needed to discuss it further with someone. It was frustrating.
"I want a muffin," I blurt.
"Then get one."
"I will." I stand up and march over to the counter. The female girl working it looks up.
"One double chocolate chip muffin please."
"Anything else?"
"No that'll be all."
As she's ringing up my order I pull out a few wrinkled bills. After paying I turn around to go back to our booth but freeze.
Two unknown girls are sitting there, one a little too close to my boyfriend, and the other across from him shamelessly batting her lashes. Who wears false lashes in the snow?
"If you're not doing anything maybe we can ski together," the one next to him suggests. I clear my throat and they all look up.
"Who're you?" She frowns.
"That's my girlfriend," Sebastian coughs uncomfortably. Realization dawns on their faces.
I look down at the muffin in my hands. It's crumbled.
"Well we should get going then. We're meeting up with our friends." They stand and smile at us awkwardly before leaving. I sit next to him.
"You were jealous."
"Was not."
"Cheyenne, that muffin is completely destroyed."
"It's still edible," I scoop up the crumbly mess and eat it to prove my point.
"You're cute when you're jealous."
I wipe my chocolate stained fingers down his cheek. "Am I still cute?"
"Yes." He leaned in and kissed me. I pulled him closer.
Ok, I'd been jealous.
But he was mine and I wasn't willing to share. With anyone.
Reese's POV
I sat by his gravestone, puffing out smoke from the cigarette. Valentino loved the holidays. He was also extra annoying around this time. I remember our last holiday together.
"Don't you just love Christmas season?" Valentino forced an elf hat upon my head. "Guess what? You're my little helper this year! Congrats."
"You know what the best gift from you would be?" I gave him a forced smile. "If you would stop harassing me for once."
"I'm your older brother, it's my job to make your life miserable. Now I may or may not have signed you up for the Christmas toy drive."
"It's for the kids," he gives me doe eyes.
"I knew you'd say yes! I would've done it myself but I have plans with Samantha..." He trailed off.
"Plans? Like what, to fuck her?"
"Reese! That is no language for a thirteen year old!" My mother scolded coming down the stairs with a box tucked beneath her armpit.
Valentino smacked me upside the head. "Le digo a este idiota todo el tiempo de la mamá."
I glared at him. "Pinche idiota."
Once mom was out of sight and earshot he pulled out a foil packet and winked.
"In answer to your question, yes, that's part of the plan."
I rolled my eyes.
I was brought back from my memories and looked up. Lo and behold it was Samantha.
I didn't acknowledge her as she sat down. Didn't put out my cigarette either, even though I knew it bothered her.
"These times are always nostalgic aren't they?" She sighed.
"How come every time I see you, you're never with your baby?" I ignore her initial question.
"I figure it won't help my case if I bring him around you."
She was right but I didn't have to tell her she was.
"I thought maybe you'd come home for Christmas." She looks hopeful. "Spend some time with family."
I fight the urge to scoff.
"It's been weeks Reese."
"I know how long it's been," I snap, my patience thinning.
It's quiet and I think she's even left. But when I look up she still sitting there. Still waiting.
"I'm sorry. About accusing you of drug abuse. It's none of my buissnes."
"Damn right it isnt," I grumble.
"What do you think it'll take?" Samantha suddenly asks. I actually spare a glance at her.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what do you think it'll take for you to heal?"
I stare at her. "That's a very good question."
I feel like I'm sinking, and no matter how much I try to reach the surface, I keep drowning.
I wonder if I'll ever find the answer.
If I'll ever reach the surface.
Kimora's POV
If there was one good thing about being locked away, it was the fact that I really had time to think.
To reflect.
To look deep into my soul.
I tried to see my parents point of view. I really did. I even tried to understand why Mindy felt the way she did. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't scrape up even an ounce of remorse for any of my actions.
Why should I feel bad for doing what makes me happy? For living my life?
"Food for the prisoner," Mindy came in grinning. "How's life in jail?"
"How's life with the kids?" I replied and her smile faltered. Those three little boys were more than anybody could handle.
"Whatever. At least I'm not locked up like some deranged mental patient."
"Uh huh. You can go now."
"Just so you know, no ones getting you anything for Christmas. You don't deserve anything anyways. Whore."
