We're off to a bad start
Chapter 28: We're off to a bad start
Cheyenne's POV
When I imagined New Years, I didn't imagine a hard plastic chair biting into my back, blindingly white walls, or the smell of bleach soaking into my clothing.
I didn't imagine a hospital waiting room.
God I hated hospitals. Everything was just so clean. So perfect. Hospitals had a certain air to them, it's like when you stepped in one you were breathing in a different atmosphere. One that choked you.
My dad had gone to pick up Daniel and Ava. Mom sat next to me with a can of expresso in her hands, although she hadn't taken an actual sip. Haley was on the other side of me, a blanket pulled tight around her. She hadn't stopped shaking the entire time. Her dad sat against the wall with his head in his hands.
And Sebastian? Well he hadn't been able to stop pacing since we arrived, his face set in stone.
"Cheyenne baby I'm going with your father to put the kids to sleep. Someone needs to stay with them. He'll be back soon to stay with you," mom touched my hand gently. I nodded mutely.
I stared at Sebastian as she left. More than ever I wanted to hold him. Comfort him.
Tell him how much I loved him.
The moment just didn't feel right however. There was a tense atmosphere surrounding us, and I wondered who would snap first.
"Mr. Cole?"
His head shot up at the sound of the doctors voice.
"Your wife is stable for now, but her condition has been steadily worsening. I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left."
He nodded in understanding, rubbing his forehead.
"At the moment we can't allow any visitors. I'm sorry."
He nodded again and sat back down, this time in an actual chair. Sebastian came up to him.
"Did you know?" He asked. "Did you know she was getting worse and didn't tell us?"
Another nod.
"Why?" No answer.
"You let her come home, let us believe everything was ok. You lied to us!"
"What was I supposed to say?!" He stood up shouting. "That she was dying? She's my wife!"
"And she's our mom!" Sebastian screamed back. "She's our fucking mom, and she's dying, and we deserved to know!"
Haley was trembling. "Sebby stop," she whimpered, tears rolling down her face.
I'd never seen Sebastian this mad before. His eyes flickered to a nearby lamp and for a second I panicked thinking he was going to smash it on his dad's head.
"Just stop it!" Haley stood up yelling. "All of you just stop!" She dropped to the floor, sobs racking her body. I wrapped my arms around her trying to bring her the little comfort I could offer. She clutched to me like I was her lifeline.
Happy New Years.
Yeah right.
Kimora's POV
"Maybe you should slow down," Marcus advised me.
"I'm good thanks," I snorted my fourth line of coke.
"Let me rephrase. You need to slow
down." He yanked me up.
"What's your problem?" I glared at him. "I'm fine."
"No, you were on your way to overdosing."
I rolled my eyes and released myself from his grip.
"Where's Reese?" I asked sitting down on the beat up couch.
"He went back home. You'd know if you weren't too busy snorting up lines."
"Get off my case!" I yelled. "Like you're any different. I know about your old heroin addiction."
"Yeah and it practically ruined my life! I'm trying to help you!"
"I don't want your help!" I left slamming the door behind me. I crouched in the doorway, a pounding headache taking over.
Today was the last day before we went back to school tommorow. I was bored out of my mind. Since Marcus's place was no longer an option I headed over to the park. The sun was actually shining even though the air was cold and I found myself rocking back and forth on a swing set. Someone sat next to me on the other one. I looked over.
A guy. Long dark hair. Guy liner lined his eyes and he had on a black choker with a torn red shirt. Leather pants fitted his legs and a chain was woven through the belt loops.
"Hey," he said in a deep voice.
"Looking for a good time?"
Now I was curious. He stood and made his way over to a motercycle, his I was pressuring. He straddled it and handed me a helmet.
I didn't hesitate when I slid in behind him and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He gunned it and we were off. The wind whipped the strands of hair sticking out of the helmet and the frigid air bit at my face.
But it was thrilling.
The stranger stopped at a run down looking warehouse building and got off, me following. Inside it was dark and there was only a single flickering bulb to light the way. We reached another door and I could hear pounding bass coming from the other side.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"You'll see," he opened the door and gestured me in first. I cautiously crept forward.
Blood red flashing lights hit me. Shadows of people were grinding and mashing to the electric music. It was like watching a mass of slithering snakes.
"We call this the Red Club," the stranger announced then disappeared within the bodies. I made my way over to a makeshift bar and sat on a stool, flagging down a bartender.
"One shot of patron!" I had to yell to be heard over the music. A girl slid onto the stool next to me. Her eyes were so heavily done up I couldn't tell her iris from her pupil. She had jet black hair and deep rouge lipstick. A long sleeved black mesh shirt stretched over her arms with matching tights and shorts.
"I'm Ramona," she introduced herself in a thick accent.
"First time here?"
"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled as I was handed my drink.
