We like to Party, Party We like to... PARTY!
Sorry for long wait but here it is finally!!!
Chapter 8 Part 2: We like to Party, Party, We like to...PARTY!
Reese's POV
As soon as the sound of gunshots blasted through my ear I was in action along with everyone else.
Have you ever seen a horror movie where everyone is in mass hysteria because of some deadly virus or killer? And you think it can't really be like that? That they're all being over dramatic?
Well I'm here to tell you first hand that it CAN be like that.
There was screaming and crying and yelling. People running everywhere, trying to get to safety, trampling others. The stairs were not a viable option at this point so I jumped out a window upstairs.
"Oh shit." I got up. Nothing was broken thank God. Students poured out of the house and the sound of gunshots still rang out. I half walked, half limped across the lawn pulling out my cell phone.
"Marcus?" I said when the line picked up.
"Hey are you ok?" He sounded out of breath.
"Yeah where are you?"
"I'm-" There was some yelling in the background. "I gotta go man."
The line went dead.
Sirens filled the air and about a dozen squad cars zoomed past. One came to a stop near me.
"Put your hands up now!"
I tried to get away but my leg was sprained. Three cops tackled me, shoving my face into the dirt and snapping handcuffs on me.
"You're under arrest." The first cop said.
"For trying to survive?" I replied sarcastically.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." As he continued to recite the Miranda rights the three cops shoved me into the back of the police car.
My mom was going to have a heart attack.
Cheyenne's POV
Sebastian pulled me up as I looked around wildly. Kids were shrieking and ducking for cover. The glass doors to the patio shattered as a bullet pierced it.
"Get down!" Sebastian yelled and yanked me down covering me as the glass rained around us. I screamed.
I was visibly shaken and my breathing was labored. I felt any moment I might go into cardiac arrest. Once the glass had settled we stood up surveying the damage around us. I couldn't bring myself to look at anybody in case someone was dead.
"We have to go." He said urgently.
"Wait I don't understand. What's happening?" I tugged on his arm as if somehow that would give me the answers I was seeking.
"I don't know." Sirens rang in the air. "Let's go." We carefully stepped through the glass and back into the house. It was chaos. Panic had spread like wildfire. I spotted a few figures in black ski masks wielding guns and firing shots. Bodies dropped as the bullets found their targets. I swallowed back bile.
"This way!" Sebastian lead me through the crowd. On more than one occasion someone stepped on my foot or yanked on my hair pulling me back. I had to push and shove my way through. Finally we made it out the front door.
But cop cars greeted us.
Some police ran into the house while the rest started arresting kids on the spot. Sebastian and I ran the other direction but my heel snagged on a branch and I went down. A cop descended on me.
"Get up!" He roughly grabbed my arm practically yanking my arm out of their sockets.
"Let me go!" I shouted struggling to break free.
"Don't touch her!" Sebastian's fist connected with the cops face knocking him out cold. I stood with my mouth agape but he quickly dragged me away.
"I can't believe you just punched a police officer!" I yelled half flattered, half shocked.
"I'm sorry, next time I'll just politely tap him on the shoulder!" He snapped.
I looked back to the insanity we were leaving behind.
Sebastian's POV
"We have to go back to my apartments. I have to see if my siblings are ok." Cheyenne said.
"Alright. Lead the way."
We half ran, half jogged back to her dangerous apartment complex. I could tell she was scared by the way her nails dug into the skin of my arm. We reached a door labeled 125 and I was confused as this was not her apartment number.
"Hey isn't your apartment num-" before I could finish she was banging on the door. I tugged her back.
"Relax your going to break it."
The door flew open and an old lady stood there, her brow furrowed.
"Oh it's just you. Daniel!" Her little brother came running out. "I'll go get Ava."
"Thank you!" Cheyenne called out after her. We stood there for a minute before the old lady came back out again. Cheyenne gently took Ava from her arms.
"I'll have your money tommorow. Thanks again Ms. Perkins." The lady nodded seemingly tired. As she began closing the door I held it open with my boot.
"How much?" I asked.
"I owe her fifty. Why?" Cheyenne looked at me suspiciously.
"Here." I pulled out a few crumpled bills from my pocket and handed them to Ms. Perkins. She finally smiled.
"Nice young man you got here. Better hold on to him." She winked and Cheyenne turned red.
"He's not my-" but before she could finish the door was closed in our faces. Well then.
We walked back to her apartment in silence and she hesitated before letting me in. The wall paper was a worn brown and the furniture well used. Daniel kept talking a mile a minute.
"And then we had ice cream and she let me play superman and then-"
"You can tell me all about your fun exciting night tommorow Daniel. Go brush your teeth and go to bed." Cheyenne commanded. He nodded disappointed before shuffling off.
"You can sit here." She pointed to the couch. "I'm just going to put Ava to bed."
"Alright." I sat and waited while she disappeared into a room. The house was quiet. A pile of letters were stacked on the kitchen table, and the old fashioned tv was black. She came back out a few minutes later and collapsed onto the sofa across from me.
"I'd chew you out for paying Ms. Perkins but frankly I don't have the strength."
"Thank God." I joked and she sent me a weak glare. There was an awkward silence before I noticed her mom wasn't at home.
"Where's your mom?"
She visibly tensed.
"She's working."
I felt like there was more to the story but it wasn't my place to pry so I kept quiet.
"Want to talk about tonight?" I questioned.
"Ok then. I guess I should be getting home." I stood up stretching. She walked me to the door.
"Thanks for tonight." Her arms were hugged around herself.