I fought back the urge to knock her teeth out. Instead I ignored her and opened up my phone to watch Youtube.
I could feel Mindy still there, and it grated on my nerves.
"Why are you still here? My whorishness is probably rubbing off on you."
She closes the door and moves to sit next to me on the bed.
I cannot be held responsible if there's another fight.
"Seriously can you get out?" I glare at her.
"How was it?"
What? I sit up and look at her warily.
"How was what?"
"You know, your first time."
Now I think she's the insane one. Is she seriously asking me about my first time after we almost clawed each other's eyes out?
Her face is open and genuine, like the Mindy I knew before she became a raging bitch. Still, I don't entirely trust her.
"Why do you want to know? I'm just some whore you're forced to share a house with for the holidays."
Mindy looks down. "I didn't actually mean any of that."
"I think you need to get your head checked. You've been pretty much bullying me ever since I told you! Now you expect me to believe it was all an act?"
"You have to believe me."
"Give me one good reason."
"Because I was jealous!" She bursts out. My jaw drops.
"You have this fabulous new life and I'm still me. Boring old Mindy who hasn't even had her first kiss. But you! You've gone all the way and I was insanely jealous!"
I open and close my mouth like a fish. Mindy sighs.
"I guess I just wanted to make you feel as miserable as I did."
Finally a small smile appears on my face. "Good job. You play the role of evil bitch well. I never knew you had it in you."
"I'm sorry. I never meant any of the things I said. You have no reason to forgive me but I hope you do. I miss my cuz."
"You're forgiven," we hug. In the end we're family. Family always fight but that doesn't mean we love them any less. For all my parents shit I couldn't imagine life without them.
She settles comfortably on the bed. "Now, tell me everything."
Maybe Christmas won't be so bad after all.
Krystal's POV
I don't know why my mom even bothered decorating for Christmas. It's not like we were some perfect tv family that celebrated it together with presents, and food, and togetherness.
In fact seeing those decorations put up felt like she was mocking our family.
On Christmas morning I woke up in a sour mood. The baby had been kicking all night and I'd barely gotten a wink of sleep.
"I love you but you gotta let me sleep," I rubbed my belly.
"Krystal, someone's at the door for you!" My mother shouted from downstairs. I slipped into a robe and slippers before shuffling downstairs.
The last person I expected to see stood before me.
"Josh?" I froze shocked.
"Hey," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
I don't even realize the moment my palm connects with his face leaving a bright red mark.
"Where the fuck have you been? Do you even realize what you did to me!"
"I'm sorry but something really important came up."
I couldn't believe my ears. "What was so important you couldn't call to check on me, or let me know what was going on, anything! You left me stranded at homecoming, then vanish for weeks!"
Josh straightens up. "You want the truth? That night I realized I needed time away from you. I needed to think about me for once, what I really wanted, where I wanted to go in life. And the truth is I'm not sure you're in any of those plans. Because you're hiding something from me Krystal, and I know it has to do with Reese."
My body is shaking. I want to scream. Have a meltdown. How much more can a person take before they finally snap?
"We're done! You can go jump off a fucking cliff and die!" Then I slammed the door in his face.
It was like a burden had been lifted off my chest. Finally, it was really over between Josh and I. Of course there was the matter of the baby but I refused to think about that now.
"Honey it's time to open presents!" I followed my moms voice to the foyer where the tree was set up. Multiple presents lay beneath it. Wow. They were really trying to act like we were a family.
My father had a mug in his hand and mom sat next to him, his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek and she giggled in that delicate way of hers.
"Krystal why are you just standing there? Open your gifts!"
I stare at the both of them. "Here's a gift for you mother. Last week I saw dad in his office screwing his assistant again."
Her face falls and dad's fist tighten.
I smile sweetly. "Merry fucking Christmas."
My fingers hesitated before I called Reese.
"How's your Christmas going?" I asked.
"Eh it could be better."
"Same." There was a pause.
"Christmas isn't over yet. There's still time to wallow in our misery together. Pick you up in ten?"
"See ya."
He hung up and I got dressed. I told myself it was nothing when I spent a little extra time brushing my hair and putting on lip gloss.
I wasn't trying to look pretty for him.
I was already waiting outside when he pulled up. Wordlessly I got in and we drove off.