"Yep. You still smell innocent," she stared at me intently.
"I smell innocent?"
"Yes. But after tonight, you won't be anymore."
"Ok?" I downed my drink.
Whatever that meant.
Reese's POV
I never imagined how hard it would be to get up for school until today.
Let's start with the fact I didn't get enough sleep because a certain baby kept wailing throughout the night.
If I didn't have reason to dislike him before I did now.
I tugged on some jeans and pulled a hoodie over my head. I used a bandanna to push my hair back. Note to self: get hair cut soon.
The smell of sizzling bacon lead me downstairs. I'd forgotten what my moms cooking even tasted like.
"I made breakfast!" She sings putting down two plates. I look at he second plate questioningly until my dad wanders down in a robe. Oh. He's here.
"Buenos días," he have mom a quick peck on the lips. "Buenos días Reese."
"Buenos días," I replied sitting down. Samantha came down next looking worn out.
She could join the club.
"I made you breakfast too," my mom handed her a plate which she accepted gratefully.
Everyone sat at the table talking and I shoveled down my food. This was starting to feel too family-ish for me.
"Gotta go!" I jumped up. "Thanks for the breakfast mom."
"Did you even chew anything?" She raised a brow at me.
"Chewing is for chumps," I responded before kissing her cheek. "Bye!"
"Bye! Come home safe!"
I interpreted that as 'you'd better come home.'
As expected most students weren't to thrilled about returning to school. When I saw Kimora I did a double take. She looked like a zombie.
Her shirt was torn in some places, there were mysterious stains on her jeans and her hair looked like a birds nest. Dark rings orbited her eyes, looking a little like smudged makeup.
"You look like absolute shit," was the first thing I said to her in greeting.
"I know that!" She snapped. "Why is it so bright outside!" She whipped on a pair of shades.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"I don't even know. One minute I'm drinking, the next I'm waking up naked in a bathtub."
"The fuck? Where did you go?"
"Some club," she waved her hand. "All I know was it was wild. My memories are a little fuzzy but I'm suffering from a major hangover right now. I need a bottle of Tylenol."
I shook my head at her.
"I'm gonna ditch today. My parents should be at work meaning I'll have the entire house to myself. I think I'll rest up."
"You do that."
After she was gone I headed inside. Truthfully Kimora was my only friend in this shitty school. Since she wasn't here I was technically a loner for the day.
Except I wasn't.
Surprisingly Krystal sat next to me outside during lunch.
"Careful," I joked. "Someone might see you."
"Who, like Josh?" A laugh slash exhale escaped her lips. "Don't really care at this point."
"Sure you don't."
She took one of my cookies without permission and I swatted at her hand.
"You snooze you loose," she quotes smirking.
"Oh ha ha."
The sunlight shines down on her face and maybe I'm delusional but it seems as if it's making her face sparkle.
"So how did your party end?" I ask. "My parents didn't stick around long enough to see it."
"A disaster. I swear my mom just needs to stop throwing parties altogether. They always end in some form of tragedy. First bombs, then Sebastian's mom collapses and we have to call an ambulance."
"We're off to a bad start huh?"
She finishes off the last of my cookies then stands up brushing crumbs off her. "Thanks for the lunch."
"Oh sure, I didn't get to eat a single one but your welcome."
Sebastian's POV
They tried to act like they weren't but I could still see them staring. Whispering. Tiptoeing around me.
I was the kid whose mom was in the hospital. I was the kid whose mom had cancer.
I wasn't but then I was.
I was the freak.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Cheyenne snapped to a group of girls staring. The scurried off throwing apologies behind them.
"Don't bother," I shut my locker. "It's pointless."
"No it's annoying and stupid," she griped. "I mean seriously it's like they've never seen you before!"
"Hey," I took her face in my hands. "It's ok."
I silenced her with a kiss. When I pulled back I rested my forehead against hers. She closed her eyes and took a breath.
"I love you Sebastian," she whispered. "I love you so much that it's scary."
"I know," I murmured. "I love you too."
And I really did. I loved everything about her. Her smile. Her laugh. The way her eyes twinkled whenever she was excited or happy. The way she bit her lip when she was nervous. I loved her wild curly hair and the way it felt beneath my fingers. I loved the way her cheeks flushed and she got all shy when she was embarrassed. I loved how she was still the cutest thing ever even when she was angry.
But most importantly, I loved her.
"Haley I'm home!"
She was curled up on the couch with a blanket, The princess and the frog playing on the tv screen.
"Read it again! Read it again!"
"Sorry, Charlotte.
It's time for us to be heading home.
Say "good night," Tiana."
"There is no way
in this whole wide world
I would ever, ever, ever...
I mean, never kiss a frog. Yuck!"
"Is that so?
Well, here's your
Prince Charming, Tia.
Come on. Kiss him."
"Kiss him!"
"Stop it!"
"Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!"
"I won't, I won't, I won't!"
"I would do it. I would kiss a frog.
I would kiss a hundred frogs
if I could marry a prince
and be a princess."
"So would I," Haley sighed from her spot on the couch. I left her to enjoy her movie and headed upstairs to my room.
After tossing my bag down and shrugging off my coat I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, New Years events replaying through my mind like a bad movie. All I could see was my moms pale face as they put her on the stretcher. All I could hear was Haley screaming and crying.
There was a knock on my door. My fathers voice resonated from the other side.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure," I responded with my eyes still closed. I felt the bed dip from his weight.
"I don't know where to start..." He trailed off. I cracked open an eye. He was rubbing his neck nervously.
"I'm so sorry Sebastian. I'm sorry for letting you and your sister down. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I'm just so sorry," he took a breath. "I've been such a shit dad, so consumed in my own grief I failed to take care of you two. I'm the one responsible for you both and I feel like I not only failed as a parent but as a human being."
I was frozen in shock. My brain couldn't form any thoughts.
He was...apologizing?
"If you're mom had known how I treated you two I know she would've filed for a divorce right away. I'll never stop beating myself over it. The guilt will always be there. And I don't expect you to forgive me, you or Haley, I just want you to know how sorry I am. How sorry I'll always be."
"I forgive you."
Our heads whipped toward the sound of Haley's voice. She was standing in the doorway, tears rolling down her face.
"I just want my dad back," her voice cracked. "The one who would read to me before bed. The one who used to call me princess."
"I'm so sorry Hales," his eyes watered and she ran into his arms, sobbing loudly.
My brain wasn't processing. He was apologizing. Do I forgive him? Do I hold a grudge?
I settled for rubbing Haley's back soothingly.
Krystal's POV
"Your due date is only a few months away! How are you feeling?" Jackie asked while checking the baby's heartbeat.
"Really fucking terrified."
"That's normal honey. This is your first child after all. Do you think you'll have any more kids?"
"More kids?" My head spun. "As of now no. One is enough."
"Understandable. Josh not with you today?"
"We broke up," I said quietly.
"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that," Jackie looked at me sympathetically.
"It's fine. Josh and I just weren't meant to be."
"Don't worry Krystal. I believe in the one. Someone destined for you and only you. He's out there. You just have to wait."
I sighed biting my lip.
I wish I could believe her.
After getting back from the hospital I head into the kitchen and load up a tray full of snacks. Eating for two requires lots of food. The tray towering with food blocks my vision as I head up the stairs and I crash into someone.
"I'm sorry!" Comes a soft female voice.
Oh God.
It's her.
She's wrapped in one of OUR fluffy bath towels, her hair hanging damp down her back.
"What are you doing here?" I snarl.
"I-I'm-" she stutters.
"Whore," I hiss. "How dare you take a shower here?"
"I'm sorry," she looks ashamed.
"Bitch your apology doesn't mean shit to me," I shove her and she stumbles down a step.
"I-I know but-"
"But nothing! My dad is married you gold digging, home wrecking slut! Do you even know how my mom feels knowing her husband is cheating on her!"
"I love him!" She bursts out. "I'm sorry but I love him. He treats me so good and-"
She doesn't finish her sentence before I push her down the stairs. She screams and stretches her hand out to try and break her fall. When she lands at the bottom with a thump unmoving I'm hoping, praying I killed her.
She groans and rolls into her back, clearly still alive.
"What the fuck Krystal!" My dad voice booms and he hurries past me to check on her.
"Babe," he strokes her cheek. "Are you ok?"
I want to vomit.
"I'm fine," he helps her sit up then turns to me.
"What the hell were you thinking! You could have killed her!"
"That's what I was trying to do you dipshit!"
"You little spoiled-"
"What's going on?" My mother appeared at the top of the stairs in a fitted BCBG track suit, her hair in a neat ponytail. Her face fell as her eyes landed on my dad with his slut.
"This hoe-" I pointed toward her and she interrupted me.
"Wait please I-"
"Shut the fuck up before my next attempt to murder you actually succeeds!"
He mouth snaps closed.
"Paul? Is this really her?" My mother covers her mouth visibly shaking.
He doesn't say anything.
"I didn't mean for this to happen I'm so sorry!" She jumps up and runs out of the house.
Mother closes her eyes as the tears brim. She takes a shuddering breath before standing up straighter and wiping her eyes.
"That's it. I want a divorce."
Yassss you go Krystal's mom. Divorce that no good son of a bitch! You are a strong independent woman. You don't need no man! *snaps fingers in z formation*
I'm so sorry for the long wait. Let's just say life happened.
I just wanna let y'all know that I love you all so much. Everyone who reads this book you are loved by me❤️ I'm almost to 2k reads and I seriously might cry. I never imagined getting this far.
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Stay groovy✌️
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