"No problem. But if I get arrested I expect you to bail me out." This time she laughed. Then it was awkward
again and we both stood there not knowing what to do. Did I hug her? It seemed to soon. Kiss her? Nah the mood had definitely been killed.
So I just smiled at her one last time before leaving.
Krystal's POV
Monday morning
"Honey do you want me to call the school today and tell them your sick?
I'm sure they'll understand." Mother softly said peeking in through the doorway.
The offer was tempting but I needed to kill Josh. And publicly humiliate him. So I declined.
"Alright well your dad's driving you so be ready in an hour."
"Mhmm." I mumbled. The door closed softy and I inhaled the hotel sheets. They smelled like vanilla.
After the party we were whisked off to a fancy smanchy hotel for the weekend. For the rest of the weekend all I could hear was my dad yelling his head off through the phone.
I sat up and made a list of all my life's problems.
I was pregnant
My dad was cheating on my mom
My mom didn't know or she did and let it happen
The smell of food made me sick
Someone had bombed our party
I'd almost died
I was pregnant
I risked being possibly disowned
I was carrying too many secrets
Oh and did I mention I was pregnant
Sighing I headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I just wasn't in the mood so I pulled on non designer baggy sweats, an oversized sweater, and my only pair of converse. My hair was tied back in a sloppy bun. Tired I trudged downstairs.
Not surprisingly my father was screaming into the phone while my mother sat in a long flowy robe nursing a cup of coffee. She always looked so doll like and beautifully crafted but today there were bags under her eyes and her skin was ashy. Still her hair was perfectly pinned up.
The strong smell of coffee was not helping right now. Normally I loved the scent but today I resented it.
"Let's go Krystal." Dad snapped flipping his phone shut. The car ride was silent. You could cut the tension with a knife. He didn't even wait for me to close the car door before he zoomed away. Stupid cheating fucker.
Normally my school was loud and chatty but today it was quiet. There was a somber feeling in the air. The hallways were silent. Students were huddled in groups looking at everyone warily. In the cafeteria it wasn't any better. People kept to themselves or their friends.
I caught Josh staring at me and sent him a deadly look. He flinched and turned away. Rosie and Alexis approached me cautiously.
"Hey." Alexis laughed nervously. "How are you?"
"Terrible." I responded curtly. "God what is that smell?"
"Bacon." Rosie piped in helpfully.
"Ugh that's disgusting." My stomach churned and I reached into my purse for my saltine crackers. Alexis eyed them.
"What, I'm on a diet." I snapped at her. "Maybe you should be too, your looking a little fat these days. Thunder thighs much?"
Her face turned pink and she immediately looked down.
"That's what I thought." Ok I was being a complete diva but sue me. There was a lot on my plate right now plus I was still pissed at Alexis for choosing Charles party over me. Not that it turned out great for either of us.
The loud speakers crackled to life.
"Will everyone please report to the auditorium now."
Kimora's POV
Cheyenne hadn't spoken a word to me. I figured she was pissed about me ditching her at the party. I didn't blame her.
Vincent, Janice, Rozae, and I had barely escaped with our lives. Not to mention Zae had been passed out drunk so we had to haul her out of there without being shot or arrested. Can you say nearly impossible? I still remember the way I'd almost had a heart attack when I heard gunshots for the first time in my life. I'm never going to another party again.
Oh and I'd almost been caught by my parents. Not fun. I was so scared I was ready to confess myself.
Reese had been arrested or so I'd heard. He wasn't here so it was entirely possible. Rozae wasn't at school today. So that just left Vincent and I although he wasn't being very talkative.
"Will everyone please report to the auditorium now." The loudspeakers announced. Kids stood up shuffling their way out of the cafeteria. Cheyenne was already gone. This wasn't turning out to be a great day.
Once everyone was seated Principal Shaw cleared his throat. I spotted Krystal in non designer clothes eating crackers and drinking some bubbly liquid. She looked moody. I'd heard about what happened at her party. For once I actually felt bad for her.
"As you all know some terrible events occurred this weekend." Principal Shaw spoke. "I'm not sure how many of you all were there to witness them but they have had an impact on our town. Recently there has been some gang activities reported and Saturday night we were unfortunate to have to experience it."
It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
"Also at a charity event some unknown people decided it would be funny to set up explosives." Everyone turned to look at Krystal.
"We have police officers here this week for questioning. Everyone will be interrogated. Please expect to be pulled out of class at anytime."
"We still have to go to class?!" Someone yelled out.
"Yes, school will proceed as usual. Any other questions?"
No one said anything. The bell rang.
"Get to class!" Our vice principal Mrs. Melamine screeched into the microphone. I believe she was once a prison ward.
As I was walking to homeroom there was a commotion in the hallways.
"Your such a fucking pussy Josh. I can't believe I ever dated you!" Krystal screamed. Oh boy.
"Maybe we should check and make sure you have a dick down there!" She glowered at him.
"I'm sick of your shit Krystal. I apologized what else to you want me to do?"
"I don't know maybe grow a pair and not leave me to die! Some loving boyfriend you are."
"I believe you mean ex and you know what Krystal screw you. You have brain issues. How about you go check yourself into the nearest psych ward."
Then bam she slapped him across the face so hard I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.
"Go choke on a dick!" She spat storming off.
Vincent turned toward me. "That's the schools golden couple?"
I stared after Krystal. "Not anymore."
Alright this wasn't my best chapter but the first part was pretty long so I decided not to keep dragging it out.
Because I took so long to update and I feel pretty bad about it expect another update by Thursday night at the latest.
Stay groovy✌️
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