There was something peaceful about the beach that always drew us to it. Maybe it was the memories we shared here or the fact that it was usually deserted around this time of year.
"Another picnic?" I got out.
"Nope. Juice for you and alcohol for me."
I suppress a laugh. "How thoughtful."
It's chillier than last time and he pulls out two blankets, one we can sit on and the other to wrap around ourselves. I sip my tropical punch while he drank his beer.
"So tell me about your shitty Christmas," he turned to me.
"Oh the usual, fake family, yada yada ya," I waved my hand. "And...I saw Josh. I mean he showed up at my doorstep."
"Interesting." I studied Reese's face. It was carefully blank.
"He was feeding me all this crap about why he went AWOL and I broke up with him."
"But what about the baby?"
I didn't want to think about that. Not now, not ever. My carelessly constructed plans were ruined.
"I don't know," I mumbled. "I guess I'll figure something out."
As we sat there I realized he hadn't told me why his Christmas had been awful. I wondered what happened.
I also wondered when I would stop lying.
Sebastian's POV
"I can't believe our trip is almost over."
When I woke up this morning and peeked out the window it was snowing. A white Christmas.
"Me neither. I don't wanna leave," Cheyenne stared out the window wistfully. "This is gonna sound way cheesy but it's been a magical trip."
I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on we shoulder. "What part?"
"Lovebirds," her mom called. "It's presents time. Then afterwards hot coco and Christmas cookies."
Cheyenne laced her fingers through mine and we joined everyone in the living room.
"Me first!" Haley and Daniel dove for their presents at the same time. She opened mine first.
"OMG a new camera!" She squeaked and tackled me in a hug. "I love it!"
"Glad you do but I can't breath."
"Oops. Sorry," she giggled.
Daniel got some more games for his DS from his dad, new clothes from his mom, and a nerf gun from Cheyenne.
"I think my present was a mistake," she whispered to me as Daniel loaded it up.
Mr.Woods presented Raquel with an engagement ring. They were tears. Lots and lots of tears. And clapping. Haley snapped a photo of the moment with her new camera. My dad gave mom a pair of earrings she's been wanting for a while now.
Finally it was Cheyenne's and my turn to open presents.
"You first," I handed her the small box.
She rattled it and stared at it with narrowed eyes.
"Just open it," I laughed.
So she did. And she gasped.
"It's beautiful," she held up the silver necklace with her name spelled out personally attached to it. Her eyes watered. "How much did this cost?"
"You don't need to know that. Let me help you put it on."
She lifted her hair and I fastened it on. She touched the pendant and smile at me.
"Thank you. I love it." I was surprised when she leaned up and kissed me in front of everyone. A flash went off.
Cheyenne had gotten me one of the greatest gifts of all mankind.
A shiny new football.
God I loved her.
It was our last day in Aspen. The snow was still coming down.
"Snowball fight!"
Snowballs were flying everywhere. I ducked at the last second before one could hit me. Even the grown ups participated.
Haley was whipping them left and right. Her arms never stop nor tired. She'd already hit me thrice.
I threw one aiming for Daniel but it hit Cheyenne instead. She turned to me.
"Prepare to die."
She chased me around and I narrowly avoided being a target. Luckily her mom knocked her down with one to the chest. I silently thanked her from saving me from Cheyenne's wrath.
"Do you wanna build a snowman!" Haley sang.
"Not Frozen!" I covered my ears. "Anything but that!"
She continued to sing as she rolled up snow for her snowman. Cheyenne's dad was able to plug up some speakers and started to play Christmas tunes.
"I love this song!" Raquel exclaimed. She sang along swaying to the beat. Dad started dancing with mom, twirling her around while she laughed. Haley ran into the house to grab her camera.
"I was wrong," Cheyenne came up to me.
"About what?"
"This trip. It wasn't so bad after all."
"And I was right," I nudged her. She rolled her eyes.
"Don't go getting a big head."
"No promises."
And with that, our winter break comes to a close. Looks like everyone had a good Christmas. Well, except for Reese and Krystal. Man I should really cut them a break...
But what would be the fun in that😈
Things have been relatively peaceful for our characters.
Let's change that.
Vote 🌟
Stay groovy✌️
*not edited*
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